obama Camp In Full MELTDOWN Over Extraodinary Factual Paul Ryan Speech

Tell you what... go look at this thread...
Look how passionately the lefties are claiming FOX NEWS called Ryan a liar, simply because they posted a liberal writers response to the Ryan speech.

Do those libtards have something to hide? According to you, yes. Or does your logic not apply to libtards?

What does that have to do with the douchebag of an OP's second paragraph of his second post? That's what I took exception to. I don't give a fuck what this Benson guy says.


have the doctor up your Thorazine.

wow...so I take it you agree with that shit? Funny....if it was your buddy Bigreb saying something that fucked up, you'd call him out on it.
Factual speech? Like claiming the Janeville GM plant was forced to close because of Obama's policies, when the plant actually closed in December, 2008, while Bush was in office? You're fucking retarded.

Actually, it closed in April, 2009. Obama's quote: "And I believe that if our government is there to support you, and give you the assistance you need to re-tool and make this transition, that this plant will be here for another hundred years." Not sure what you're objecting to.

I like how when FEMA failed to take the lead on Katrina, a task which it wasn't designed for and had never done including the California earthquake of 89 or any of the Florida hurricanes, it's personally George W Bush's fault. But when Obama says what "government" should do and he's head of the government and it doesn't happen, you give him a complete pass.
Factual speech? Like claiming the Janeville GM plant was forced to close because of Obama's policies, when the plant actually closed in December, 2008, while Bush was in office? You're fucking retarded.

Dude. Not only was the plant open until July '09, it is still on technical 'stand-by' - awaiting the retooling which Obama promised them so that they could stay open another hundred years.

Why does simple truth cause you such severe butthurt?
I love this, here's the actual breakdown of how the left wing media handles everything. BTW, Ryan was right, Obama did promise to keep that GM plant operating for 100 years. I'm not gonna post the youtube video again, but you can check it out yourself.

Here's the lying piece of crap the MSM really is and this is how they fact check. :lmao:

This is how the media’s “fact checkers” operate when it comes to a Republican campaign ad. One not very well-informed person (or a heavily biased person) announces that Romney’s welfare ad is false, and the rest of the herd quote him, without anyone ever bothering to examine the facts, much less citing anyone who knows what he’s talking about.

Read more: Romney's welfare ad is accurate | The Daily Caller
Anyone with a D behind their name is as described by Mr. Outrage above....then when anyone from that "other" party says anything that defends their position on any given issue....you scream and holler like the fucking Sissies you are.

OMG, I just realized the "D" after their name stands for "Democrat." I thought it stood for "Dick." With Biden, I think it does still mean "Dick" though.
Factual speech? Like claiming the Janeville GM plant was forced to close because of Obama's policies, when the plant actually closed in December, 2008, while Bush was in office? You're fucking retarded.

Actually, it closed in April, 2009. Obama's quote: "And I believe that if our government is there to support you, and give you the assistance you need to re-tool and make this transition, that this plant will be here for another hundred years." Not sure what you're objecting to.

I like how when FEMA failed to take the lead on Katrina, a task which it wasn't designed for and had never done including the California earthquake of 89 or any of the Florida hurricanes, it's personally George W Bush's fault. But when Obama says what "government" should do and he's head of the government and it doesn't happen, you give him a complete pass.

The speech was made in February 2008, and the point is that Obama was correct. GM needed to retool.

The plant closure was announced in June 2008, and production of GM vehicles ceased in December 2008, before Obama even took office. Approximately 50 workers were left on until April, to complete a contract that GM had with Isuzu. Ryan is a lying piece of shit.

Goodbye...and thanks -- GazetteXtra

Tuesday, Dec. 23, 2008

GM announced in June that it would end SUV production in Janesville by 2010 at the latest. In October, GM said the SUV line would shut down today. About 50 workers will remain in the plant until spring to produce medium-duty trucks under a contract with Isuzu.

It's not like Ryan didn't know the truth, since he begged Bush to help keep the plant open.
Anyone with a D behind their name is as described by Mr. Outrage above....then when anyone from that "other" party says anything that defends their position on any given issue....you scream and holler like the fucking Sissies you are.

OMG, I just realized the "D" after their name stands for "Democrat." I thought it stood for "Dick." With Biden, I think it does still mean "Dick" though.

guess R stands for rapist then....as in the economy...the environment...let's not forget women's rights....gays....poor people....elderly....wow, and you wonder why everyone is.....how do you guys say it? oh yeah...."butt hurt".

I guess we're butt hurt from all the raping that the rapist party has done since Reagan....30+ years without lube or even a kiss on the neck can make people that way.
Factual speech? Like claiming the Janeville GM plant was forced to close because of Obama's policies, when the plant actually closed in December, 2008, while Bush was in office? You're fucking retarded.

Actually, it closed in April, 2009. Obama's quote: "And I believe that if our government is there to support you, and give you the assistance you need to re-tool and make this transition, that this plant will be here for another hundred years." Not sure what you're objecting to.

