Obama caught on tape admitting he LOVES Communism

OP- The GOP and Voodoo have been redistributing the wealth UP to the wealthiest for 30 years, dumbazz- and obviously you don't know what communism IS. See sig pp3- from 2008 BEFORE the Pub economic meltdown...

Making the claim that the GOP somehow redistributes wealth "UP" from the poor to the wealthy is as asinine as saying the child forced the adult to molest them. It's so far past absurd, there is no adjective to describe it. First of all, the poor have nothing to redistribute stupid.

I finally understand francoHFW today. He's a parasite because he has no private sector of life skills at all. The only thing he does well is play the victim. But unfortunately for him, that's not a skill set in demand in the workforce today.

With the exception of possibly a few Hollywood movies, you're not going to see too many job postings with the requirements "must play the victim well". :lol:
Both the CFMA and the FSMA passed by the Republican Congress of the 90s and signed by President Clinton redistribute wealth from the common man's pocket into the pockets of the financial services industry.

In return for stolen trillions, the common man receives a few pennies in return.

Your higher insurance, higher tuitions, higher public pension costs, higher taxes, smaller retirement account, and lost jobs are all a direct result of this massive transfer of wealth up the food chain to a select few.

That is why the tax-the-rich solution will do nothing to alleviate this situation. If a thief was stealing from your house with police protection, raising the taxes of the man who lives in a bigger house than you will do nothing to stop it.

We don't need Dodd-Frank. We just need the CFMA and the FSMA both to be repealed.

Just read section 117 of the CFMA and ask yourself why the federal government usurped states rights and exempted banks from state gaming laws.

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OP- The GOP and Voodoo have been redistributing the wealth UP to the wealthiest for 30 years, dumbazz- and obviously you don't know what communism IS. See sig pp3- from 2008 BEFORE the Pub economic meltdown...

Making the claim that the GOP somehow redistributes wealth "UP" from the poor to the wealthy is as asinine as saying the child forced the adult to molest them. It's so far past absurd, there is no adjective to describe it. First of all, the poor have nothing to redistribute stupid.

I finally understand francoHFW today. He's a parasite because he has no private sector of life skills at all. The only thing he does well is play the victim. But unfortunately for him, that's not a skill set in demand in the workforce today.

With the exception of possibly a few Hollywood movies, you're not going to see too many job postings with the requirements "must play the victim well". :lol:

Thanks for the all purpose STUPID Pub dupe talking points, but it's patently obvious how the GOP redistributes the money UP, taxing the richest LESS than the middle class and the same as the poorest in all taxes and fees, while allowing education and health costs, and fees to skyrocket. You're a brainwashed fool of the greedy rich, moron.

I'm a retired businessman and teacher with a masters in World History/French Civ., you a Masters in Rush/Beckbotism.
When Romney loses, you all will probably be saying, "Gee, I wonder how that happened?"

Then you will hear some pundit (Beck?) say it is because America is a bunch of moochers and grab onto that.

It will never occur to you that you could not beat an astronomical fuckup like Obama because you are a bunch of all cap, large font, incompetent mindless drones.

Obama sucks so bad, Romney should be 50 points ahead in the polls.

Whenever you want to listen to the grownups and win, I'll be around.

In the meantime, carry on as card carrying members of the Copy and Paste Brigade. It seems to be working sooooo well for you!.

Ok G5000 - I'll bite. What needs to be done for the GOP to defeat Obama?

First, jackholes like yourself need to stop copying and pasting partisan propaganda. That would be a start.

Next, before speaking about a piece of legislation and just parroting what you heard someone else say, read the legislation. I know, what a novel idea!

Also, stop making shit up. Stop lying.

Most importantly, learn to think critically. Be able to explain your position. I would suggest starting out by studying all the logical fallacies which people use in debate and learning to recognize them.

Finally, instead of calling the opposition names, explain where they are wrong, and why they are wrong.

Build your perfect candidate from the ground up. Be very clear on policy please (with as much facts and as little of your opinions as possible). I'm all ears. Ready? Go!

If you want my ideas on any specific policies, I provide them regularly in such topics. I know my long posts make the eyes of people like you glaze over and fall into unconsciousness, but with practice you too can learn to have an attention span longer than a bumper sticker!


In other words - you've got NOTHING. You're just talking out of your ass again. You would have better served to just ignore the question, because now you look like a serious fool (then again, you probably realized you were already at rock bottom in terms of respect on this board and you had nothing to lose posting really useless nonsense).

