Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

Meanwhile, in Syria, they continue to throw gays from rooftops. In Iraq, they string them up on cranes. Obama can continue to turn a blind eye to the fucking problem, just like the world allowed Hitler to murder Jews. As soon as the "Jihad" reaches the streets of Anytown, USA, the gays will be the first to be strung up in the public square or castrated in public. How about that for a sex change, idiots.

Yeah - celebrate, assholes.

How about waking the fuck up?
I'm sure that you are real concerned about how gays are treated in the middle east. I'm going to call bullshit on that. I doubt if you would be protesting their being tossed off of roof tops here at home. You people just use that for a chance to slam Obama and make it sound like gays have nothing to complain about in the US

The fact is that we have to be realistic about the extent to which we can influence and shape the internal, domestic affairs of other countries, especially those where there is a vastly different culture, and no tradition of democracy or the rule of law.

Consider how unsuccessful we have been in trying to change the behavior of North Korea – a country that has little to offer us- with massive sanctions. Now consider Saudi Arabia- and important military ally and trade partner, and one of the few stable governments in the region. I would like just one of you numb nuts to explain exactly what you would do about their human rights issues. Something that is effective and workable and that does not compromise our national interests. Give it a shot. And don’t try to tell us that we should put human rights for gays ahead of our national interests because coming from people like you, it would obviously just be a load of crap. And if your advocating nation building, ask yourself- How well did that go in Iraq?

Lastly, just bringing up the treatment of gays in Islamic countries is a dishonest, sleazy and desperate logical fallacy in the form of a red herring as more so- a tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy.

It is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."

The fact that these tactics have to be employed, along with that idiotic pyramid cartoon seriously undermines the credibility of the entire argument.

Asshole - kindly limit your responses to a sentence or two. I don't have time - nor the desire - to read your fucking manifesto on men sucking each other's dicks. I get it. You're a cocksucker. Keep it succinct, stupid.
A little too close to home Chief? Why should I limit my response on a complicated subject? Because your pea brain can only process two sentences at a time. If you don't have time to read a couple of paragraphs you must read pretty slowly. You seem to have the time to post stupid shit, but not the time to deal with the blowback.

In addition, your need to make assumptions about me and to call me names tells me all that I need to know about you.

Ah, it seems that I struck a nerve!

That's as far as I get with your posts, shitforbrains.
What part of succinct do you fail to understand.
If you want to bloviate - I recommend removing your mouth from whatever cock it's fastened to, and take to a podium, shitforbrains.
Maybe some idiot will give you 5 minutes of their time.
It would indeed take an idiot.
Go to a Clinton rally to increase your odds of finding an audience for your gay-slanted, cum-dripping blather.
You mean you've never received an answer with which you agree.

You freak lovers should get on the same page. Even those on your side like Slade say certain groups get special treatment.

When you consider certain groups a protected class status and apply in their favor what you don't do for other non-protected groups, that's special treatment. Hate crime legislation is just one example. When someone of one of those groups is a victim of a crime and there are punishments placed the perpetrator beyond what those punishments would be if the victim wasn't part of protected group (fill in the blank), that's special treatment. You don't have to agree for it to be true. That will never be a requirement. All you have to understand is it's true.
More horseshit! Hate crimes laws don't treat the victim differently. They treat the scum perpetrator differently because the crime is not just against the immediate target of their bias fueled wrath but against an entire community who they seek to intimidate and harass. The "protected class" status is with regards to both bias-intimidation crimes, and discrimination is not specific to any sexual orientation or gender identity but rather protects all sexual orientations and gender identities. That would even include you as a heterosexual, cisgender bigot the gay mafia came after you and I hope they will . Please try to learn something, bubba.

Hate crimes punish the perpetrators differently and more severely on behalf of the victim.

You call me a bigot then wish harm to me. Try not to be such a freak loving asshole. It makes you look foolish.
Reverse that, he just made you look foolish and completely debunked your lame argument. You lost, Take it like a man

I never said that hate crimes treat victims differently, therefore, what he did was address something that was never stated. That makes both of you look foolish. Him for saying it and you for agreeing with him.

Unlike you, I do it with women like a man should. You take it up the ass like a faggot.
My money is on you being a flaming homo but to scared to come out... It explains the hostility.

