Obama Campaign Attacking Stay At Home Mothers!!! Smooth Move!

All I know is that it was probably a liberal program that got Obama into college and if so, isn't that the best argument for liberal programs? That they helped produce a future President of the United States??? Without those programs, only guys like Romney get to go to Harvard or be President. I know that's what you want.

And how did Clinton pay for school. Probably scholarships. That dude was smart. You called it slick.

One thing is for sure, Obama's college wasn't paid for by his father or mother. But I bet Romney's was.

Obama got into the Ivy League because he was "black". (Half black, but he only lists black). And the Ivy League has produced a lot of presidents, including Bush.

And...I bet Obama's daughter's college will be paid for by mother or father. So whats your point now?

When you say Obama got in because he was black you mean Harvard had a quota? Sounds like a great argument for quotas. I bet your grandfather objected to Jackie Robinson playing in the majors. :lol:

Romney was born with a silver spoon in his mouth is my point. Clinton and Obama were not.

I'd prefer to follow MLK's dream..........where skin color doesn't matter.
Obama got into the Ivy League because he was "black". (Half black, but he only lists black). And the Ivy League has produced a lot of presidents, including Bush.

And...I bet Obama's daughter's college will be paid for by mother or father. So whats your point now?

Yes, because, obviously, all black people get into Ivy league schools.

Obama got into the Ivy League because he was "black". (Half black, but he only lists black). And the Ivy League has produced a lot of presidents, including Bush.

And...I bet Obama's daughter's college will be paid for by mother or father. So whats your point now?

Yes, because, obviously, all black people get into Ivy league schools.


No, but they, like many colleges, have racial quotas. Which I do not like. I prefer skin color not matter, ever, like MLK's dream.

But even the President himself said he had bad grades in high school and did drugs. So how does an average-at-best student who does drugs get into Harvard? Race. Thats how.
Obama got into the Ivy League because he was "black". (Half black, but he only lists black). And the Ivy League has produced a lot of presidents, including Bush.

And...I bet Obama's daughter's college will be paid for by mother or father. So whats your point now?

Yes, because, obviously, all black people get into Ivy league schools.


I dunno about that... but I'm certain Obama's blackety blackness was a great factor as he doesn't come off as exceptionally gifted in the brains department.
How much you all want to bet the GOP started this Mrs. Romney argument because of the recent polls showing that Romney is suffering a 19 point gender gap with women?

So? would that be like the manufactured "war on women" that the Democrats started?
I just wonder.......

If he is half white. And was raised by an all-white family. In mostly white neighborhoods, attending mostly white schools..........why does he only check "black" as his race?
How much you all want to bet the GOP started this Mrs. Romney argument because of the recent polls showing that Romney is suffering a 19 point gender gap with women?

So? would that be like the manufactured "war on women" that the Democrats started?

The Statists are in full 'War Mode' on everything that made America what it is...(or in thier minds, WAS)...if they have thier way.
The left has been at war with the American family for decades.. shit, they've damn near destroyed the black family...
Women of all stripes should really take a look at what the Democrat party thinks of them if you DON'T think like them or toe their party line.

Look what they did to Palin and her family, now Mrs. Romney...they not only attack women but their children too..

Michelle Obama called your children, National Security risk if they are overweight

get a glue WOMEN

Well if you are a woman who is anti birth control, we don't think very much of you.

What do you mean if they don't thnk like us. You mean if they don't agree with us that women should get equal pay? You are right. We don't think much of women who disagree with equal pay for women. We think of them almost like we think of wives in Saudi Arabia.

And anyone who is anti birth control and choice, well, we don't think much of you either. But we continue to try to educate and win you over.

Look what they did to Palin? Look at what Palin did to Gabby Gifford with her hate speech.

Your fat ass kids are a national security risk. Suppose Romney wins and we go to war with Iran and/or China. We need your fat ass ready for a draft. Cut back on the ranch. Stop eating deep fried butter fat asses!!!

You spew just like a good little sheep..
Ooops she screwed up. She let out of the bag what the liberal elitist think of stay at home mothers.


This attack on Ann Romney is designed to encourage resentment. There are millions of women out there who probably never held a paying job, but if they had children then you can hardly say they never worked a day in their life!

I heard Ann talking about how she had the opportunity to talk to many women across the country this last year while she accompanied her husband on the campaign trail. She had the nerve to tell the reporter that most women she talked to were concerned about the economy and unemployment. That's right, whether they are the bread winners or not, they worry about whether their families will have a roof over their head and food on the table. They worry about the debt being created that their children and grandchildren will also have to deal with.

Can you imagine the nerve of Ann saying that women are more concerned about the future of their family and country than they are about getting free birth control? It's an outrage, I tell ya. And the left isn't going to stand for this.

They know that if millions of women out there identify with Ann, not just for choosing to be a stay at home mom, but for having serious concerns about the real issues facing our country, then it doesn't bode well for the left. They can't have people actually liking this woman. They had to intervene and try to turn people against Ann and they used the one thing that they know has worked well in the past- class envy.

It's disgusting and makes them look petty and desperate.
Raising a familily isn't WORK? Right. I'm sure your mother and millions of others would disagree with you.

Raising a family, without a nanny or a maid, is in fact hard work.

Which raises the question, did they have a nanny and a maid, or not?

Rosen already apologized for her eroneous words...

In today's climate, that won't matter.

And, frankly, having had to listen to the whole Rush/Fluke thing, I hope they crucify Rosen.

She is a schill and spin doctor we could do without. Maybe we could get Obama to call A.R. for the way she was "treated".
In today's climate, that won't matter.

And, frankly, having had to listen to the whole Rush/Fluke thing, I hope they crucify Rosen.

She is a schill and spin doctor we could do without. Maybe we could get Obama to call A.R. for the way she was "treated".

Honestly, I didn't know who that chick even was until today. Is she a regular on some talking head show or other?
The left has been at war with the American family for decades.. shit, they've damn near destroyed the black family...

The thought of having more than 2 kids is pathetic to them.

The thought of having 7 or more is sickening to them.
In today's climate, that won't matter.

And, frankly, having had to listen to the whole Rush/Fluke thing, I hope they crucify Rosen.

She is a schill and spin doctor we could do without. Maybe we could get Obama to call A.R. for the way she was "treated".

Honestly, I didn't know who that chick even was until today. Is she a regular on some talking head show or other?

She's a member of the White House staff.
I think Obama is reaching for his Etch-A-Sketch right about now.
I just wonder.......

If he is half white. And was raised by an all-white family. In mostly white neighborhoods, attending mostly white schools..........why does he only check "black" as his race?

It was whites who set the standards of what made you black. Generally, along the lines if you had a drop of black blood, you were black
In today's climate, that won't matter.

And, frankly, having had to listen to the whole Rush/Fluke thing, I hope they crucify Rosen.

She is a schill and spin doctor we could do without. Maybe we could get Obama to call A.R. for the way she was "treated".

Honestly, I didn't know who that chick even was until today. Is she a regular on some talking head show or other?

She's a member of the White House staff.

And has been to the whitehouse 35 times...once a month to receive marching orders...She fucked up...and will be thrown to the wolves like Fluke and others.

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