Obama closing the gunshow loophole

By illegal executive order.

Expanding the requirement of background checks to private dealers is illegal because it is not in the law passed by Congress. Obama is trying to illegally change the law through executive order.

I don't care your party or what your opinion on the gunshow loophole is ... this is wrong.

Obama's use of illegal executive order to circumvent the law should have been an impeachable offense, but Obama has gotten away with it. The shame.

EOs are not 'illegal' until such time as the Supreme Court rules on their Constitutionality.

And universal background checks are Constitutional, as a Federal judge ruled in June of last year:

The gun show loophole consists of a few people who restore old guns such as those they inherited, and sell them at a gun show. (People who sell guns for a living have to have a license to do so and a background check is done before a sale can go through. Yes, even at gun shows.)

I'm pretty sure that there have been no mass murders done with Uncle Haurice's old rusty revolver that was found in his attic when he died. Still. Thanks for pretending to do something to keep up safe, obama !

It is quite obvious that you have never been to a gun show.
Before any of you ASSUME Obama can't close the loophole, you might want to read the federal law.

The legislature legislates, the Executive executes. Many federal laws direct the executive branch to write the body of regulations upon the framework of the legislation.

So if the federal law about background checks gives the executive a lot of latitude, as quite a few laws do, Obama just might have the authority to tighten background check regulations.

Therefore, instead of listening to your usual propaganda ministries, you should be reading the law for yourselves.

Good luck.
Clearly you haven't read the law. It has stood since the 1960s. Why does Obama get to change it now? Private dealers are exempt. Obama wants to expand the law's definition of who is "in the business" of selling guns so that private dealers at gun shows are no longer exempt. If it were such a no brainer, then why has Obama waited so long? Why did he try to get it passed through congress first?
Truman used an EO to desegregate the armed forces.

Requiring background checks are legal. Plugging a loophole in that requirment is also legal. It is also the right thing to do.
By illegal executive order.

Expanding the requirement of background checks to private dealers is illegal because it is not in the law passed by Congress. Obama is trying to illegally change the law through executive order.

I don't care your party or what your opinion on the gunshow loophole is ... this is wrong.

Obama's use of illegal executive order to circumvent the law should have been an impeachable offense, but Obama has gotten away with it. The shame.

EOs are not 'illegal' until such time as the Supreme Court rules on their Constitutionality.

And universal background checks are Constitutional, as a Federal judge ruled in June of last year:

Ones that will be ruled unconstitutional are illegal from the beginning in my book.
By illegal executive order.

Expanding the requirement of background checks to private dealers is illegal because it is not in the law passed by Congress. Obama is trying to illegally change the law through executive order.

I don't care your party or what your opinion on the gunshow loophole is ... this is wrong.

Obama's use of illegal executive order to circumvent the law should have been an impeachable offense, but Obama has gotten away with it. The shame.

I don't care because I won't comply with his edict. He can kiss my ass.
More to the point is that the only people who will be negatively impacted by this change is someone trying to buy a firearm that should not be allowed to own one.
By illegal executive order.

Expanding the requirement of background checks to private dealers is illegal because it is not in the law passed by Congress. Obama is trying to illegally change the law through executive order.

I don't care your party or what your opinion on the gunshow loophole is ... this is wrong.

Obama's use of illegal executive order to circumvent the law should have been an impeachable offense, but Obama has gotten away with it. The shame.

Here is a link to the Executive Order Disposition Table in the National Archives. The page lists all of the EO's produced by the Obama Administration by year:
Barack Obama Executive Orders Disposition Tables

From those EO's enshrined in the National Archives credited to Obama, which one (NUMBER) is that to which you are referring in your OP? Don't dance, deflect or dissemble, but respond to this post credibly. The assertion was YOURS!
I have read the law, and it is my opinion President Obama does not have the constitutional authority to write an EO requiring private sellers to perform a background check on a potential buyer. The law only legislates the actions of licensed dealers, and makes no mention of private sales whatsoever. Therefore, a background check for private sales is not a change to the law, it is an addition to the law. Adding private sales to the law can only be done by Congress.