I like how when FEMA failed to take the lead on Katrina, a task which it wasn't designed for and had never done including the California earthquake of 89 or any of the Florida hurricanes, it's personally George W Bush's fault. But when Obama says what "government" should do and he's head of the government and it doesn't happen, you give him a complete pass.

The speech was made in February 2008, and the point is that Obama was correct. GM needed to retool.

The plant closure was announced in June 2008, and production of GM vehicles ceased in December 2008, before Obama even took office. Approximately 50 workers were left on until April, to complete a contract that GM had with Isuzu. Ryan is a lying piece of shit.

Goodbye...and thanks -- GazetteXtra

Tuesday, Dec. 23, 2008

GM announced in June that it would end SUV production in Janesville by 2010 at the latest. In October, GM said the SUV line would shut down today. About 50 workers will remain in the plant until spring to produce medium-duty trucks under a contract with Isuzu.

It's not like Ryan didn't know the truth, since he begged Bush to help keep the plant open.

Really? So, multi-billion $ GM needed a 47 yo with all of 18 months experience in private industry to help them retool their plants?


You're insane.
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Factual speech? Like claiming the Janeville GM plant was forced to close because of Obama's policies, when the plant actually closed in December, 2008, while Bush was in office? You're fucking retarded.

Dude. Not only was the plant open until July '09, it is still on technical 'stand-by' - awaiting the retooling which Obama promised them so that they could stay open another hundred years.

Why does simple truth cause you such severe butthurt?

Wrong liarboy. The fact remains that the Janeville plant stopped producing GM vehicles in December, 2008. No butthurt here. It looks like you've been the one getting Ryaned up your poop chute.
Factual speech? Like claiming the Janeville GM plant was forced to close because of Obama's policies, when the plant actually closed in December, 2008, while Bush was in office? You're fucking retarded.

You are one of the WORST LIARS on this board (and that's saying a lot with the radical left-wing nut idiot liberal Dumbocrats here)...

From the Gazette-Extra on February 9th, 2009:

“Too bad about the GM thing, but I hear the Janesville plant is getting a new medium-duty truck,” the relative told a salaried employee of the auto plant in Janesville at a holiday gathering.

Full-size sport utility vehicle production has ended at the local General Motors plant, but medium-duty truck production is continuing—not starting—in Janesville.

And it likely will continue into May, when the lights finally go off in the facility that has been producing vehicles since 1923.

When GM officials announced last June that SUV production would cease in Janesville, they also said that medium-duty truck production would conclude by the end of 2009, or sooner if market conditions dictate.

Orphaned by the loss of its big brother in December, the Isuzu line and its 50 or so hourly and salaried employees continue to build about 25 trucks four days a week in what has become a nearly empty plant.

The Isuzu line is operating in the north end of the 4.8 million-square-foot plant, an area that was once the plant’s tire building.

In a partnership with Isuzu, local workers build the NPR truck, which is commonly used as a delivery vehicle.
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Factual speech? Like claiming the Janeville GM plant was forced to close because of Obama's policies, when the plant actually closed in December, 2008, while Bush was in office? You're fucking retarded.

You are one of the WORST LIARS on this board (and that's saying a lot with the radical left-wing nut idiot liberal Dumbocrats here)...

From the Gazette-Extra on February 9th, 2009:

“Too bad about the GM thing, but I hear the Janesville plant is getting a new medium-duty truck,” the relative told a salaried employee of the auto plant in Janesville at a holiday gathering.

Full-size sport utility vehicle production has ended at the local General Motors plant, but medium-duty truck production is continuing—not starting—in Janesville.

And it likely will continue into May, when the lights finally go off in the facility that has been producing vehicles since 1923.

When GM officials announced last June that SUV production would cease in Janesville, they also said that medium-duty truck production would conclude by the end of 2009, or sooner if market conditions dictate.

Orphaned by the loss of its big brother in December, the Isuzu line and its 50 or so hourly and salaried employees continue to build about 25 trucks four days a week in what has become a nearly empty plant.

The Isuzu line is operating in the north end of the 4.8 million-square-foot plant, an area that was once the plant’s tire building.

In a partnership with Isuzu, local workers build the NPR truck, which is commonly used as a delivery vehicle.

No shit... Koolaid boy is a huge Kettle, meet Pot moment.
What do I expect from extremists like you? "accuse your opposition of what you yourself are doing" Straight out of Saul Alinsky....Just like the Heritage Foundation and Freedomworks trained their people to do.

For years, one of my biggest complaints about the left is how they accuse the right of all of the faults that the left is guilty of. And here we see it again... Saul Alinsky is the bible for the left - I doubt a single conservative has ever read that book by choice. The Heritage Foundation and Freedomworks have NEVER demonized anyone. They simply provide research.

