Obama cancel your cell phones and cable if you cant pay for Obamacare

Liberalism 101- The Government passes legislation that forces ER's and hospitals to provide service to people who cannot pay for it. This creates a massive imbalance in the system. Now the only way to fix the problem (that they created) is by creating a new and bigger government program.


Most decent people want to live in a place where the truly needy aren't denied help simply because they're poor. Guilty as charged!

So how is it that the welfare crack ho who gets subsidized housing, food stamps, and welfare more 'needy' of a cell phone than the working middle class mother who uses her cell phone to keep track of her children while she is at work?

Sweet strawman! Teach me your ways.
Americans should cancel their cable anyway because it's feeding shit directly into your brain 24 hours a day.

You first:eusa_ obviously no one is going to do that

:confused: Really? I did it long ago, and I don't miss it.

Cut the cord. That's the great thing about Inverted Totalitarianism: it can still be switched off.
It wasn't "misleading". It was off by any interpretation. The only conclusion to make is that it was deliberate? No, I don't think so. That's not very imaginative of you.

There was an error any way you cut it. No conclusions should have been made at all without further study or questions. If the reader is interested in communicating, the reader should make an attempt to understand what was actually meant. If the reader does not make that attempt, then the reader makes himself seem interested in something other than meaningful conversation and thereby loses credibility as a fair-minded participant in the discussion.

Of course -- that's what I just said. :banghead:

I didn't "cut" anything; I read it like anyone else, and as I just got done noting I only came into this thread for an explanation of how a POTUS could possibly take people's cellphones and cable away -- which is what the title says in its ineptitude. That turns out not to be true, and that misrepresentation is disingenuous on the part of the person who wrote it, which is the OP.

Don't play dumb here; we both know what's going on.

So there's nothing wrong with my grammatical analysis then. Thank you. :thanks:

That's not what you just said.

For one thing, you said, " so we're left to conclude it was deliberate."

There was quite enough information available to draw a conclusion different from the one you drew. Are we then to conclude that the false conclusion you drew was done deliberately?

This is getting convoluted. I'm bored now. In my opinion the meaning of the OP was sufficiently clear. Hardly anyone interpreted it the way you did. You might wonder why that was. Or you might not care.

I don't care anymore. :tongue:

Bolshoi. "Hardly anyone"? What other way is there to read it?

As I said before, it was the very reason I came in here, because of what the title says. I came to figure out how that would be possible. And sure enough, it wasn't.

That's what I call a disingenuous title.
when political leaders like Obama are full of bullshit it's pretty tough NOT to post on bullshit...

Not the point at all.

The bullshit point is not what the POTUS does; the bullshit point is the OP misrepresenting what the POTUS does.

This is why certain posters here have no credibility; they lie, misrepresent and just plain make shit up. Then any grain of truth they might have been able to make in their argument is lost as coming from an unreliable source.

From the OP about Obama's town hall meeting in which he took phone calls:

He suggested that some families may be spending too much on cable television or cell phones, and not enough on health insurance.

And this:

Update: The feedback I’m getting indicates that some people don’t quite understand what Obama is doing here. Please note that this caller didn’t say anything about cable TV or cellphones. He just said he can’t afford Obamcare. Obama is the one who’s suggesting that this guy is wasting his money on luxuries, based on no evidence at all. He’s deflecting the criticism back on the critic. It’s a cheap trick, but it works.

He’s doing what he always does: Blaming everybody but himself. Don’t fall for it.

He assumed that people are wasting money on things they don't need.

Yes I'm aware of that -- once I read the link. It's the thread title with which I quibble, which says something quite different. What O'bama (or anybody) suggests is nothing more than opinion; it's not the gummint stepping in to take phones and cables away.
Don't think so? Read it again:

Obviously as written it makes little grammatical sense but it looks like it wants to say "Obama will cancel your cell phones and cable if you cant [sic] pay for Obamacare" or "Obama cancels cell phones and cable if you cant [sic] pay for Obamacare"

Maybe we need Englishcare more than Obamacare, but it looks to me like this is a deliberate misrepresentation to push a perception that does not exist in the real world, rather than the ignorance of how to write a sentence in English. This is a power of suggestion tactic designed to float a myth, plain and simple. It is in fact why I clicked in here, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that, to see how the fuck a POTUS could take people's cellphones away.

In fact the poster could have posted honestly and still pushed his same agenda with the addition of a simple colon and quotes:

"Obama: "Cancel your cell phones and cable if you can't pay for Obamacare"

That would have accurately represented what actually happens in the video. But accuracy was not what he was going for, was it?

