Obama does not state the 1967 border should be returned...

Obamush's proposal
"The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states," he said.
Bush did not say you couldn't!! He only said you could not go back to PRE-1967 borders.

You are so highly intoxicate on Obamush that you are contridicting yourself.
Bush did not suggest Israel go back the the pre 1967 borders, Obamush did.
You are a pathological liar and a terrible one at that!!! :eusa_liar:
Not only did I NOT say Bush suggested Israel go back to pre-1967 borders, neither did Obama!!!

In your post immediately before this one you quoted what Obama said and there is no PRE 1967 borders in it!!! YOU dishonestly added the PRE!!!

Right now if we were face to face I would be rearanging your dental work

Obamush said
"The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states," he said.

I did not add or take away anything. That was a cut and paste directly from the source.

Bush never suggested that Israel think about changing it's borders. You are a lying cock sucker if you say he did.
Talk about Spin. Obama is pretty clear that the current borders should be based on the 67 borders.

He didn't say this was a starting off point. Quite lying.

Do you have comprehension problems? He said the boundary should be "based on" the 67 border. He did not say it should "return to" the 1967 border. Think about it, have a good BM, and come back with a rational statement.
How long will the last post remain time clock starts now 11:45am
Obamush's proposal
"The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states," he said.
Bush did not say you couldn't!! He only said you could not go back to PRE-1967 borders.

You are so highly intoxicate on Obamush that you are contridicting yourself.
Bush did not suggest Israel go back the the pre 1967 borders, Obamush did.
You are a pathological liar and a terrible one at that!!! :eusa_liar:
Not only did I NOT say Bush suggested Israel go back to pre-1967 borders, neither did Obama!!!

In your post immediately before this one you quoted what Obama said and there is no PRE 1967 borders in it!!! YOU dishonestly added the PRE!!!

Right now if we were face to face I would be rearanging your dental work

Obamush said
"The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states," he said.
I did not add or take away anything. That was a cut and paste directly from the source.
As I have pointed out so many times when it happens, when CON$ know that they are caught lying they PLAY DUMB!!!

What I pointed out was that you got Obama's quote right just one post before you claimed Obama suggested Israel go back to PRE-1967 borders. So you play dumb and re-post and highlight the quote I said you got right to play dumb and deny you changed what Obama said. So I made the part where you lied about Obama large enough that even you can't play dumb enough not to see it. YOU added the PRE to what Obama said in the post immediately after you quoted Obama correctly!!! You and no one else. YOU! There was no PRE in the correct Obama quote but in the next quote you accuse Obama of suggesting PRE-1967 borders.

Time for you to play dumb again. :rofl::lmao:
Obamush's proposal
You are a pathological liar and a terrible one at that!!! :eusa_liar:
Not only did I NOT say Bush suggested Israel go back to pre-1967 borders, neither did Obama!!!

In your post immediately before this one you quoted what Obama said and there is no PRE 1967 borders in it!!! YOU dishonestly added the PRE!!!

Right now if we were face to face I would be rearanging your dental work

Obamush said
"The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states," he said.
I did not add or take away anything. That was a cut and paste directly from the source.
As I have pointed out so many times when it happens, when CON$ know that they are caught lying they PLAY DUMB!!!

What I pointed out was that you got Obama's quote right just one post before you claimed Obama suggested Israel go back to PRE-1967 borders. So you play dumb and re-post and highlight the quote I said you got right to play dumb and deny you changed what Obama said. So I made the part where you lied about Obama large enough that even you can't play dumb enough not to see it. YOU added the PRE to what Obama said in the post immediately after you quoted Obama correctly!!! You and no one else. YOU! There was no PRE in the correct Obama quote but in the next quote you accuse Obama of suggesting PRE-1967 borders.

Here let's do it this way
Obama said
"The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states,"

Your rebuttal is?
Talk about Spin. Obama is pretty clear that the current borders should be based on the 67 borders.

He didn't say this was a starting off point. Quite lying.

Do you have comprehension problems? He said the boundary should be "based on" the 67 border. He did not say it should "return to" the 1967 border. Think about it, have a good BM, and come back with a rational statement.

Sorry pal, we all know what he meant... including you.

Obama's position on Israel is pretty clear, he'd just as soon they were gone.. as would most leftists.
Obama does not state the 1967 border should be returned...


He said the 1967 border should be used as a basis. Read this from CNN.

"We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states," Obama continued.
The key it "mutually agreed swaps." The far right wants everyone to believe he is throwing his support to the Palestinians. That is totally untrue. He is actually stating something that every President in recnet history has believed. That is that the 1967 boundary should be the first consideration for negotiations.

But I am certain the far right will call this a huge concession, when it is not. He is just the first President to have the fortitude to say it.

that point was made here almost immediately. HOWEVER.....

and you have misrepresented this-

the 1967 boundary should be the first consideration for negotiations.

read the text of Security Council Resolution 242.

you do know what was promised to Israel in a congressional bipartisan consensus April 2004...right?
you do know what was promised to Israel in a congressional bipartisan consensus April 2004...right?
I would be quite surprised if YOU did, so why don't you tell us first.
Thank you in advance.
I don't understand what's so controversial about his statements? :confused:

When a country has a death warrant issued against it how can it defend itself against any attacks when it redces it's borders?
I don't understand what's so controversial about his statements? :confused:

When a country has a death warrant issued against it how can it defend itself against any attacks when it redces it's borders?
There you go again with the PRE-1967 lie again.
You gotta admire the shamelessness of CON$ to continue telling the same lies over and over no matter how many times they are exposed as lies.
I don't understand what's so controversial about his statements? :confused:

using 1967 as a start point is poor benchmark and heavily weighted from the beginning, it ties the start of negotiations from that geographical marker.
I don't understand what's so controversial about his statements? :confused:

When a country has a death warrant issued against it how can it defend itself against any attacks when it redces it's borders?
There you go again with the PRE-1967 lie again.
You gotta admire the shamelessness of CON$ to continue telling the same lies over and over no matter how many times they are exposed as lies.

What is your fucking problem Are you having a problem with PREmenstrual syndrome. The border lines on the map are the border lines Obamush would like to see Israel take.
you do know what was promised to Israel in a congressional bipartisan consensus April 2004...right?
I would be quite surprised if YOU did, so why don't you tell us first.
Thank you in advance.

if you meanderings around this thread mouthing off, one would think you'd be up on the basic historical background at the very least.......go educate yourself, I am not teaching you the abc's.
I don't understand what's so controversial about his statements? :confused:

using 1967 as a start point is poor benchmark and heavily weighted from the beginning, it ties the start of negotiations from that geographical marker.

What do you think would be a good benchmark or starting point for negotiations? And just ftr I'm pretty much agnostic on this issue.
I actually heard a former US ambassador to Israel play the most incredible word game. He said with a straight face that Obama wanted Israel to go back to the 1967 "lines" not the 1967 "borders". Say what? What happened is easy to understand but you won't hear it in the liberal media. The dope in the White House tried to intimidate the Prime Minister of Israel by releasing a statement to the media the day before Netanyahu was due in Washington. It backfired big time when Benny Netanyahu told the world while Obama was sitting next to him "it ain't gonna happen". You gotta wonder about the president's grasp on reality when he couldn't even intimidate the leader of a country the size of California.

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