You dodged the question about special treatment. Name specifically what you are talking about.

I think your hate crime objections have been debunked, so what else you got?
Where did this guy go? Hiding in the closet are we? It's ok to come out
Meanwhile, in Syria, they continue to throw gays from rooftops. In Iraq, they string them up on cranes. Obama can continue to turn a blind eye to the fucking problem, just like the world allowed Hitler to murder Jews. As soon as the "Jihad" reaches the streets of Anytown, USA, the gays will be the first to be strung up in the public square or castrated in public. How about that for a sex change, idiots.

Yeah - celebrate, assholes.

How about waking the fuck up?
I'm sure that you are real concerned about how gays are treated in the middle east. I'm going to call bullshit on that. I doubt if you would be protesting their being tossed off of roof tops here at home. You people just use that for a chance to slam Obama and make it sound like gays have nothing to complain about in the US

The fact is that we have to be realistic about the extent to which we can influence and shape the internal, domestic affairs of other countries, especially those where there is a vastly different culture, and no tradition of democracy or the rule of law.

Consider how unsuccessful we have been in trying to change the behavior of North Korea – a country that has little to offer us- with massive sanctions. Now consider Saudi Arabia- and important military ally and trade partner, and one of the few stable governments in the region. I would like just one of you numb nuts to explain exactly what you would do about their human rights issues. Something that is effective and workable and that does not compromise our national interests. Give it a shot. And don’t try to tell us that we should put human rights for gays ahead of our national interests because coming from people like you, it would obviously just be a load of crap. And if your advocating nation building, ask yourself- How well did that go in Iraq?

Lastly, just bringing up the treatment of gays in Islamic countries is a dishonest, sleazy and desperate logical fallacy in the form of a red herring as more so- a tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy.

It is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."

The fact that these tactics have to be employed, along with that idiotic pyramid cartoon seriously undermines the credibility of the entire argument.

Asshole - kindly limit your responses to a sentence or two. I don't have time - nor the desire - to read your fucking manifesto on men sucking each other's dicks. I get it. You're a cocksucker. Keep it succinct, stupid.
A little too close to home Chief? Why should I limit my response on a complicated subject? Because your pea brain can only process two sentences at a time. If you don't have time to read a couple of paragraphs you must read pretty slowly. You seem to have the time to post stupid shit, but not the time to deal with the blowback.

In addition, your need to make assumptions about me and to call me names tells me all that I need to know about you.

Ah, it seems that I struck a nerve!

That's as far as I get with your posts, shitforbrains.
What part of succinct do you fail to understand.
If you want to bloviate - I recommend removing your mouth from whatever cock it's fastened to, and take to a podium, shitforbrains.
Maybe some idiot will give you 5 minutes of their time.
It would indeed take an idiot.
Go to a Clinton rally to increase your odds of finding an audience for your gay-slanted, cum-dripping blather.
You sure have a need to be nasty , dude. Why are you so angry? Did it ever occur to you that if you were not so abusive and crude, and instead presented your argument- what ever that is- in a calm, logical and rational way, you might be taken seriously and be afforded some moral authority? I suspect that you have no actual argument that you can defend and your belligerence is a cover for that fact. Please don't whine and cry now.
Last edited:
More horseshit! Hate crimes laws don't treat the victim differently. They treat the scum perpetrator differently because the crime is not just against the immediate target of their bias fueled wrath but against an entire community who they seek to intimidate and harass. The "protected class" status is with regards to both bias-intimidation crimes, and discrimination is not specific to any sexual orientation or gender identity but rather protects all sexual orientations and gender identities. That would even include you as a heterosexual, cisgender bigot the gay mafia came after you and I hope they will . Please try to learn something, bubba.

Hate crimes punish the perpetrators differently and more severely on behalf of the victim.

You call me a bigot then wish harm to me. Try not to be such a freak loving asshole. It makes you look foolish.
Reverse that, he just made you look foolish and completely debunked your lame argument. You lost, Take it like a man

I never said that hate crimes treat victims differently, therefore, what he did was address something that was never stated. That makes both of you look foolish. Him for saying it and you for agreeing with him.

Unlike you, I do it with women like a man should. You take it up the ass like a faggot.
My money is on you being a flaming homo but to scared to come out... It explains the hostility.

