Obama Enbarrasing US At Nuclear Talks, Flashing Peace Sign During World Leader Photo


Prime Minister David Cameron looked less than impressed by Obama's behavior amid a strained special relationship


While Obama fooled around for the cameras, some world leaders - such as Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi (right) - did not look happy


New best friend: Cameron was left out again as Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau chatted during the summit


Peace out, fools! Obama flashes peace sign at nuclear security summit

Only 293 days left of this clown

And the most dangerous 293 days America has ever faced
The Daily Mail is just for UK RW morons...
You brainwashed functional morons can't remember W? The stupidest wars ever and a corrupt world depression. Idiot. Such irrationality also points to racism...

I'd have to agree that invading Iraq without the Turks allowing 4th ID to come down through the sunni triangle was a colossal error...but it was Rumsfeld who made it, not W.

As to the depression, you need look no further than Pelosi, Reid, and Waters to pin that on. Dubya had the Treasury Sec. put the top banksters in a room in the WH and told them nobody was leaving until they signed promissary notes to keep themselves solvent. Once again Bush43 kept the Rats from destroying the country.
Had nothing to do with Booooshie cronies/regulators letting their pals in finance sell toxic as A+- Fannie/Freddie's share of the market went from 75% to 25%. And it only cost us 4-6 trillion. Read something beside bs rw propaganda.

Prime Minister David Cameron looked less than impressed by Obama's behavior amid a strained special relationship


While Obama fooled around for the cameras, some world leaders - such as Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi (right) - did not look happy


New best friend: Cameron was left out again as Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau chatted during the summit


Peace out, fools! Obama flashes peace sign at nuclear security summit

Only 293 days left of this clown

And the most dangerous 293 days America has ever faced
The Daily Mail is just for UK RW morons...
I bet you come from a long line of pommies
Reagan was a career criminal who sold weapons illegally to Iran and then lied under oath about it.

Ollie North did that deal, Dutch had nothing to with it and raised hell when he found out about it. Funny thing was that the missiles Iran got were duds.....not one of them ever detonated. :badgrin:
You are delusional if you think the Reagan admin didn't know the Clintons were running drugs out of that Mena airport to fund the Contras.


The Dems and Repubs work together with the bankers and the press to achieve the globalists goals. They meet together in smokey closed off rooms that are private and closed off to the public, no FOIA requests, no press. That is how the CFR and RIIA work.

Why do you think organized crime is fed up with the globalists and is running their own candidate this time around? This globalization is bad for bidness. :cool-45:
But Pac-man, drugs are bad.
i understand dope has rotted your brain

i should have known you would be unable to understand
Fantasize much?

nope not at all
Lie about it too.

nope retard
You made the comment weed rotted my brain .
Since that is false , it's either a lie or a fantasy.

it is neither a lie nor a fantasy

weed rots ones brains away

not that you would realize it
You brainwashed functional morons can't remember W? The stupidest wars ever and a corrupt world depression. Idiot. Such irrationality also points to racism...
You keep repeating that shit trying to make it a fact. The brain washing is all yours.

The peace sign is a stupid thing for obama to do, maybe he just toked up but it demonstrates a lack of decorum. Of course we want peace, that's WHY we have nukes in the first place. He still doesn't understand that peace doesn't come by way of apathy, it can only come through strength.
He sees the US as the problem in the world, a weaker America will be better for all.
You have the nerve to try to belittle our president when your leading candidate has changed the movie "Idiocracy" from a comedy to a documentary?

As most anybody here would tell you, I want nothing to do with the Donald. And speak for yourself when you refer to Hussein as "our" president.

Right wingers support Trump more than anybody else. He is the perfect example of what RWNJs have been claiming to want for years. Obama is America's president. If he isn't yours, then get your traitorous ass out of our country.
Yeah, because fucksticks like you were so behind Bush.

Had nothing to do with Booooshie cronies/regulators letting their pals in finance sell toxic as A+- Fannie/Freddie's share of the market went from 75% to 25%. And it only cost us 4-6 trillion. Read something beside bs rw propaganda.

Fannie/Freddie were loaning on such "assets" as EBT income, moron. Maxine Waters threatened the major banks with "redlining" penalties if they didn't lend to these CRA losers. Freddie/Fannie got so upside down they both had to be put in conservatorship after dirtbags Franklin Raines and Jamie Gorelick took millions in bonuses. The banks packaged these ticking bombs and sold them to unsuspecting buyers....everybody involved should have been sent to prison...including Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, who Obwana chose to fix the mortgage crisis they had a major hand in creating. I don't read "propaganda" but it's obvious you do since all you brought to this thread is Rat CYA bullshit.
Had nothing to do with Booooshie cronies/regulators letting their pals in finance sell toxic as A+- Fannie/Freddie's share of the market went from 75% to 25%. And it only cost us 4-6 trillion. Read something beside bs rw propaganda.

Fannie/Freddie were loaning on such "assets" as EBT income, moron. Maxine Waters threatened the major banks with "redlining" penalties if they didn't lend to these CRA losers. Freddie/Fannie got so upside down they both had to be put in conservatorship after dirtbags Franklin Raines and Jamie Gorelick took millions in bonuses. The banks packaged these ticking bombs and sold them to unsuspecting buyers....everybody involved should have been sent to prison...including Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, who Obwana chose to fix the mortgage crisis they had a major hand in creating. I don't read "propaganda" but it's obvious you do since all you brought to this thread is Rat CYA bullshit.
Conspiracy much?
Conspiracy much?

Goddamn right it was a conspiracy....Bush tried on at least 3 occasions to send accountants into Fannie/Freddie's books and Maxine Waters and other Rat racists wouldn't allow it. You been around since BB and you still haven't learned anything about anything. :eusa_snooty:
Conspiracy much?

Goddamn right it was a conspiracy....Bush tried on at least 3 occasions to send accountants into Fannie/Freddie's books and Maxine Waters and other Rat racists wouldn't allow it. You been around since BB and you still haven't learned anything about anything. :eusa_snooty:
You keep believing that if it helps you sleep at night.

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