Obama continues to do Iran's bidding


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Why is Obama so determined to keep everyone out of Iran's way as he makes a bogus deal with them? He is so set on making some kind of deal, even though it's meaningless, that he seems willing to do their bidding. He acted as their agent during talks and he has been determined to keep congress (and therefore the people) out of the discussions. Iran will have $50 billion soon, thanks to Obama going to bat for them.

If I didn't know better, I would think he is Iran's president instead of ours.

Obama continues to do Iran's bidding

how so ? there are five other countries setting the standards for the talks. How pray tell is the entire responsibility resting on Obama...

oh, that's right,, because some gaggle of idiot geese say it is.
That's a very poorly written piece. Obviously we are not allies with all the Sunni in the Middle East. We back the pluralist Shiite-dominated government in Iraq. We do not support the Sunni ISIS that is fighting against them.
Obama continues to do Iran's bidding

how so ? there are five other countries setting the standards for the talks. How pray tell is the entire responsibility resting on Obama...

oh, that's right,, because some gaggle of idiot geese say it is.
Because he's the Chief World Community Organizer In Charge and that's the NWO way of doing things.
Let's look at what will be accomplished from this so-called deal. Iran gets it's way on everything. Sanctions lifted and they get a ton of money, $50 billion, to proceed with the development of nuclear weapons and there will be no inspections of their bases. Hell of a deal for Iran. Obama is the driving force behind this deal and has been acting as Iran's agent. Never mind that they've been open about their goal of eliminating Israel and us. Never mind that Obama has more respect for Iranian leader's opinion than he does for our own congress or the people. They still chant 'death to America' and the left acts like that is just some meaningless little habit.

Iran is known to back terrorists and I think some idiots see that as a plus. Obama has not been kind to Israel and I get the feeling it wouldn't bother him at all if Iran attacked them. And Obama wants us to get out of their way and even help them reach their goals. Obama would likely stop Israel from fighting back.

And there will be no way to ensure that they comply with anything they do promise, which so far is nothing.
Why is Obama so determined to keep everyone out of Iran's way as he makes a bogus deal with them? He is so set on making some kind of deal, even though it's meaningless, that he seems willing to do their bidding. He acted as their agent during talks and he has been determined to keep congress (and therefore the people) out of the discussions. Iran will have $50 billion soon, thanks to Obama going to bat for them.

If I didn't know better, I would think he is Iran's president instead of ours.


When Tel Aviv is incinerated, we will have no choice but to do the same for the Ideological Left that provided Islam the means to do so.
dimocrap scum really do think America is the problem in this world.

Mostly because we're Capitalist and successful but also because we project 'Hard Power'

scum of the earth dimocrap filth have been preaching 'Soft Power' for decades.

In their lunacy, they are convinced that all we have to do is be nice and the rest of the world will be nice to us.

While the scumbag dimocraps are playing 'soft power' the rest of the world, Russia, Iran, ISIS, China, the Norks, etc are still playing the old game of Hard Power.

dimocraps sometimes mean well but they're so FUCKING stupid that it doesn't really matter. They screw up everything they touch.

I'm tired of talking about what scum they are. Just sick of it.

They really need to be hurt -- Bad, after we take over the Executive Branch in 2016. And I mean seriously hurt. Talking prison sentences, exile, and prosecutions galore.

So tired of these filth
Obama continues to do Iran's bidding

how so ? there are five other countries setting the standards for the talks. How pray tell is the entire responsibility resting on Obama...

oh, that's right,, because some gaggle of idiot geese say it is.

Not sure if stupid or trolling....

Five other countries setting the standard? If by that you mean walking away when the deadline passed, which of course we didn't do because Obama never met a deadline or red line he knew what to do with.
Let's look at what will be accomplished from this so-called deal. Iran gets it's way on everything. Sanctions lifted and they get a ton of money, $50 billion, to proceed with the development of nuclear weapons and there will be no inspections of their bases. Hell of a deal for Iran. Obama is the driving force behind this deal and has been acting as Iran's agent. Never mind that they've been open about their goal of eliminating Israel and us. Never mind that Obama has more respect for Iranian leader's opinion than he does for our own congress or the people. They still chant 'death to America' and the left acts like that is just some meaningless little habit.

Iran is known to back terrorists and I think some idiots see that as a plus. Obama has not been kind to Israel and I get the feeling it wouldn't bother him at all if Iran attacked them. And Obama wants us to get out of their way and even help them reach their goals. Obama would likely stop Israel from fighting back.

And there will be no way to ensure that they comply with anything they do promise, which so far is nothing.

What you're describing is nothing less than betrayal of trust; deceptive action or nature: OKA: treachery. An Evil that is truly indescribable in its destructive potential.

Some of us will likely survive the catastrophic destruction and they can teach future generations what fools we were to trust 'people' who spent their days advocating for debauchery, hedonism and Perversion, through Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance.

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