Obama caught on tape admitting he LOVES Communism

Interesting - considering the US has the LEAST distirubted wealth of any developed country in the world, and by some distance.

What does this have to do with Obama's love for communist ideas?

Apart from the fact that Obama obviously is not a communist, you mean?

Come on, man - no adult on earth HONESTLY believes Obama is a communist. It's just a theatrical insult.

I disagree. There were MANY idiot GOP supporters who believed Obama was a terrorist and a Muslim. So much to the point that McCain actually had to set them straight, because they were being so ignorant about it. Trust me, these idiots truly walk amongst us...
lol this is funny, lets try and swift boat obama for something he said 14 years ago, I would put my everything I own on this one, that in the last 14 years Romeny has said something that the left does not like hahahha, oh wait he has done so like every week this year.......
Interesting - considering the US has the LEAST distirubted wealth of any developed country in the world, and by some distance.

What does this have to do with Obama's love for communist ideas?

Apart from the fact that Obama obviously is not a communist, you mean?

Come on, man - no adult on earth HONESTLY believes Obama is a communist. It's just a theatrical insult.

You people are so fucking stupid, the man tells you over and over again what he believes in, and you refuse to believe him!

He's admitedd to Joe The Plumber that he "believes the way you do that, is to SPREAD THE WEALTH". Now here is on tape once again admitting "I BELIEVE IN REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH".

WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS GUY HAVE TO DO BEFORE YOU WILL BELIEVE HIM? God almighty, you are the most ignorant fuck on the planet Saigon. Thank God you live in Prague and are completely irrelevant...
Only an idiot liberal Dumbocrat would consider indisputable evidence (ie FACTS) to be "shit". You guys just can't accept reality, can you? The man is CAUGHT on tape. Game. Set. Match.

Hey, dummy...

Consider this. Part of your taxes are redistributed to corn growers and military contractors. Does this bother you?

Yes (corn growers), No (military). See, we have this document called the Constitution, and it makes defense the #1 priority of the federal government. Perhaps you should get the Hooked on Phonics learning series, and once you complete it, actually read the Constituion? Just a thought...

also by deff. the Military is a socialist program. it is fully funded by tax dollars, people who join it are vol. joining a socialist program. if I really need to explain why, I will.
Interesting - considering the US has the LEAST distirubted wealth of any developed country in the world, and by some distance.

What does this have to do with Obama's love for communist ideas?

Apart from the fact that Obama obviously is not a communist, you mean?

Come on, man - no adult on earth HONESTLY believes Obama is a communist. It's just a theatrical insult.

He's not a communist, he just states that he embraces the communist ideals and he's spent four year now on movigng the agenda Forward! . Rightdown to trying to dissolve nation and country. He's a world government type. In fact, he was inaugurated as "President of the World". So I guess he's working on that part.

One doesn't need to carry a card to be a communist. It is a set of ideas, the same as any other economic/political philosophy.
Hey, dummy...

Consider this. Part of your taxes are redistributed to corn growers and military contractors. Does this bother you?

Yes (corn growers), No (military). See, we have this document called the Constitution, and it makes defense the #1 priority of the federal government. Perhaps you should get the Hooked on Phonics learning series, and once you complete it, actually read the Constituion? Just a thought...

also by deff. the Military is a socialist program. it is fully funded by tax dollars, people who join it are vol. joining a socialist program. if I really need to explain why, I will.

No, it's not. Not at all. You're a fucking moron if you believe that. Please, go look up the term SOCIALIST. You're embarassing yourself.
Actually, no, the OP lied.

We all know this....I was just hoping Rottie might actually admit it on his own, but oh well...

He's on tape asshole. It's hilarious how you guys pretend that you don't hear what he just said... :lol:

do you want me to quote mittens? cause I know I can find stuff he said that would ofend more than 50% of the people. also did you see what I posted about our military?
lol this is funny, lets try and swift boat obama for something he said 14 years ago, I would put my everything I own on this one, that in the last 14 years Romeny has said something that the left does not like hahahha, oh wait he has done so like every week this year.......

