Obama critics: can you give him credit for anything?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I challenge you to come up with 3 of his policies that you liked or agreed with. Can you do it?

Oh, and ordering the raid on Osama cannot be one of them. Anything else will do.

Let's face it: if you can't answer this question, then you do not have an informed opinion about Obama. It's as simple as that.

To be fair, I will give three policies of Obama I did NOT like:

Extending the Bush tax cuts
Pulling out of Iraq too early
Not imposing tougher rules on lobbyists
I'll give him credit for being able to bamboozle a lot of people into voting for him to make him the puppet in Chief.
I challenge you to come up with 3 of his policies that you liked or agreed with. Can you do it?

Oh, and ordering the raid on Osama cannot be one of them. Anything else will do.

Let's face it: if you can't answer this question, then you do not have an informed opinion about Obama. It's as simple as that.

To be fair, I will give three policies of Obama I did NOT like:

Extending the Bush tax cuts
Pulling out of Iraq too early
Not imposing tougher rules on lobbyists

Can I count the policies he faked people out about?
I don't think he has done anything remotely positive for this country. Sorry.
I gave him credit for doing the sensible thing and approving the termination of Osama Bin Laden.
Kept Guantanamo bay open, extended tax cuts, continues the counterterrorism efforts in place when he came into office. (though they publicly state that have halted enhanced interrogation, there's no way to ever know for sure)
I can agree with his idea, though not execution of dealing with credit cards.

I think that the idea of helping those hit by the economy to keep their homes is well intentioned, but think that it's unrealistic in most cases and will cause problems down the line.

I can't think of a third.
Well, thank God he didn't sign that awful NDAA into Law. Oh wait, he did. So no, i will not give him credit for anything.
Credit downgrade

Debt has surpassed the GDP


Fast and Furious

That's 4!!!
I challenge you to come up with 3 of his policies that you liked or agreed with. Can you do it?

Oh, and ordering the raid on Osama cannot be one of them. Anything else will do.

Let's face it: if you can't answer this question, then you do not have an informed opinion about Obama. It's as simple as that.

To be fair, I will give three policies of Obama I did NOT like:

Extending the Bush tax cuts
Pulling out of Iraq too early
Not imposing tougher rules on lobbyists

Face it. These Neo-Cons simply do not have an informed opinion on Obama. As mush as I hate Bush (you know, the last REAL conservative POTUS we had) I still found things I thought he did right. The least they could have said was that he saved us from McCain.

Allow me to help these clueless ones......

Obama Administration’s Achievements (Thus Far) » Obama's Achievements Center

Look through the list and educate yourselves.....
he hasn't let his status as a *constitutional scholar* prevent him from using signing statements to do an end run around congress.

He helped millions of Americans get health care.

He took us out of Iraq.

We've had 22 months of positive jobs growth in the private sector.

He's reduced government by 500,000.

He's had less regulations than Bush.

He took out Bin Laden when Republicans let him go. (how else could the GOP get America behind the Iraq war?)

He funded "No Child Left Behind".

He got BP to fund their cleanup when Republicans wanted to stick it to the middle class.

He got unemployment for millions of Americans when Republicans threatened to cut the "lazy hobos" off.

I haven't even bothered to look things up. These are things I already knew.

His stimulus helped over a hundred Republicans who voted against it create thousands of
jobs across the US.
I challenge you to come up with 3 of his policies that you liked or agreed with. Can you do it?

Oh, and ordering the raid on Osama cannot be one of them. Anything else will do.

Let's face it: if you can't answer this question, then you do not have an informed opinion about Obama. It's as simple as that.

To be fair, I will give three policies of Obama I did NOT like:

Extending the Bush tax cuts
Pulling out of Iraq too early
Not imposing tougher rules on lobbyists

Obama supporters can you criticize him on ANYTHING?
I challenge you to come up with 3 of his policies that you liked or agreed with. Can you do it?

Oh, and ordering the raid on Osama cannot be one of them. Anything else will do.

Let's face it: if you can't answer this question, then you do not have an informed opinion about Obama. It's as simple as that.

To be fair, I will give three policies of Obama I did NOT like:

Extending the Bush tax cuts
Pulling out of Iraq too early
Not imposing tougher rules on lobbyists

Face it. These Neo-Cons simply do not have an informed opinion on Obama. As mush as I hate Bush (you know, the last REAL conservative POTUS we had) I still found things I thought he did right. The least they could have said was that he saved us from McCain.

Allow me to help these clueless ones......

Obama Administration’s Achievements (Thus Far) » Obama's Achievements Center

Look through the list and educate yourselves.....


I clicked only the top 2 dropdowns - Art & Culture and Bank & Finance.

You know what I saw?
Increased spending and regulation.

I like my four answers better.
They're the best things he has done to get his ass voted OUT of office
I challenge you to come up with 3 of his policies that you liked or agreed with. Can you do it?

Oh, and ordering the raid on Osama cannot be one of them. Anything else will do.

Let's face it: if you can't answer this question, then you do not have an informed opinion about Obama. It's as simple as that.

To be fair, I will give three policies of Obama I did NOT like:

Extending the Bush tax cuts
Pulling out of Iraq too early
Not imposing tougher rules on lobbyists

Face it. These Neo-Cons simply do not have an informed opinion on Obama. As mush as I hate Bush (you know, the last REAL conservative POTUS we had) I still found things I thought he did right. The least they could have said was that he saved us from McCain.

Allow me to help these clueless ones......

Obama Administration’s Achievements (Thus Far) » Obama's Achievements Center

Look through the list and educate yourselves.....

I do not like the first 4 on that list.

Other than that, some of the things on that list are a lie.
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He helped millions of Americans get health care.

He took us out of Iraq.

We've had 22 months of positive jobs growth in the private sector.

He's reduced government by 500,000.

He's had less regulations than Bush.

He took out Bin Laden when Republicans let him go. (how else could the GOP get America behind the Iraq war?)

He funded "No Child Left Behind".

He got BP to fund their cleanup when Republicans wanted to stick it to the middle class.

He got unemployment for millions of Americans when Republicans threatened to cut the "lazy hobos" off.

I haven't even bothered to look things up. These are things I already knew.

His stimulus helped over a hundred Republicans who voted against it create thousands of
jobs across the US.

Adults still living at home with Mommy

On Bush's timetable




Based on 5 years of intelligence.

Who hasn't?


2 years of unemployment checks is called Welfare

I know you didn't look any of this bullshit up. That's obvious.
He approved the hit on OBL.
He followed the plan laid out by Bush and pulled our troops out of Iraq.
He failed to close GITMO

Everything else he has "done" is a steaming pile of poodle dung. He's a miserable failure that can't even pass a simple budget.

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