This is what I mean by tossing credibility overboard like so much ballast. It undermines the poster's point and makes him an unreliable source. He fancies himself a mythmaker. By next week he'll have casual readers believing they thought they read "O'bama is taking cellphones away" just like they thought they read "Al Gore invented the internet".

I continue to wonder why, armed with legitimate points, posters feel the need to shoot their own credibility in the foot with misleading language like this. :dunno:

There was clearly a grammatical difficulty with the title. It's not misleading language. It's a poorly crafted title. Your credibility suffers at least as much as Lovebears' when you run with an incorrect interpretation. You could ask a polite question for clarification.

Sez the little kitty who's ready to pounce~!



That kitty never moves. I been watchin'.

Besides, I know the warning sign. Just before a cat pounces, its pupils dilate. That's your cue to move. Free tip. :thup:
Americans should cancel their cable anyway because it's feeding shit directly into your brain 24 hours a day.

You first:eusa_ obviously no one is going to do that

:confused: Really? I did it long ago, and I don't miss it.

Cut the cord. That's the great thing about Inverted Totalitarianism: it can still be switched off.

Well you're one in a zillion. Those soap box operas are real important to Latino's in this country--and cable TV. is the last thing they'll ever give up.
Yet we give free cell phones for low income .. He tells the middle class to give up stuff for his agenda and we are giving people free the stuff he told us to give up. How is this fair ??

Obamacare has always been a wealth-transfer program. It just uses "health care" as an excuse.

Now the middle class must give up the money they used to pay for cell phones and cable TV, and give it to the government instead. The government will use it to pay for "free" cell phones and "reduced" premiums for health care coverage for low-income people.

It's Obama's new world order.
It certainly seems that way.
Americans should cancel their cable anyway because it's feeding shit directly into your brain 24 hours a day.

You first:eusa_ obviously no one is going to do that

:confused: Really? I did it long ago, and I don't miss it.

Cut the cord. That's the great thing about Inverted Totalitarianism: it can still be switched off.

The point should be we shouldn't have to do without.

Obama is working to make everything else so expensive that we will have to make choices between keeping our TV on or paying for our health insurance. I don't see why he would want to take away our cell phones anyway. It's a great way to keep track of us.

But not having a TV makes it harder for Fox to fill us full of nonsense.
Yet we give free cell phones for low income .. He tells the middle class to give up stuff for his agenda and we are giving people free the stuff he told us to give up. How is this fair ??Obamacare's too expensive for ya? Cancel your cable, peasant! | The Daily Caller

So cable tv is more important than healthcare?

Health insurance is not health care. Tell me how is paying thousands a year in insurance and only actually using a few hundred dollars worth of actual health care services a good deal? The inly insurance someone should have is catastrophic health care insurance that pays for accidental injuries and serious illnesses. The day to day stuff should be paid out of pocket.

And why is it that the libs love Obama for saying this but when a republican tells people the same thing get all up in arms?
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You first:eusa_ obviously no one is going to do that

:confused: Really? I did it long ago, and I don't miss it.

Cut the cord. That's the great thing about Inverted Totalitarianism: it can still be switched off.

The point should be we shouldn't have to do without.

Obama is working to make everything else so expensive that we will have to make choices between keeping our TV on or paying for our health insurance. I don't see why he would want to take away our cell phones anyway. It's a great way to keep track of us.

But not having a TV makes it harder for Fox to fill us full of nonsense.

Yeah well, this just in ... it's not just Fox, it's the nature of the Box.

Not having TV is hardly "doing without" -- I would argue having it is. TV after all serves no purpose other than selling the masses shit they don't need, including the abstract. As for pricing it out of reach, talk to the Comcasts and Charters and Verizons...
Yet we give free cell phones for low income .. He tells the middle class to give up stuff for his agenda and we are giving people free the stuff he told us to give up. How is this fair ??

Obamacare has always been a wealth-transfer program. It just uses "health care" as an excuse.

Now the middle class must give up the money they used to pay for cell phones and cable TV, and give it to the government instead. The government will use it to pay for "free" cell phones and "reduced" premiums for health care coverage for low-income people.

It's Obama's new world order.
Yup, socialism at it's finest. You could even argue that this is borderline communism.
Of course it's my business. I live in this country and pay taxes. Until we have some sort of document that people can sign that says, "If Im sick and chose not to buy insurance, you should not treat me no matter what unless I have cash to pay for it" then it's my business because it affects me.

