Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

I never said that hate crimes treat victims differently, therefore, what he did was address something that was never stated. That makes both of you look foolish. Him for saying it and you for agreeing with him.

Unlike you, I do it with women like a man should. You take it up the ass like a faggot.
Oh Christ! You claimed that the victims are get special rights because they are covered under hate crime laws. What the hell is the difference. Can you do anything besides play semantic word games?

I said they get special treatment and protections. Perhaps you should learn to read.

Can you actually be a man and admit you're wrong.
You're still playing word games Bubba!

Treatment and rights are two different words with two different meanings. Not my fault your old dumbaass can't tell the difference.
We are talking about the RIGHT to be TREADED as human beings and not be dragged to death like Matthew Sheppard! Yes two different words. Try putting them together in a sentence now and stop playing games.

So LGBT freaks has a right to be treated to a specific pride month? When is Heterosexual Pride Month?
Hate crimes punish the perpetrators differently and more severely on behalf of the victim.

You call me a bigot then wish harm to me. Try not to be such a freak loving asshole. It makes you look foolish.
Reverse that, he just made you look foolish and completely debunked your lame argument. You lost, Take it like a man

I never said that hate crimes treat victims differently, therefore, what he did was address something that was never stated. That makes both of you look foolish. Him for saying it and you for agreeing with him.

Unlike you, I do it with women like a man should. You take it up the ass like a faggot.
My money is on you being a flaming homo but to scared to come out... It explains the hostility.

You dodged the question about special treatment. Name specifically what you are talking about.

I think your hate crime objections have been debunked, so what else you got?
Where did this guy go? Hiding in the closet are we? It's ok to come out
There are some nasty people on here! I can only hope that they are not representative of the real world!

Keep you responses this short, stupid
Save your journalistic bullshit for the losers at community college, where you're probably a draft dodging Liberal tree hugging nut job professor
Take a bath and clean it up asshole

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh Christ! You claimed that the victims are get special rights because they are covered under hate crime laws. What the hell is the difference. Can you do anything besides play semantic word games?

I said they get special treatment and protections. Perhaps you should learn to read.

Can you actually be a man and admit you're wrong.
You're still playing word games Bubba!

Treatment and rights are two different words with two different meanings. Not my fault your old dumbaass can't tell the difference.
We are talking about the RIGHT to be TREADED as human beings and not be dragged to death like Matthew Sheppard! Yes two different words. Try putting them together in a sentence now and stop playing games.

So LGBT freaks has a right to be treated to a specific pride month? When is Heterosexual Pride Month?

What's wrong with celebrating perversion? Only in America.....
There she is!!!! nice to have you back... You say "special treatment and protections" but then you can't back it up with specifics... You make weak points that are easily refuted then you run and hide. I'm actually surprised that you came back for more

I specifically said those things you have already indicated occur. Since you now say they don't occur, that makes you a liar.
What things are you talking about?

The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.
There she is!!!! nice to have you back... You say "special treatment and protections" but then you can't back it up with specifics... You make weak points that are easily refuted then you run and hide. I'm actually surprised that you came back for more

I specifically said those things you have already indicated occur. Since you now say they don't occur, that makes you a liar.
What things are you talking about?

The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.

You were posed a question about which month was Heterosexual Pride Month. You said you saw no need for such a month yet support LGBT Pride Month. You also said heterosexuals already have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations.

The statement that matters is the one you made, and I quote, "And I do think they [LGBT] want and deserve special treatment".

That you support a specific month for freaks, fags, etc but oppose one for heterosexuals, that's just one example.
You are dodging again... What special treatments are you talking about, just be specific and stop trying to play word games on statements that i've made... You clearly don't comprehend the points that I make and carelessly try to distort them to use them against me... that doesn't work.