President Bush wanted to close the gun show loophole, but felt he did not have the authority, for the reasons I just stated. During his tenure, six bills were introduced in Congress to close the loophole.

During Obama's tenure, an additional five bills have been introduced.

None have passed.

Links to the relevant sources: Text of S. 414 (103rd): Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (Placed on Calendar in the Senate version) - GovTrack.us

18 U.S. Code Chapter 44 - FIREARMS
There is no gun show "loophole", as it is impossible to legally avoid the background checks specified by federal law.

Under federal law, private sellers at gun shows do not have to do a background check.

I've been to a zillion gun shows. They are pretty much like flea markets, but there are some licensed dealers at the bigger ones. The licensed dealers have to do background checks, everyone else does not.
Yes. Private sellers. They are limited. As I said, things like Uncle Haurice's old gun restored. Sold to collectors

You're saying that "everyone else" who isn't a licensed dealer is selling enough to "arm you to the teeth"? Really? Maybe after a "zillion" gun shopping experiences, you aren't maybe confusing black market shows with gun shows?
The gun show loophole consists of a few people who restore old guns such as those they inherited, and sell them at a gun show. (People who sell guns for a living have to have a license to do so and a background check is done before a sale can go through. Yes, even at gun shows.)

I'm pretty sure that there have been no mass murders done with Uncle Haurice's old rusty revolver that was found in his attic when he died. Still. Thanks for pretending to do something to keep up safe, obama !

It is quite obvious that you have never been to a gun show.
Whether or not I've been to a gun show or not is irrelevant. The laws are the laws. And obama's alleged EO to plug up the alleged "gun show loophole" is as limp as he is.
By illegal executive order.

Expanding the requirement of background checks to private dealers is illegal because it is not in the law passed by Congress. Obama is trying to illegally change the law through executive order.

I don't care your party or what your opinion on the gunshow loophole is ... this is wrong.

Obama's use of illegal executive order to circumvent the law should have been an impeachable offense, but Obama has gotten away with it. The shame.

Here is a link to the Executive Order Disposition Table in the National Archives. The page lists all of the EO's produced by the Obama Administration by year:
Barack Obama Executive Orders Disposition Tables

From those EO's enshrined in the National Archives credited to Obama, which one is that to which you are referring in your OP? Don't dance, deflect or dissemble, but respond to this post credibly. The assertion was YOURS!
Obama has not written an EO about guns yet. He is working on it.

Obama meets Bloomberg as he prepares order on guns - CNNPolitics.com

I suggest we all wait to see what it actually says when he issues it, and not make any assumptions.
There is no gun show "loophole", as it is impossible to legally avoid the background checks specified by federal law.

Under federal law, private sellers at gun shows do not have to do a background check.

I've been to a zillion gun shows. They are pretty much like flea markets, but there are some licensed dealers at the bigger ones. The licensed dealers have to do background checks, everyone else does not.
Yes. Private sellers. They are limited. As I said, things like Uncle Haurice's old gun restored. Sold to collectors
The gun show loophole consists of a few people who restore old guns such as those they inherited, and sell them at a gun show. (People who sell guns for a living have to have a license to do so and a background check is done before a sale can go through. Yes, even at gun shows.)

I'm pretty sure that there have been no mass murders done with Uncle Haurice's old rusty revolver that was found in his attic when he died. Still. Thanks for pretending to do something to keep up safe, obama !

It is quite obvious that you have never been to a gun show.
Whether or not I've been to a gun show or not is irrelevant. The laws are the laws. And obama's alleged EO to plug up the alleged "gun show loophole" is as limp as he is.