You dodged the question about special treatment. Name specifically what you are talking about.

I think your hate crime objections have been debunked, so what else you got?
Where did this guy go? Hiding in the closet are we? It's ok to come out
There are some nasty people on here! I can only hope that they are not representative of the real world!
You mean you've never received an answer with which you agree.

You freak lovers should get on the same page. Even those on your side like Slade say certain groups get special treatment.

When you consider certain groups a protected class status and apply in their favor what you don't do for other non-protected groups, that's special treatment. Hate crime legislation is just one example. When someone of one of those groups is a victim of a crime and there are punishments placed the perpetrator beyond what those punishments would be if the victim wasn't part of protected group (fill in the blank), that's special treatment. You don't have to agree for it to be true. That will never be a requirement. All you have to understand is it's true.
More horseshit! Hate crimes laws don't treat the victim differently. They treat the scum perpetrator differently because the crime is not just against the immediate target of their bias fueled wrath but against an entire community who they seek to intimidate and harass. The "protected class" status is with regards to both bias-intimidation crimes, and discrimination is not specific to any sexual orientation or gender identity but rather protects all sexual orientations and gender identities. That would even include you as a heterosexual, cisgender bigot the gay mafia came after you and I hope they will . Please try to learn something, bubba.

Hate crimes punish the perpetrators differently and more severely on behalf of the victim.

You call me a bigot then wish harm to me. Try not to be such a freak loving asshole. It makes you look foolish.
Reverse that, he just made you look foolish and completely debunked your lame argument. You lost, Take it like a man

I never said that hate crimes treat victims differently, therefore, what he did was address something that was never stated. That makes both of you look foolish. Him for saying it and you for agreeing with him.

Unlike you, I do it with women like a man should. You take it up the ass like a faggot.
Oh Christ! You claimed that the victims are get special rights because they are covered under hate crime laws. What the hell is the difference. Can you do anything besides play semantic word games?

I said they get special treatment and protections. Perhaps you should learn to read.

Can you actually be a man and admit you're wrong.
Hate crimes punish the perpetrators differently and more severely on behalf of the victim.

You call me a bigot then wish harm to me. Try not to be such a freak loving asshole. It makes you look foolish.
Reverse that, he just made you look foolish and completely debunked your lame argument. You lost, Take it like a man

I never said that hate crimes treat victims differently, therefore, what he did was address something that was never stated. That makes both of you look foolish. Him for saying it and you for agreeing with him.

Unlike you, I do it with women like a man should. You take it up the ass like a faggot.
My money is on you being a flaming homo but to scared to come out... It explains the hostility.

You dodged the question about special treatment. Name specifically what you are talking about.

I think your hate crime objections have been debunked, so what else you got?
Where did this guy go? Hiding in the closet are we? It's ok to come out
There are some nasty people on here! I can only hope that they are not representative of the real world!

A Progressive living in the real world. You live in a fantasy world.
More horseshit! Hate crimes laws don't treat the victim differently. They treat the scum perpetrator differently because the crime is not just against the immediate target of their bias fueled wrath but against an entire community who they seek to intimidate and harass. The "protected class" status is with regards to both bias-intimidation crimes, and discrimination is not specific to any sexual orientation or gender identity but rather protects all sexual orientations and gender identities. That would even include you as a heterosexual, cisgender bigot the gay mafia came after you and I hope they will . Please try to learn something, bubba.

Hate crimes punish the perpetrators differently and more severely on behalf of the victim.

You call me a bigot then wish harm to me. Try not to be such a freak loving asshole. It makes you look foolish.
Reverse that, he just made you look foolish and completely debunked your lame argument. You lost, Take it like a man

I never said that hate crimes treat victims differently, therefore, what he did was address something that was never stated. That makes both of you look foolish. Him for saying it and you for agreeing with him.

Unlike you, I do it with women like a man should. You take it up the ass like a faggot.
Oh Christ! You claimed that the victims are get special rights because they are covered under hate crime laws. What the hell is the difference. Can you do anything besides play semantic word games?

I said they get special treatment and protections. Perhaps you should learn to read.

