Obama Covers His Ass And Tells How Great Things Are In A Speech On Defeating Isis

I refuse to watch this shitstain speak....I might read the transcript, but only if i get a severe case of constipation.....
At this point, Obama has no credibility in my book...I was not impressed, and I don't think he exhibits decisive leadership abilities. He's been mulling this over for the past couple of days, and is motivated significantly by his approval ratings.

Approval ratings are really the only things that drive him, I'm afraid. Yep.
His are in the toilet. Did you see the Wash Post poll this week?
Still and always twice as high as the GOP, champs of making people sick of gov't- so they can rape us AGAIN...

I don't think you saw the poll.

Here: A majority of Americans say Obama 8217 s presidency is a 8216 failure 8217 - The Washington Post

A majority of Americans and even many Democrats consider President Obama's tenure to be a "failure," according to a new poll from the Washington Post and ABC News.

Q: Overall, which party, the (Democrats) or the (Republicans), do you trust to do a better job in coping with the main problems the nation faces over the next few years?
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Made me wonder just WTF do we have a military for. That creepy zit would make more sense if he disbanded the military and retrained everyone to be a community organizer and turn 'em loose on the world. Make every city and town in the world just like Chicago, bless his heart.
Made me wonder just WTF do we have a military for. That creepy zit would make more sense if he disbanded the military and retrained everyone to be a community organizer and turn 'em loose on the world. Make every city and town in the world just like Chicago, bless his heart.
So that's what the non-combat ground troops are!

Community organizers!
Made me wonder just WTF do we have a military for. That creepy zit would make more sense if he disbanded the military and retrained everyone to be a community organizer and turn 'em loose on the world. Make every city and town in the world just like Chicago, bless his heart.

Don't give Obummer the idea Hoss....sounds like it'd be right up his alley. :lol:
Did you enjoy Prez Obama's speech? :badgrin:

I "enjoy" listening to the President speak as much as this medical patient enjoys listening to Mary Hart speak:

A neurologist reports in a medical journal that a woman got epileptic seizures by hearing the voice of Mary Hart, a host of the syndicated television program "Entertainment Tonight."

Symptoms included an upset stomach, a sense of pressure in her head and mental confusion, said Dr. Venkat Ramani, who reports the case in today's issue of The New England Journal of Medicine.​
Whose gonna tell my Air Force brothers and sisters they're not combat troops, LOL. Or tell the special operators they're not combat troops.

If it weren't so pathetically sad it would be hilarious.

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