Liberalism 101- The Government passes legislation that forces ER's and hospitals to provide service to people who cannot pay for it. This creates a massive imbalance in the system. Now the only way to fix the problem (that they created) is by creating a new and bigger government program.


Most decent people want to live in a place where the truly needy aren't denied help simply because they're poor. Guilty as charged!
Have you ever lived in such a place? I mean you're not over 70 or so, or from Africa or some other hell hole, right?
:confused: Really? I did it long ago, and I don't miss it.

Cut the cord. That's the great thing about Inverted Totalitarianism: it can still be switched off.

The point should be we shouldn't have to do without.

Obama is working to make everything else so expensive that we will have to make choices between keeping our TV on or paying for our health insurance. I don't see why he would want to take away our cell phones anyway. It's a great way to keep track of us.

But not having a TV makes it harder for Fox to fill us full of nonsense.

Yeah well, this just in ... it's not just Fox, it's the nature of the Box.

Not having TV is hardly "doing without" -- I would argue having it is. TV after all serves no purpose other than selling the masses shit they don't need, including the abstract. As for pricing it out of reach, talk to the Comcasts and Charters and Verizons...

Ask Obama why he uses excise taxes to raise the price of fast food, junk food, tobacco products, gasoline, alcohol, you name it. Ask him why he's using the EPA to kill the coal industry just so he can jack up our electric bills.
Yet we give free cell phones for low income .. He tells the middle class to give up stuff for his agenda and we are giving people free the stuff he told us to give up. How is this fair ??

Obamacare has always been a wealth-transfer program. It just uses "health care" as an excuse.

Now the middle class must give up the money they used to pay for cell phones and cable TV, and give it to the government instead. The government will use it to pay for "free" cell phones and "reduced" premiums for health care coverage for low-income people.

It's Obama's new world order.

It's Obama's new world order

it is an old progressive idea

surrender your life to the government

and the government "promises" to take care of

all of your needs

ask the Native Americans about that great deal
Yet we give free cell phones for low income .. He tells the middle class to give up stuff for his agenda and we are giving people free the stuff he told us to give up. How is this fair ??

Obamacare has always been a wealth-transfer program. It just uses "health care" as an excuse.

Now the middle class must give up the money they used to pay for cell phones and cable TV, and give it to the government instead. The government will use it to pay for "free" cell phones and "reduced" premiums for health care coverage for low-income people.

It's Obama's new world order.
Yup, socialism at it's finest. You could even argue that this is borderline communism.

funny someone that cant balance a budget crying out the middle class

just doesnt know how to manage their money

how ironic

Obamacare has always been a wealth-transfer program. It just uses "health care" as an excuse.

Now the middle class must give up the money they used to pay for cell phones and cable TV, and give it to the government instead. The government will use it to pay for "free" cell phones and "reduced" premiums for health care coverage for low-income people.

It's Obama's new world order.
Yup, socialism at it's finest. You could even argue that this is borderline communism.

funny someone that cant balance a budget crying out the middle class

just doesnt know how to manage their money

how ironic


the Left never seems to be cognizant of their hypocritical stances and contradictions. i feel it is a function of their arrogance. they are all over these boards insisting that they know what is best economically and financially; while their cities and states totter on the verge of bankruptcy
Yet we give free cell phones for low income .. He tells the middle class to give up stuff for his agenda and we are giving people free the stuff he told us to give up. How is this fair ??

Obamacare has always been a wealth-transfer program. It just uses "health care" as an excuse.

Now the middle class must give up the money they used to pay for cell phones and cable TV, and give it to the government instead. The government will use it to pay for "free" cell phones and "reduced" premiums for health care coverage for low-income people.

It's Obama's new world order.
Yup, socialism at it's finest. You could even argue that this is borderline communism.

[MENTION=28109]Amelia[/MENTION] -- see the two posts above.

I rest my case.
Yet we give free cell phones for low income .. He tells the middle class to give up stuff for his agenda and we are giving people free the stuff he told us to give up. How is this fair ??Obamacare's too expensive for ya? Cancel your cable, peasant! | The Daily Caller

as always you right wing nut jobs distort every thing that is said ... he clearly said if you can't afford you health care how about cutting back on your cell phone and your cable ...he didn't say cancel your cell phone cancel you cable ... why is it your right wing nut jobs have to distort everything that is said by the left ... are you soooooooo desperate to win a debate that you have to distort what is being said

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