Obama Covers His Ass And Tells How Great Things Are In A Speech On Defeating Isis

I loose my "Tolerance" When American citizens get their head sawed off :eusa_eh:

No one said, Not Bush, Not Obama, that you must tolerate IS terrorists. No like I say, kill them fast and kill them brutally. The point was Islam is a religion and the IS terrorists have nothing to do with religion . They are terrorist killers and violating the Islamic faith.
I loose my "Tolerance" When American citizens get their head sawed off :eusa_eh:

No one said, Not Bush, Not Obama, that you must tolerate IS terrorists. No like I say, kill them fast and kill them brutally. The point was Islam is a religion and the IS terrorists have nothing to do with religion . They are terrorist killers and violating the Islamic faith.
oh... maybe you should tell them that....Are you an islamic scholar?
What do the letters I-S-I-S stand for, Perfesser?

Using the name of a Religion does not make it part of that religion.

No, but having the active support and approval of MILLIONS of other muslims and muslim groups DOES make it part of that faith.

You should be ashamed that you had to ask.

Being ashamed of merely asking a question is a libtard thing. You are projecting.

But we are finding out why the Obama haters and foul-mouthed posters are fretting:

This has to crush every Obama Hater on this Message Board:

Richard Spencer, Middle East Correspondent, and Peter Foster in Washington
9:05PM BST 11 Sep 2014
A coalition of 10 Arab states threw their support behind Barack Obama’s pledge to destroy the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil) movement in Iraq and Syria on Thursday....
10 Arab states join the US in battle against Isil - Telegraph

And how many states joined W and his father? Why would that 'crush' anyone, you freaking retard?
NYT Baghdad bureau chief: The White House lied to Americans for years about what bad shape Iraq was in
posted at 7:21 pm on September 10, 2014 by Allahpundit
Via Ace, something to keep in mind tonight while The One is doing his johnny-on-the-spot shtick about fighting jihadism in Iraq. “Lie” is my word, not Tim Arango’s, but read his comment and tell me what’s more likely. That the vast American intelligence community was “ignorant” of how bad things were in a country where we’d spent eight years developing assets? Or that the White House had every reason to know how dangerous Iraq was becoming but chose to suppress that information because the truth was problematic?
I m Tim Arango Baghdad Bureau Chief for The New York Times. Ask me anything.

Is “ignorant” really the best word to describe willful blindness to a politically inconvenient truth? Obama got elected promising to bring the troops home; the only way he could do that without major domestic headaches was to claim that Iraq didn’t need them anymore. So he did, the truth notwithstanding. Imagine how many low-information voters will watch tonight’s speech and wonder where this bolt-from-the-blue known as ISIS came from. Last they heard, Iraq was doing just fine.

ALL of it here:
NYT Baghdad bureau chief The White House lied to Americans for years about what bad shape Iraq was in Hot Air
Being ashamed of merely asking a question is a libtard thing.

Asking a serious and genuine question to try to achieve understanding - ask away. To throw out a pointed question as part of some hate driven political
agenda is a different story.

If you didnt know that any sinister ambitious terrorist organization can use religion falsely to recruit and raise funds but not truly be a part of the true Islamic faith.

That is what GW Bush openly stated and he was right,

The point is you Obama Haters attack the current president for saying damn near verbatim what Bush 43 said.
NYT Baghdad bureau chief: The White House lied to Americans for years about what bad shape Iraq was in
posted at 7:21 pm on September 10, 2014 by Allahpundit
Via Ace, something to keep in mind tonight while The One is doing his johnny-on-the-spot shtick about fighting jihadism in Iraq. “Lie” is my word, not Tim Arango’s, but read his comment and tell me what’s more likely. That the vast American intelligence community was “ignorant” of how bad things were in a country where we’d spent eight years developing assets? Or that the White House had every reason to know how dangerous Iraq was becoming but chose to suppress that information because the truth was problematic?
I m Tim Arango Baghdad Bureau Chief for The New York Times. Ask me anything.

Is “ignorant” really the best word to describe willful blindness to a politically inconvenient truth? Obama got elected promising to bring the troops home; the only way he could do that without major domestic headaches was to claim that Iraq didn’t need them anymore. So he did, the truth notwithstanding. Imagine how many low-information voters will watch tonight’s speech and wonder where this bolt-from-the-blue known as ISIS came from. Last they heard, Iraq was doing just fine.

ALL of it here:
NYT Baghdad bureau chief The White House lied to Americans for years about what bad shape Iraq was in Hot Air

The NYTimes was a huge unprofessional mouthpiece for invading Iraq by contributing to the lies about UN inspections and WMD.

Apparently they have no remorse or journalistic standards to keep them from lying eleven years after helping to create the entire destructive fiasco.

Bush 43 and the Iraqi majority did not think they needed US troops after 2011.

NYTimes clinging to their last possible Iraq lie. Such a disgrace. I hope they set the record straight for this bureau Chief. He needs to go the way of Judith Miller. Get a gig on Fox News.
NYT Baghdad bureau chief: The White House lied to Americans for years about what bad shape Iraq was in
posted at 7:21 pm on September 10, 2014 by Allahpundit
Via Ace, something to keep in mind tonight while The One is doing his johnny-on-the-spot shtick about fighting jihadism in Iraq. “Lie” is my word, not Tim Arango’s, but read his comment and tell me what’s more likely. That the vast American intelligence community was “ignorant” of how bad things were in a country where we’d spent eight years developing assets? Or that the White House had every reason to know how dangerous Iraq was becoming but chose to suppress that information because the truth was problematic?
I m Tim Arango Baghdad Bureau Chief for The New York Times. Ask me anything.