First, I never lie. NEVER. I provide links, data, charts, etc. for everything I say. More importantly, when those things aren't added, I give specific names and dates so that the information can be independently verified by anyone willing to do a few quick searches.

Second, I post facts. It's just that you don't like the facts, so you falsely refer to them as "partisan propaganda". That is your problem, not mine.

Third, the fact that you're telling me how to think when you don't think at all is just crazy. I'm light years ahead of you in terms of thinking (that's why I destroy you and all of the over dumbocrats on this board when debating).

Fourth, because - unlike you dumbocrats - I have a job, I don't have time to read the 2,600+ unconstitutional bills by dumbocrats like Nancy Pelosi in their entirety. I have to rely on people who do that for living. Over the years, I've challenged what Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck have told me, and so far they have been 100% accurate. Not once have they ever talked about something in a bill that I later found to not be true. And yes, I do check that often since the provide the specific section - makes it easy to do. If you ever get a job, you'll understand that there are not enough time in the day to read every bill when the dumbocrats insist they exceed 2,500 pages so they can pack it full of stuff to line their pockets and buy allegiance from voters.

Finally, I do explain why the dumbocrats are wrong. And they respond with utter nonsense, like police and fire are examples of why we are wrong about unconstitutional entitlements :lol:. The fact is, most of them (like you), just come on here looking for a fight and have no desire to have a real conversation. Since I'm a free market guy, I just provide them with what they want.... :)
OP- The GOP and Voodoo have been redistributing the wealth UP to the wealthiest for 30 years, dumbazz- and obviously you don't know what communism IS. See sig pp3- from 2008 BEFORE the Pub economic meltdown...

Making the claim that the GOP somehow redistributes wealth "UP" from the poor to the wealthy is as asinine as saying the child forced the adult to molest them. It's so far past absurd, there is no adjective to describe it. First of all, the poor have nothing to redistribute stupid.

I finally understand francoHFW today. He's a parasite because he has no private sector of life skills at all. The only thing he does well is play the victim. But unfortunately for him, that's not a skill set in demand in the workforce today.

With the exception of possibly a few Hollywood movies, you're not going to see too many job postings with the requirements "must play the victim well". :lol:

Thanks for the all purpose STUPID Pub dupe talking points, but it's patently obvious how the GOP redistributes the money UP, taxing the richest LESS than the middle class and the same as the poorest in all taxes and fees, while allowing education and health costs, and fees to skyrocket. You're a brainwashed fool of the greedy rich, moron.

I'm a retired businessman and teacher with a masters in World History/French Civ., you a Masters in Rush/Beckbotism.

Even if that were true (and it's NOT), it's still not redistributing money UP because the wealthy get exactly 00000.00 of those tax dollars. You just took embarassing yourself to a whole new level. Allowing someone to keep what they EARNED is nothing like "redistributing" money to them.

How are you not embarassed when your own ignorance is explained to you? You're too stupid to even know that you're stupid! :lol:
I'm a retired businessman and teacher with a masters in World History/French Civ., you a Masters in Rush/Beckbotism.

ROTFLMAO!!! Ladies & Gentlemen, I give you the reason why our education system is such a joke. Here is a man claiming to be a teacher, and he has the grammar of a 3-year old immigrant!!! "You A Masters In...". Holy shit, I can't stop laughing.

The only thing you are is a retired asshole. You've never been a "businessman" a single day in your life, and if you have a master's degree, it's in being an advanced asshole from the University of Communism.
Both the CFMA and the FSMA passed by the Republican Congress of the 90s and signed by President Clinton redistribute wealth from the common man's pocket into the pockets of the financial services industry.

In return for stolen trillions, the common man receives a few pennies in return.

Your higher insurance, higher tuitions, higher public pension costs, higher taxes, smaller retirement account, and lost jobs are all a direct result of this massive transfer of wealth up the food chain to a select few.

That is why the tax-the-rich solution will do nothing to alleviate this situation. If a thief was stealing from your house with police protection, raising the taxes of the man who lives in a bigger house than you will do nothing to stop it.

We don't need Dodd-Frank. We just need the CFMA and the FSMA both to be repealed.

Just read section 117 of the CFMA and ask yourself why the federal government usurped states rights and exempted banks from state gaming laws..

Well, for once we agree. Why are we usurping the Constitution? You know why - because the dumbocrats FEAR power in the hands of the states (where it belongs) Because it gives people choices. And the repressive party of the Nazi's don't want the American people to have a choice.

