Obama compares Gulf spill to September 11


Silver Member
Feb 10, 2010
Don't call this disaster Obama's Katrina. Obama says it's like 9/11.

Sorry Mr. President, but I don't think that a terrorist act that killed over 3,000 innocent people can be compared to an accidental oil spill.

But he's not going to miss the chance to make this political. He's going to turn it into a bill that will kill the energy industry.

Obama Compares Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill to 9/11 - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Rick D.
I don't see how this anything like 9/11. And if this is his response, I'm very Glad President Bush was in charge that day and not President Obama.
An environmental 9/11, not on the American people, but by the environment it its area. I find this quote to be most appropriate:

the article said:
"In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11 . . . I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come," Mr. Obama said in an Oval Office interview Friday.

There's no doubt the spill and leak is going to drastically affect the ecology and environment and how we look at it. That's why he compared it to 9/11, its a big disaster shake-up.
Don't call this disaster Obama's Katrina. Obama says it's like 9/11.

Sorry Mr. President, but I don't think that a terrorist act that killed over 3,000 innocent people can be compared to an accidental oil spill.

But he's not going to miss the chance to make this political. He's going to turn it into a bill that will kill the energy industry.

Obama Compares Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill to 9/11 - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Rick D.


Is this president this clueless?

I have no words, yet, for this one, he is a certified idiot in charge of the greatest, so far, nation on the earth. The world has got to be laughing at him and us in an uncontrolled floor rolling screaming 'hee haws' of epic proportions!! Holy CRAP! :lol:
An environmental 9/11, not on the American people, but by the environment it its area. I find this quote to be most appropriate:

the article said:
"In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11 . . . I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come," Mr. Obama said in an Oval Office interview Friday.

There's no doubt the spill and leak is going to drastically affect the ecology and environment and how we look at it. That's why he compared it to 9/11, its a big disaster shake-up.

Sorry, but it's a cheap attempt to try to garner public support by using ANY comparison to September 11.

Rick D.
"In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11 . . . I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come," Mr. Obama said

Not ALTOGETHER ludicrous when looked at in context.

EDIT: Damn, you people were far too fast!
"In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11 . . . I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come," Mr. Obama said

Not ALTOGETHER ludicrous when looked at in context.

EDIT: Damn, you people were far too fast!

I'm glad you put "altogether" in there, because I think ANY comparison of this accident to September 11 is cheap. They are so very far from each other it's not even funny.

Did all major networks shut down normal television after this oil spill? Did we even stop drilling? Not until last week.

When I had time to stop and think after I got home from work on September 11 I was scared. This environmental accident is a very bad thing, but it in no way evokes the same reaction as September 11. Nor should it.

An environmental 9/11, not on the American people, but by the environment it its area. I find this quote to be most appropriate:

the article said:
"In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11 . . . I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come," Mr. Obama said in an Oval Office interview Friday.

There's no doubt the spill and leak is going to drastically affect the ecology and environment and how we look at it. That's why he compared it to 9/11, its a big disaster shake-up.

Sorry, but it's a cheap attempt to try to garner public support by using ANY comparison to September 11.

Rick D.

Did he ask for "public support?" Where?

The quote simply, and quite accurately states the facts:

A. 9/11 changed the attitude of the US toward Terrorism

B. Deepwater Horizon changed the attitude of the US toward Off-Shore Drilling

C. Both 9/11 and Deepwater Horizon profoundly effected US attitudes.
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Two man made catastrophes.

Works for me.

Yep, I can see how it would work for an idiot.

One was intentional, the other was an accident.

Asshole, two man made catastrophes ... the oil spill has the potential to do much more damage in the long run.

Thank God Bush is no longer president, his answer would have been to invade Ireland.
An environmental 9/11, not on the American people, but by the environment it its area. I find this quote to be most appropriate:

the article said:
"In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11 . . . I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come," Mr. Obama said in an Oval Office interview Friday.

There's no doubt the spill and leak is going to drastically affect the ecology and environment and how we look at it. That's why he compared it to 9/11, its a big disaster shake-up.

I appreciate your take on this, but for myself, both are momentous tragedies, but require a separate 'directory' I cannot compare the squashing of 3000 innocent human beings screaming in their last seconds of life between concrete slabs, in the same light as this other horrible tragedy. They may be considered then to be 'Primo' in their own category.

I still think Obama made another stupid blunder.
An environmental 9/11, not on the American people, but by the environment it its area. I find this quote to be most appropriate:

the article said:
"In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11 . . . I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come," Mr. Obama said in an Oval Office interview Friday.

There's no doubt the spill and leak is going to drastically affect the ecology and environment and how we look at it. That's why he compared it to 9/11, its a big disaster shake-up.

I'd like to know who the "we" are he's referring to. I don't know of anyone besides a few leftwing loons that share those sentiments.
I'd have to believe that the Gulf Oil spill was a deliberate act before I could even begin to compare the two.

1) if the President so believes then I can understand the statement.

2) my personal opinion is that if he doesn't so believe, then this cheapens the deaths of the men and women who were murdered on 9/11/01 at the WTC, Pentagon and on the field in PA.

Two man made catastrophes.

Works for me.

Yep, I can see how it would work for an idiot.

One was intentional, the other was an accident.

Asshole, two man made catastrophes ... the oil spill has the potential to do much more damage in the long run.

Thank God Bush is no longer president, his answer would have been to invade Ireland.

The oil leak has the potential of killing 3000 Americans?

Why must you insert Bush into every posts?
An environmental 9/11, not on the American people, but by the environment it its area. I find this quote to be most appropriate:

the article said:
"In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11 . . . I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come," Mr. Obama said in an Oval Office interview Friday.

There's no doubt the spill and leak is going to drastically affect the ecology and environment and how we look at it. That's why he compared it to 9/11, its a big disaster shake-up.

is that his way of saying, So let's take more American rights away.?
An environmental 9/11, not on the American people, but by the environment it its area. I find this quote to be most appropriate:

There's no doubt the spill and leak is going to drastically affect the ecology and environment and how we look at it. That's why he compared it to 9/11, its a big disaster shake-up.

Sorry, but it's a cheap attempt to try to garner public support by using ANY comparison to September 11.

Rick D.

Did he ask for "public support?" Where?

The quote simply, and quite accurately states the facts:

A. 9/11 changed the attitude of the US toward Terrorism

B. Deepwater Horizon changed the attitude of the US toward Off-Shore Drilling

C. Both 9/11 and Deepwater Horizon profoundly effected US attitudes.

The major spill is also something that will have far-reaching effects for a long time, just as the attacks of 911 have. Katrina came thundering through and left untold devastation, but at least we knew how to clean it all up and then rebuild.

I see this latest criticism as just more illiterate nonsense that the far-right can't resist piling on.
An environmental 9/11, not on the American people, but by the environment it its area. I find this quote to be most appropriate:

the article said:
"In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11 . . . I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come," Mr. Obama said in an Oval Office interview Friday.

There's no doubt the spill and leak is going to drastically affect the ecology and environment and how we look at it. That's why he compared it to 9/11, its a big disaster shake-up.

is that his way of saying, So let's take more American rights away.?
We don't have a right to destroy the coastline of American states.

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