obama Can't Even Get Along With Canada Now


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I can add my two cents. Libya is so pissed off at obama they can't see straight.

Bibi Netanyahu.... Well, we know what he'd like to do with him....

Putin, Angela Merkel isn't real fond of him. He embarrassed the Queen of England and himself, he pissed off the Brits by sending them DVDs of himself (Oh yes he did) as inauguration presents. And to top it off, they won't even work on their DVD Players because Europe uses 220 Volt systems while we use 110. And the whole 'Churchill Bust' thing is still a running joke

You guys think I'm being an ass when I call him a "Stuttering Clusterfukk Of A Miserable Failure".

I'm not. And he is.

The damage he's doing to this Country and especially to our relationships with other Countries will be felt for decades.

And may never be repaired.

Doesn't matter. dimocraps have their Cult Idol in office. That's all that matters

When Obama Even Ticks Off Canada, Something Has To Give…


“But Mr. Obama can’t even get along with Canada, which is like getting into an argument with Norway over a chicken recipe.”

Via National Post:

President Barack Obama may not be everything his fans originally hoped he would be, but until recently he’s at least appeared easy enough to get along with.

Maybe the frustrations of office are getting to him. These days, he seems to be having just as difficult a time finding friends among foreign leaders and allies as he does with Republicans in Congress.

Even before he cancelled an upcoming summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Mr. Obama found himself bickering with leaders with whom he’d prefer to be on good terms. The U.S. sends Egypt more than $1 billion a year in military aid and worked closely with former president Hosni Mubarak, but on the weekend the de facto military ruler of Egypt — how’s that for a title? Julius Caesar could have claimed the same one — accused Washington of abandoning the country.

“You left the Egyptians, you turned your back on the Egyptians, and they won’t forget that,” said Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

OK, Putin can be a pain, and Egyptians are more than a little volatile these days. But Mr. Obama can’t even get along with Canada, which is like getting into an argument with Norway over a chicken recipe. For months the governments in Ottawa and Alberta have been sending representatives to sweet-talk Washington heavyweights on the merits of the Keystone XL pipeline, which would send Alberta crude to the Gulf Coast. There may be valid arguments against the pipeline — though Mr. Obama’s own State Department has shot down most of them — but the negotiations had been friendly and respectful enough until Mr. Obama gave an interview to the New York Times openly mocking the jobs figures put forward by proponents.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
I seriously don't know what it would take for these mindless drones to finally admit their moonbat messiah is a complete disaster.

I can actually imagine these assholes being pushed out of box cars by thugs with "O" armbands, into gas chambers set up by their dear leader, and blaming Bush when they finally realized they were about to be managed, like every other leftist despot has managed the "surplus human resource".

How anyone can be as stupid as some of these people are and not gotten themselves killed just proves we have too many safety restraints.
The Obama hatred is strong with this one.


With this one as well.


"Hate" is such a strong word.

How about, 'despise'. Detest. Abhor. Loathe. Execrate. Makes me want to vomit. Nauseates me. Sickens me with his horrible, Southern Baptist-Revivalist Syntax. Disgusts me.


Still not strong enough.

Is there a word stronger than hate I can use for this piece of gutter trash, pretender?
I can add my two cents. Libya is so pissed off at obama they can't see straight.

Bibi Netanyahu.... Well, we know what he'd like to do with him....

Putin, Angela Merkel isn't real fond of him. He embarrassed the Queen of England and himself, he pissed off the Brits by sending them DVDs of himself (Oh yes he did) as inauguration presents. And to top it off, they won't even work on their DVD Players because Europe uses 220 Volt systems while we use 110. And the whole 'Churchill Bust' thing is still a running joke

You guys think I'm being an ass when I call him a "Stuttering Clusterfukk Of A Miserable Failure".

I'm not. And he is.

The damage he's doing to this Country and especially to our relationships with other Countries will be felt for decades.

And may never be repaired.

Doesn't matter. dimocraps have their Cult Idol in office. That's all that matters

When Obama Even Ticks Off Canada, Something Has To Give…


“But Mr. Obama can’t even get along with Canada, which is like getting into an argument with Norway over a chicken recipe.”

