Obama caught on tape admitting he LOVES Communism

Obama said he believes in redistribution to some extent.

Virtually 100% of normal people believe in redistribution to some extent.

Actually 0% of normal people believe in any redistribution. The tactics you people utilize are just comical.

First it's, "no he doesn't believe in redistribution". When enough evidence surfaces where it can no longer be denied, then it becomes "well we all believe in wealth redistribution" :cuckoo:

Public education, the providing of the opportunity for a basic education to every American child regardless of that child's family's ability to pay,

is a classic example of the redistribution of wealth.

Now, you tell me, what percent of Americans would you estimate believe that we should not have any public educational systems whatsoever in this country.

I guess rott's not going to tell us.
Here is the actual quote, nowhere does the word wealth appear and the quote is about the DECENTRALIZATION of pooled resources!!!!!

OBAMA: “I think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution because I actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level to make sure that everybody’s got a shot. How do we pool resources at the same time as we decentralize delivery systems in ways that both foster competition, can work in the marketplace, and can foster innovation at the local level and can be tailored to particular communities

Pooled resources = money = taxes = wealth.
Pooled RESOURCES means energy, materials, labor, natural resources etc., in other words THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION!!!

Really? So he's "redistributing LABOR"?!?! That's not even legal! You can't take someone who works for the ABC Corporation and send them over to the DEF Corporation stupid. And redistribution natural resources is not only also illegal (as it belongs to who ever has legal claims on it and is harvesting it- such as the deed to a coal mine), but it is also redistribution of wealth as natural resources are worth a fortune.

If you're too lazy to make a decent argument, don't even make one. OR, better yet, just accept the facts and stop trying to argue against them.
He's on tape saying he believes in redistribution of wealth. He is not on tape saying he loves Communism as you claimed.

If redistribution of wealth is "not communism", what exactly is it - capitalism?!?! I rest my case....

And that was not my point anyway. My point was that this subject has been beaten to death by seven other people already.

How is that a point to make? Do you really think I would start a thread on this if I had known someone else had already covered it? The reason so many people did is because this is HUGE news - REAL news (unlike the senseless stuff you guys try to pass off as 'earth shattering' - like Mitt Romney being honest about the percentage of people who don't pay taxes :lol:). We have a sitting president on tape, who has adamantly denied being a socialist, admitting he loves the redistribution of wealth.
Pooled resources = money = taxes = wealth.
Pooled RESOURCES means energy, materials, labor, natural resources etc., in other words THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION!!!

Really? So he's "redistributing LABOR"?!?! That's not even legal! You can't take someone who works for the ABC Corporation and send them over to the DEF Corporation stupid. And redistribution natural resources is not only also illegal (as it belongs to who ever has legal claims on it and is harvesting it- such as the deed to a coal mine), but it is also redistribution of wealth as natural resources are worth a fortune.

If you're too lazy to make a decent argument, don't even make one. OR, better yet, just accept the facts and stop trying to argue against them.
He is obviously talking about decentralized DELIVERY SYSTEMS to redistribute the means of production, that would be things like infrastructure that allows workers and materials to efficiently reach the producers and the marketplace. You are milking the dumb act just a little too much!

OBAMA: “I think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution because I actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level to make sure that everybody’s got a shot. How do we pool resources at the same time as we decentralize delivery systems in ways that both foster competition, can work in the marketplace, and can foster innovation at the local level and can be tailored to particular communities?”
Here is the actual quote, nowhere does the word wealth appear and the quote is about the DECENTRALIZATION of pooled resources!!!!!

OBAMA: “I think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution because I actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level to make sure that everybody’s got a shot. How do we pool resources at the same time as we decentralize delivery systems in ways that both foster competition, can work in the marketplace, and can foster innovation at the local level and can be tailored to particular communities

Hey stupid fuck, what is he "redistributing" if it's not wealth - hot dogs? Toe nail clippers? Widgets?

My God you people are the WORST arguers ever. You can't even make a coherent argument to deflect away from the marxist dictator you worship.


I was going to ask, if he's not talking about wealth are we redistributing twinkies?
Public education, the providing of the opportunity for a basic education to every American child regardless of that child's family's ability to pay,

is a classic example of the redistribution of wealth.