Is “ignorant” really the best word to describe willful blindness to a politically inconvenient truth? Obama got elected promising to bring the troops home; the only way he could do that without major domestic headaches was to claim that Iraq didn’t need them anymore. So he did, the truth notwithstanding. Imagine how many low-information voters will watch tonight’s speech and wonder where this bolt-from-the-blue known as ISIS came from. Last they heard, Iraq was doing just fine.

ALL of it here:
NYT Baghdad bureau chief The White House lied to Americans for years about what bad shape Iraq was in Hot Air

The NYTimes was a huge unprofessional mouthpiece for invading Iraq by contributing to the lies about UN inspections and WMD.

Apparently they have no remorse or journalistic standards to keep them from lying eleven years after helping to create the entire destructive fiasco.

Bush 43 and the Iraqi majority did not think they needed US troops after 2011.

NYTimes clinging to their last possible Iraq lie. Such a disgrace. I hope they set the record straight for this bureau Chief. He needs to go the way of Judith Miller. Get a gig on Fox News.

GO DIDDLE yourself you uppity snobby jerk
GO DIDDLE yourself you uppity snobby jerk

All you had to do was to try to intelligently refute my response to your NYTimes report that is filled with glaring errors,

But no, we got that from you.

Maybe EconChick is impressed with foul mouthed insults. I am not.

Stick to the facts and something reasonably intelligent if you can.
I have two words. FAILED PRESIDENCY.

and failing the people and the country he represents

just awful he's more worried about claiming they aren't the Islam religion.

If and when an American group of some kind (let's just say the Christian Identity Movement) assaults and kills a Black or Hispanic person and then releases a statement saying that they're a Christian group that's trying to reestablish White supremacy in this country, would you have a problem if people referred to them as Christians and that they represented Christianity?

When they can point to Biblical scripture which commands them, actually commands them, to wage such a war, then you might have a leg to stand on.

Go read the Qur'an and Hadiths and learn what you're writing about. Facile comparisons don't work. You can't map Islam to Christianity. Using a Christian religious model, how Christianity is practiced and them simply swapping out Baptist and dropping Islam in it's place doesn't work.

You're missing the point. Any wacko or ideologically extreme group can (and probably WILL) claim to be acting in the furtherance of some heretofore previously respected religion. It happens all the time.

In fact, America has its own religious extremists who generally act within the confines of the law, but it's certainly not a forgone conclusion that that will always be the case. When we have religious leaders who get on the airwaves and accuse women and medical personnel of engaging in murdering babies in regard to abortion, it shouldn't surprise anyone when a man like Eric Rudolph kills people as a result.

I dare say that if America's religious extremists ever managed to attain power in some future time, we would see them act in much the same way as Iran's ayatollahs.
I have two words. FAILED PRESIDENCY.

and failing the people and the country he represents

just awful he's more worried about claiming they aren't the Islam religion.

If and when an American group of some kind (let's just say the Christian Identity Movement) assaults and kills a Black or Hispanic person and then releases a statement saying that they're a Christian group that's trying to reestablish White supremacy in this country, would you have a problem if people referred to them as Christians and that they represented Christianity?

When they can point to Biblical scripture which commands them, actually commands them, to wage such a war, then you might have a leg to stand on.

Go read the Qur'an and Hadiths and learn what you're writing about. Facile comparisons don't work. You can't map Islam to Christianity. Using a Christian religious model, how Christianity is practiced and them simply swapping out Baptist and dropping Islam in it's place doesn't work.

You're missing the point. Any wacko or ideologically extreme group can (and probably WILL) claim to be acting in the furtherance of some heretofore previously respected religion. It happens all the time.

In fact, America has its own religious extremists who generally act within the confines of the law, but it's certainly not a forgone conclusion that that will always be the case. When we have religious leaders who get on the airwaves and accuse women and medical personnel of engaging in murdering babies in regard to abortion, it shouldn't surprise anyone when a man like Eric Rudolph kills people as a result.

I dare say that if America's religious extremists ever managed to attain power in some future time, we would see them act in much the same way as Iran's ayatollahs.
There needs to be a rule that a post cannot exceed one foot in length.
For f*cks sake...do we really have to quote a quote from a multi-quote of a multi-quote???????
And secondly, George Bush didn't have any trouble grasping who was Islamic and who wasn't.

Same goes for Obama then. What was your point about? What about ISCI? Badr Brigade? Abdul Aziz al Hakim? Did Bush know if they were Islamic or not? They helped kill Sunnis in Bush's dumb invasion. Remember this?

And the Shiites that we allied with were the ISCI Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Hakim. And the Badr Brigades straight out of Iran ...... So it looks like Iran invited us in. Did you meet any Badr Brigade fighters fresh from Iran during the invasion. This is what welcomed us from the Shiite Side: Abdul Aziz al-Hakim - Telegraph Do you really think the invasion into Baghdad is what liberated the Kurds from the terror of Saddam Hussein? And why would you think that the Kurds represented the government of Iraq? Talk about knowing nothing.
Liberal scum still trying to lie their way out of ISIL/ISIS rising to power under Obama's dirty nose.

Just like Boko Haram growing in numbers and power in Africa killing "black people" under Obama's dirty nose.

Just like other Islamic terrorist groups growing in number and power in Libya, even killing 4 Americans despite lies it was really "movie critics" that did it.
Being ashamed of merely asking a question is a libtard thing.

Asking a serious and genuine question to try to achieve understanding - ask away. To throw out a pointed question as part of some hate driven political
agenda is a different story.

If you didnt know that any sinister ambitious terrorist organization can use religion falsely to recruit and raise funds but not truly be a part of the true Islamic faith.

That is what GW Bush openly stated and he was right,

The point is you Obama Haters attack the current president for saying damn near verbatim what Bush 43 said.

go find a job being yourself, a WHINY horses ass

you Obama haters, waaaa:crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

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