Obama dispatches researchers to border to check on National Guard


So, just to be completely clear, you're upset because President Obama is not stopping Rick "I Hate African-Americans" Perry from illegally occupying the border, and wants to merely collect statistics that will prove or disprove the effectiveness of Perry's tactics?

I'm glad that you share my indignation. President Obama should be invading Texas with the entire U.S. military, throwing Perry in jail, and allowing Central and South Americans to stream in uncounted and undeterred. However, it's really not our place to oppose President Obama, so I support his undoubtedly flawless course of action. All will become clear in time.

no you twit....the only one who should be thrown in jail is BO.....for failing to defend our country from foreign invasion.....and in fact for encouraging it....

Before we can go further, we must be sure that we are spyykyng the same language.

Invasion - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
: an act of invading; especially : incursion of an army for conquest or plunder
: the incoming or spread of something usually hurtful

Do either of these terms accurately define "invasion" for you? If so, which one is the most accurate? If not, please provide a definition of "invasion" from a credible source.
Why hasn't Texas seceded yet?

They and a bunch of their hick buddies tried that once.

And only once. They were beaten too badly to ever want to try it again. You can thank your non-existent omniscient being for Prysydynt Lyncyln putting a stop to their shenanigans.
The team will only help Herr Obama collect data so he can use it as political ammo in the mid-terms.

Right, for use in President Obama's campaign for re-election against Rick Perry this year.

Oh wait, it doesn't work like that at all, and your post is full of paranoid garbage, as usual.

Texas is deploying National Guard troops to the border — and the White House is sending in the research team.

The aim of the group is to determine what, if any, effect the military troops has on curbing illegal immigrant inflow to the United States, Reuters first reported.

The White House team includes officials with the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security. President Obama tasked Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel with assembling the team and sending them in, with the ultimate goal of reporting back to the White House whether Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s “Deter and Refer” mission for 1,000 members of the Texas National Guard proves a worthwhile venture, Breitbart reported.

Read more: Obama dispatches researchers to border to check on National Guard - Washington Times
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Obama could learn a lot from Texas.



Il Douche is completely incapable of learning anything.

Think about it. If you walked around believing you know everything already, while you have a sycophantic media confirming you're the smartest creature ever to walk upright, would you be able to learn anything?

Of course I'm convinced the bastard is a moron. I've heard him say far too many insanely idiotic things to have even a shread of respect for his psuedo-intellectual ass.

He makes Bush look like a Rhodes Scholar.

So, just to be completely clear, you're upset because President Obama is not stopping Rick "I Hate African-Americans" Perry from illegally occupying the border, and wants to merely collect statistics that will prove or disprove the effectiveness of Perry's tactics?

I'm glad that you share my indignation. President Obama should be invading Texas with the entire U.S. military, throwing Perry in jail, and allowing Central and South Americans to stream in uncounted and undeterred. However, it's really not our place to oppose President Obama, so I support his undoubtedly flawless course of action. All will become clear in time.

no you twit....the only one who should be thrown in jail is BO.....for failing to defend our country from foreign invasion.....and in fact for encouraging it....

Before we can go further, we must be sure that we are spyykyng the same language.

Invasion - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
: an act of invading; especially : incursion of an army for conquest or plunder
: the incoming or spread of something usually hurtful

Do either of these terms accurately define "invasion" for you? If so, which one is the most accurate? If not, please provide a definition of "invasion" from a credible source.

both work....
1. the invading illegals will plunder U.S. taxpayers via a myriad of welfare programs
2. the invading illegals will bring with them and spread hurtful contagious diseases...not to mention the gangs....

the only reason stinking BO sent in his little inspection team was to get back at Perry....he doesn't want anybody interfering with his personal amnesty program...and voter registration program...
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They are addicted to fed funds...

Beats meth!

Texas likes that a lot too.....but when is that long awaited secession happening?

Ha, california is more than twice as methy as Texas, bodey fails again

All they are doing is observing and analysing....oh no!

Obama could have gone there to observe and analyze with Gov. Rick Perry and crew to answer any questions....but i guess the 'smartest man in the world' wasn't up to the task.....:rolleyes:
or even sent the team before when the crisis started. He isn't looking to see if it works, he is looking to see if any laws are being broken so they can try to pull them. Jmo.
All they are doing is observing and analysing....oh no!

Obama could have gone there to observe and analyze with Gov. Rick Perry and crew to answer any questions....but i guess the 'smartest man in the world' wasn't up to the task.....:rolleyes:
or even sent the team before when the crisis started. He isn't looking to see if it works, he is looking to see if any laws are being broken so they can try to pull them. Jmo.

And hoping they don't shoot anymore American citizens.
Obama could have gone there to observe and analyze with Gov. Rick Perry and crew to answer any questions....but i guess the 'smartest man in the world' wasn't up to the task.....:rolleyes:
or even sent the team before when the crisis started. He isn't looking to see if it works, he is looking to see if any laws are being broken so they can try to pull them. Jmo.

And hoping they don't shoot anymore American citizens.

I hadn't heard of any Tx National Guard shooting an American citizen. Mind linking me up?
Northeasterner's and west and midwesterner's that have never spent any real time in Tx in its metropolises, are really ignorant of it.
So, just to be completely clear, you're upset because President Obama is not stopping Rick "I Hate African-Americans" Perry from illegally occupying the border, and wants to merely collect statistics that will prove or disprove the effectiveness of Perry's tactics?

I'm glad that you share my indignation. President Obama should be invading Texas with the entire U.S. military, throwing Perry in jail, and allowing Central and South Americans to stream in uncounted and undeterred. However, it's really not our place to oppose President Obama, so I support his undoubtedly flawless course of action. All will become clear in time.

no you twit....the only one who should be thrown in jail is BO.....for failing to defend our country from foreign invasion.....and in fact for encouraging it....

Before we can go further, we must be sure that we are spyykyng the same language.

Invasion - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
: an act of invading; especially : incursion of an army for conquest or plunder
: the incoming or spread of something usually hurtful

Do either of these terms accurately define "invasion" for you? If so, which one is the most accurate? If not, please provide a definition of "invasion" from a credible source.

Actually number 2 fits quite well, illegals are costing TX close to 70 billion dollars a year that your dear leader is not refunding.
As for the dear leaders research team, I hope Perry forcefully invites them to unass the State. The guard is being paid with State money not the feds.

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