Obama caught on tape admitting he LOVES Communism

The Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest five percent of Americans cost the U.S. Treasury $11.6 million every hour, according to the National Priorities Project. Between 2001 and the current projected end of the Bush tax cut extension, tax cuts for the wealthiest 5 percent will cost the U.S. Treasury $1.184 trillion. If extended through 2021 as gop lawmakers propose, the total cost will exceed $3.2 trillion.
In the last 30 years 80% of the increase in after tax income has gone to the top 10%.

The class war is over. The rich won.
You clearly are nto form here or have been paying no attention.

That's really funny - I KNEW you would just twist everything around in some kind of fantasy!

Obama arrests journalists! Obama takes over GE!

You have to laugh, don't you?
81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes.

And the vast majority of them pay taxes at a HIGHER RATE than Romney does.

The wealth is already being redistributed to the rich through their tiny tax rate.
You clearly are nto form here or have been paying no attention.

That's really funny - I KNEW you would just twist everything around in some kind of fantasy!

Obama arrests journalists! Obama takes over GE!

You have to laugh, don't you?

Know, I don't laugh. There are confinements to the amount of these types of policies and how they can be imposed.

You KNEW i would bring these up because they fit the description you tried to steamroll with. So now you pull out the unicycle for some balancing act and backpedal.

Obama believes in communist ideals. In his own words, in his actions and in his policies and procedures. If you can't see that, then go on being a useful idiot. You wont be the first and there are plenty of other useful idiots you can hand hold with and sing the dear leader song.
Well, Rotten, looks like things are really looking down for you when you people have to post this kind of shit.

Only an idiot liberal Dumbocrat would consider indisputable evidence (ie FACTS) to be "shit". You guys just can't accept reality, can you? The man is CAUGHT on tape. Game. Set. Match.

Obama said he believes in redistribution to some extent.

Virtually 100% of normal people believe in redistribution to some extent.
The Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest five percent of Americans cost the U.S. Treasury $11.6 million every hour, according to the National Priorities Project. Between 2001 and the current projected end of the Bush tax cut extension, tax cuts for the wealthiest 5 percent will cost the U.S. Treasury $1.184 trillion. If extended through 2021 as gop lawmakers propose, the total cost will exceed $3.2 trillion.

Chris lets at least be honest about the bush tax cuts.

Under the BUSH rates:

27% rate goes to 25%

30% rate goes to 28%

35% rate goes to 33%

38.6% rate goes to 35%

The existing 10% and 15% rates remain unchanged

Wider 10% Bracket

The 10% rate bracket was widened. Specifically, the 10% bracket is expanded by $2,000 for joint filers (from $0-12,000 of taxable income to $0-14,000) and by $1,000 for singles and married individuals who file separately (from $0-6,000 of taxable income to $0-7,000). This means more of your income will now be taxed at the low 10% rate unless you use head-of-household filing status. For heads of households, the 10% bracket covers the first $10,000 of taxable income, same as before.

So say what you will but the bush tax cuts lowered ALL taxpayers federal responsibility
You clearly are nto form here or have been paying no attention.

That's really funny - I KNEW you would just twist everything around in some kind of fantasy!

Obama arrests journalists! Obama takes over GE!

You have to laugh, don't you?

Know, I don't laugh. There are confinements to the amount of these types of policies and how they can be imposed.

You KNEW i would bring these up because they fit the description you tried to steamroll with. So now you pull out the unicycle for some balancing act and backpedal.

Obama believes in communist ideals. In his own words, in his actions and in his policies and procedures. If you can't see that, then go on being a useful idiot. You wont be the first and there are plenty of other useful idiots you can hand hold with and sing the dear leader song.

You should laugh, because what you are posting here is pure fantasy.

You do not know what communism is. You have absolutely no idea.

Whatever Obama does is going to be, according to you, communism. Even when it clearly, obviously is not to people who understand communism.

Very, very funny posting, dude!
I am speaking as someone who has experienced communist rule first hand.

