Obama cancel your cell phones and cable if you cant pay for Obamacare

Yet we give free cell phones for low income .. He tells the middle class to give up stuff for his agenda and we are giving people free the stuff he told us to give up. How is this fair ??

Obamacare has always been a wealth-transfer program. It just uses "health care" as an excuse.

Now the middle class must give up the money they used to pay for cell phones and cable TV, and give it to the government instead. The government will use it to pay for "free" cell phones and "reduced" premiums for health care coverage for low-income people.

It's Obama's new world order.

It's Obama's new world order

it is an old progressive idea

surrender your life to the government

and the government "promises" to take care of

all of your needs

ask the Native Americans about that great deal

another couple of moronic repub-LEI-tards ... hey Repub-LIE-tards what would you rather do.... have them pay less on their cell phones and cable bill, or would you rather pay for their health care when they come to the emergency room and rack up thousands of dollars of cost to the hospital .... where the hospital in turns starts passing this cost to you by raising their cost to your health care plan ... so which is it are are you two Repub-LIE-tards to stupid to grasp that thought ???
Yet we give free cell phones for low income .. He tells the middle class to give up stuff for his agenda and we are giving people free the stuff he told us to give up. How is this fair ??Obamacare's too expensive for ya? Cancel your cable, peasant! | The Daily Caller

as always you right wing nut jobs distort every thing that is said ... he clearly said if you can't afford you health care how about cutting back on your cell phone and your cable ...he didn't say cancel your cell phone cancel you cable ... why is it your right wing nut jobs have to distort everything that is said by the left ... are you soooooooo desperate to win a debate that you have to distort what is being said

he clearly said if you can't afford you health care how about cutting back on your cell phone and your cable

certainly a far cry from when he said

it will be cheaper then your cell phone bill

however that being said he

obviously sounded like he was blaming those folks for

having poor money management skills

funny thing is he is telling the people to live with in the framework of the money they have

while he presents a budget

that would spend a TRILLION more dollars then the peoples have
Obamacare has always been a wealth-transfer program. It just uses "health care" as an excuse.

Now the middle class must give up the money they used to pay for cell phones and cable TV, and give it to the government instead. The government will use it to pay for "free" cell phones and "reduced" premiums for health care coverage for low-income people.

It's Obama's new world order.

It's Obama's new world order

it is an old progressive idea

surrender your life to the government

and the government "promises" to take care of

all of your needs

ask the Native Americans about that great deal

another couple of moronic repub-LEI-tards ... hey Repub-LIE-tards what would you rather do.... have them pay less on their cell phones and cable bill, or would you rather pay for their health care when they come to the emergency room and rack up thousands of dollars of cost to the hospital .... where the hospital in turns starts passing this cost to you by raising their cost to your health care plan ... so which is it are are you two Repub-LIE-tards to stupid to grasp that thought ???

just like a liberal idiot to think it's the government's business to tell people how to budget their money when they are $17 TRILLION IN DEBT
Obamacare has always been a wealth-transfer program. It just uses "health care" as an excuse.

Now the middle class must give up the money they used to pay for cell phones and cable TV, and give it to the government instead. The government will use it to pay for "free" cell phones and "reduced" premiums for health care coverage for low-income people.

It's Obama's new world order.
Yup, socialism at it's finest. You could even argue that this is borderline communism.

funny someone that cant balance a budget crying out the middle class

just doesnt know how to manage their money

how ironic


nobody gets free cell phones ... nobody is wealth-transfer programs ... nobody is trying to make this country a socialist country ... and nobody is talking about managing your money ... JESUS you people are nuts
Obamacare has always been a wealth-transfer program. It just uses "health care" as an excuse.

Now the middle class must give up the money they used to pay for cell phones and cable TV, and give it to the government instead. The government will use it to pay for "free" cell phones and "reduced" premiums for health care coverage for low-income people.

It's Obama's new world order.