Via National Post:

President Barack Obama may not be everything his fans originally hoped he would be, but until recently he’s at least appeared easy enough to get along with.

Maybe the frustrations of office are getting to him. These days, he seems to be having just as difficult a time finding friends among foreign leaders and allies as he does with Republicans in Congress.

Even before he cancelled an upcoming summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Mr. Obama found himself bickering with leaders with whom he’d prefer to be on good terms. The U.S. sends Egypt more than $1 billion a year in military aid and worked closely with former president Hosni Mubarak, but on the weekend the de facto military ruler of Egypt — how’s that for a title? Julius Caesar could have claimed the same one — accused Washington of abandoning the country.

“You left the Egyptians, you turned your back on the Egyptians, and they won’t forget that,” said Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

OK, Putin can be a pain, and Egyptians are more than a little volatile these days. But Mr. Obama can’t even get along with Canada, which is like getting into an argument with Norway over a chicken recipe. For months the governments in Ottawa and Alberta have been sending representatives to sweet-talk Washington heavyweights on the merits of the Keystone XL pipeline, which would send Alberta crude to the Gulf Coast. There may be valid arguments against the pipeline — though Mr. Obama’s own State Department has shot down most of them — but the negotiations had been friendly and respectful enough until Mr. Obama gave an interview to the New York Times openly mocking the jobs figures put forward by proponents.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

What the hell does the voltage have to do with a DVD?
FYII they use PAL encoding not the US NTSC
I can add my two cents. Libya is so pissed off at obama they can't see straight.

Bibi Netanyahu.... Well, we know what he'd like to do with him....

Putin, Angela Merkel isn't real fond of him. He embarrassed the Queen of England and himself, he pissed off the Brits by sending them DVDs of himself (Oh yes he did) as inauguration presents. And to top it off, they won't even work on their DVD Players because Europe uses 220 Volt systems while we use 110. And the whole 'Churchill Bust' thing is still a running joke

You guys think I'm being an ass when I call him a "Stuttering Clusterfukk Of A Miserable Failure".

I'm not. And he is.

The damage he's doing to this Country and especially to our relationships with other Countries will be felt for decades.

And may never be repaired.

Doesn't matter. dimocraps have their Cult Idol in office. That's all that matters

When Obama Even Ticks Off Canada, Something Has To Give…


“But Mr. Obama can’t even get along with Canada, which is like getting into an argument with Norway over a chicken recipe.”

Via National Post:

President Barack Obama may not be everything his fans originally hoped he would be, but until recently he’s at least appeared easy enough to get along with.

Maybe the frustrations of office are getting to him. These days, he seems to be having just as difficult a time finding friends among foreign leaders and allies as he does with Republicans in Congress.

Even before he cancelled an upcoming summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Mr. Obama found himself bickering with leaders with whom he’d prefer to be on good terms. The U.S. sends Egypt more than $1 billion a year in military aid and worked closely with former president Hosni Mubarak, but on the weekend the de facto military ruler of Egypt — how’s that for a title? Julius Caesar could have claimed the same one — accused Washington of abandoning the country.

“You left the Egyptians, you turned your back on the Egyptians, and they won’t forget that,” said Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

OK, Putin can be a pain, and Egyptians are more than a little volatile these days. But Mr. Obama can’t even get along with Canada, which is like getting into an argument with Norway over a chicken recipe. For months the governments in Ottawa and Alberta have been sending representatives to sweet-talk Washington heavyweights on the merits of the Keystone XL pipeline, which would send Alberta crude to the Gulf Coast. There may be valid arguments against the pipeline — though Mr. Obama’s own State Department has shot down most of them — but the negotiations had been friendly and respectful enough until Mr. Obama gave an interview to the New York Times openly mocking the jobs figures put forward by proponents.
- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

What the hell does the voltage have to do with a DVD?
FYII they use PAL encoding not the US NTSC

the OP has bigger problems than that.
While everyone is arguing the all important topic are the Canadians mad at Obama, to which I can assure you they really don't care...meanwhile our country is in a cluster-fuck because we have an inept/corrupt government that is delighted with the fact we are arguing over pointless/mindless bullshit so they can continue to drain every dollar they can from us to give to Wall Street
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