Can you actually be a man and admit you're wrong.
There she is!!!! nice to have you back... You say "special treatment and protections" but then you can't back it up with specifics... You make weak points that are easily refuted then you run and hide. I'm actually surprised that you came back for more
You mean you've never received an answer with which you agree.

You freak lovers should get on the same page. Even those on your side like Slade say certain groups get special treatment.

When you consider certain groups a protected class status and apply in their favor what you don't do for other non-protected groups, that's special treatment. Hate crime legislation is just one example. When someone of one of those groups is a victim of a crime and there are punishments placed the perpetrator beyond what those punishments would be if the victim wasn't part of protected group (fill in the blank), that's special treatment. You don't have to agree for it to be true. That will never be a requirement. All you have to understand is it's true.
More horseshit! Hate crimes laws don't treat the victim differently. They treat the scum perpetrator differently because the crime is not just against the immediate target of their bias fueled wrath but against an entire community who they seek to intimidate and harass. The "protected class" status is with regards to both bias-intimidation crimes, and discrimination is not specific to any sexual orientation or gender identity but rather protects all sexual orientations and gender identities. That would even include you as a heterosexual, cisgender bigot the gay mafia came after you and I hope they will . Please try to learn something, bubba.

Hate crimes punish the perpetrators differently and more severely on behalf of the victim.

You call me a bigot then wish harm to me. Try not to be such a freak loving asshole. It makes you look foolish.
On behalf of all decent members of a civilized society ,Bubba

On behalf of those who know you're a pussy, step up to the plate.
Holly crap! So this is what you have been reduced to? Calling me a "pussy" ? You have no clue as to who or what I am,. However, this sort of thing, in the absence of anything resembling an argument tells me all that I need to know about your level of emotional development and intellectual functioning.

You're the one that wished harm to me and hoped the "gay mafia" would come after me. Since we both know you don't have the guts, pussy isn't just a name but what you are. I have more than a clue. You're the type that wishes harm to people and calls them bigots then does exactly toward them what you say is wrong.
Hate crimes punish the perpetrators differently and more severely on behalf of the victim.

You call me a bigot then wish harm to me. Try not to be such a freak loving asshole. It makes you look foolish.
Reverse that, he just made you look foolish and completely debunked your lame argument. You lost, Take it like a man

I never said that hate crimes treat victims differently, therefore, what he did was address something that was never stated. That makes both of you look foolish. Him for saying it and you for agreeing with him.

Unlike you, I do it with women like a man should. You take it up the ass like a faggot.
Oh Christ! You claimed that the victims are get special rights because they are covered under hate crime laws. What the hell is the difference. Can you do anything besides play semantic word games?

I said they get special treatment and protections. Perhaps you should learn to read.

Can you actually be a man and admit you're wrong.
There she is!!!! nice to have you back... You say "special treatment and protections" but then you can't back it up with specifics... You make weak points that are easily refuted then you run and hide. I'm actually surprised that you came back for more

I specifically said those things you have already indicated occur. Since you now say they don't occur, that makes you a liar.
More horseshit! Hate crimes laws don't treat the victim differently. They treat the scum perpetrator differently because the crime is not just against the immediate target of their bias fueled wrath but against an entire community who they seek to intimidate and harass. The "protected class" status is with regards to both bias-intimidation crimes, and discrimination is not specific to any sexual orientation or gender identity but rather protects all sexual orientations and gender identities. That would even include you as a heterosexual, cisgender bigot the gay mafia came after you and I hope they will . Please try to learn something, bubba.

Hate crimes punish the perpetrators differently and more severely on behalf of the victim.

You call me a bigot then wish harm to me. Try not to be such a freak loving asshole. It makes you look foolish.
Reverse that, he just made you look foolish and completely debunked your lame argument. You lost, Take it like a man

I never said that hate crimes treat victims differently, therefore, what he did was address something that was never stated. That makes both of you look foolish. Him for saying it and you for agreeing with him.

Unlike you, I do it with women like a man should. You take it up the ass like a faggot.
Oh Christ! You claimed that the victims are get special rights because they are covered under hate crime laws. What the hell is the difference. Can you do anything besides play semantic word games?

I said they get special treatment and protections. Perhaps you should learn to read.

