Obama Car Insurance

Is it possible?

I can envision the commercials already.

Have 10 DUI's, 8 tickets, 5 accidents, 3 vehicular manslaughters, and 2 driving without a license? NO PROBLEM!!!

Boy do we have a deal for you. We can give you 50% off because those without accidents, tickets, DUI's, vehicular manslaughters, or driving with out a licence will see 300% increases help pay for you. Woo Hoo!! :eusa_clap:

The logic behind it baffles me. Seems backwards to me but I have been brought up to be responsible and not leach off others so its expected. :lol:
Is it possible?

I can envision the commercials already.

Have 10 DUI's, 8 tickets, 5 accidents, 3 vehicular manslaughters, and 2 driving without a license? NO PROBLEM!!!

Boy do we have a deal for you. We can give you 50% off because those without accidents, tickets, DUI's, vehicular manslaughters, or driving with out a licence will see 300% increases help pay for you. Woo Hoo!! :eusa_clap:

The logic behind it baffles me. Seems backwards to me but I have been brought up to be responsible and not leach off others so its expected. :lol:

You've been paying for decades. It's called high risk/assigned risk.
It's more the other way around. O-care is, essentially, an extension of the mandatory auto insurance scam. The question is, what will they go after next?
I want it for free, in fact the government owes me a car, gas and insurance because well, I deserve it for being born in America...

If only I was in the Democrat ( selfish votes now are far more important than our children future) Party..then it would be okay..
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The auto insurance/health insurance analogy is dishonest.

You absolutely DO NOT NEED car insurance if you refrain from driving on public roads.

But, according to The New Messiah, you have to buy His snake oil (Obamacare) unless you refrain from breathing. Or.....living where He is the almighty.
Is it possible?

I can envision the commercials already.

Have 10 DUI's, 8 tickets, 5 accidents, 3 vehicular manslaughters, and 2 driving without a license? NO PROBLEM!!!

Boy do we have a deal for you. We can give you 50% off because those without accidents, tickets, DUI's, vehicular manslaughters, or driving with out a licence will see 300% increases help pay for you. Woo Hoo!! :eusa_clap:

The logic behind it baffles me. Seems backwards to me but I have been brought up to be responsible and not leach off others so its expected. :lol:

You could rest assured that if Obama had his hand in it failure would soon follow. He's proof that stupid ideas are -- well -- stupid.
If auto insurance was like Obamacare you'd be charged rates to include oil changes, new tires, wiper fluid, and leather seat cleanings even if you didn't have leather seats. You'd only get to take your car to a few shops and responsible drivers would pay higher rates on average than drunk drivers.
If auto insurance was like Obamacare you'd be charged rates to include oil changes, new tires, wiper fluid, and leather seat cleanings even if you didn't have leather seats. You'd only get to take your car to a few shops and responsible drivers would pay higher rates on average than drunk drivers.

Great points!!
The auto insurance/health insurance analogy is dishonest.

You absolutely DO NOT NEED car insurance if you refrain from driving on public roads.

But, according to The New Messiah, you have to buy His snake oil (Obamacare) unless you refrain from breathing. Or.....living where He is the almighty.

But ... if Obama WAS in charge of Auto Insurance then you would have to buy it even if you didn't drive. And if you couldn't afford it then taxpayers would have to foot the bill for your car insurance (even though you take the bus).
The auto insurance/health insurance analogy is dishonest.

You absolutely DO NOT NEED car insurance if you refrain from driving on public roads.

But, according to The New Messiah, you have to buy His snake oil (Obamacare) unless you refrain from breathing. Or.....living where He is the almighty.

How did you get the car home when you bought it? How do you get gasoline to run said car?

Shouldn't everyone be responsible for their healthcare? But since you're Canadian, you wouldn't know about such things.
The auto insurance/health insurance analogy is dishonest.

You absolutely DO NOT NEED car insurance if you refrain from driving on public roads.

But, according to The New Messiah, you have to buy His snake oil (Obamacare) unless you refrain from breathing. Or.....living where He is the almighty.

But ... if Obama WAS in charge of Auto Insurance then you would have to buy it even if you didn't drive. And if you couldn't afford it then taxpayers would have to foot the bill for your car insurance (even though you take the bus).

If someone who isn't insured or is under-insured damages public property, taxpayers fit the bill, so in essence everyone buys auto insurance.
Is it possible?

I can envision the commercials already.

Have 10 DUI's, 8 tickets, 5 accidents, 3 vehicular manslaughters, and 2 driving without a license? NO PROBLEM!!!

Boy do we have a deal for you. We can give you 50% off because those without accidents, tickets, DUI's, vehicular manslaughters, or driving with out a licence will see 300% increases help pay for you. Woo Hoo!! :eusa_clap:

The logic behind it baffles me. Seems backwards to me but I have been brought up to be responsible and not leach off others so its expected. :lol:

You could rest assured that if Obama had his hand in it failure would soon follow. He's proof that stupid ideas are -- well -- stupid.

