Obama Claims He Has Lost Control of His Own Administration

obama's whole defense is he didn't know. If he didn't know, why didn't he? Could it be that refusing to attend briefings had something to do with it? Could it be that he was golfing or partying when he should have been paying attention?

It's Last Call in America, the party is winding down, it's time to clean up the spilled beer and confetti.
This is the view from Obama's new apartment window.

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The level of lying and cover up by this Admin and the media is coming close to North Korea, ect. It's scary.
I'm asking where this claim is because to say "Obama Claims..." would lead me to believe there's a quote on the subject and I'm curious to read where Obama said he's lost control of his administration instead of some hazy logic trying to connect unrelated political points.

And I ask what right-wing blog this is from because it's obviously cut and pasted from somewhere and freeper editorial leads me to believe it's a shitty blog or fringe news site.

You honestly did not know Obama claimed the movie caused the Libya attack for over a week after? What do you use for your news source?
I'm asking where this claim is because to say "Obama Claims..." would lead me to believe there's a quote on the subject and I'm curious to read where Obama said he's lost control of his administration instead of some hazy logic trying to connect unrelated political points.

And I ask what right-wing blog this is from because it's obviously cut and pasted from somewhere and freeper editorial leads me to believe it's a shitty blog or fringe news site.

um, did you watch the vice-presidential debate thursday night, in which vice president joe biden made this claim? would you like to now tell us that obama also is not responsible for the words and attitudes of his own second-in-command? you can if you want, but it's not a ringing endorsement for re-election.
I'm asking where this claim is because to say "Obama Claims..." would lead me to believe there's a quote on the subject and I'm curious to read where Obama said he's lost control of his administration instead of some hazy logic trying to connect unrelated political points.

And I ask what right-wing blog this is from because it's obviously cut and pasted from somewhere and freeper editorial leads me to believe it's a shitty blog or fringe news site.

You honestly did not know Obama claimed the movie caused the Libya attack for over a week after? What do you use for your news source?

The guy has his head up Obama's ass. When you put the facts together there's no way you can honestly fall for this crock of shit.
I'm asking where this claim is because to say "Obama Claims..." would lead me to believe there's a quote on the subject and I'm curious to read where Obama said he's lost control of his administration instead of some hazy logic trying to connect unrelated political points.

And I ask what right-wing blog this is from because it's obviously cut and pasted from somewhere and freeper editorial leads me to believe it's a shitty blog or fringe news site.

The Cons should do a better job mis-characterizing what their "source" says; this one is just hilarious.

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