And still you sit here on this board calling for wealth redistribution and infringement on rights. Un-fucking-believable....
The Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest five percent of Americans cost the U.S. Treasury $11.6 million every hour, according to the National Priorities Project. Between 2001 and the current projected end of the Bush tax cut extension, tax cuts for the wealthiest 5 percent will cost the U.S. Treasury $1.184 trillion. If extended through 2021 as gop lawmakers propose, the total cost will exceed $3.2 trillion.

Chris lets at least be honest about the bush tax cuts.

Under the BUSH rates:

27% rate goes to 25%

30% rate goes to 28%

35% rate goes to 33%

38.6% rate goes to 35%

The existing 10% and 15% rates remain unchanged

Wider 10% Bracket

The 10% rate bracket was widened. Specifically, the 10% bracket is expanded by $2,000 for joint filers (from $0-12,000 of taxable income to $0-14,000) and by $1,000 for singles and married individuals who file separately (from $0-6,000 of taxable income to $0-7,000). This means more of your income will now be taxed at the low 10% rate unless you use head-of-household filing status. For heads of households, the 10% bracket covers the first $10,000 of taxable income, same as before.

So say what you will but the bush tax cuts lowered ALL taxpayers federal responsibility

The Bush tax cuts, as policy, are one of the main reasons so many households, especially working households,

pay no federal income taxes.
That's really funny - I KNEW you would just twist everything around in some kind of fantasy!

Obama arrests journalists! Obama takes over GE!

You have to laugh, don't you?

Know, I don't laugh. There are confinements to the amount of these types of policies and how they can be imposed.

You KNEW i would bring these up because they fit the description you tried to steamroll with. So now you pull out the unicycle for some balancing act and backpedal.

Obama believes in communist ideals. In his own words, in his actions and in his policies and procedures. If you can't see that, then go on being a useful idiot. You wont be the first and there are plenty of other useful idiots you can hand hold with and sing the dear leader song.

You should laugh, because what you are posting here is pure fantasy.

You do not know what communism is. You have absolutely no idea.

Whatever Obama does is going to be, according to you, communism. Even when it clearly, obviously is not to people who understand communism.

Very, very funny posting, dude!

Have you read the communist Manifesto, dullard?
I have. I also happen to be a student of history. You're trying to obfuscate and direct the failing of your argument at me. Which is not a new tactic for someone who can not explain their way out of an assertion.

I've made the point clear in this thread that Obama believes in communist ideals. There are confinements to how much he can accomplish based on our rule of law. Of your questions on his actions, he has done those things and more. He has openly expressed he favors these ideals and hs even imposed them in many instances.

You just don't want to see. But go ahead and laugh. Ignorance is certainly bliss.
Well, Rotten, looks like things are really looking down for you when you people have to post this kind of shit.

Only an idiot liberal Dumbocrat would consider indisputable evidence (ie FACTS) to be "shit". You guys just can't accept reality, can you? The man is CAUGHT on tape. Game. Set. Match.

Obama said he believes in redistribution to some extent.

Virtually 100% of normal people believe in redistribution to some extent.

Actually 0% of normal people believe in any redistribution. The tactics you people utilize are just comical.

First it's, "no he doesn't believe in redistribution". When enough evidence surfaces where it can no longer be denied, then it becomes "well we all believe in wealth redistribution" :cuckoo:
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The 400 highest-earning taxpayers in the U.S. reported a record $105 billion in total adjusted gross income in 2006, but they paid just $18 billion in tax, new Internal Revenue Service figures show. That works out to an average federal income tax bite of 17%--the lowest rate paid by the richest 400 during the 15-year period covered by the IRS statistics

Chris, while you just keep making shit up, the rest of us are going to deal in facts. The top 20% of earners pay 70% of the taxes. That is so fucking unfair. The top 20% should be paying the top 20% of taxes. Here are some facts that make you look like the socialist fool that you are...

