Obama Campaign Ad....A lie.


Gold Member
Aug 27, 2011
Well, some would say so....

I live in the Kansas City area and this steel mill had always been a mess.

Bain bought it and it went under. 750 jobs lost.

And Obama is pointing the finger at Romney.

The problem: Romney left Bain two years before the steel mill went under.

Here is an article that might help shed some light on the subject....

FAIL: Obama Ad Attacks Romney for Bain Bought Company That Laid People Off

But there is another major problem with linking the end of GST to Mitt Romney's work with Bain. Romney wasn't with Bain when GST went down. Romney had left Bain Capital in 1999, two years before GST's 2001 collapse.

But there was at least one guy linked to today's political landscape that was still at Bain when GST went down the tubes. Obama donor and a Bain managing director Jonathan Levine was working at Bain when GST went belly up.

So, the only person that worked for Bain when GST died was an Obama bundler that raised over $100,000 for Obama.

Curiously enough, that fact wasn't in the Obama ad video, either.

Then there's this. Even former Obama economic adviser Steve Rattner thinks the ad is "unfair."


And when you see what they have to say about Union mandated overtime....it'll make you laugh. We hear the same thing happen all the time at the car plants in Claycomo County. The average worker makes 80 to 100 K per year doing a lot of B.S. jobs to get a certain amount of overtime because of the unions.

But, lets stay with the fact that Obama runs this ad and somehow thinks they can pin it on Romney.

Let's see Franco pull his head out of his ass and say something on this one....


Well, that is about the extent of his vocab.
Very interesting period in America's Steel manufacturing history. So what's the point, does the big O feel we should have bailed them out like his union boys or let them fold because they were not competitive in the world market? Perhaps the democratic controlled congress should have put tariffs in place to create an equal playing field, but dam, they through them under the bus along with Bethlehem and rest of the industry? What was the result? the industry modernized, invested in manufacturing technology and became competitive without the government holding their collective hand. In short a Weak and pathetic ad at best with lots of holes to exploit. So whats the point, class warfare.
Facts have no bearing on what this man says and will say in the upcoming months. The whole theme he's going with is that Romney is one of the wealthy evil people who treats people like unimportant peons. Class warfare is a keystone of his campaign and his agenda.
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Well, some would say so....

I live in the Kansas City area and this steel mill had always been a mess.

Bain bought it and it went under. 750 jobs lost.

And Obama is pointing the finger at Romney.

The problem: Romney left Bain two years before the steel mill went under.

Here is an article that might help shed some light on the subject....

FAIL: Obama Ad Attacks Romney for Bain Bought Company That Laid People Off

But there is another major problem with linking the end of GST to Mitt Romney's work with Bain. Romney wasn't with Bain when GST went down. Romney had left Bain Capital in 1999, two years before GST's 2001 collapse.

But there was at least one guy linked to today's political landscape that was still at Bain when GST went down the tubes. Obama donor and a Bain managing director Jonathan Levine was working at Bain when GST went belly up.

So, the only person that worked for Bain when GST died was an Obama bundler that raised over $100,000 for Obama.

Curiously enough, that fact wasn't in the Obama ad video, either.

Then there's this. Even former Obama economic adviser Steve Rattner thinks the ad is "unfair."


And when you see what they have to say about Union mandated overtime....it'll make you laugh. We hear the same thing happen all the time at the car plants in Claycomo County. The average worker makes 80 to 100 K per year doing a lot of B.S. jobs to get a certain amount of overtime because of the unions.

But, lets stay with the fact that Obama runs this ad and somehow thinks they can pin it on Romney.

Let's see Franco pull his head out of his ass and say something on this one....


Well, that is about the extent of his vocab.

It's an election, and you are calling out a lie in a campaign ad? Where have you been? This shit goes on every election from both sides. Remember Bush vs. Kerry? Can you even come close to counting all the lies that took place in ads for and against both candidates? I'm sure you will now tell me that Romney's people would never lie in an ad about Obama, right?
It's the "They all do it" defense! You can justify anything Obama does with "They all do it"!

In fact the ad is a lie. Because that's what leftsts do.
Romney won't need to lie in any ad because the truth is scary enough.
Romney gets blamed for 750 but Obama is blameless for the net 1M jobs lost.


thanks for incoherent logic

need a lesson?

The only thing not logical about the situation is that Romney didnt lose the 750 jobs and he's still on the hook for em.
Obama on the other hand....