Can you actually be a man and admit you're wrong.
You're still playing word games Bubba!
More horseshit! Hate crimes laws don't treat the victim differently. They treat the scum perpetrator differently because the crime is not just against the immediate target of their bias fueled wrath but against an entire community who they seek to intimidate and harass. The "protected class" status is with regards to both bias-intimidation crimes, and discrimination is not specific to any sexual orientation or gender identity but rather protects all sexual orientations and gender identities. That would even include you as a heterosexual, cisgender bigot the gay mafia came after you and I hope they will . Please try to learn something, bubba.

Hate crimes punish the perpetrators differently and more severely on behalf of the victim.

You call me a bigot then wish harm to me. Try not to be such a freak loving asshole. It makes you look foolish.
On behalf of all decent members of a civilized society ,Bubba

On behalf of those who know you're a pussy, step up to the plate.
Holly crap! So this is what you have been reduced to? Calling me a "pussy" ? You have no clue as to who or what I am,. However, this sort of thing, in the absence of anything resembling an argument tells me all that I need to know about your level of emotional development and intellectual functioning.

You're the one that wished harm to me and hoped the "gay mafia" would come after me. Since we both know you don't have the guts, pussy isn't just a name but what you are. I have more than a clue. You're the type that wishes harm to people and calls them bigots then does exactly toward them what you say is wrong.
The difference being your desired harm is instigated by you... His is reactionary
Reverse that, he just made you look foolish and completely debunked your lame argument. You lost, Take it like a man

I never said that hate crimes treat victims differently, therefore, what he did was address something that was never stated. That makes both of you look foolish. Him for saying it and you for agreeing with him.

Unlike you, I do it with women like a man should. You take it up the ass like a faggot.
Oh Christ! You claimed that the victims are get special rights because they are covered under hate crime laws. What the hell is the difference. Can you do anything besides play semantic word games?

I said they get special treatment and protections. Perhaps you should learn to read.

Can you actually be a man and admit you're wrong.
There she is!!!! nice to have you back... You say "special treatment and protections" but then you can't back it up with specifics... You make weak points that are easily refuted then you run and hide. I'm actually surprised that you came back for more

I specifically said those things you have already indicated occur. Since you now say they don't occur, that makes you a liar.
What things are you talking about?
Hate crimes punish the perpetrators differently and more severely on behalf of the victim.

You call me a bigot then wish harm to me. Try not to be such a freak loving asshole. It makes you look foolish.
Reverse that, he just made you look foolish and completely debunked your lame argument. You lost, Take it like a man

I never said that hate crimes treat victims differently, therefore, what he did was address something that was never stated. That makes both of you look foolish. Him for saying it and you for agreeing with him.

Unlike you, I do it with women like a man should. You take it up the ass like a faggot.
Oh Christ! You claimed that the victims are get special rights because they are covered under hate crime laws. What the hell is the difference. Can you do anything besides play semantic word games?

I said they get special treatment and protections. Perhaps you should learn to read.

Can you actually be a man and admit you're wrong.
You're still playing word games Bubba!

Treatment and rights are two different words with two different meanings. Not my fault your old dumbaass can't tell the difference.
Hate crimes punish the perpetrators differently and more severely on behalf of the victim.

You call me a bigot then wish harm to me. Try not to be such a freak loving asshole. It makes you look foolish.
On behalf of all decent members of a civilized society ,Bubba

On behalf of those who know you're a pussy, step up to the plate.
Holly crap! So this is what you have been reduced to? Calling me a "pussy" ? You have no clue as to who or what I am,. However, this sort of thing, in the absence of anything resembling an argument tells me all that I need to know about your level of emotional development and intellectual functioning.

You're the one that wished harm to me and hoped the "gay mafia" would come after me. Since we both know you don't have the guts, pussy isn't just a name but what you are. I have more than a clue. You're the type that wishes harm to people and calls them bigots then does exactly toward them what you say is wrong.
The difference being your desired harm is instigated by you... His is reactionary

He wished harm on me. Is that OK with you for him to do that?
I never said that hate crimes treat victims differently, therefore, what he did was address something that was never stated. That makes both of you look foolish. Him for saying it and you for agreeing with him.

Unlike you, I do it with women like a man should. You take it up the ass like a faggot.
Oh Christ! You claimed that the victims are get special rights because they are covered under hate crime laws. What the hell is the difference. Can you do anything besides play semantic word games?