It's the left that accuses everyone of what they are doing...
Ah.....the compassionate rationality of Conservatism on display folks....step right up and see how Conservatives feel about their fellow Americans....then they have the GUTS to call Obama "divisive".
Cry me a river... pussy

Then get a job. I've got no compassion for lazy, worthless, human trash.

only people who say shit like you do, as passionately as you do, have something to hide....I'd be willing to bet my next paycheck....that you're an unemployed angry young man who wants to blame everyone but yourself for your own failings. Move out of Mommy's basement and take responsibility for yourself.

Most of the board already knows, and some have even talked to me face to face, I'm a 57 year old, AF veteran, hold multiple degrees, own my own land and home and I earned every damn penny and possession I have.

So... well... go ahead and make an even BIGGER DUNCE out of yourself. Seems that's what happens every time you open that fat little cake hole in your face.

And thank you again for the MAGNIFICENT MELT DOWN display you've been putting on. You liberal shit bags are just the gift that keeps on giving.
guess R stands for rapist then....as in the economy...the environment...let's not forget women's rights....gays....poor people....elderly....wow, and you wonder why everyone is.....how do you guys say it? oh yeah...."butt hurt".

I guess we're butt hurt from all the raping that the rapist party has done since Reagan....30+ years without lube or even a kiss on the neck can make people that way.

Well, if we're going to talk about rape, then that is definitely the domain of the Dumbocrats! Did you see how many liberal women who were fighting for the Dumbocrat cause were raped by their male counterparts at the OWS protests? Yeah, the liberals sure conducted themselves with class there! Defacating in public, living in filth, spreading diseases, raping women, and even a couple of shootings and murders thrown in! How proud a liberal must be to stand on that side of the aisle...

By the way, what the idiot liberal Dumbocrat calls "raping", other people call FREEDOM. If the people won't hand over complete control of the environment to a liberal, then they immediately accuse those people of "raping". If the people won't have over complete control of the economy to a liberal (ie communism), then they immediately accuse those people of "raping". And my personal favorite - if you have the "audacity" to stop the murder of babies, you are "raping" women's rights. Where exactly in the constitution are women granted infanticide as a "right"? Last time I checked, women have ALL of the rights that men have. We have the right to free speech. Women have the right to free speech. We have the right of religion. They have the right to religion. We DON'T have the right to commit murder. Why do you feel women should?

Why does FREEDOM bother you guys so much? Are you really so disturbed as to feel the need to control everyone else? You know who else felt that way? Joseph Stalin. Adolf Hiter. Saddam Hussein. Is that really the people you align yourself with?
That speech should be repeated every hour for the next 20 days, in prime time, on the broadcast networks.

You think that the left is melting down now? Wait until people who get information routinely withheld from them by Obama's public relations machine at ABC, CBS, and NBC find out that the alleged 'objective' news organizations have been playing them for fools for the better part of 70 years, they'll simply implode.

Its is amusing watching all the lower IQ Democrats scramble to lie about the non-lies of Ryan's speech.
Too bad these liberals can't move the truth and are stuck with it. :eusa_whistle:
Factual speech? Like claiming the Janeville GM plant was forced to close because of Obama's policies, when the plant actually closed in December, 2008, while Bush was in office? You're fucking retarded.

Dude. Not only was the plant open until July '09, it is still on technical 'stand-by' - awaiting the retooling which Obama promised them so that they could stay open another hundred years.

Why does simple truth cause you such severe butthurt?

Wrong liarboy. The fact remains that the Janeville plant stopped producing GM vehicles in December, 2008. No butthurt here. It looks like you've been the one getting Ryaned up your poop chute.

Let's examine, shall we?

GM Janesville plant still on standby

General Motors Co. has committed to reopen its idled plant in Spring Hill, Tenn., and keep its shuttered assembly plant in Janesville on standby status.'

GM Janesville plant still on standby - JSOnline

Janesville was still producing vehicles well into 2009:

Thursday is last day of production as Isuzu line comes to end -- GazetteXtra

And they still wait Obama's promised assistance and retooling for their 'transition' into the next 100 years of manufacturing:


Yes. You have been owned.

What do I expect from extremists like you? "accuse your opposition of what you yourself are doing" Straight out of Saul Alinsky....Just like the Heritage Foundation and Freedomworks trained their people to do.

For years, one of my biggest complaints about the left is how they accuse the right of all of the faults that the left is guilty of. And here we see it again... Saul Alinsky is the bible for the left - I doubt a single conservative has ever read that book by choice. The Heritage Foundation and Freedomworks have NEVER demonized anyone. They simply provide research.

It's the left that accuses everyone of what they are doing...

then how come Rules for radicals was handed out as a handbook at the Heritage Foundation? Seems as though your side is the one employing the strategies.

last sentence of yours? one more lie in a huge chain.
You knew it was coming... when the leftists finally see their lead gone, their power about to be stripped away, everything they've been shoving down America's throat with complete power over the entire government for two straight years about to be wiped out by the people in almost complete rejection of what they've done, you knew they'd be melting down, and they are...

Obama Camp Melts Down Over Ryan's Speech

Uh huh. :eusa_eh:

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