Obama Ends with a Whimper


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
So this is how it ends — in a whimper wrapped in self-pity and recriminations. With President Obama on the defensive at his final press conference and Hillary Clinton’s last campaign event resembling a wake, the Democratic Party is limping off the stage and into the political winter.

It was supposed to sit atop the national power pyramid for decades, a new paradigm of liberals, progressives, the young, the old, the unions and blacks, Latinos, Muslims and Asians.

The torch would be passed from Obama to Clinton, a liberal Supreme Court would vastly expand executive power and the regulatory state would enforce climate-change orthodoxy on all industry and elitist dictates on every American. Globalism would be the new patriotism.

But a funny thing happened on the way to one-party dominance: The people who work for a living said no, hell no. Their revolt brings Donald Trump to the White House amid hopes of a revival of the economy and of the American spirit.

Obama will get the last laugh

As he sit back and watches as Republicans sandwich two of the worst presidencies in history around his administration
Obama will get the last laugh

As he sit back and watches as Republicans sandwich two of the worst presidencies in history around his administration
So this is how it ends — in a whimper wrapped in self-pity and recriminations. With President Obama on the defensive at his final press conference and Hillary Clinton’s last campaign event resembling a wake, the Democratic Party is limping off the stage and into the political winter.

It was supposed to sit atop the national power pyramid for decades, a new paradigm of liberals, progressives, the young, the old, the unions and blacks, Latinos, Muslims and Asians.

The torch would be passed from Obama to Clinton, a liberal Supreme Court would vastly expand executive power and the regulatory state would enforce climate-change orthodoxy on all industry and elitist dictates on every American. Globalism would be the new patriotism.

But a funny thing happened on the way to one-party dominance: The people who work for a living said no, hell no. Their revolt brings Donald Trump to the White House amid hopes of a revival of the economy and of the American spirit.

Yes weather this is how it ends Could have been a much better ending had not republicans fought everything our President wanted and did so from the beginning when the Repub AH Mcconnell opened his lying mouth Too bad Repubs are party first and fk the country
So this is how it ends — in a whimper wrapped in self-pity and recriminations. With President Obama on the defensive at his final press conference and Hillary Clinton’s last campaign event resembling a wake, the Democratic Party is limping off the stage and into the political winter.

It was supposed to sit atop the national power pyramid for decades, a new paradigm of liberals, progressives, the young, the old, the unions and blacks, Latinos, Muslims and Asians.

The torch would be passed from Obama to Clinton, a liberal Supreme Court would vastly expand executive power and the regulatory state would enforce climate-change orthodoxy on all industry and elitist dictates on every American. Globalism would be the new patriotism.

But a funny thing happened on the way to one-party dominance: The people who work for a living said no, hell no. Their revolt brings Donald Trump to the White House amid hopes of a revival of the economy and of the American spirit.

Yes, the Republican party was finished, but suddenly it was taken over by a different type of RINO.

Now the Democrat party will have put the feminists out of prominent roles because the feminists are only good at being in the shadows, in pivotal positions. Their lust for glory showed them that they are not popular and they have zero charisma. Hubris has defeated them.

Feminists are incapable of adaption. They are a one trick pony and they can't operate outside of that one trick. The SAD thing is, it took men 70 years to catch them outside of that trick which could have been smashed in it's inception in 1950.
Obama will get the last laugh

As he sit back and watches as Republicans sandwich two of the worst presidencies in history around his administration

You have to.be joking, his administration was useless.......a few signatures and bamm......its all wiped away.

Except for one thing

The pubs control.everything in this country just about, bwahahahahahahahha
So this is how it ends — in a whimper wrapped in self-pity and recriminations. With President Obama on the defensive at his final press conference and Hillary Clinton’s last campaign event resembling a wake, the Democratic Party is limping off the stage and into the political winter.

It was supposed to sit atop the national power pyramid for decades, a new paradigm of liberals, progressives, the young, the old, the unions and blacks, Latinos, Muslims and Asians.

