Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

I love it when Obama jerks the tea party's chain and they start frothing at the mouth.

The INS needs to concentrate on securing the boarders and deporting those that are actually doing harm. We should not deport people that were brought to this country by their parents and are now productive members of society or are attempting to be. These people should be documented as all legal residents are, taxed, and monitored by the INS, and given a chance to make something of themselves in the country they call home.

Really? And so what do you say to all of those people from other countries who are still waiting in line to get in LEGALLY?
We're discussing those who were illegally brought to the United States as children who "lacked the intent to violate the law," and pose few national security risks. In our courts we make a distinction between those who chose to violate our laws and those who had no choice.

No, we don't necessarily. It is entirely possible to commit an unlawful act without intending to do so. And in the civil arena, intent is often totally irrelevant. Illegal status does not need to be intended. If someone overstays their visa due to an extended illness, do you think that should qualify them for a work visa?
Also, based on your irredeemably stupid if heartfelt basis for supporting this virtual amnesty, why the hell should a criminal history have anything to do with the decision? Your basis is that they did not intend to be brought here illegally, and so should stay. Why should a conviction for, say AggDUI change your position?
'The policy change, described to The Associated Press by two senior administration officials, will affect as many as 800,000 immigrants who have lived in fear of deportation. It also bypasses Congress and partially achieves the goals of the so-called DREAM Act'

Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young | The Daily Caller

I am beginning to hate this would-be asshole tinhat dictator.

More and more, Obama is going around congress. He seems to feel that elected representatives are irrelevant. He is in charge and doesn't care what congress or the people they answer to think.

I guess he also thinks Americans are all as stupid as his devoted followers. We know these grateful illegals will vote because there is no system in place to stop them or catch them after the fact. Holder continues to fight states, like Florida, who want to update their voter rolls and purge the names of illegals. The feds should be helping all states to do that, not suing them for trying.

And despite Obama, the economy will once again improve, and the flow of illegals will return.
Amazing how you liberals will always defend those illegally sneaking into our country. Traitor.

You have no reason to call me a traitor. It's not treasonous to desire a country that upholds the doctrines of the Constitution. It's actually treasonous to subvert the Constitution for some repugnant, pious, and Xenophobic crusade to rid the country of all the "Brown" people.

Not interested in their color, I am interested however when anyone sneaks into this country and drives wages down for what once was family wage construction jobs.
By the way, why do you have a sig line that is a blatant lie ?

And despite Obama, the economy will once again improve, and the flow of illegals will return.
Amazing how you liberals will always defend those illegally sneaking into our country. Traitor.

You have no reason to call me a traitor. It's not treasonous to desire a country that upholds the doctrines of the Constitution. It's actually treasonous to subvert the Constitution for some repugnant, pious, and Xenophobic crusade to rid the country of all the "Brown" people.

pretty soon they will be surrounded by brown people who are as much American citizens as they are.

it scares the fuck out of them
And despite Obama, the economy will once again improve, and the flow of illegals will return.
Amazing how you liberals will always defend those illegally sneaking into our country. Traitor.

You have no reason to call me a traitor. It's not treasonous to desire a country that upholds the doctrines of the Constitution. It's actually treasonous to subvert the Constitution for some repugnant, pious, and Xenophobic crusade to rid the country of all the "Brown" people.

Not interested in their color, I am interested however when anyone sneaks into this country and drives wages down for what once was family wage construction jobs.
By the way, why do you have a sig line that is a blatant lie ?

maybe we shouldnt allow them to be paid less huh?
Does anyone here realize that Obama is breaking the law? He doesn't have the Constitutional authority to do this.
I hate to (and seldom do), but I would have to agree with you. If Obama had been wanting to "do the right thing" all along, he would have done so before now. This wreaks of gimick....

I agree with you.

Couple it with what they're trying to do with Florida and voter rolls?

Obama just lost my vote today. I can't vote for Romney, and there is no viable third party candidate. I may be forced to sit out a POTUS election for the first time in 20 years.

I have been contemplating the same decision myself.. and in MD, not like a vote for Romney would matter to keep Obama from winning the state anyway
You have no reason to call me a traitor. It's not treasonous to desire a country that upholds the doctrines of the Constitution. It's actually treasonous to subvert the Constitution for some repugnant, pious, and Xenophobic crusade to rid the country of all the "Brown" people.

Not interested in their color, I am interested however when anyone sneaks into this country and drives wages down for what once was family wage construction jobs.
By the way, why do you have a sig line that is a blatant lie ?

maybe we shouldnt allow them to be paid less huh?