The celebration is a simple thing... They aren't simply celebrating being gay, they are celebrating the progress they have made overcoming generations of oppression and hate. They have every right to do this. Your desire to celebrate being a straight dude is so off base a laughable, I don't need to waist may energy trying to explain the difference... Can we now stick to real points of debate?
I specifically said those things you have already indicated occur. Since you now say they don't occur, that makes you a liar.
What things are you talking about?

The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.
I specifically said those things you have already indicated occur. Since you now say they don't occur, that makes you a liar.
What things are you talking about?

The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.

You were posed a question about which month was Heterosexual Pride Month. You said you saw no need for such a month yet support LGBT Pride Month. You also said heterosexuals already have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations.

The statement that matters is the one you made, and I quote, "And I do think they [LGBT] want and deserve special treatment".

That you support a specific month for freaks, fags, etc but oppose one for heterosexuals, that's just one example.
You are dodging again... What special treatments are you talking about, just be specific and stop trying to play word games on statements that i've made... You clearly don't comprehend the points that I make and carelessly try to distort them to use them against me... that doesn't work.

The celebration is a simple thing... They aren't simply celebrating being gay, they are celebrating the progress they have made overcoming generations of oppression and hate. They have every right to do this. Your desire to celebrate being a straight dude is so off base a laughable, I don't need to waist may energy trying to explain the difference... Can we now stick to real points of debate?

Sort of like the celebration liberals have each year on the anniversary of Roe V Wade? Like I said ISIS has nothing on liberals....
Oh Christ! You claimed that the victims are get special rights because they are covered under hate crime laws. What the hell is the difference. Can you do anything besides play semantic word games?

I said they get special treatment and protections. Perhaps you should learn to read.

Can you actually be a man and admit you're wrong.
You're still playing word games Bubba!

Treatment and rights are two different words with two different meanings. Not my fault your old dumbaass can't tell the difference.
We are talking about the RIGHT to be TREADED as human beings and not be dragged to death like Matthew Sheppard! Yes two different words. Try putting them together in a sentence now and stop playing games.

So LGBT freaks has a right to be treated to a specific pride month? When is Heterosexual Pride Month?
Are you trying to say that presidential support an celebratory gatherings is "special treatment"? What is it allowing them to do that others can't?
What things are you talking about?

The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.
What things are you talking about?

The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.

You were posed a question about which month was Heterosexual Pride Month. You said you saw no need for such a month yet support LGBT Pride Month. You also said heterosexuals already have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations.

The statement that matters is the one you made, and I quote, "And I do think they [LGBT] want and deserve special treatment".

That you support a specific month for freaks, fags, etc but oppose one for heterosexuals, that's just one example.
You are dodging again... What special treatments are you talking about, just be specific and stop trying to play word games on statements that i've made... You clearly don't comprehend the points that I make and carelessly try to distort them to use them against me... that doesn't work.

The celebration is a simple thing... They aren't simply celebrating being gay, they are celebrating the progress they have made overcoming generations of oppression and hate. They have every right to do this. Your desire to celebrate being a straight dude is so off base a laughable, I don't need to waist may energy trying to explain the difference... Can we now stick to real points of debate?

Sort of like the celebration liberals have each year on the anniversary of Roe V Wade? Like I said ISIS has nothing on liberals....
You're funny man... Are you capable of making a rational argument? TBD
I said they get special treatment and protections. Perhaps you should learn to read.

Can you actually be a man and admit you're wrong.
You're still playing word games Bubba!

Treatment and rights are two different words with two different meanings. Not my fault your old dumbaass can't tell the difference.
We are talking about the RIGHT to be TREADED as human beings and not be dragged to death like Matthew Sheppard! Yes two different words. Try putting them together in a sentence now and stop playing games.

So LGBT freaks has a right to be treated to a specific pride month? When is Heterosexual Pride Month?
Are you trying to say that presidential support an celebratory gatherings is "special treatment"? What is it allowing them to do that others can't?

I'm only expressing what the definition of special treatment means.
I specifically said those things you have already indicated occur. Since you now say they don't occur, that makes you a liar.
What things are you talking about?

