Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

I love it when Obama jerks the tea party's chain and they start frothing at the mouth.

The INS needs to concentrate on securing the boarders and deporting those that are actually doing harm. We should not deport people that were brought to this country by their parents and are now productive members of society or are attempting to be. These people should be documented as all legal residents are, taxed, and monitored by the INS, and given a chance to make something of themselves in the country they call home.

That would include each and every illegal alien.
I'm going to guess that a lot of you who find this to be no big deal are not affected by the illegal population directly. Many of you simply don't understand the impact high illegal populations have on metropolitan areas in regard to economic or work related costs. They drive down wages, drive up social program costs and that doesn't even count the criminal element.

It just reeks of utter bullshit. We dont even have enough jobs for American born citizens and now we've just insured the jobs will be even more scarce.

The stagnation I'm sure is caused by lack of jobs. So, if there are no jobs, even for Americans, why the hell is Obama going to give these illegals WORK permits?

Vote selling. Nothing else.

I hate to (and seldom do), but I would have to agree with you. If Obama had been wanting to "do the right thing" all along, he would have done so before now. This wreaks of gimick....
They pay taxes too.

And send billions to Mexico when it should be going back into the US economy.

do you say the same about corporate offshoring?

Every time I get the chance. Which is why you hear me ranting about Free-Trade Agreements so much on this board. By the way, how many Free-Trade Agreements has Obama passed so far?

And before you even ask. Yes, of course I railed against Bush when he signed them too. It's one of numerous reason why I never voted for that short bus riding retard.
The stagnation I'm sure is caused by lack of jobs. So, if there are no jobs, even for Americans, why the hell is Obama going to give these illegals WORK permits?

Vote selling. Nothing else.

I hate to (and seldom do), but I would have to agree with you. If Obama had been wanting to "do the right thing" all along, he would have done so before now. This wreaks of gimick....

I agree with you.

Couple it with what they're trying to do with Florida and voter rolls?
Vote selling. Nothing else.

I hate to (and seldom do), but I would have to agree with you. If Obama had been wanting to "do the right thing" all along, he would have done so before now. This wreaks of gimick....

I agree with you.

Couple it with what they're trying to do with Florida and voter rolls?

Obama just lost my vote today. I can't vote for Romney, and there is no viable third party candidate. I may be forced to sit out a POTUS election for the first time in 20 years.
I hate to (and seldom do), but I would have to agree with you. If Obama had been wanting to "do the right thing" all along, he would have done so before now. This wreaks of gimick....

I agree with you.

Couple it with what they're trying to do with Florida and voter rolls?

Obama just lost my vote today. I can't vote for Romney, and there is no viable third party candidate. I may be forced to sit out a POTUS election for the first time in 20 years.

There is no reason you cannot vote for Romney. He'll do a much better job than obama
Tip ONeill, if I recall...

Yep...Thomas (Tip) O'Neill.

I need to bookmark this thread. Rightwingers actually putting some blame on one of their own, the Holy Saint Ronald. If you guys are so worried about illegals, why didn't you build America's version of the great wall of China when you had all three branches of Gov't under Shrub? Why didn't you round them all up and send them to the FEMA death camps? Or real easy solution, why don't you just penalize the sacred "job creators" that hire them in the first place? No jobs, no problem with illegals. Could it be that the sacred "job creators" want the illegals because they like cheap labor? Maybe the big business wing of the repugs should get together with the xenophobic wing and hash this all out.

So this is the first time you've heard that conservatives were and have always been upset with Reagan over this ? Just graduate from high school ?
I hate to (and seldom do), but I would have to agree with you. If Obama had been wanting to "do the right thing" all along, he would have done so before now. This wreaks of gimick....

I agree with you.

Couple it with what they're trying to do with Florida and voter rolls?

Obama just lost my vote today. I can't vote for Romney, and there is no viable third party candidate. I may be forced to sit out a POTUS election for the first time in 20 years.

Sad you have to take that tact. it's your country, your vote...but I urge you not to sit out.
I love it when Obama jerks the tea party's chain and they start frothing at the mouth.

The INS needs to concentrate on securing the boarders and deporting those that are actually doing harm. We should not deport people that were brought to this country by their parents and are now productive members of society or are attempting to be. These people should be documented as all legal residents are, taxed, and monitored by the INS, and given a chance to make something of themselves in the country they call home.

Really? And so what do you say to all of those people from other countries who are still waiting in line to get in LEGALLY?
We're discussing those who were illegally brought to the United States as children who "lacked the intent to violate the law," and pose few national security risks. In our courts we make a distinction between those who chose to violate our laws and those who had no choice.
Yeah! What a scumbag he is for actually trying to help mitigate a problem that guns and walls will never fix! What a dick!

The real problem is the traitorous scumbag employers who create the reason they come here in the first place. That said, fences and deportation is another good tactic.
I love it when Obama jerks the tea party's chain and they start frothing at the mouth.

The INS needs to concentrate on securing the boarders and deporting those that are actually doing harm. We should not deport people that were brought to this country by their parents and are now productive members of society or are attempting to be. These people should be documented as all legal residents are, taxed, and monitored by the INS, and given a chance to make something of themselves in the country they call home.

Really? And so what do you say to all of those people from other countries who are still waiting in line to get in LEGALLY?
We're discussing those who were illegally brought to the United States as children who "lacked the intent to violate the law," and pose few national security risks. In our courts we make a distinction between those who chose to violate our laws and those who had no choice.

And so once they became old enough to know they had broken the law through no intent of their own, why did they not turn themselves in?
Really? And so what do you say to all of those people from other countries who are still waiting in line to get in LEGALLY?
We're discussing those who were illegally brought to the United States as children who "lacked the intent to violate the law," and pose few national security risks. In our courts we make a distinction between those who chose to violate our laws and those who had no choice.

And so once they became old enough to know they had broken the law through no intent of their own, why did they not turn themselves in?

Really? Really? Self-deportation? Why don't we just ask them to also invent the cure for cancer on their way out too, because both of those suggestions are based so far outside the realm of reality it's laughable.

Sorry dude, I know you had no idea you were here illegally, but go ahead and get yourself out of this country of relative stability and head down into the Civil War that's raging in your country now.

And despite Obama, the economy will once again improve, and the flow of illegals will return.
Amazing how you liberals will always defend those illegally sneaking into our country. Traitor.

You have no reason to call me a traitor. It's not treasonous to desire a country that upholds the doctrines of the Constitution. It's actually treasonous to subvert the Constitution for some repugnant, pious, and Xenophobic crusade to rid the country of all the "Brown" people.

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