Obama Declared Winner of Second Debate (No Matter What)


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Obama Declared Winner of Second Debate (No Matter What)

Daren Jonescu


The media will not make this mistake again. Even if the second debate plays out exactly like the first, the "result," as projected by the media, will not be the same. They will not concede an Obama defeat this time around. If necessary, the post-debate polls will be even more rigged than usual, or, if their results are unsatisfactory, they will be suppressed in favor of cherry-picked "man on the street" or "focus group" sound bites praising Obama's performance.

If Obama makes a stupid anniversary joke, he will be described as "more comfortable" and "on his game" tonight.

If he repeats the figure "five trillion dollars" ten times, the pundits will say "he was really in command of the policy details tonight."


In short, no matter what happens tonight, put in your earplugs. For a week, the official line will be "Obama recovers his mojo; Romney on the ropes and desperate."

Just hope that enough of the non-47% are hearing the debate you are hearing, and not the one being replayed through the leftist media's Obama-filter.

Read more: Blog: Obama Declared Winner of Second Debate (No Matter What)

Debate Audience Selected by Firm Squeezed by Obama Justice Department

William Tate

Think the deck for Tuesday's town hall debate might have been stacked? The firm hired to select the audience asking questions is under pressure from the Obama Justice Department, and some observers suggest may have already succumbed to that bullying.

After the Gallup Organization refused to cave to Chicago-style pressure from the Obama gang -- which according to internal memos published by the Daily Caller had company officials comparing it to a "Godfather situation" -- the Obama Justice Department suddenly joined a three-year-old lawsuit against Gallup. Within weeks, facing the full weight and power of the U.S. government and potential expenses in the millions of dollars, Gallup made changes to its polling methodology that seem to favor Obama.


Read more: Blog: Debate Audience Selected by Firm Squeezed by Obama Justice Department
The audience was as handpicked as the people who fill the seats behind Obama at rallies. That's why they were hooting for him at times.
Obama Declared Winner of Second Debate (No Matter What).

The proof is in the pudding.

It is evident that neither side got the kind of decisive WIN that Mitt got in round 1.

It was a draw.

But, yeah. The pundits, the media and the libs here at USMB are all CLAIMING "victory" for The ONE.


They are a funny bunch of loons.

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