It's Obama's new world order

it is an old progressive idea

surrender your life to the government

and the government "promises" to take care of

all of your needs

ask the Native Americans about that great deal

another couple of moronic repub-LEI-tards ... hey Repub-LIE-tards what would you rather do.... have them pay less on their cell phones and cable bill, or would you rather pay for their health care when they come to the emergency room and rack up thousands of dollars of cost to the hospital .... where the hospital in turns starts passing this cost to you by raising their cost to your health care plan ... so which is it are are you two Repub-LIE-tards to stupid to grasp that thought ???

we will get the best of both worlds

paying the cell phone bill and the subsidized portion of the insurance

enslaving once self sufficient peoples is expensive
Yup, socialism at it's finest. You could even argue that this is borderline communism.

funny someone that cant balance a budget crying out the middle class

just doesnt know how to manage their money

how ironic


nobody gets free cell phones ... nobody is wealth-transfer programs ... nobody is trying to make this country a socialist country ... and nobody is talking about managing your money ... JESUS you people are nuts

nobody gets free cell phones ... nobody

are you on crack or what

Cell Phone &
1,000 Texts/250 Minutes
Every Month! For Income Eligible
SafeLink is a Lifeline supported service, a government benefit program. Only eligible consumers may enroll in Lifeline. Lifeline service is non-transferable and limited to one per household. Documentation of income or program participation may be required for enrollment. More Legal

It's Obama's new world order

it is an old progressive idea

surrender your life to the government

and the government "promises" to take care of

all of your needs

ask the Native Americans about that great deal

another couple of moronic repub-LEI-tards ... hey Repub-LIE-tards what would you rather do.... have them pay less on their cell phones and cable bill, or would you rather pay for their health care when they come to the emergency room and rack up thousands of dollars of cost to the hospital .... where the hospital in turns starts passing this cost to you by raising their cost to your health care plan ... so which is it are are you two Repub-LIE-tards to stupid to grasp that thought ???

just like a liberal idiot to think it's the government's business to tell people how to budget their money when they are $17 TRILLION IN DEBT

well he is right that no one gets a free cell phone

only because as always someone else is paying for it
It's Obama's new world order

it is an old progressive idea

surrender your life to the government

and the government "promises" to take care of

all of your needs

ask the Native Americans about that great deal

another couple of moronic repub-LEI-tards ... hey Repub-LIE-tards what would you rather do.... have them pay less on their cell phones and cable bill, or would you rather pay for their health care when they come to the emergency room and rack up thousands of dollars of cost to the hospital .... where the hospital in turns starts passing this cost to you by raising their cost to your health care plan ... so which is it are are you two Repub-LIE-tards to stupid to grasp that thought ???

just like a liberal idiot to think it's the government's business to tell people how to budget their money when they are $17 TRILLION IN DEBT

where did we say its the government's business to tell people how to budget their money... an question was asked ... the president gave a reasonable explanation ... where you right wing nut jobs take it as the government's business to tell people how to budget their money ... if you don't know how to budget your income, its not telling you how to run your business by answering a question when asked if you can't afford to pat for it ... I would have said the same thing ... republicans would have said the same thing ... its nut jobs like you that think you're being told what to do ... ,if you don't like being told how to budget your money then don't ask the question... he never said you have to cut your cell phone or your cable he was suggesting that you cut some of the cost to these programs ...you moron

and health care doesn't add one dime to the national debt... all the money for subsidy comes from all of us paying into medicaid and medicare ... with medical equipment and drug companies paying 2.2% in taxes that can't be added on to the cost of their services... it come right off their gross income... so try again moron... the people making 250,000 dollars or more pay .06% more to medicaid and medicare ...
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another couple of moronic repub-LEI-tards ... hey Repub-LIE-tards what would you rather do.... have them pay less on their cell phones and cable bill, or would you rather pay for their health care when they come to the emergency room and rack up thousands of dollars of cost to the hospital .... where the hospital in turns starts passing this cost to you by raising their cost to your health care plan ... so which is it are are you two Repub-LIE-tards to stupid to grasp that thought ???

just like a liberal idiot to think it's the government's business to tell people how to budget their money when they are $17 TRILLION IN DEBT

where did we say its the government's business to tell people how to budget their money... an question was asked ... the president gave a reasonable explanation ... where you right wing nut jobs take it as the government's business to tell people how to budget their money ... if you don't know how to budget your income, its not telling you how to run your business by answering a question when asked if you can't afford to pat for it ... I would have said the same thing ... republicans would have said the same thing ... its nut jobs like you that think you're being told what to do ... ,if you don't like being told how to budget your money then don't ask the question... he never said you have to cut your cell phone or your cable he was suggesting that you cut some of the cost to these programs ...you moron