You're saying that "everyone else" who isn't a licensed dealer is selling enough to "arm you to the teeth"? Really? Maybe after a "zillion" gun shopping experiences, you aren't maybe confusing black market shows with gun shows?
These are huge, well-advertised gun shows, with police outside to keep order. These are not black market.

I've never been to an illegal gun seller.

I'm sure whereever you are, even if it is in a blue state, you can find a gun show and see for yourself.

In fact, if you tell me where you are, I will tell you when the next gun show nearest you is. I guarantee it will be less than 30 days from now. :D
By illegal executive order.

Expanding the requirement of background checks to private dealers is illegal because it is not in the law passed by Congress. Obama is trying to illegally change the law through executive order.

I don't care your party or what your opinion on the gunshow loophole is ... this is wrong.

Obama's use of illegal executive order to circumvent the law should have been an impeachable offense, but Obama has gotten away with it. The shame.

Here is a link to the Executive Order Disposition Table in the National Archives. The page lists all of the EO's produced by the Obama Administration by year:
Barack Obama Executive Orders Disposition Tables

From those EO's enshrined in the National Archives credited to Obama, which one (NUMBER) is that to which you are referring in your OP? Don't dance, deflect or dissemble, but respond to this post credibly. The assertion was YOURS!
Hasn't been issued yet.
There is no gun show "loophole", as it is impossible to legally avoid the background checks specified by federal law.

Under federal law, private sellers at gun shows do not have to do a background check.

I've been to a zillion gun shows. They are pretty much like flea markets, but there are some licensed dealers at the bigger ones. The licensed dealers have to do background checks, everyone else does not.
Yes. Private sellers. They are limited. As I said, things like Uncle Haurice's old gun restored. Sold to collectors

You're saying that "everyone else" who isn't a licensed dealer is selling enough to "arm you to the teeth"? Really? Maybe after a "zillion" gun shopping experiences, you aren't maybe confusing black market shows with gun shows?
The gun show loophole consists of a few people who restore old guns such as those they inherited, and sell them at a gun show. (People who sell guns for a living have to have a license to do so and a background check is done before a sale can go through. Yes, even at gun shows.)

I'm pretty sure that there have been no mass murders done with Uncle Haurice's old rusty revolver that was found in his attic when he died. Still. Thanks for pretending to do something to keep up safe, obama !

It is quite obvious that you have never been to a gun show.
Whether or not I've been to a gun show or not is irrelevant. The laws are the laws. And obama's alleged EO to plug up the alleged "gun show loophole" is as limp as he is.

Nope. It is relative, because you have no idea what you are talking about. My son-in-law bought a slightly used high powered sniper rifle and scope at a gun show, only to find out that it is so accurate and powerful that there is no public rifle range in the state of Louisiana that is long enough to properly sight it in.
Gun Show Listings by State

They even have them in the People's Republic of New York.

However, New York does not have a gun show loophole. State law requires a background check on all sales.
I have read the law, and it is my opinion President Obama does not have the constitutional authority to write an EO requiring private sellers to perform a background check on a potential buyer. The law only legislates the actions of licensed dealers, and makes no mention of private sales whatsoever. Therefore, a background check for private sales is not a change to the law, it is an addition to the law. Adding private sales to the law can only be done by Congress.

President Bush wanted to close the gun show loophole, but felt he did not have the authority, for the reasons I just stated. During his tenure, six bills were introduced in Congress to close the loophole.

During Obama's tenure, an additional five bills have been introduced.

None have passed.

Links to the relevant sources: Text of S. 414 (103rd): Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (Placed on Calendar in the Senate version) - GovTrack.us

18 U.S. Code Chapter 44 - FIREARMS
See, and I didn't even have to read the law to know that. They don't keep me here because I'm gorgeous, they keep me here because I'm smart.

And so it seems that you would agree that the executive order Obama is planning to issue will be illegal if it closes the gun show loophole.
By illegal executive order.