The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.
I specifically said those things you have already indicated occur. Since you now say they don't occur, that makes you a liar.
What things are you talking about?

The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.

You were posed a question about which month was Heterosexual Pride Month. You said you saw no need for such a month yet support LGBT Pride Month. You also said heterosexuals already have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations.

The statement that matters is the one you made, and I quote, "And I do think they [LGBT] want and deserve special treatment".

That you support a specific month for freaks, fags, etc but oppose one for heterosexuals, that's just one example.
You are dodging again... What special treatments are you talking about, just be specific and stop trying to play word games on statements that i've made... You clearly don't comprehend the points that I make and carelessly try to distort them to use them against me... that doesn't work.

The celebration is a simple thing... They aren't simply celebrating being gay, they are celebrating the progress they have made overcoming generations of oppression and hate. They have every right to do this. Your desire to celebrate being a straight dude is so off base a laughable, I don't need to waist may energy trying to explain the difference... Can we now stick to real points of debate?

I don't have to distort your words. They are clear. You said certain groups, in this case LGBT, deserve special treatment.

If they have a right to do what you say and you claim I don't, that's special treatment.

I don't need waste my time explaining how that satisfies your request for an example.
You're still playing word games Bubba!

Treatment and rights are two different words with two different meanings. Not my fault your old dumbaass can't tell the difference.
We are talking about the RIGHT to be TREADED as human beings and not be dragged to death like Matthew Sheppard! Yes two different words. Try putting them together in a sentence now and stop playing games.

So LGBT freaks has a right to be treated to a specific pride month? When is Heterosexual Pride Month?
Are you trying to say that presidential support an celebratory gatherings is "special treatment"? What is it allowing them to do that others can't?

I'm only expressing what the definition of special treatment means.
So far you haven't said shit. Are you objecting to all of these celebratory months because they somehow express sepecial treatment?
Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
African American History Month
Hispanic Heritage Month
LGBT Pride Month
Native American Heritage Month
Veterans Month
Women's History Month

History, Heritage, and Pride Months
What things are you talking about?

The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.
What things are you talking about?

The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.

You were posed a question about which month was Heterosexual Pride Month. You said you saw no need for such a month yet support LGBT Pride Month. You also said heterosexuals already have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations.

The statement that matters is the one you made, and I quote, "And I do think they [LGBT] want and deserve special treatment".

That you support a specific month for freaks, fags, etc but oppose one for heterosexuals, that's just one example.
You are dodging again... What special treatments are you talking about, just be specific and stop trying to play word games on statements that i've made... You clearly don't comprehend the points that I make and carelessly try to distort them to use them against me... that doesn't work.

The celebration is a simple thing... They aren't simply celebrating being gay, they are celebrating the progress they have made overcoming generations of oppression and hate. They have every right to do this. Your desire to celebrate being a straight dude is so off base a laughable, I don't need to waist may energy trying to explain the difference... Can we now stick to real points of debate?

I don't have to distort your words. They are clear. You said certain groups, in this case LGBT, deserve special treatment.

If they have a right to do what you say and you claim I don't, that's special treatment.

I don't need waste my time explaining how that satisfies your request for an example.
Jesus christ you are annoying... just make a point and stop with the word games. WHAT SPECIAL TREATMENT ARE YOU OBJECTING TO?

If I want to donate to a breast cancer charity, or an LGBT cause, I have every right to do that even though it is technically special treatment. I am a private citizen and I can support whatever I want. What I think and do is irrelevant to this conversation so stop using my POV as justification to your weak ass argument. If our lawmakers are implementing special treatment or unfair legislation then point it out or shut the fuck up and stop wasting our time.
Treatment and rights are two different words with two different meanings. Not my fault your old dumbaass can't tell the difference.
We are talking about the RIGHT to be TREADED as human beings and not be dragged to death like Matthew Sheppard! Yes two different words. Try putting them together in a sentence now and stop playing games.