that is exactly what you said dolt. but you are simply not man enough to admit your self-delusions; you just move on to the next one
people still defending a massive failure of a law; and every idiotic defense by the failed president it is named after; shouldnt be calling anybody else a moron

what a useful idiot you are billy; just a useful idiot for PROGRESSIVE FAILURE
people still defending a massive failure of a law; and every idiotic defense by the failed president it is named after; shouldnt be calling anybody else a moron

what a useful idiot you are billy; just a useful idiot for PROGRESSIVE FAILURE

a massive failure of a law

it certainly is

we have come along way from this law being affordable

for the average folk

to one where you have to cancel everything else

to buy a product from a private source which is mandated by law

so the peoples are left with

buying expensive insurance and eating cat food to make ends meet
another couple of moronic repub-LEI-tards ... hey Repub-LIE-tards what would you rather do.... have them pay less on their cell phones and cable bill, or would you rather pay for their health care when they come to the emergency room and rack up thousands of dollars of cost to the hospital .... where the hospital in turns starts passing this cost to you by raising their cost to your health care plan ... so which is it are are you two Repub-LIE-tards to stupid to grasp that thought ???

just like a liberal idiot to think it's the government's business to tell people how to budget their money when they are $17 TRILLION IN DEBT

well he is right that no one gets a free cell phone

only because as always someone else is paying for it

nobody else is paying for it either ... the statement that is being run by the right is where a black woman says and we are getting free cell phones... the person who was doing the interview said to her that obama is giving you a free cell phone ...so in her excitement she said we're getting a free cell phones ... so get that stupid nonsense of they are getting free cell phones ... that's just not happening ... and yourt stupidity of saying we are paying for them, its just you being stupid ... stop your lying
just like a liberal idiot to think it's the government's business to tell people how to budget their money when they are $17 TRILLION IN DEBT

well he is right that no one gets a free cell phone

only because as always someone else is paying for it

nobody else is paying for it either ... the statement that is being run by the right is where a black woman says and we are getting free cell phones... the person who was doing the interview said to her that obama is giving you a free cell phone ...so in her excitement she said we're getting a free cell phones ... so get that stupid nonsense of they are getting free cell phones ... that's just not happening ... and yourt stupidity of saying we are paying for them, its just you being stupid ... stop your lying

so who is paying for it then you idiot? are you saying it has no cost?
well he is right that no one gets a free cell phone

only because as always someone else is paying for it

nobody else is paying for it either ... the statement that is being run by the right is where a black woman says and we are getting free cell phones... the person who was doing the interview said to her that obama is giving you a free cell phone ...so in her excitement she said we're getting a free cell phones ... so get that stupid nonsense of they are getting free cell phones ... that's just not happening ... and yourt stupidity of saying we are paying for them, its just you being stupid ... stop your lying

so who is paying for it then you idiot? are you saying it has no cost?

well i am off to work

have fun with Skippy rocket

people still defending a massive failure of a law; and every idiotic defense by the failed president it is named after; shouldnt be calling anybody else a moron

what a useful idiot you are billy; just a useful idiot for PROGRESSIVE FAILURE

the biggest idiot here is you bedowin ... we full well know that ... as I stated to one of the poster you don't pay for their free phone why??? there isn't one .. nor does the tax payer pay for it ... but morons like you who are too lazy and too stupid to look it up .. I took the time to do it for you...

as for cell phones being free and you the tax payer paying for it with taxes
Q: Has the Obama administration started a program to use "taxpayer money" to give free cell phones to welfare recipients?
A: No... Low-income households have been eligible for discounted telephone service for more than a decade. But the program is funded by telecom companies, not by taxes, and the president has nothing to do with it.
Is this e-mail true?
I had a former employee call me earlier today inquiring about a job, and at the end of the conversation he gave me his phone number. I asked the former employee if this was a new cell phone number and he told me yes this was his "Obama phone."

