Obama commutted Bradley Manning's sentence

No, outing war crimes by Americans and their hired rats is called whistleblowing. Manning is the equivalent of Germans who were called traitors by the Nazis for resisting the regime of war criminals.

No, it's NOT called whistle-blowing, it's called TREASON. Manning is the equivalent to Benedict Arnold. There is no equivalence to Obama. No president has ever done something so deplorable and anti-American. What a total piece of disgraceful shit.
If the freak show had not done a data dump and actually vetted the intel she/he/it was releasing to only expose illegal activity I would have no issue, that is not what he/she/it did, instead they did a data dump and outted confidential informants against terrorists and in so doing gave aid and comfort to the enemy, hopefully Trump will pardon whoever puts a bullet in that treasonous freaks head.
She tried to report war crimes to superiors but was told to shut-up. She is an American heroine.

He/she/it outted confidential informants against AQ, end of.
Manning exposed American war crimes including murder and torture. The history books have more data because of Manning and the American people, including the parents who raised the torturers and murderers should be outraged at the actions of their sons and fellow Americans.

If he/she/it had vetted the intelligence and only exposed illegal activity I would have no issue but instead Manning did a 700,000+ document data dump of unvetted classified material and in so doing outed the names and locations of hundreds of Afghan confidential informants against AQ and the Taliban, that is called treason.

WikiLeaks Reportedly Outs100s of Afghan Informants

Jul 28, 2010 5:31 AM EDT

Hundreds of Afghan civilians who worked as informants for the U.S. military have been put at risk by WikiLeaks' publication of more than 90,000 classified intelligence reports which name and in many cases locate the individuals, The Times newspaper reported Wednesday.

Click here to see The Times article, but note, it's behind a subscription firewall.

WikiLeaks Reportedly Outs 100s of Afghan Informants

Manning is safer in prison.
No, outing war crimes by Americans and their hired rats is called whistleblowing. Manning is the equivalent of Germans who were called traitors by the Nazis for resisting the regime of war criminals.
That's not what the legal system decided.
But you go ahead and keep your tongue up 'it's' asshole.
The look suits you.
Anyway the traitor will be walking around among American Patriots soon.
We'll see how long 'it' survives before 'it' is maggot meat.
No, outing war crimes by Americans and their hired rats is called whistleblowing. Manning is the equivalent of Germans who were called traitors by the Nazis for resisting the regime of war criminals.

No, it's NOT called whistle-blowing, it's called TREASON. Manning is the equivalent to Benedict Arnold. There is no equivalence to Obama. No president has ever done something so deplorable and anti-American. What a total piece of disgraceful shit.
Reasonable people who care about the law of war know Manning is a hero.
No, outing war crimes by Americans and their hired rats is called whistleblowing. Manning is the equivalent of Germans who were called traitors by the Nazis for resisting the regime of war criminals.

No, it's NOT called whistle-blowing, it's called TREASON. Manning is the equivalent to Benedict Arnold. There is no equivalence to Obama. No president has ever done something so deplorable and anti-American. What a total piece of disgraceful shit.
Reasonable people who care about the law of war know Manning is a hero.

Reasonable people who care about the law know a traitor when they see one.

Anyone who considers that traitor a hero is tree stump dumb.
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Reasonable people who care about the law of war know Manning is a hero.

Fuck you. You're a mental retard piece of shit who knows nothing. Unfortunately, you represent about 26% of the voting public in America. Mental midgets who know nothing other than how to log on to some anti-American blog and get your marching orders for the day. This traitorous piece of shit and the traitorous piece of shit president who pardoned him are right up your alley as heroes because you're an enemy of the state just like them.
If the freak show had not done a data dump and actually vetted the intel she/he/it was releasing to only expose illegal activity I would have no issue, that is not what he/she/it did, instead they did a data dump and outted confidential informants against terrorists and in so doing gave aid and comfort to the enemy, hopefully Trump will pardon whoever puts a bullet in that treasonous freaks head.
She tried to report war crimes to superiors but was told to shut-up. She is an American heroine.

He/she/it outted confidential informants against AQ, end of.
Manning exposed American war crimes including murder and torture. The history books have more data because of Manning and the American people, including the parents who raised the torturers and murderers should be outraged at the actions of their sons and fellow Americans.

If he/she/it had vetted the intelligence and only exposed illegal activity I would have no issue but instead Manning did a 700,000+ document data dump of unvetted classified material and in so doing outed the names and locations of hundreds of Afghan confidential informants against AQ and the Taliban, that is called treason.

WikiLeaks Reportedly Outs100s of Afghan Informants

Jul 28, 2010 5:31 AM EDT

Hundreds of Afghan civilians who worked as informants for the U.S. military have been put at risk by WikiLeaks' publication of more than 90,000 classified intelligence reports which name and in many cases locate the individuals, The Times newspaper reported Wednesday.

Click here to see The Times article, but note, it's behind a subscription firewall.

WikiLeaks Reportedly Outs 100s of Afghan Informants

Manning is safer in prison.
No, outing war crimes by Americans and their hired rats is called whistleblowing. Manning is the equivalent of Germans who were called traitors by the Nazis for resisting the regime of war criminals.
You are either illiterate or intentionally obtuse, I'll say it one more time, this time read slowly, comprehension is fundamental.