Why? Because all of us conservatives would congregate to conservative states. Which means the dumbocrats would be forced to provide for themselves. And they know it would be all over at that point. They need this "we're all in this together" ideology because it's the argument to convince the federal government everything needs to occur at the federal level - so that there is no escaping it for conservatives.

1 year under Constitutional government, and the entire arugment would be put to rest forever. All of the conservative states would flourish, while the shithole states like California would collapse under the weight of their own socialism.
OP- The GOP and Voodoo have been redistributing the wealth UP to the wealthiest for 30 years, dumbazz- and obviously you don't know what communism IS. See sig pp3- from 2008 BEFORE the Pub economic meltdown...

Making the claim that the GOP somehow redistributes wealth "UP" from the poor to the wealthy is as asinine as saying the child forced the adult to molest them. It's so far past absurd, there is no adjective to describe it. First of all, the poor have nothing to redistribute stupid.
Again, proof of the complete stupidity of the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood. What do you think Bush did?

Now try to follow this. There was a Social Security SURPLUS when Bush came to power. That surplus was collected at PAYROLL TAX RATES from WAGE EARNERS making UNDER $100,000. Bush then took that surplus and redistributed it using INCOME TAX RATES and as a result most of the SS Surplus went to incomes over 100,000 and capital gains tycoons who don't even contribute to SS trust fund. Bush coned you dumb suckers into thinking redistribution of wealth from poor and middle class wage earners to millionaires was fair by using the magic words "ACROSS THE BOARD" and you fools never realized he was using income tax rates to redistribute money collected at payroll tax rates. Thats how money collected from wage earners under $100,000 was redistributed UPWARD in large part to incomes over $100,000.
Get it?
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Even if that were true (and it's NOT), it's still not redistributing money UP because the wealthy get exactly 00000.00 of those tax dollars.

Fuck me, are you kidding?

Wealth has been moving up for 3 decades. If you don't understand that, you're in for a rude awakening.

Google "Moral Hazard, 2008 crisis" -- take a few weeks to really understand how we define wealth and how it moves from one class to another.

If you max out your credit card, what happens? Does the Fed zero it out for you and allow you to pay your self a bonus off the same card?
OP- The GOP and Voodoo have been redistributing the wealth UP to the wealthiest for 30 years, dumbazz- and obviously you don't know what communism IS. See sig pp3- from 2008 BEFORE the Pub economic meltdown...

Making the claim that the GOP somehow redistributes wealth "UP" from the poor to the wealthy is as asinine as saying the child forced the adult to molest them. It's so far past absurd, there is no adjective to describe it. First of all, the poor have nothing to redistribute stupid.
Again, proof of the complete stupidity of the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood. What do you think Bush did?

Now try to follow this. There was a Social Security SURPLUS when Bush came to power. That surplus was collected at PAYROLL TAX RATES from WAGE EARNERS making UNDER $100,000. Bush then took that surplus and redistributed it using INCOME TAX RATES and as a result most of the SS Surplus went to incomes over 100,000 and capital gains tycoons who don't even contribute to SS trust fund. Bush coned you dumb suckers into thinking redistribution of wealth from poor and middle class wage earners to millionaires was fair by using the magic words "ACROSS THE BOARD" and you fools never realized he was using income tax rates to redistribute money collected at payroll tax rates. Thats how money collected from wage earners under $100,000 was redistributed UPWARD in large part to incomes over $100,000.
Get it?

Now try to follow this - at no time did Bush redistribute any government funds to the wealthy. Allowing someone to keep what was already their's is not redistribution. You're so desperate to make a point, you're literally just making shit up. Bush did not hand over ANY surplus dollars to the wealthy. He simply cut taxes for all of us, allowing everyone to keep what was already theirs to begin with. You're just pissed off because you are a parasite who is angered when government doesn't put a gun to someone's head, rob them, keep 95% of it for themselves, and then give you the other 5% from the robbery. You're a greedy asshole, and you sound like an idiot trying to claim that Bush took surplus dollars and handed it over to the wealthy.
Even if that were true (and it's NOT), it's still not redistributing money UP because the wealthy get exactly 00000.00 of those tax dollars.

Fuck me, are you kidding?

Wealth has been moving up for 3 decades. If you don't understand that, you're in for a rude awakening.

Google "Moral Hazard, 2008 crisis" -- take a few weeks to really understand how we define wealth and how it moves from one class to another.

If you max out your credit card, what happens? Does the Fed zero it out for you and allow you to pay your self a bonus off the same card?