Now, you tell me, what percent of Americans would you estimate believe that we should not have any public educational systems whatsoever in this country.

I guess rott's not going to tell us.

Sorry NYcarbineer - I know this is hard for you dumbocrats to believe - but I have a job and I can't read every single post made on this site

I can guarantee you the answer is above 0%. I can honestly tell you that I believe we should not have a public school system. It has proven itself to be a spectacular failure. For those who are too poor for private school, they can be home schooled by their parents. No excuses. I'm not arrogant enough to even try to guess what percentage of the population agrees with me on this, but I can guarantee you based on coversations I've had that I am not the only one.

Furthermore, that is the farthest thing from wealth redistribution. You guys are so desperate to make a point, that you just spew nonsense. Taking money from Mr. A and handing it to Mr. B is wealth redistribution. Taking taxes from Mr. A, using it for schools which Mr. A's children, Mr. B's children, and Mr. C's children all attend is not wealth redistrubtion.

This argument is every bit as stupid as when we're talking about the unconstitutional entitlements of the government, and you guys make the asinine dumbocrat talking point "but we have police, fire, etc. - are you against that" not realizing that those things are NOT done at the federal level, and hence, not unconstitutional.

Can you tell me why your side of the aisle is not more educated? You guys are woefully unecuated on every subject we discuss. I'm being serious. We talk about the constitutionality of something, and you guys will bring up local programs as a "point". It's such nonsense, you can't even have a reasonable debate.
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He is obviously talking about decentralized DELIVERY SYSTEMS to redistribute the means of production, that would be things like infrastructure that allows workers and materials to efficiently reach the producers and the marketplace.

Oh I see.

Could you give an example infrastructure that could be decentralized to allow workers and materials to efficiently reach the producers and the marketplace ?
He is obviously talking about decentralized DELIVERY SYSTEMS to redistribute the means of production, that would be things like infrastructure that allows workers and materials to efficiently reach the producers and the marketplace.

Oh I see.

Could you give an example infrastructure that could be decentralized to allow workers and materials to efficiently reach the producers and the marketplace ?

This ought to be REALLY good :lol:

Holy crap, the video is 14:44 long. I can't do that.

Can someone tell me precisely where during that 14:44 Obama says "I love communism"?

That's amazing! Where is it???

He's on tape saying he believes in redistribution of wealth. He is not on tape saying he loves Communism as you claimed.

And that was not my point anyway. My point was that this subject has been beaten to death by seven other people already.


I take it you've grown weary of people pointing out that Obama favors taking people's money to give to someone else?

I've grown weary of mindless drones who only know how to parrot things other people say.

Over and over and over and over. Not one original thought.

Man does this sum up the problem here. G5000 is interested in THOUGHTS (ie, someone's opinion). I am ONLY interested in FACTS.

Cold....Hard....FACTS. Like tapes, video, documents, etc.

And this is probably why the left is so easily duped. Because they listen to the opinionis of Chris Matthews instead of the FACTS of Glenn Beck.
He's on tape saying he believes in redistribution of wealth. He is not on tape saying he loves Communism as you claimed.

If redistribution of wealth is "not communism", what exactly is it - capitalism?!?! I rest my case....

And that was not my point anyway. My point was that this subject has been beaten to death by seven other people already.

How is that a point to make? Do you really think I would start a thread on this if I had known someone else had already covered it? The reason so many people did is because this is HUGE news - REAL news (unlike the senseless stuff you guys try to pass off as 'earth shattering' - like Mitt Romney being honest about the percentage of people who don't pay taxes :lol:). We have a sitting president on tape, who has adamantly denied being a socialist, admitting he loves the redistribution of wealth.



I take it you've grown weary of people pointing out that Obama favors taking people's money to give to someone else?

I've grown weary of mindless drones who only know how to parrot things other people say.

Over and over and over and over. Not one original thought.

Man does this sum up the problem here. G5000 is interested in THOUGHTS (ie, someone's opinion). I am ONLY interested in FACTS.

Cold....Hard....FACTS. Like tapes, video, documents, etc.