And add the numbers into the equation 750-compared to a million?

The ides that Obama can run using the "Jobs" platform is ridicules.:cuckoo:
Romney gets blamed for 750 but Obama is blameless for the net 1M jobs lost.


thanks for incoherent logic

need a lesson?

The only thing not logical about the situation is that Romney didnt lose the 750 jobs and he's still on the hook for em.
Obama on the other hand....

And add the numbers into the equation 750-compared to a million?

The ides that Obama can run using the "Jobs" platform is ridicules.:cuckoo:

You're right Obama can't run on his "jobs platform", or his awesome budget, or his ability to unite Americans, he definitely can't run on his record........so what to do?? Oh yea, just try to destroy the other side with lies, he and Axelrod are good at that. :)
It's an election, and you are calling out a lie in a campaign ad? Where have you been? This shit goes on every election from both sides. Remember Bush vs. Kerry? Can you even come close to counting all the lies that took place in ads for and against both candidates? I'm sure you will now tell me that Romney's people would never lie in an ad about Obama, right?

A couple of things....

Most importantly, Romney is not running on his record as govenor of Mass. He is running on his business credentials. So this hits at the heart of that tact. And while, it has not been shown how he was connected (after all, does he need to have been there....he could have done the damage earlier), it does seem rather silly on Obama's part not to make that connection because it does come across as a lie.

Secondly, it is interesting that you admit both sides do it. Our resident jackass, Franco seems bent on sainting Obama and his campaign. His posts are a complete projection of his own unwillingness to even consider that Obama might not be the man he'd hoped he would be.
Well, some would say so....

I live in the Kansas City area and this steel mill had always been a mess.

Bain bought it and it went under. 750 jobs lost.

And Obama is pointing the finger at Romney.

The problem: Romney left Bain two years before the steel mill went under.

Here is an article that might help shed some light on the subject....


Blah, blah, blah.

The point is, Bain's Modus opperendi had been established by Romney. Romney was in charge when they acquired GST and began the policy of loading it down with debt to pay themselves big bonuses.

Let's go ahead and concede the point that this steel mill, like the entire American Steel industry, was struggling. It has been since the 1970's, really.

That isn't really the point. The point was they took over a vulnerable company and looted it. And while Bain walked away with a 16 million dollar profit, the Federal GOvernment had to step in and fund their pension plan to the tune of 44 million.

This is really the worst kind of Corporate Welfare.
It's an election, and you are calling out a lie in a campaign ad? Where have you been? This shit goes on every election from both sides. Remember Bush vs. Kerry? Can you even come close to counting all the lies that took place in ads for and against both candidates? I'm sure you will now tell me that Romney's people would never lie in an ad about Obama, right?

A couple of things....

Most importantly, Romney is not running on his record as govenor of Mass. He is running on his business credentials. So this hits at the heart of that tact. And while, it has not been shown how he was connected (after all, does he need to have been there....he could have done the damage earlier), it does seem rather silly on Obama's part not to make that connection because it does come across as a lie.

Secondly, it is interesting that you admit both sides do it. Our resident jackass, Franco seems bent on sainting Obama and his campaign. His posts are a complete projection of his own unwillingness to even consider that Obama might not be the man he'd hoped he would be.

I think you and Franco need to get a room.

More to the point, why isn't Romney running on his record as governor? That's probably a lot more relevent to the job he's currently running for than his business record.

Besides the fact that 22% of the businesses Bain invested in went bankrupt (including AmPad and GST) running a business is just not like running a government. Business runs on concesus. If someone is always being a stick in the mud, you fire his ass.

Government doesn't run that way. YOu can't fire Congressman blowhard because you disagree with him or he isn't getting with the program.
Romney gets blamed for 750 but Obama is blameless for the net 1M jobs lost.


thanks for incoherent logic

need a lesson?

The only thing not logical about the situation is that Romney didnt lose the 750 jobs and he's still on the hook for em.
Obama on the other hand....

And add the numbers into the equation 750-compared to a million?

The ides that Obama can run using the "Jobs" platform is ridicules.:cuckoo:

Most of those Jobs were lost on Bush's watch. Obama has posted job gains every month since September 2010. NOw, I do think that his job record has been abyssmal.