So LGBT freaks has a right to be treated to a specific pride month? When is Heterosexual Pride Month?
Are you trying to say that presidential support an celebratory gatherings is "special treatment"? What is it allowing them to do that others can't?

I'm only expressing what the definition of special treatment means.
So far you haven't said shit. Are you objecting to all of these celebratory months because they somehow express sepecial treatment?
Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
African American History Month
Hispanic Heritage Month
LGBT Pride Month
Native American Heritage Month
Veterans Month
Women's History Month

History, Heritage, and Pride Months

You've said plenty including that you think certain groups deserve special treatment. Your words. Why are you ashamed of what you said?

Where is European American History Month, White History Month, and Men's History Month? If you support months honoring certain groups and oppose others, that's special treatment.
Oh Christ! You claimed that the victims are get special rights because they are covered under hate crime laws. What the hell is the difference. Can you do anything besides play semantic word games?

I said they get special treatment and protections. Perhaps you should learn to read.

Can you actually be a man and admit you're wrong.
You're still playing word games Bubba!

Treatment and rights are two different words with two different meanings. Not my fault your old dumbaass can't tell the difference.
We are talking about the RIGHT to be TREADED as human beings and not be dragged to death like Matthew Sheppard! Yes two different words. Try putting them together in a sentence now and stop playing games.

So LGBT freaks has a right to be treated to a specific pride month? When is Heterosexual Pride Month?
Oh Christ! You claimed that the victims are get special rights because they are covered under hate crime laws. What the hell is the difference. Can you do anything besides play semantic word games?

I said they get special treatment and protections. Perhaps you should learn to read.

Can you actually be a man and admit you're wrong.
You're still playing word games Bubba!

Treatment and rights are two different words with two different meanings. Not my fault your old dumbaass can't tell the difference.
We are talking about the RIGHT to be TREADED as human beings and not be dragged to death like Matthew Sheppard! Yes two different words. Try putting them together in a sentence now and stop playing games.

So LGBT freaks has a right to be treated to a specific pride month? When is Heterosexual Pride Month?
Whaaa Whaaa Whaaa...I want my pride month. You can go out there and wave your heterosexual pride flag any and damned month that you want. However, I guarantee that more people will be ridiculing you than joining you. Many more.

You can also walk down any street in the country without fear of being beaten for your sexual orientation or gender identity

You can work in any state in the country without fear of being fired for sexual orientation or gender identity

You can apply for housing in any state in the country without fear of being denied for your sexual orientation or gender identity.

You can walk into any business in the country and not worry about if you will be served sexual orientation or gender identity

Even before Obergefell, you could have chosen to marry the person of your desire as long as that person was stupid enough to marry you.
What things are you talking about?

The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.
What things are you talking about?

The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.

You were posed a question about which month was Heterosexual Pride Month. You said you saw no need for such a month yet support LGBT Pride Month. You also said heterosexuals already have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations.

The statement that matters is the one you made, and I quote, "And I do think they [LGBT] want and deserve special treatment".

That you support a specific month for freaks, fags, etc but oppose one for heterosexuals, that's just one example.
You are dodging again... What special treatments are you talking about, just be specific and stop trying to play word games on statements that i've made... You clearly don't comprehend the points that I make and carelessly try to distort them to use them against me... that doesn't work.

The celebration is a simple thing... They aren't simply celebrating being gay, they are celebrating the progress they have made overcoming generations of oppression and hate. They have every right to do this. Your desire to celebrate being a straight dude is so off base a laughable, I don't need to waist may energy trying to explain the difference... Can we now stick to real points of debate?

Sort of like the celebration liberals have each year on the anniversary of Roe V Wade? Like I said ISIS has nothing on liberals....
Sorry pal, we have reached our troll quota on this thread. Kindly take it somewhere else.
The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.
The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.

You were posed a question about which month was Heterosexual Pride Month. You said you saw no need for such a month yet support LGBT Pride Month. You also said heterosexuals already have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations.

