Obama commutted Bradley Manning's sentence

Amazing after all the praise around here from the Trumptards for 'leakers', for hacking, for Julian Assange, for the Russian criminal enterprise intended to manipulate an American election,

after these people cheerly wildly for all of that,

they think Manning is a villain?

That is about as pathetic as a tard can get.

Assange didn't leak any military secrets that resulted in GI's being killed. See the difference?

Prove it.

The only reason you people are opposing this is because Obama did it.

You've already proven you support illegal hacking and the exposure of hacked material.

There is a difference between hacked material from Democrats emails and national security that exposes names of CIA informants. One just shows the hypocrisy of Democrats and the other puts soldiers and informants at risk of being killed.
What bunch of lefty hypocrites.

You all ranted and raved about the Russians releasing info from Podesta's hard drive to WikiLeaks but have no problem with the release of a traitor who released secret info to WikiLeaks?

Wonder how many of our valued informants lost their lives because of those leaks?

Wonder how many of our troops were put in harms way because of those leaks?

Manning should have been charged with treason and put to death.

Whistleblower my ass you pack of hypocrites.

Of course, those whom you are addressing are the same filth who openly support and defend the invasion of our country by foreign criminals from the south; consistently taking the side of these invading criminals against that of their own country and their own countrymen. Treason is deeply embedded in their character.
She performed a service is showing the war crimes of the American military to the American people.
It committed treason against the American people by giving aid and comfort to the enemy by outing the identities of numerous confidential informants against the Taliban and AQ, that freak show will get its just punishment one way or another, it's safer in jail.
It is better for the American people who fund their military to know what is being done in their name. A democracy is only as sick as its secrets.

If the freak show had not done a data dump and actually vetted the intel she/he/it was releasing to only expose illegal activity I would have no issue, that is not what he/she/it did, instead they did a data dump and outted confidential informants against terrorists and in so doing gave aid and comfort to the enemy, hopefully Trump will pardon whoever puts a bullet in that treasonous freaks head.
She tried to report war crimes to superiors but was told to shut-up. She is an American heroine.

He/she/it outted confidential informants against AQ, end of.
Manning exposed American war crimes including murder and torture. The history books have more data because of Manning and the American people, including the parents who raised the torturers and murderers should be outraged at the actions of their sons and fellow Americans.
Amazing after all the praise around here from the Trumptards for 'leakers', for hacking, for Julian Assange, for the Russian criminal enterprise intended to manipulate an American election,

after these people cheerly wildly for all of that,

they think Manning is a villain?

That is about as pathetic as a tard can get.

Assange didn't leak any military secrets that resulted in GI's being killed. See the difference?

Prove it.

The only reason you people are opposing this is because Obama did it.

You've already proven you support illegal hacking and the exposure of hacked material.

There is a difference between hacked material from Democrats emails and national security that exposes names of CIA informants. One just shows the hypocrisy of Democrats and the other puts soldiers and informants at risk of being killed.
Military criminals have been convicted in Nürnberg. Such criminals ought to be exposed. Manning is an American hero.
Manning is going to be one more dead tranny. Suicide is popular among the freaks and no one questions it.
breaking new..

what an asshole. all this talk about russia and leaks and you commute the sentence of someone who stole government secrets who then gave them to someone who released them?

This is an awesome precedent. Claiming to be the opposite sex is a get out of jail free card. Put on a dress...no more mess.
Amazing after all the praise around here from the Trumptards for 'leakers', for hacking, for Julian Assange, for the Russian criminal enterprise intended to manipulate an American election,

after these people cheerly wildly for all of that,

they think Manning is a villain?

That is about as pathetic as a tard can get.

Assange didn't leak any military secrets that resulted in GI's being killed. See the difference?

Prove it.

The only reason you people are opposing this is because Obama did it.

You've already proven you support illegal hacking and the exposure of hacked material.

There is a difference between hacked material from Democrats emails and national security that exposes names of CIA informants. One just shows the hypocrisy of Democrats and the other puts soldiers and informants at risk of being killed.
Military criminals have been convicted in Nürnberg. Such criminals ought to be exposed. Manning is an American hero.

Are you illiterate? Manning exposed hundreds of Afgan assets who were working against AQ and the Talibaban identities and locations, he gave aid and comfort to the enemy, he is guilty of treason and will receive a traitors death one way or another, that subhuman piece of shit is safer in jail.
Amazing after all the praise around here from the Trumptards for 'leakers', for hacking, for Julian Assange, for the Russian criminal enterprise intended to manipulate an American election,

after these people cheerly wildly for all of that,

they think Manning is a villain?