Manning didn't just leak intelligence related to illegal activity on the part of the US military he did a data dump of 700,000+ documents which contained the names and locations of hundreds of Afghan confidential informants against AQ and the Taliban, that is giving aid and comfort to the enemy any way you slice it.
Manning is going to be one more dead tranny. Suicide is popular among the freaks and no one questions it.
Please exercise decorum in your language. Most Americans, I hope, would reject your hate speech.

He/she/it is guilty of treason, the punishment is death.
You cannot distinguish treason from patriotism.

Treason is defined in the US Constitution as giving aid and comfort to the enemy, Manning didn't just leak intelligence related to illegal activity on the part of the US military he did a data dump of 700,000+ documents which contained the names and locations of hundreds of Afghan confidential informants against AQ and the Taliban, that is giving aid and comfort to the enemy any way you slice it.
Awesome! I have no interest in mannings mental illness but what he did was of great patriotic duty to expose war crimes committed by the US!
He got soldiers killed and hurt national security. He deserves a dirt nap and I suspect will have one soon.
He exposed war crimes he deserves medal
No, he deserves metal. Right to the brain pan.
Murder is theoretically against the law but people whom think as you do get medals for killing children and civilians.

Like the women and children intentionally mass murdered by the Taliban and AQ who Manning aided by giving them the names and locations of confidential informants against them? You don't give a flying fuck about civilian deaths you just hate the United States and support anything that hurts it.
breaking new..

what an asshole. all this talk about russia and leaks and you commute the sentence of someone who stole government secrets who then gave them to someone who released them?

It's Chelsea Manning, and it's welcome news. A little late tho.

Why is it welcome news to release someone who gave aid and comfort to the Taliban and AQ? This is not shocking though considering Obama himself committed Treason by trading known Taliban members for a deserter.
Isn't it amazing, the double standard the left has to take here? Wikileaks releases hacked emails from the DNC and they contort this into Russians hacking the elections to help Trump win and demand action.... Wikileaks releases classified information from a traitor and he is a fucking hero to them and deserving of a complete pardon.
'Indefensible!' Obama just commuted bulk of traitor Chelsea Manning's sentence

The greatest traitor in American history is at it again, and he isn't done. Don't bet against him pardoning Khalid Sheikh Mohammed before he's done. And don't be surprised if we eventually find out that Obama leaked more critical classified information than Manning. Don't be surprised if he gave Iran the technology to build nukes, or maybe the nukes themselves. Nothing is too low for that a*shole.

Obama seems to be doing everything possible to destroy this country, including giving freedom to terrorists, traitors and some of the most violent criminal thugs in our penitentiaries. His hatred for the country that twice elected him to the highest office in the land is palpable. He will go down in history as the only anti-American to rise to the top of the United States government. Obama's time in office stands as stark testimony to the level of political correctness that had taken over in the minds of the American people. Donald Trump's ascendancy to that office is a rebuke of that PC and a strong signal that we have awakened from our long and disastrous nightmare.
Obama feels that Manning's sacrifice of his dick warrants granting her freedom to further his goal of presenting his anus as a real vagina...we've come a long way, baby!
Obama feels that Manning's sacrifice of his dick warrants granting her freedom to further his goal of presenting his anus as a real vagina...we've come a long way, baby!
Obama just made it clear he thinks we have come a long way...seems to says he's thrilled with the gay issue.
Obama feels that Manning's sacrifice of his dick warrants granting her freedom to further his goal of presenting his anus as a real vagina...we've come a long way, baby!

Stop that, he is he and always will be a he
I like to use the terms interchangeably to emphasize that no confusion as to our true identity results....such logic will at some time in the near future allow us to say that Trump is the first a grandmother to be elected president of the United States.
breaking new..

what an asshole. all this talk about russia and leaks and you commute the sentence of someone who stole government secrets who then gave them to someone who released them?

That freak show gave aid and comfort to the enemy, the proper sentence is death, time for some good old fashioned extrajudicial executions.
The American public isn't the enemy.

AQ and the Taliban are and Manning outed confidential informants against them, that is called treason.

WikiLeaks Reportedly Outs 100s of Afghan Informants

Jul 28, 2010 5:31 AM EDT
Hundreds of Afghan civilians who worked as informants for the U.S. military have been put at risk by WikiLeaks' publication of more than 90,000 classified intelligence reports which name and in many cases locate the individuals, The Times newspaper reported Wednesday.

Click here to see The Times article, but note, it's behind a subscription firewall.

WikiLeaks Reportedly Outs 100s of Afghan Informants

Manning is safer in prison.
So WikiLeaks's editorial decision, which Manning had nothing to do with, is Manning's fault?
Awesome! I have no interest in mannings mental illness but what he did was of great patriotic duty to expose war crimes committed by the US!
He got soldiers killed and hurt national security. He deserves a dirt nap and I suspect will have one soon.
He exposed war crimes he deserves medal
No, he deserves metal. Right to the brain pan.
Please keep your psychopathic murder fantasies to yourself.

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