And this is probably why the left is so easily duped. Because they listen to the opinionis of Chris Matthews instead of the FACTS of Glenn Beck.

I do not listen to Matthews or Beck. I cannot remember the last time I tuned in to one of the propaganda networks.

So...do you have the full speech from 1998? How can you claim to care about FACTS when you are talking about a short clip that was put out there to deflect from Romney's 47% comment?

Geez, you guys are easy. I bet both campaigns have a whole stockpile of shit they are sitting on for just such occasions. And it was faithfully regurgitated by the Copy and Paste Brigade over and over.


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OP- The GOP and Voodoo have been redistributing the wealth UP to the wealthiest for 30 years, dumbazz- and obviously you don't know what communism IS. See sig pp3- from 2008 BEFORE the Pub economic meltdown...
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Obama caught on tape (again) professing redistributive love

Mitt Romney was “caught” on tape this week saying he believes in personal responsibility. While the media attempted to turn that into a scandal, it didn’t take long for another Obama tape to surface. This one features the President explaining why he totally loves redistribution of wealth

Is Barack Obama destroying America in an attempt to create fairness? – Glenn Beck

So.............your "credible source" is Glenn Beck? :eusa_whistle:

And by the way.................do you even know when he said that? It was as a STATE SENATOR back in 1998, which is 14 years ago.

Nothing to see here.

Holy crap, the video is 14:44 long. I can't do that.

Can someone tell me precisely where during that 14:44 Obama says "I love communism"?

That's amazing! Where is it???



Someone help me out here!

This will be amazing! I wanna see it!!

OP- The GOP and Voodoo have been redistributing the wealth UP to the wealthiest for 30 years, dumbazz- and obviously you don't know what communism IS. See sig pp3- from 2008 BRFORE the Pub economic meltdown...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHWnppVDl3I]GIRL RIPS A MASSIVE FART! - YouTube[/ame]
When Romney loses, you all will probably be saying, "Gee, I wonder how that happened?"

Then you will hear some pundit (Beck?) say it is because America is a bunch of moochers and grab onto that.

It will never occur to you that you could not beat an astronomical fuckup like Obama because you are a bunch of all cap, large font, incompetent mindless drones.

Obama sucks so bad, Romney should be 50 points ahead in the polls.

Whenever you want to listen to the grownups and win, I'll be around.

In the meantime, carry on as card carrying members of the Copy and Paste Brigade. It seems to be working sooooo well for you!.

Ok G5000 - I'll bite. What needs to be done for the GOP to defeat Obama? Build your perfect candidate from the ground up. Be very clear on policy please (with as much facts and as little of your opinions as possible). I'm all ears. Ready? Go!
When Romney loses, you all will probably be saying, "Gee, I wonder how that happened?"

Then you will hear some pundit (Beck?) say it is because America is a bunch of moochers and grab onto that.

It will never occur to you that you could not beat an astronomical fuckup like Obama because you are a bunch of all cap, large font, incompetent mindless drones.

Obama sucks so bad, Romney should be 50 points ahead in the polls.

Whenever you want to listen to the grownups and win, I'll be around.

In the meantime, carry on as card carrying members of the Copy and Paste Brigade. It seems to be working sooooo well for you!.

Ok G5000 - I'll bite. What needs to be done for the GOP to defeat Obama?

First, jackholes like yourself need to stop copying and pasting partisan propaganda. That would be a start.

Next, before speaking about a piece of legislation and just parroting what you heard someone else say, read the legislation. I know, what a novel idea!

Also, stop making shit up. Stop lying.

Most importantly, learn to think critically. Be able to explain your position. I would suggest starting out by studying all the logical fallacies which people use in debate and learning to recognize them.

Finally, instead of calling the opposition names, explain where they are wrong, and why they are wrong.

Build your perfect candidate from the ground up. Be very clear on policy please (with as much facts and as little of your opinions as possible). I'm all ears. Ready? Go!

If you want my ideas on any specific policies, I provide them regularly in such topics. I know my long posts make the eyes of people like you glaze over and fall into unconsciousness, but with practice you too can learn to have an attention span longer than a bumper sticker!

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