Obama compares Iraq to Viet Nam

Where's the power vaccuum in Europe now if we leave? Can't Europe fill it?
Europe has traditionally spent little on military, using the bulk of its' resources for social services. Sorta like the left here.

Which is exactly why we shouldn't be there in any capacity that they could muster themselves.
Take it to congress and get back to us.

Congress is owned by the defense lobby in sufficient measure to make common sense impossible.
Support that with something better than a wikilink.
Nah, it was well supported.

You are not the bibliography and foot note nazi here, young weasel.
there is absolutely no comparison to Vietnam. If there is then make one other then just stating your support for a failed president. Haven't you and your liberal left wing friends been beating up GWB long enough isn't it time you took a look at the failure in the WH? Now, if you want a comparison maybe Afghanistan is more apt. After all we still have men dying in Afghanistan long after Obama admitted defeat. Afghanistan is Obama's war which he lost.
You really don't get it. You youngsters. :lol:

Nope, I understand you perfectly. I lived through Korea and Vietnam I understand there is absolutely no comparison between the two. And once again you are challenged and come up short.
You old geezer, Freewill Snow, you know nothing. All of you neo-cons know nothing.

Blah, blah blah, Freewill keeps mumbling into his gruel.

Well you finally got something right, I am comparatively an old geezer.

Still waiting for you to point out the comparisions between Iraq and Vietnam. After that you can deny the parallels between Vietnam and Syria, Libya and Afghanistan.

What I thought was so laughable is that Obama had a Syrian refugee on stage, which is interesting since he is the one that helped created the refugee.
The comparison are apt, and you have failed to show why they are not.

We should have stopped at the Yalu, should not have upheld the Diem government, and we should not have invaded Iraq.

You war nazis are not going to get your way any more. The millennials are onto your shell game.
No one can name a single vital US interest that justified our meddling in the affairs of Vietnam.
They have repeatedly, you're a liar. Stopping the spread of communism. Maybe you don't like it, or the outcome but that doesn't mean a reason wasn't given.
Careful, you moron, you do know the Seattle government is communist? They will get you. :lol:
No one can name a single vital US interest that justified our meddling in the affairs of Vietnam.
They have repeatedly, you're a liar. Stopping the spread of communism. Maybe you don't like it, or the outcome but that doesn't mean a reason wasn't given.

Stopping the spread of communism to the south of Vietnam was never a vital interest.

That was PROVEN when it ultimately spread there and the US suffered no vital loss.
No one can name a single vital US interest that justified our meddling in the affairs of Vietnam.
They have repeatedly, you're a liar. Stopping the spread of communism. Maybe you don't like it, or the outcome but that doesn't mean a reason wasn't given.

You obviously don't know what a vital interest is. Is it the word 'vital' or the word 'interest' that stumps you?
No one can name a single vital US interest that justified our meddling in the affairs of Vietnam.
They have repeatedly, you're a liar. Stopping the spread of communism. Maybe you don't like it, or the outcome but that doesn't mean a reason wasn't given.

You obviously don't know what a vital interest is. Is it the word 'vital' or the word 'interest' that stumps you?
So only you get to define vital national interests? You're a liar AND a fool!
No one can name a single vital US interest that justified our meddling in the affairs of Vietnam.
They have repeatedly, you're a liar. Stopping the spread of communism. Maybe you don't like it, or the outcome but that doesn't mean a reason wasn't given.

You obviously don't know what a vital interest is. Is it the word 'vital' or the word 'interest' that stumps you?
So only you get to define vital national interests? You're a liar AND a fool!

They define themselves. We lost nothing by losing in Vietnam, therefore there were no vital interests to lose.
No one can name a single vital US interest that justified our meddling in the affairs of Vietnam.
They have repeatedly, you're a liar. Stopping the spread of communism. Maybe you don't like it, or the outcome but that doesn't mean a reason wasn't given.

You obviously don't know what a vital interest is. Is it the word 'vital' or the word 'interest' that stumps you?
So only you get to define vital national interests? You're a liar AND a fool!

They define themselves. We lost nothing by losing in Vietnam, therefore there were no vital interests to lose.
Wrong, you're trying to define the terms so you can hang onto your beliefs. We lost 58,000 lives and that's nothing? Communism was nothing to worry about? Not for most of America, you live in an altered state of reality.
I don't have a link, so delete this post if you want. I watched Obama do this during his State of the Union Speech.

Obama claimed, 'It's the lesson from Iraq. It's the lesson from Viet Nam.' He said we should have learned by now.

Unlike Viet Nam, we liberated a nation in Iraq. He allowed Iraq to be invaded afterwards by enabling ISIS to flow in UNOPPOSED!

Obama said we could not try to rebuild nations when they dall into chaos, but HE dragged our nation into war on his own to help Al Qaeida - who killed over 1,000 Americans - take over their own country, and he dragged us into the middle of a Syrian cuvil war by trying to fight his on Proxy war there.

What a piece of crap....
Liberated by murdering over 100k. Hell of a liberation! Not our job to liberate anyone. Period.
The war nazis want
and are not going to get it.
"We also can't try to take over and rebuild every country that falls into crisis, even if it's done with the best of intentions. That's not leadership; that's a recipe for quagmire, spilling American blood and treasure that ultimately will weaken us. It's the lesson of Vietnam. It's the lesson of Iraq, and we should have learned it by now."

Well, Obama is right about one thing anyway. LOL And in a nutshell, that's how he got elected in the first place. That's literally how bad W was, and it's still killing the gop brand ... look no further than the Big Quack, the hero of 30% of 25%.
LINK: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/13/us/politics/obama-2016-sotu-transcript.html?_r=0
Barak Obama - 2016 State of the Union Address

"We also can’t try to take over and rebuild every country that falls into crisis...