That said, I'm not seeing anything that Romney's proposing that would get us out of this mess. He's just rehashing the same things Bush did.
It's an election, and you are calling out a lie in a campaign ad? Where have you been? This shit goes on every election from both sides. Remember Bush vs. Kerry? Can you even come close to counting all the lies that took place in ads for and against both candidates? I'm sure you will now tell me that Romney's people would never lie in an ad about Obama, right?

A couple of things....

Most importantly, Romney is not running on his record as govenor of Mass. He is running on his business credentials. So this hits at the heart of that tact. And while, it has not been shown how he was connected (after all, does he need to have been there....he could have done the damage earlier), it does seem rather silly on Obama's part not to make that connection because it does come across as a lie.

Secondly, it is interesting that you admit both sides do it. Our resident jackass, Franco seems bent on sainting Obama and his campaign. His posts are a complete projection of his own unwillingness to even consider that Obama might not be the man he'd hoped he would be.

I think you and Franco need to get a room.

More to the point, why isn't Romney running on his record as governor? That's probably a lot more relevent to the job he's currently running for than his business record.

Besides the fact that 22% of the businesses Bain invested in went bankrupt (including AmPad and GST) running a business is just not like running a government. Business runs on concesus. If someone is always being a stick in the mud, you fire his ass.

Government doesn't run that way. YOu can't fire Congressman blowhard because you disagree with him or he isn't getting with the program.

Sure you ca fire congressmen/women. You just do it in the voting booth, it was planned that way ya know. I'm sick of career congress people myself. They need to be fired often.
A couple of things....

Most importantly, Romney is not running on his record as govenor of Mass. He is running on his business credentials. So this hits at the heart of that tact. And while, it has not been shown how he was connected (after all, does he need to have been there....he could have done the damage earlier), it does seem rather silly on Obama's part not to make that connection because it does come across as a lie.

Secondly, it is interesting that you admit both sides do it. Our resident jackass, Franco seems bent on sainting Obama and his campaign. His posts are a complete projection of his own unwillingness to even consider that Obama might not be the man he'd hoped he would be.

I think you and Franco need to get a room.

More to the point, why isn't Romney running on his record as governor? That's probably a lot more relevent to the job he's currently running for than his business record.

Besides the fact that 22% of the businesses Bain invested in went bankrupt (including AmPad and GST) running a business is just not like running a government. Business runs on concesus. If someone is always being a stick in the mud, you fire his ass.

Government doesn't run that way. YOu can't fire Congressman blowhard because you disagree with him or he isn't getting with the program.

Sure you ca fire congressmen/women. You just do it in the voting booth, it was planned that way ya know. I'm sick of career congress people myself. They need to be fired often.

you can do it. Romney can't.

I'd have no problem with term limits for congressmen, btw.

But as long as COngressman Blowhard is liked by his voters, you can't fire him. You might even have to work with him when he's with your party.

Romney actually had a pretty liberal record as governor of Massachusetts. And he blames that on the fact he had a democratic legislature and had no choice on the tax increases, gay marriage and socialized medicine he was forced to sign on to.

Is that really what a leader does?

It's easy to be a leader in business when you can fire people who disagree with you and everyone laughs at your stupid jokes and anyone who says something like, "You know, Boss, looting the pension fund and leaving all those people without medical insurance is kind of like, wrong" is going to be cleaning out his desk before lunch.

In government, not so much. And so far, Romney has shown the inability to stand up to even people on his own side. He went sucking up to people over the weekend who think he belongs to a cult.

What the heck does that mean, left?

Is it the type of "leaving" that Cheney did at Halliburton?


You guys are rich..
Just more lefty tripe. All designed to focus attention away from Barry's hope and change and other failures.

All part of the great strategery...Fire up the base; piss off the ones you're gonna need.
Just more lefty tripe. All designed to focus attention away from Barry's hope and change and other failures.

All part of the great strategery...Fire up the base; piss off the ones you're gonna need.

I disagree. Romney's pitch is that because of his business background, he is the better choice to lead this country. Well, Bain is part of his business background. And how he helped to destroy companies while he worked at Bain is something the American voters need to consider. Romney made his "experience" a campaign issue. Newt used it against him successfully in the SC primary, and now Obama will use it against him in the general election. How do you see this as tripe, again?
Trust me when I say that most of America would rather feel distrustful of a corporate raider than a community organizer. I mean come on really, it's such a joke that people attacked Obama for being a community organizer, and yet have no problems with corporate raiders... the people that swoop in, buy up your dad's or husband's company and then strip it clean.

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