Still can't get over the failure of the guys you voted for? (2007-2008)
If auto insurance was like Obamacare you'd be charged rates to include oil changes, new tires, wiper fluid, and leather seat cleanings even if you didn't have leather seats. You'd only get to take your car to a few shops and responsible drivers would pay higher rates on average than drunk drivers.

Great points!!

I want coverage for pre-existing dents.
If auto insurance was like Obamacare you'd be charged rates to include oil changes, new tires, wiper fluid, and leather seat cleanings even if you didn't have leather seats. You'd only get to take your car to a few shops and responsible drivers would pay higher rates on average than drunk drivers.

Great points!!

I want coverage for pre-existing dents.

It's amazing how few people get that joke
good grief, don't put any thoughts in their heads

we'll have to listen to him the wifey hawking car insurance (only because they care about us) and pay another 1.5 TRILLION dollars for it
Shouldn't everyone be responsible for their healthcare?

The argument is whether govt should regulate how you pay for your own health care,
by forcing you to buy insurance or pay a fine to government to run health care.

Or whether citizens should retain our previous rights, responsibilities and choices
in paying for our health care, and choosing which charities, businesses, schools or govt programs to support in helping take care of others.

We no longer have the freedom to choose we had before,
because only buying insurance under the federal regulations avoids the fine.
All other choices are now penalized.

We still need the other options to help with costs and people not covered by ACA.
But now those choices are fined if you invest there instead
even though they are still needed, regardless if you buy insurance or not.

NOTE: this policy does NOT go after the people who actually rack up costs to the public for their crimes or abuses that generate medical costs. instead it costs the liberty or fines of lawabiding citizens without due process or any proof of crime or intent to commit any.

Where is the social responsibility in paying for costs if the govt doesn't go after convicted criminals and make them pay their costs, but passes these to lawabiding taxpayers to pay?
Is it possible?

I can envision the commercials already.

Have 10 DUI's, 8 tickets, 5 accidents, 3 vehicular manslaughters, and 2 driving without a license? NO PROBLEM!!!

Boy do we have a deal for you. We can give you 50% off because those without accidents, tickets, DUI's, vehicular manslaughters, or driving with out a licence will see 300% increases help pay for you. Woo Hoo!! :eusa_clap:

The logic behind it baffles me. Seems backwards to me but I have been brought up to be responsible and not leach off others so its expected. :lol:

You've been paying for decades. It's called high risk/assigned risk.

You are never required to buy car insurance before you buy a car and need the insurance.

You are not forced to by federal govt, nor fined by penalties taken through your income taxes.

You are not forced to cover your own car by federal govt (though the loan institution may require full coverage on a new car).

You are required to cover damages to YOU CAUSE TO OTHER PEOPLE'S CARS,
which would be like the govt requiring criminals to cover health care costs they incur to others.

If you look, the govt is NOT going after the people who actually incur public costs.
That would be considered "involuntary servitude" to make criminals work to pay it back.

But it's "okay" to force lawabiding taxpayers, who committed no crime, to work to pay extra fines or costs and lose their liberty, because of the irresponsibility of "other people"???
If someone who isn't insured or is under-insured damages public property, taxpayers fit the bill, so in essence everyone buys auto insurance.

So instead of FIXING this problem where people who cost the public money are required to pay it back,
you make the problem worse by expanding this same flawed system to health care,
passing even MORE charges to the taxpayers in facing penalties and/or lost liberties,
INSTEAD of making the people who incur the costs pay them back.

Why not fix the first problem, and set up systems of citizenship requiring
convicted criminals to pay back all their costs?
Why not use THAT money to pay for health care instead of charging more and more
because none of these problems are being fixed allowing people to rip off taxpayers?
It's more the other way around. O-care is, essentially, an extension of the mandatory auto insurance scam. The question is, what will they go after next?

How about going after deadbeat parents?

Since we can't seem to collect child support,
why not require ALL PARENTS to pay into funds run by government
"to make sure" all children are covered instead of relying on public welfare?

Forget about fixing government to stop abuses,
let's just keep charging more and more to lawabiding taxpayers,
since "they obey the law" so we can regulate and police them.

That is easier than going after people who cost the public,
"because they don't obey laws."

Let's just keep punishing the lawabiding citizens since that is easier to regulate and collect on. Our whole prison system is run that way, on the backs of lawabiding citizens.
It wastes billions of dollars not working, but instead of reforming that (and using the money to pay for health care reforms) let's just keep taxing citizens more. That's easier to do.

it's too much work to reform govt to stop the taxes wasted on criminals so the same resources can cover more services to more citizens. Let's just pass more taxes!
Some rw's STILL don't understand that ObamaCare is not insurance and that ALL insurance is a numbers game and depends on those who do not make claims.

They don't get it now and they probably never will.

I want it for free, in fact the government owes me a car, gas and insurance because well, I deserve it for being born in America...

If only I was in the Democrat ( selfish votes now are far more important than our children future) Party..then it would be okay..

Please, not the Bundy whine again. There are already dozens of threads about the welfare rancher wanting to continue his free ride at the expense of the tax payers.

Oh wait - if you rw's want to get a free ride for breaking the law, THAT's okay.

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