LMAO! Really? So 14 years ago he did love Communism, but since then, he's changed? :lol:

Oh what a blissful world the ignorant idiot liberal dumbocrat must live in. Deny reality, ignore the truth, avoid the facts. LMAO!!!
Yes (corn growers), No (military). See, we have this document called the Constitution, and it makes defense the #1 priority of the federal government. Perhaps you should get the Hooked on Phonics learning series, and once you complete it, actually read the Constituion? Just a thought...

also by deff. the Military is a socialist program. it is fully funded by tax dollars, people who join it are vol. joining a socialist program. if I really need to explain why, I will.

No, it's not. Not at all. You're a fucking moron if you believe that. Please, go look up the term SOCIALIST. You're embarassing yourself.

ok explain to me what socialism is, right now, so I can explain to you how it is.
We all know this....I was just hoping Rottie might actually admit it on his own, but oh well...

He's on tape asshole. It's hilarious how you guys pretend that you don't hear what he just said... :lol:

do you want me to quote mittens? cause I know I can find stuff he said that would ofend more than 50% of the people. also did you see what I posted about our military?

Mittens? What a hateful, racist asshole you are. His name is Mitt Romney. I guess his policies are so good, you can't attack those so you must use his race as a reason to hate him.....
He's not a communist, he just states that he embraces the communist ideals and he's spent four year now on movigng the agenda Forward! . Rightdown to trying to dissolve nation and country. He's a world government type. In fact, he was inaugurated as "President of the World". So I guess he's working on that part.

One doesn't need to carry a card to be a communist. It is a set of ideas, the same as any other economic/political philosophy.


Spot the person who has never set foot in a communist country.
He's on tape asshole. It's hilarious how you guys pretend that you don't hear what he just said... :lol:

do you want me to quote mittens? cause I know I can find stuff he said that would ofend more than 50% of the people. also did you see what I posted about our military?

Mittens? What a hateful, racist asshole you are. His name is Mitt Romney. I guess his policies are so good, you can't attack those so you must use his race as a reason to hate him.....

Once again, please do not change the subject, PLEASE give me explain to me what socialism is. I will then put it into context for you, when it comes to the military. Also I am sorry but calling Romeny Mittens is not racist.
Again another thread about Oblama being a communist. really, the shit flows on these threads like the city sewer sytem.
In 1975 the feds started redistribution to help with poverty. With conservative views that makes every president since 1975 to be a communist, a socialists, a marxists, etc, eyes rolling so far that it like a slot machine display window after pulling the lever.
Redistribution of wealth can not go on forever. Eventually there will be nothing left to distribute.

Interesting - considering the US has the LEAST distirubted wealth of any developed country in the world, and by some distance.

Uh, no were not (more misinformation from the person who has never been a US citizen). I've made a fool out of you for months now exposing your lack of knowledge about the US, yet you still keep opening your mouth and embarassing yourself.

By the way, the only reason we don't have more wealth redistribution is because Obama has only been in office for 4 years, and 2 of those years the American people stopped him by loading congress with Tea Party conservatives.

That doesn't change the fact that the man is on RECORD over and over and over stating that he LOVES Marxism/Communism/Socialism.
Again another thread about Oblama being a communist. really, the shit flows on these threads like the city sewer sytem.
In 1975 the feds started redistribution to help with poverty. With conservative views that makes every president since 1975 to be a communist, a socialists, a marxists, etc, eyes rolling so far that it like a slot machine display window after pulling the lever.

lol moon I hear ya, and also this rott guy will not answer me with out trying to change the subject, as in he said he supported his tax dollars going to the military and he does not even know that the military is a socialist gov. run program that people vol. to join.
He's not a communist, he just states that he embraces the communist ideals and he's spent four year now on movigng the agenda Forward! . Rightdown to trying to dissolve nation and country. He's a world government type. In fact, he was inaugurated as "President of the World". So I guess he's working on that part.

One doesn't need to carry a card to be a communist. It is a set of ideas, the same as any other economic/political philosophy.


Spot the person who has never set foot in a communist country.


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