The torch would be passed from Obama to Clinton, a liberal Supreme Court would vastly expand executive power and the regulatory state would enforce climate-change orthodoxy on all industry and elitist dictates on every American. Globalism would be the new patriotism.

But a funny thing happened on the way to one-party dominance: The people who work for a living said no, hell no. Their revolt brings Donald Trump to the White House amid hopes of a revival of the economy and of the American spirit.

Yes weather this is how it ends Could have been a much better ending had not republicans fought everything our President wanted and did so from the beginning when the Repub AH Mcconnell opened his lying mouth Too bad Repubs are party first and fk the country
Yes Eddie this is how it ends Could have been a much better ending had not democrats fought everything our President Bush wanted and did so from the beginning when the Demonrat AH Reid opened his lying mouth Too bad Demonrats are party first and fk the country.

See how that works, Ed?
So this is how it ends — in a whimper wrapped in self-pity and recriminations. With President Obama on the defensive at his final press conference and Hillary Clinton’s last campaign event resembling a wake, the Democratic Party is limping off the stage and into the political winter.

It was supposed to sit atop the national power pyramid for decades, a new paradigm of liberals, progressives, the young, the old, the unions and blacks, Latinos, Muslims and Asians.

The torch would be passed from Obama to Clinton, a liberal Supreme Court would vastly expand executive power and the regulatory state would enforce climate-change orthodoxy on all industry and elitist dictates on every American. Globalism would be the new patriotism.

But a funny thing happened on the way to one-party dominance: The people who work for a living said no, hell no. Their revolt brings Donald Trump to the White House amid hopes of a revival of the economy and of the American spirit.


In 8 years the electorate will tire of the Republicans and elect democrats it is cyclic. But what the people did was was save the Republic democrats in the form of the SCOTUS. THAT and that alone was the one victory worth winning.
God didn't bring trump the devil did

Ask that of trump and your other repub morons here They've had lots of practice
The only lasting thing you have, is that you fools voted for, and ran the most highly despised candidate of all time and lost hard. Now what you do is show why you lost, and that being that you are the most clueless imbeciles on the planet.

Yeah wait, it's Clinton won the pop. vote. Trump rigged the election, Putin rigged the election, the Chinese rigged the election, the Russians rigged the election. LOL! Again, the only reason I come to this place is to see the totally stupid crap butt hurt libs say in their futile attempt to pretend it's all not really true.
Obama will get the last laugh

As he sit back and watches as Republicans sandwich two of the worst presidencies in history around his administration

You have to.be joking, his administration was useless.......a few signatures and bamm......its all wiped away.

Except for one thing

The pubs control.everything in this country just about, bwahahahahahahahha

Obama will be judged on his accomplishments
Those who try to mess things up will be judged on their own accomplishments

Republicans want to remove and replace?

Go for it

They need to come up with a plan that covers 30 million displaced policyholders, covers pre-existing conditions, removes lifetime caps and does it all without a mandate

Obama will be laughing at you
So this is how it ends — in a whimper wrapped in self-pity and recriminations. With President Obama on the defensive at his final press conference and Hillary Clinton’s last campaign event resembling a wake, the Democratic Party is limping off the stage and into the political winter.

It was supposed to sit atop the national power pyramid for decades, a new paradigm of liberals, progressives, the young, the old, the unions and blacks, Latinos, Muslims and Asians.

The torch would be passed from Obama to Clinton, a liberal Supreme Court would vastly expand executive power and the regulatory state would enforce climate-change orthodoxy on all industry and elitist dictates on every American. Globalism would be the new patriotism.

But a funny thing happened on the way to one-party dominance: The people who work for a living said no, hell no. Their revolt brings Donald Trump to the White House amid hopes of a revival of the economy and of the American spirit.

I know this is supposed to be about Obummer and end of his questionably qualified occupation of the White House but the only tune I have playing over as a loop in my head is "ding Dong the WITCH is dead!"


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