Obama & China reached ***SECRET*** Globull Warming Deal

As part of the agreement, Mr. Obama announced that the United States would emit 26 percent to 28 percent less carbon in 2025 than it did in 2005. That is double the pace of reduction it targeted for the period from 2005 to 2020.

China’s pledge to reach peak carbon emissions by 2030, if not sooner, is even more remarkable. To reach that goal, Mr. Xi pledged that so-called clean energy sources, like solar power and windmills, would account for 20 percent of China’s total energy production by 2030.

Administration officials acknowledged that Mr. Obama could face opposition to his plans from a Republican-controlled Congress. While the agreement with China needs no congressional ratification, lawmakers could try to roll back Mr. Obama’s initiatives, undermining the United States’ ability to meet the new reduction targets.

One would expect that if the Republican are really an opposition Party that they would nullify Obama's agreement.

Deals like this are usually done BEFORE the meeting to make it appear as if they actually did something.

US: Reduces emmissions (By cutting Production)
China: Sops polluting MORE by 2030.

Who the f*ck would sign on to THAT deal?
This sounds awfully like a treaty, and those have to be ratified by the Senate.

Good luck with that.
Deals like this are usually done BEFORE the meeting to make it appear as if they actually did something.

US: Reduces emmissions (By cutting Production)
China: Sops polluting MORE by 2030.

Who the f*ck would sign on to THAT deal?

Fascists, socialists and Luddites.

"Deals like this are usually done BEFORE the meeting to make it appear as if they actually did something."

IOW, they DID something.
He probably said we will move more manufacturing there to reduce our output. You see, that is an easy fix with climate change here and it helps throw more Dems on the rolls to become dependents of Ma and Pa dem.

And then, China, you work on yours.
Ah, denier conspiracy kooks are weeping. That always means something good happened for the USA and the world.
Congress will have to be consulted. No deal can be done till that occurs. Everything has to go through Congress. But of course this current President is an arrogant asshole, so he just assumes the deal is done because he says so. The reality is, this deal could be D.O.A.
This sounds awfully like a treaty, and those have to be ratified by the Senate.

Good luck with that.

Yeah, the loony Obamabots think it's a done-deal because their Dear Leader says it is. But that's not how it works. It will have to be run by Congress. And with this asshole's Anti-American track record, i would say it's definitely not a done-deal.
China didn't agree to cut emissions in 2030. They will decide whether they want to cut emissions by 2030. We still have a democrat Senate, they might be loony enough to ratify it.
China didn't agree to cut emissions in 2030. They will decide whether they want to cut emissions by 2030. We still have a democrat Senate, they might be loony enough to ratify it.

I have no doubt they'll try. Hopefully it won't happen though. I'm very skeptical of any 'Deal' this asshole President makes. He's consistently put foreign interests and his own, above the American Peoples' interests.

So if he's pushing it, Republicans in Congress need to take a very close look at it. My guess is, it's bad for Americans. It should not be ratified.
"Deals like this are usually done BEFORE the meeting to make it appear as if they actually did something."

IOW, they DID something.

Uh...no they didnt.
Well unless you count fucking over America as "something"

Hopefully, this will not be ratified. I'm suspect of any 'Deal' done by this traitor asshole President.

I doubt it will be. This is just obammy trying to look presidential.
Of course anyone with a brain will see right through his bullshit.
Which would explain duddly's stand on this issue.

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