Obama Enbarrasing US At Nuclear Talks, Flashing Peace Sign During World Leader Photo

You have the nerve to try to belittle our president when your leading candidate has changed the movie "Idiocracy" from a comedy to a documentary?

As most anybody here would tell you, I want nothing to do with the Donald. And speak for yourself when you refer to Hussein as "our" president.

Right wingers support Trump more than anybody else. He is the perfect example of what RWNJs have been claiming to want for years. Obama is America's president. If he isn't yours, then get your traitorous ass out of our country.
Trump is digging his own grave as we speak!

And it will be a Yuuuuge grave. The most spectacular grave ever with chandeliers and gold leaf and everything.
Bahahahaha! ....spit take!

The Nobel Prize-winning President with 2 civil war interventions to his record flashes the peace sign like a teenager standing among world leaders...

...who just look at him like a clown.

Good grief!

that is what weed will do to ya


he looks baked in the photo op
Really ? Baked?
Never smoked weed did you?
Besides the president is an old hand at being buzzed .

that is what i posted retard

"this is what weed will do to ya"
So the answer is no you've never burned spleaf.
And have no basis of comparison.

you dont have to have cancer to treat cancer you retard
Daws, seriously, get some help, man.

I am obviously living rent free in that sick, twisted pea-sized brain of yours....


The Nobel Prize-winning President with 2 civil war interventions to his record flashes the peace sign like a teenager standing among world leaders...

...who just look at him like a clown.

Good grief!

that is what weed will do to ya


he looks baked in the photo op
Really ? Baked?
Never smoked weed did you?
Besides the president is an old hand at being buzzed .

that is what i posted retard

"this is what weed will do to ya"
So the answer is no you've never burned spleaf.
And have no basis of comparison.

you dont have to have cancer to treat cancer you retard
Could you make any less sense?
that is what weed will do to ya


he looks baked in the photo op
Really ? Baked?
Never smoked weed did you?
Besides the president is an old hand at being buzzed .

that is what i posted retard

"this is what weed will do to ya"
So the answer is no you've never burned spleaf.
And have no basis of comparison.

you dont have to have cancer to treat cancer you retard
Could you make any less sense?

i understand dope has rotted your brain

i should have known you would be unable to understand
Really ? Baked?
Never smoked weed did you?
Besides the president is an old hand at being buzzed .

But Pac-man, drugs are bad.
Really ? Baked?
Never smoked weed did you?
Besides the president is an old hand at being buzzed .

that is what i posted retard

"this is what weed will do to ya"
So the answer is no you've never burned spleaf.
And have no basis of comparison.

you dont have to have cancer to treat cancer you retard
Could you make any less sense?

i understand dope has rotted your brain

i should have known you would be unable to understand
Fantasize much?
Really ? Baked?
Never smoked weed did you?
Besides the president is an old hand at being buzzed .

But Pac-man, drugs are bad.
that is what i posted retard

"this is what weed will do to ya"
So the answer is no you've never burned spleaf.
And have no basis of comparison.

you dont have to have cancer to treat cancer you retard
Could you make any less sense?

i understand dope has rotted your brain

i should have known you would be unable to understand
Fantasize much?

nope not at all
Really ? Baked?
Never smoked weed did you?
Besides the president is an old hand at being buzzed .

But Pac-man, drugs are bad.
So the answer is no you've never burned spleaf.
And have no basis of comparison.

you dont have to have cancer to treat cancer you retard
Could you make any less sense?

i understand dope has rotted your brain

i should have known you would be unable to understand
Fantasize much?

nope not at all
Lie about it too.
Really ? Baked?
Never smoked weed did you?
Besides the president is an old hand at being buzzed .

But Pac-man, drugs are bad.
you dont have to have cancer to treat cancer you retard
Could you make any less sense?

i understand dope has rotted your brain

i should have known you would be unable to understand
Fantasize much?

nope not at all
Lie about it too.

nope retard
EXCELLENT but it didn't really look like The Peace Sign, that is, after all, why they're there.

Good for him.

And, as always, he shone during the press conference.

Edited --- Watch the video. That's not what he was doing at all.

I love that it drives you RWNJ traitors crazy that he has been an excellent president.

Castro does not think so. Would Che?
Really ? Baked?
Never smoked weed did you?
Besides the president is an old hand at being buzzed .

But Pac-man, drugs are bad.
Could you make any less sense?

i understand dope has rotted your brain

i should have known you would be unable to understand
Fantasize much?

nope not at all
Lie about it too.

nope retard
You made the comment weed rotted my brain .
Since that is false , it's either a lie or a fantasy.
'JV team', another of those conservative cliches that makes them feel good.

It's like when Bush said "I'm not worried about Osama Bin Laden." Remember?

Except Obama told American forces as soon as he got in office that Bin Laden was target number one, and got Bin Laden and has taken the fight to Isis with over 7,000 airstrikes and special forces on the ground.

See cons, nothing wrong with any leader 'saying' something. As long as the actions are appropriate for the situation. Bush ignored Bin Laden, Obama ordered the strike that killed him.

Prime Minister David Cameron looked less than impressed by Obama's behavior amid a strained special relationship


While Obama fooled around for the cameras, some world leaders - such as Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi (right) - did not look happy


New best friend: Cameron was left out again as Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau chatted during the summit


Peace out, fools! Obama flashes peace sign at nuclear security summit

Only 293 days left of this clown

And the most dangerous 293 days America has ever faced

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