I said they get special treatment and protections. Perhaps you should learn to read.

Can you actually be a man and admit you're wrong.
There she is!!!! nice to have you back... You say "special treatment and protections" but then you can't back it up with specifics... You make weak points that are easily refuted then you run and hide. I'm actually surprised that you came back for more

I specifically said those things you have already indicated occur. Since you now say they don't occur, that makes you a liar.
What things are you talking about?

The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
I jy
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

It's not my fault you fail to understand what is and is not perverse and deviant. People like you really should be in a mental hospital before you commit a crime against nature.

The queer issue has absolutely nothing to do with any civil right cause. It is a wedge issue to strip the civil rights of religious people who don't want to be involved with these ridiculous pseudo "wedding" trend. When it's NAMBLA's turn to be fought for and promoted by the left I'm sure you'll defend that agenda as well.

I'm sorry that self righteous, judgmental pieces of shit like yourself feel like your civil rights are being violated because those that don't share your faith or lifestyle want to be treated equally and fairly and fight against oppression.

I'll see if we can rally up some support for you all in case you need some shoulders to cry on.

You're the one that says all they want is equality then support special treatment for them.
This question has been asked many times and never once have I gotten an answer that makes any sense what so ever: WHAT SPECIAL TREATMENT?!

Ask Slade. He said it's OK to give certain groups special treatment in order for them to reach an equal level. Surely he knows since he said it's happening.
Oh Christ! You claimed that the victims are get special rights because they are covered under hate crime laws. What the hell is the difference. Can you do anything besides play semantic word games?

I said they get special treatment and protections. Perhaps you should learn to read.

Can you actually be a man and admit you're wrong.
There she is!!!! nice to have you back... You say "special treatment and protections" but then you can't back it up with specifics... You make weak points that are easily refuted then you run and hide. I'm actually surprised that you came back for more

I specifically said those things you have already indicated occur. Since you now say they don't occur, that makes you a liar.
What things are you talking about?

The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.
I said they get special treatment and protections. Perhaps you should learn to read.

Can you actually be a man and admit you're wrong.
There she is!!!! nice to have you back... You say "special treatment and protections" but then you can't back it up with specifics... You make weak points that are easily refuted then you run and hide. I'm actually surprised that you came back for more

I specifically said those things you have already indicated occur. Since you now say they don't occur, that makes you a liar.
What things are you talking about?

The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.
I said they get special treatment and protections. Perhaps you should learn to read.

Can you actually be a man and admit you're wrong.
There she is!!!! nice to have you back... You say "special treatment and protections" but then you can't back it up with specifics... You make weak points that are easily refuted then you run and hide. I'm actually surprised that you came back for more

I specifically said those things you have already indicated occur. Since you now say they don't occur, that makes you a liar.
What things are you talking about?

The ones you said were OK to do for certain groups.
What do you think I said? It would be much easier to just type them out instead of going in circles with these pointless general statements. It's very transparent that you don't have any sort of grasp on what you are talking about.

You were posed a question about which month was Heterosexual Pride Month. You said you saw no need for such a month yet support LGBT Pride Month. You also said heterosexuals already have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations.

The statement that matters is the one you made, and I quote, "And I do think they [LGBT] want and deserve special treatment".

That you support a specific month for freaks, fags, etc but oppose one for heterosexuals, that's just one example.
Reverse that, he just made you look foolish and completely debunked your lame argument. You lost, Take it like a man

I never said that hate crimes treat victims differently, therefore, what he did was address something that was never stated. That makes both of you look foolish. Him for saying it and you for agreeing with him.

Unlike you, I do it with women like a man should. You take it up the ass like a faggot.
Oh Christ! You claimed that the victims are get special rights because they are covered under hate crime laws. What the hell is the difference. Can you do anything besides play semantic word games?

I said they get special treatment and protections. Perhaps you should learn to read.

Can you actually be a man and admit you're wrong.
You're still playing word games Bubba!

Treatment and rights are two different words with two different meanings. Not my fault your old dumbaass can't tell the difference.
We are talking about the RIGHT to be TREADED as human beings and not be dragged to death like Matthew Sheppard! Yes two different words. Try putting them together in a sentence now and stop playing games.

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