... even if it’s done with the best of intentions. That’s not leadership; that’s a recipe for quagmire, spilling American blood and treasure that ultimately will weaken us. It’s the lesson of Vietnam. It’s the lesson of Iraq, and we should have learned it by now.

Fortunately, there is a smarter approach, a patient and disciplined strategy that uses every element of our national power. It says America will always act, alone if necessary, to protect our people and our allies, but on issues of global concern, we will mobilize the world to work with us, and make sure other countries pull their own weight.

That’s our approach to conflicts like Syria, where we’re partnering with local forces and leading international efforts to help that broken society pursue a lasting peace.

That’s why we built a global coalition, with sanctions and principled diplomacy, to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran. And as we speak, Iran has rolled back its nuclear program, shipped out its uranium stockpile, and the world has avoided another war."
“We also can’t try to take over and rebuild every country that falls into crisis...

... even if it’s done with the best of intentions. That’s not leadership; that’s a recipe for quagmire, spilling American blood and treasure that ultimately will weaken us. It’s the lesson of Vietnam. It’s the lesson of Iraq, and we should have learned it by now.”

UNLIKE Viet Nam, we liberated Iraq. It was Obama who supplied, armed, protected, and even trained ISIS in a focused effort to fight a proxy war with and to overthrow Assad, dragging us into the middle of Syria’s civil war. It was Obama who allowed ISIS to freely flow – unopposed – into Iraq to take over part of the nation our troops had liberated at GREAT expense and sacrifice. Iraq was NOTHING like Viet Nam because the war in Iraq had been won. Obama himself declared the war to be over, that Al Qaeida was on the run...

All that was left was to partner with Iraq to ensure it remained stable so our effort / sacrifice would NOT be for nothing. Obama could not handle that…he was more interested in being the President who pulled our troops out. He was so focused on doing this AND so obsessed with Assad that he abandoned our commitment in Iraq and allowed ISIS to flow right into Iraq. Iraq then, with our help, have had to re-fight battles already won and win back cities that had already been liberated but lost to ISIS.
Obama then seeks to lecture the American people on how we can NOT seek to TAKE OVER and REBUILD EVERY COUNTRY THAT FALLS INTO CRISIS.

- This is EXACTLY what OBAMA did with Egypt by injecting himself into their crisis and election process.

Once Mubarak was gone Obama Egypt was determined to have re-elections ON SCHEDULE. Obama demanded they move up their elections, when he had no business meddling. After Mubarak was ousted no one was prepared for an election – no one was organized…except for the Muslim Brotherhood. Allowing Egypt to hold their elections as scheduled, with an interim President, would have allowed groups to prepare and organize. Not having that time allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to take over / win the election with relative ease.

- This is EXACTLY what Obama did in Libya.

Al Qaeida had been for years recruiting jihadists to go to Iraq and Afghanistan to kill American troops. The Obama administration decided to arm them and get in the middle of THEIR civil war. Qadaffi was NOT an immediate threat to the US. There was no need to rush into war, especially to help Al Qaeida – the terrorists who butchered over 1,000 Americans on 9/11/01. Instead of going to Congress and making a case for WHY we needed to dive INTO THE MIDDLE OF LIBYA’S CIVIL WAR, Obama dragged the United States off to war on his own – without Congressional approval – to help Al Qaeida kill Qadaffi and take over Libya.

-- We now know Qadaffi wanted to talk to the US about leaving and going into exile, but the WH – according to one of Hillary’s uncovered e-mails – directed Hillary / the State Department NOT to talk to Qadaffi. Had the State Department negotiated with Qadaffi the entire Libyan war could possibly have been avoided.

- This is EXACTLY what Obama did with Syria.

In the middle of a Syrian civil war SOMEONE used chemical weapons. Obama blamed Assad while Assad blamed rebels who had, according to Assad, gotten their hands on chem weapons. The use of chemical weapons should have been a UNITED NATIONS PROBLEM, not a U.S. problem. (Where are the Liberals insisting the U.S. is NOT the world’s policeman?) (Did the rebels ‘play’ Obama, using chems – TWICE – and expect the US to rush in like we did in Iraq?) At this point Obama INJECTED THE US AGAIN INTO THE MIDDLE OF SOMEONE ELSE’S CIVIL WAR BY ISSUING HIS DISASTROUS ‘RED LINE’.

Obama then failed to follow through with a threat he never should have made. Obama tried to blame the WORLD for the ‘Red Line’. He (and the US) were embarrassed and looked weak. Obama became obsessed with Assad and began engaging in a Proxy War by arming rebels, to include ISIS who he naïvely IMO thought he could control.

He tried to do the ‘magician’s sleight of hand’ trick. He armed them from Benghazi. When the world took notice of them he told everyone, ‘Nothing to see here, they are nothing, a ‘JV Team’, look over ‘HERE’ instead. ‘ The whole time his focus and obsession continued to be Assad. While focused on Assad ISIS invaded Iraq. They spread into Afghanistan, Africa, Belgium, Paris, and even into the US.
We had Iraq won...then Obungles fumbled it away, we could have won Vietnam but politics prevented it, the two common denominators? Democrat CINCs

Had it won?

So why would we have needed to stay 10 years after "Mission Accomplished"?
Why are we still in Germany, Japan, Korea....etc?

That's been a good question for 50 years...

From 1939 to 1945 US armed forces grew from 350,000 to more than 12 million....

From Nov 1943 to Nov 1945, US non farm payrolls SHRANK from roughly 43 to 39 million......

That's the math....
Again, is there some sort of point you're trying to make here?

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