CBO Report Confirms Rich Already Pay Their "Fair Share"
The Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest five percent of Americans cost the U.S. Treasury $11.6 million every hour, according to the National Priorities Project. Between 2001 and the current projected end of the Bush tax cut extension, tax cuts for the wealthiest 5 percent will cost the U.S. Treasury $1.184 trillion. If extended through 2021 as gop lawmakers propose, the total cost will exceed $3.2 trillion.

Chris lets at least be honest about the bush tax cuts.

Under the BUSH rates:

27% rate goes to 25%

30% rate goes to 28%

35% rate goes to 33%

38.6% rate goes to 35%

The existing 10% and 15% rates remain unchanged

Wider 10% Bracket

The 10% rate bracket was widened. Specifically, the 10% bracket is expanded by $2,000 for joint filers (from $0-12,000 of taxable income to $0-14,000) and by $1,000 for singles and married individuals who file separately (from $0-6,000 of taxable income to $0-7,000). This means more of your income will now be taxed at the low 10% rate unless you use head-of-household filing status. For heads of households, the 10% bracket covers the first $10,000 of taxable income, same as before.

So say what you will but the bush tax cuts lowered ALL taxpayers federal responsibility

The Bush tax cuts, as policy, are one of the main reasons so many households, especially working households,

pay no federal income taxes.

Correct. Which is why I never understand the vehemet opposition to them.
Actually 0% of normal people believe in any redistribution. The tactics you people utilize are just comical.

Not at all - I don't think you understand what his point is.

I would also say that essentially everyone of us believes in redistribution to some extent.

If you believe in public services such as police, road, waste water and street lighting - you believe in redistribution as a concept.
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Chris lets at least be honest about the bush tax cuts.

Under the BUSH rates:

27% rate goes to 25%

30% rate goes to 28%

35% rate goes to 33%

38.6% rate goes to 35%

The existing 10% and 15% rates remain unchanged

Wider 10% Bracket

The 10% rate bracket was widened. Specifically, the 10% bracket is expanded by $2,000 for joint filers (from $0-12,000 of taxable income to $0-14,000) and by $1,000 for singles and married individuals who file separately (from $0-6,000 of taxable income to $0-7,000). This means more of your income will now be taxed at the low 10% rate unless you use head-of-household filing status. For heads of households, the 10% bracket covers the first $10,000 of taxable income, same as before.

So say what you will but the bush tax cuts lowered ALL taxpayers federal responsibility

The Bush tax cuts, as policy, are one of the main reasons so many households, especially working households,

pay no federal income taxes.

Correct. Which is why I never understand the vehemet opposition to them.

The opposition to them, although mostly not consciously, is now coming from conservatives, and Mitt Romney, who are complaining about the fact that so many Americans don't pay income tax.
Only an idiot liberal Dumbocrat would consider indisputable evidence (ie FACTS) to be "shit". You guys just can't accept reality, can you? The man is CAUGHT on tape. Game. Set. Match.

Obama said he believes in redistribution to some extent.

Virtually 100% of normal people believe in redistribution to some extent.

Actually 0% of normal people believe in any redistribution. The tactics you people utilize are just comical.

First it's, "no he doesn't believe in redistribution". When enough evidence surfaces where it can no longer be denied, then it becomes "well we all believe in wealth redistribution" :cuckoo:

Public education, the providing of the opportunity for a basic education to every American child regardless of that child's family's ability to pay,

is a classic example of the redistribution of wealth.

Now, you tell me, what percent of Americans would you estimate believe that we should not have any public educational systems whatsoever in this country.
Obama was going to lose in a landslide anyway - this just made it worse for him.

No, Obama is going to win. And it's thanks to idiots like you. It's bad enough that the GOP could offer nothing more than Romney as an alternative in the first place. But with idiots like you advocating against Obama so strongly, reasonable minded Americans are desperate to say as far away from you as possible.
Correct. Which is why I never understand the vehemet opposition to them.

The opposition stems from the Dumbocrat parasites who feel they are entitled to other people's money. They are pissed off that people are getting to keep more of what they earned.

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