Maybe we should go after the traitorous employers who hire them.
The only ones that I would consider for amnesty would be those who served on active duty with our Armed Forces and received an Honorable Discharge. Those who served in combat zones should be given the option to become citizens. Anyone else should be deported.
Yeah! What a scumbag he is for actually trying to help mitigate a problem that guns and walls will never fix! What a dick!

The real problem is the traitorous scumbag employers who create the reason they come here in the first place. That said, fences and deportation is another good tactic.

Oh I am for severe prosecution and punishment of anyone hiring illegals... I have always supported such action coupled with rounding up, prosecution, and deporting of illegals as per the law
Does anyone here realize that Obama is breaking the law? He doesn't have the Constitutional authority to do this.

Yes. I am trying to figure out how this fits in with State's Rights... Not very good at all.
You have no reason to call me a traitor. It's not treasonous to desire a country that upholds the doctrines of the Constitution. It's actually treasonous to subvert the Constitution for some repugnant, pious, and Xenophobic crusade to rid the country of all the "Brown" people.

Not interested in their color, I am interested however when anyone sneaks into this country and drives wages down for what once was family wage construction jobs.
By the way, why do you have a sig line that is a blatant lie ?

maybe we shouldnt allow them to be paid less huh?

Maybe we should be hounding anyone that hires them to prevent them getting paid at all... then deporting their asses back to whatever country of origin they came from
We're discussing those who were illegally brought to the United States as children who "lacked the intent to violate the law," and pose few national security risks. In our courts we make a distinction between those who chose to violate our laws and those who had no choice.

And so once they became old enough to know they had broken the law through no intent of their own, why did they not turn themselves in?

Really? Really? Self-deportation? Why don't we just ask them to also invent the cure for cancer on their way out too, because both of those suggestions are based so far outside the realm of reality it's laughable.

Sorry dude, I know you had no idea you were here illegally, but go ahead and get yourself out of this country of relative stability and head down into the Civil War that's raging in your country now.

My point being, once they became old enough to know they were here illegally, and did NOT turn themselves in, they immediately lost protection under the "lacked the intent to violate the law" as they were now intending to violate the law.
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Obama may have heard of the constitution but for sure has never read it. This type of action is what he has been about from the get go. He should run for dictator which is what he want. Take the illegals off the public dool (sp) and it would help reduce our debt.
The only ones that I would consider for amnesty would be those who served on active duty with our Armed Forces and received an Honorable Discharge. Those who served in combat zones should be given the option to become citizens. Anyone else should be deported.

How did they manage to become part of our military if they were here illegally? Don't military personnel have to take an oath and/or prove they are actually citizens of the US, or do we just let anyone in these days?
Not interested in their color, I am interested however when anyone sneaks into this country and drives wages down for what once was family wage construction jobs.
By the way, why do you have a sig line that is a blatant lie ?

maybe we shouldnt allow them to be paid less huh?

Maybe we should be hounding anyone that hires them to prevent them getting paid at all... then deporting their asses back to whatever country of origin they came from

We absolutely should have been doing this all along. If you know anyone who hires an illegal, whether it's a mom and pop who hires a lawn service, or the rich employer who hires vast #'s of them, we all should be shaming them and turning them into the authorities.
I love it when Obama jerks the tea party's chain and they start frothing at the mouth.

The INS needs to concentrate on securing the boarders and deporting those that are actually doing harm. We should not deport people that were brought to this country by their parents and are now productive members of society or are attempting to be. These people should be documented as all legal residents are, taxed, and monitored by the INS, and given a chance to make something of themselves in the country they call home.

Really? And so what do you say to all of those people from other countries who are still waiting in line to get in LEGALLY?
We're discussing those who were illegally brought to the United States as children who "lacked the intent to violate the law," and pose few national security risks. In our courts we make a distinction between those who chose to violate our laws and those who had no choice.

Unfortunately that can't be taken into consideration. It's worse than a slippery slope, it's a slippery cliff. Let any illegal immigrant stay for any reason and you will open the flood gates for it to happen en-mass. Any illegal immigrant caught inside the US should be deported. Whether or not they should be fined or jailed depends on the individual situation. If we are that worried about the children then waive the fine and jail time for the parents and send them home in a nice comfy bus.

This is my second choice of action though. My first choice would be to take away everything that draws them here (jobs, homes, welfare, ect.) and watch them leave of their own accord.
Yeah! What a scumbag he is for actually trying to help mitigate a problem that guns and walls will never fix! What a dick!

The real problem is the traitorous scumbag employers who create the reason they come here in the first place. That said, fences and deportation is another good tactic.

Oh I am for severe prosecution and punishment of anyone hiring illegals... I have always supported such action coupled with rounding up, prosecution, and deporting of illegals as per the law

Good man.

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