The statement that matters is the one you made, and I quote, "And I do think they [LGBT] want and deserve special treatment".

That you support a specific month for freaks, fags, etc but oppose one for heterosexuals, that's just one example.
You are dodging again... What special treatments are you talking about, just be specific and stop trying to play word games on statements that i've made... You clearly don't comprehend the points that I make and carelessly try to distort them to use them against me... that doesn't work.

The celebration is a simple thing... They aren't simply celebrating being gay, they are celebrating the progress they have made overcoming generations of oppression and hate. They have every right to do this. Your desire to celebrate being a straight dude is so off base a laughable, I don't need to waist may energy trying to explain the difference... Can we now stick to real points of debate?

I don't have to distort your words. They are clear. You said certain groups, in this case LGBT, deserve special treatment.

If they have a right to do what you say and you claim I don't, that's special treatment.

I don't need waste my time explaining how that satisfies your request for an example.
Jesus christ you are annoying... just make a point and stop with the word games. WHAT SPECIAL TREATMENT ARE YOU OBJECTING TO?

If I want to donate to a breast cancer charity, or an LGBT cause, I have every right to do that even though it is technically special treatment. I am a private citizen and I can support whatever I want. What I think and do is irrelevant to this conversation so stop using my POV as justification to your weak ass argument. If our lawmakers are implementing special treatment or unfair legislation then point it out or shut the fuck up and stop wasting our time.

You personally donating money to any cause is not a problem. That's a private matter.

Tell you what. When you're man enough to shut me up, I will. I'm waiting knowing full well you don't have the guts.
The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.
The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.

You were posed a question about which month was Heterosexual Pride Month. You said you saw no need for such a month yet support LGBT Pride Month. You also said heterosexuals already have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations.

The statement that matters is the one you made, and I quote, "And I do think they [LGBT] want and deserve special treatment".

That you support a specific month for freaks, fags, etc but oppose one for heterosexuals, that's just one example.
You are dodging again... What special treatments are you talking about, just be specific and stop trying to play word games on statements that i've made... You clearly don't comprehend the points that I make and carelessly try to distort them to use them against me... that doesn't work.

The celebration is a simple thing... They aren't simply celebrating being gay, they are celebrating the progress they have made overcoming generations of oppression and hate. They have every right to do this. Your desire to celebrate being a straight dude is so off base a laughable, I don't need to waist may energy trying to explain the difference... Can we now stick to real points of debate?

Sort of like the celebration liberals have each year on the anniversary of Roe V Wade? Like I said ISIS has nothing on liberals....
Sorry pal, we have reached our troll quota on this thread. Kindly take it somewhere else.

No. Now, what the fuck are you going to do about it, whine and make more demands you can't enforce?
We are talking about the RIGHT to be TREADED as human beings and not be dragged to death like Matthew Sheppard! Yes two different words. Try putting them together in a sentence now and stop playing games.

So LGBT freaks has a right to be treated to a specific pride month? When is Heterosexual Pride Month?
Are you trying to say that presidential support an celebratory gatherings is "special treatment"? What is it allowing them to do that others can't?

I'm only expressing what the definition of special treatment means.
So far you haven't said shit. Are you objecting to all of these celebratory months because they somehow express sepecial treatment?
Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
African American History Month
Hispanic Heritage Month
LGBT Pride Month
Native American Heritage Month
Veterans Month
Women's History Month

History, Heritage, and Pride Months

You've said plenty including that you think certain groups deserve special treatment. Your words. Why are you ashamed of what you said?

Where is European American History Month, White History Month, and Men's History Month? If you support months honoring certain groups and oppose others, that's special treatment.
Start a movement, rally support, you'll get your month... Its not a big deal, don't know why you need to make it into one.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.

You were posed a question about which month was Heterosexual Pride Month. You said you saw no need for such a month yet support LGBT Pride Month. You also said heterosexuals already have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations.