It was big government liberal Bush and big government marxist Obama who did all of the bailouts. You guys cheered like crazy, claiming that it "saved jobs for the little guy". Now, you turn around and cry about those same bailouts.

I was 1,000% against the bailouts done by Bush and Obama. I am still 1,000% against them. But you know why they occurred? Because of the big government, usurp the constitution polices of the dumbocrats! You made the rules, don't cry now that the money didn't filter down to you like you expected it to. You have no one to blame but yourselves.
Making the claim that the GOP somehow redistributes wealth "UP" from the poor to the wealthy is as asinine as saying the child forced the adult to molest them. It's so far past absurd, there is no adjective to describe it. First of all, the poor have nothing to redistribute stupid.
Again, proof of the complete stupidity of the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood. What do you think Bush did?

Now try to follow this. There was a Social Security SURPLUS when Bush came to power. That surplus was collected at PAYROLL TAX RATES from WAGE EARNERS making UNDER $100,000. Bush then took that surplus and redistributed it using INCOME TAX RATES and as a result most of the SS Surplus went to incomes over 100,000 and capital gains tycoons who don't even contribute to SS trust fund. Bush coned you dumb suckers into thinking redistribution of wealth from poor and middle class wage earners to millionaires was fair by using the magic words "ACROSS THE BOARD" and you fools never realized he was using income tax rates to redistribute money collected at payroll tax rates. Thats how money collected from wage earners under $100,000 was redistributed UPWARD in large part to incomes over $100,000.
Get it?

Now try to follow this - at no time did Bush redistribute any government funds to the wealthy. Allowing someone to keep what was already their's is not redistribution. You're so desperate to make a point, you're literally just making shit up. Bush did not hand over ANY surplus dollars to the wealthy. He simply cut taxes for all of us, allowing everyone to keep what was already theirs to begin with. You're just pissed off because you are a parasite who is angered when government doesn't put a gun to someone's head, rob them, keep 95% of it for themselves, and then give you the other 5% from the robbery. You're a greedy asshole, and you sound like an idiot trying to claim that Bush took surplus dollars and handed it over to the wealthy.
I knew as a member of the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood you would be too STUPID to comprehend something as simple as that. The only taxes that existed in surplus were the SS Surplus dollars and they were not the over $100,000's dollars to keep.
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Even if that were true (and it's NOT), it's still not redistributing money UP because the wealthy get exactly 00000.00 of those tax dollars.

Fuck me, are you kidding?

Wealth has been moving up for 3 decades. If you don't understand that, you're in for a rude awakening.

Google "Moral Hazard, 2008 crisis" -- take a few weeks to really understand how we define wealth and how it moves from one class to another.

If you max out your credit card, what happens? Does the Fed zero it out for you and allow you to pay your self a bonus off the same card?

It was big government liberal Bush and big government marxist Obama who did all of the bailouts. You guys cheered like crazy, claiming that it "saved jobs for the little guy". Now, you turn around and cry about those same bailouts.

I was 1,000% against the bailouts done by Bush and Obama. I am still 1,000% against them. But you know why they occurred? Because of the big government, usurp the constitution polices of the dumbocrats! You made the rules, don't cry now that the money didn't filter down to you like you expected it to. You have no one to blame but yourselves.

Please, run along and do some reading, and stop embarrassing yourself by spewing more ignorance...

"Moral Hazard" Look it up.
Well gee, what do we have here?!?! Frank Marshall Davis, the man Barack Obama himself refers to as his "mentor" happens to be an actual card carrying member of the Communist Party USA? Noooooo..... really? This is soooo shocking:

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1451698097/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=merink-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1451698097]The Communist: Paul Kengor: 9781451698091: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]
Redistribution of wealth can not go on forever. Eventually there will be nothing left to distribute.

Interesting - considering the US has the LEAST distirubted wealth of any developed country in the world, and by some distance.

That is because we are a free, capitalist country. I am guessing that is one of the things Obama intends to "fundamentally change."
Clementine -

Why do other free, capitalit countries have a more even distirbution of wealth than the US does?
Romney pays 13% on his taxes.

I pay 25%.

This is the real redistribution of wealth in America.
The Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest five percent of Americans cost the U.S. Treasury $11.6 million every hour, according to the National Priorities Project. Between 2001 and the current projected end of the Bush tax cut extension, tax cuts for the wealthiest 5 percent will cost the U.S. Treasury $1.184 trillion. If extended through 2021 as gop lawmakers propose, the total cost will exceed $3.2 trillion.

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