Welfare recipients, and others, can receive a free cell phone, but the program is not funded by the government or taxpayer money, as the e-mail alleges. And it’s hardly new.
How It Works
SafeLink Wireless, the program mentioned in the e-mail, does indeed offer a cell phone, about one hour’s worth of calling time per month, and other wireless services like voice mail to eligible low-income households. Applicants have to apply and prove that they are either receiving certain types of government benefits, such as Medicaid, or have household incomes at or below 135 percent of the poverty line. Using 2009 poverty guidelines, that’s $14,620 for an individual and a little under $30,000 for a family of four, with slightly higher amounts for Alaska and Hawaii.
SafeLink is run by a subsidiary of América Móvil, the world’s fourth largest wireless company in terms of subscribers, but it is not paid for directly by the company. Nor is it paid for with "tax payer money," as the e-mail claims. Rather, it is funded through the Universal Service Fund, which is administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company, an independent, not-for-profit corporation set up by the Federal Communications Commission. The USF is sustained by contributions from telecommunications companies such as "long distance companies, local telephone companies, wireless telephone companies, paging companies, and payphone providers." The companies often charge customers to fund their contributions in the form of a universal service fee you might see on your monthly phone bill. The fund is then parceled out to companies, such as América Móvil, that create programs, such as SafeLink, to provide telecommunications service to rural areas and low-income households.

as i said nobody pays for the poor to get free phones ... moron !!!! and moron fits you to a "T" ...
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well he is right that no one gets a free cell phone

only because as always someone else is paying for it

nobody else is paying for it either ... the statement that is being run by the right is where a black woman says and we are getting free cell phones... the person who was doing the interview said to her that obama is giving you a free cell phone ...so in her excitement she said we're getting a free cell phones ... so get that stupid nonsense of they are getting free cell phones ... that's just not happening ... and yourt stupidity of saying we are paying for them, its just you being stupid ... stop your lying

so who is paying for it then you idiot? are you saying it has no cost?

do some fucking research for once in your miserable life ... oh wait I'll do it for you loser...

Q: Has the Obama administration started a program to use "taxpayer money" to give free cell phones to welfare recipients?
A: No... Low-income households have been eligible for discounted telephone service for more than a decade. But the program is funded by telecom companies, not by taxes, and the president has nothing to do with it.
Is this e-mail true?
I had a former employee call me earlier today inquiring about a job, and at the end of the conversation he gave me his phone number. I asked the former employee if this was a new cell phone number and he told me yes this was his "Obama phone."

Welfare recipients, and others, can receive a free cell phone, but the program is not funded by the government or taxpayer money, as the e-mail alleges. And it’s hardly new.
How It Works
SafeLink Wireless, the program mentioned in the e-mail, does indeed offer a cell phone, about one hour’s worth of calling time per month, and other wireless services like voice mail to eligible low-income households. Applicants have to apply and prove that they are either receiving certain types of government benefits, such as Medicaid, or have household incomes at or below 135 percent of the poverty line. Using 2009 poverty guidelines, that’s $14,620 for an individual and a little under $30,000 for a family of four, with slightly higher amounts for Alaska and Hawaii.
SafeLink is run by a subsidiary of América Móvil, the world’s fourth largest wireless company in terms of subscribers, but it is not paid for directly by the company. Nor is it paid for with "tax payer money," as the e-mail claims. Rather, it is funded through the Universal Service Fund, which is administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company, an independent, not-for-profit corporation set up by the Federal Communications Commission. The USF is sustained by contributions from telecommunications companies such as "long distance companies, local telephone companies, wireless telephone companies, paging companies, and payphone providers." The companies often charge customers to fund their contributions in the form of a universal service fee you might see on your monthly phone bill. The fund is then parceled out to companies, such as América Móvil, that create programs, such as SafeLink, to provide telecommunications service to rural areas and low-income households.

And you wonder why we call you right wing nuts morons???
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nobody else is paying for it either ... the statement that is being run by the right is where a black woman says and we are getting free cell phones... the person who was doing the interview said to her that obama is giving you a free cell phone ...so in her excitement she said we're getting a free cell phones ... so get that stupid nonsense of they are getting free cell phones ... that's just not happening ... and yourt stupidity of saying we are paying for them, its just you being stupid ... stop your lying

so who is paying for it then you idiot? are you saying it has no cost?

well i am off to work

have fun with Skippy rocket


say high to the clown at Mickey "D's"....:D:D:D
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Yet we give free cell phones for low income .. He tells the middle class to give up stuff for his agenda and we are giving people free the stuff he told us to give up. How is this fair ??Obamacare's too expensive for ya? Cancel your cable, peasant! | The Daily Caller

So cable tv is more important than healthcare?

Hey..when they can go into an emergency room for a hang nail and have to be served......

and we the health care payers, pays for that in increased cost hang nail and all while the get their cable TV

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