The statement that matters is the one you made, and I quote, "And I do think they [LGBT] want and deserve special treatment".

That you support a specific month for freaks, fags, etc but oppose one for heterosexuals, that's just one example.
You are dodging again... What special treatments are you talking about, just be specific and stop trying to play word games on statements that i've made... You clearly don't comprehend the points that I make and carelessly try to distort them to use them against me... that doesn't work.

The celebration is a simple thing... They aren't simply celebrating being gay, they are celebrating the progress they have made overcoming generations of oppression and hate. They have every right to do this. Your desire to celebrate being a straight dude is so off base a laughable, I don't need to waist may energy trying to explain the difference... Can we now stick to real points of debate?

I don't have to distort your words. They are clear. You said certain groups, in this case LGBT, deserve special treatment.

If they have a right to do what you say and you claim I don't, that's special treatment.

I don't need waste my time explaining how that satisfies your request for an example.
Jesus christ you are annoying... just make a point and stop with the word games. WHAT SPECIAL TREATMENT ARE YOU OBJECTING TO?

If I want to donate to a breast cancer charity, or an LGBT cause, I have every right to do that even though it is technically special treatment. I am a private citizen and I can support whatever I want. What I think and do is irrelevant to this conversation so stop using my POV as justification to your weak ass argument. If our lawmakers are implementing special treatment or unfair legislation then point it out or shut the fuck up and stop wasting our time.

You personally donating money to any cause is not a problem. That's a private matter.

Tell you what. When you're man enough to shut me up, I will. I'm waiting knowing full well you don't have the guts.
What does guts have to do with it? I can keep making you look like an idiot as you continuously dodge questions and make empty pointless statements. I'm happy to continue to do that. Shutting up seems to be the only way for you to save face at this point. I'm sure as soon as you try to reengage with substance and then get shut down again you'll go off the grid.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.

You were posed a question about which month was Heterosexual Pride Month. You said you saw no need for such a month yet support LGBT Pride Month. You also said heterosexuals already have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations.

The statement that matters is the one you made, and I quote, "And I do think they [LGBT] want and deserve special treatment".

That you support a specific month for freaks, fags, etc but oppose one for heterosexuals, that's just one example.
You are dodging again... What special treatments are you talking about, just be specific and stop trying to play word games on statements that i've made... You clearly don't comprehend the points that I make and carelessly try to distort them to use them against me... that doesn't work.

The celebration is a simple thing... They aren't simply celebrating being gay, they are celebrating the progress they have made overcoming generations of oppression and hate. They have every right to do this. Your desire to celebrate being a straight dude is so off base a laughable, I don't need to waist may energy trying to explain the difference... Can we now stick to real points of debate?

Sort of like the celebration liberals have each year on the anniversary of Roe V Wade? Like I said ISIS has nothing on liberals....
Sorry pal, we have reached our troll quota on this thread. Kindly take it somewhere else.

No. Now, what the fuck are you going to do about it, whine and make more demands you can't enforce?
haha, now he wants to fight... he's all puffy because he can't win on intellect
So LGBT freaks has a right to be treated to a specific pride month? When is Heterosexual Pride Month?
Are you trying to say that presidential support an celebratory gatherings is "special treatment"? What is it allowing them to do that others can't?

I'm only expressing what the definition of special treatment means.
So far you haven't said shit. Are you objecting to all of these celebratory months because they somehow express sepecial treatment?
Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
African American History Month
Hispanic Heritage Month
LGBT Pride Month
Native American Heritage Month
Veterans Month
Women's History Month

History, Heritage, and Pride Months

You've said plenty including that you think certain groups deserve special treatment. Your words. Why are you ashamed of what you said?

Where is European American History Month, White History Month, and Men's History Month? If you support months honoring certain groups and oppose others, that's special treatment.
Start a movement, rally support, you'll get your month... Its not a big deal, don't know why you need to make it into one.

No I wouldn't. The n*gger President only panders to certain groups, fags and freaks being just one.

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