That is about as pathetic as a tard can get.
A 'tard like you would see it that way. The leaker or hacker of the DNC emails wasn't against our government. What Bradley did was. That's why we have laws against treason. He put troops in harm's way and got some killed and on the other hand the Dems got their corruption revealed (that most of us knew anyway).

Only a 'tard sees them the same.
Amazing after all the praise around here from the Trumptards for 'leakers', for hacking, for Julian Assange, for the Russian criminal enterprise intended to manipulate an American election,

after these people cheerly wildly for all of that,

they think Manning is a villain?

That is about as pathetic as a tard can get.

We get it tranny lover
So reminiscent...of the 50s....in the South......
It committed treason against the American people by giving aid and comfort to the enemy by outing the identities of numerous confidential informants against the Taliban and AQ, that freak show will get its just punishment one way or another, it's safer in jail.
It is better for the American people who fund their military to know what is being done in their name. A democracy is only as sick as its secrets.

If the freak show had not done a data dump and actually vetted the intel she/he/it was releasing to only expose illegal activity I would have no issue, that is not what he/she/it did, instead they did a data dump and outted confidential informants against terrorists and in so doing gave aid and comfort to the enemy, hopefully Trump will pardon whoever puts a bullet in that treasonous freaks head.
She tried to report war crimes to superiors but was told to shut-up. She is an American heroine.

He/she/it outted confidential informants against AQ, end of.
Manning exposed American war crimes including murder and torture. The history books have more data because of Manning and the American people, including the parents who raised the torturers and murderers should be outraged at the actions of their sons and fellow Americans.

If he/she/it had vetted the intelligence and only exposed illegal activity I would have no issue but instead Manning did a 700,000+ document data dump of unvetted classified material and in so doing outed the names and locations of hundreds of Afghan confidential informants against AQ and the Taliban, that is called treason.

WikiLeaks Reportedly Outs100s of Afghan Informants

Jul 28, 2010 5:31 AM EDT

Hundreds of Afghan civilians who worked as informants for the U.S. military have been put at risk by WikiLeaks' publication of more than 90,000 classified intelligence reports which name and in many cases locate the individuals, The Times newspaper reported Wednesday.

Click here to see The Times article, but note, it's behind a subscription firewall.

WikiLeaks Reportedly Outs 100s of Afghan Informants

Manning is safer in prison.
It is better for the American people who fund their military to know what is being done in their name. A democracy is only as sick as its secrets.

If the freak show had not done a data dump and actually vetted the intel she/he/it was releasing to only expose illegal activity I would have no issue, that is not what he/she/it did, instead they did a data dump and outted confidential informants against terrorists and in so doing gave aid and comfort to the enemy, hopefully Trump will pardon whoever puts a bullet in that treasonous freaks head.
She tried to report war crimes to superiors but was told to shut-up. She is an American heroine.

He/she/it outted confidential informants against AQ, end of.
Manning exposed American war crimes including murder and torture. The history books have more data because of Manning and the American people, including the parents who raised the torturers and murderers should be outraged at the actions of their sons and fellow Americans.

If he/she/it had vetted the intelligence and only exposed illegal activity I would have no issue but instead Manning did a 700,000+ document data dump of unvetted classified material and in so doing outed the names and locations of hundreds of Afghan confidential informants against AQ and the Taliban, that is called treason.

WikiLeaks Reportedly Outs100s of Afghan Informants

Jul 28, 2010 5:31 AM EDT

Hundreds of Afghan civilians who worked as informants for the U.S. military have been put at risk by WikiLeaks' publication of more than 90,000 classified intelligence reports which name and in many cases locate the individuals, The Times newspaper reported Wednesday.

Click here to see The Times article, but note, it's behind a subscription firewall.

WikiLeaks Reportedly Outs 100s of Afghan Informants

Manning is safer in prison.

I couldn't agree more. How the lefty loons anywhere can call this POS a hero just shows how little they care about our troops and those that assist them.

This guy is responsible for the deaths of any informants that were named in that drop. What a fucking POS.

These lefty loons need one serious reality check.
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Hey, Dems, Manning will be your perfect presidential candidate for 2020. You badly wanted a woman, here she is and a trans-gender on the top of everything! Just a sweet dream for a liberal. Think about it for the next 4 years.
Hey, Dems, Manning will be your perfect presidential candidate for 2020. You badly wanted a woman, here she is and a trans-gender on the top of everything! Just a sweet dream for a liberal. Think about it for the next 4 years.
Your insulting bigotry won't get any laughs from compassionate Americans.

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