Expanding the requirement of background checks to private dealers is illegal because it is not in the law passed by Congress. Obama is trying to illegally change the law through executive order.

I don't care your party or what your opinion on the gunshow loophole is ... this is wrong.

Obama's use of illegal executive order to circumvent the law should have been an impeachable offense, but Obama has gotten away with it. The shame.

Here is a link to the Executive Order Disposition Table in the National Archives. The page lists all of the EO's produced by the Obama Administration by year:
Barack Obama Executive Orders Disposition Tables

From those EO's enshrined in the National Archives credited to Obama, which one is that to which you are referring in your OP? Don't dance, deflect or dissemble, but respond to this post credibly. The assertion was YOURS!
Obama has not written an EO about guns yet. He is working on it.

Obama meets Bloomberg as he prepares order on guns - CNNPolitics.com

I suggest we all wait to see what it actually says when he issues it, and not make any assumptions.
Why wait? The article says what it's going to do ... close the gun show loophole, which is illegal.
There is no gun show "loophole", as it is impossible to legally avoid the background checks specified by federal law.

Under federal law, private sellers at gun shows do not have to do a background check.

I've been to a zillion gun shows. They are pretty much like flea markets, but there are some licensed dealers at the bigger ones. The licensed dealers have to do background checks, everyone else does not.
Yes. Private sellers. They are limited. As I said, things like Uncle Haurice's old gun restored. Sold to collectors
The gun show loophole consists of a few people who restore old guns such as those they inherited, and sell them at a gun show. (People who sell guns for a living have to have a license to do so and a background check is done before a sale can go through. Yes, even at gun shows.)

I'm pretty sure that there have been no mass murders done with Uncle Haurice's old rusty revolver that was found in his attic when he died. Still. Thanks for pretending to do something to keep up safe, obama !

It is quite obvious that you have never been to a gun show.
Whether or not I've been to a gun show or not is irrelevant. The laws are the laws. And obama's alleged EO to plug up the alleged "gun show loophole" is as limp as he is.

You're saying that "everyone else" who isn't a licensed dealer is selling enough to "arm you to the teeth"? Really? Maybe after a "zillion" gun shopping experiences, you aren't maybe confusing black market shows with gun shows?
These are huge, well-advertised gun shows, with police outside to keep order. These are not black market.

I've never been to an illegal gun seller.

I'm sure whereever you are, even if it is in a blue state, you can find a gun show and see for yourself.

In fact, if you tell me where you are, I will tell you when the next gun show nearest you is. I guarantee it will be less than 30 days from now. :D
I don't need your help. After all, there are a zillion of 'em.
By illegal executive order.

Expanding the requirement of background checks to private dealers is illegal because it is not in the law passed by Congress. Obama is trying to illegally change the law through executive order.

I don't care your party or what your opinion on the gunshow loophole is ... this is wrong.

Obama's use of illegal executive order to circumvent the law should have been an impeachable offense, but Obama has gotten away with it. The shame.

Here is a link to the Executive Order Disposition Table in the National Archives. The page lists all of the EO's produced by the Obama Administration by year:
Barack Obama Executive Orders Disposition Tables

From those EO's enshrined in the National Archives credited to Obama, which one is that to which you are referring in your OP? Don't dance, deflect or dissemble, but respond to this post credibly. The assertion was YOURS!
Obama has not written an EO about guns yet. He is working on it.

Obama meets Bloomberg as he prepares order on guns - CNNPolitics.com

I suggest we all wait to see what it actually says when he issues it, and not make any assumptions.
I'm aware of that, however the writer of the OP is obviously in error in two instances, just as nearly everyone on the rabid right are when they parrot the bullshit from their echo chamber regarding EO's. They are, as a group, abjectly ignorant of EO's and oft follow the trite wing media in referring to the host of lawful Executive Actions, to which they are told to disagree, as Executive Orders, which are distinctly different animals! In essence, they're ignorant!

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