Obama Energy Plan: Collapse the US!


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The radical marxist known as Barack Obama has blocked off shore drilling by the US, while sending over $45 billion per year to South America for them to drill off shore. His plan is to prevent an oil shortage in the US while assisting nations of lower economic status with the tools and resources to harvest energy resources, thus bringing down the US while bringing up these nations.

In addition to banning of shore drilling, he has blocked the Keystone Pipeline, again to help collapse the United States and prop up other nations (his father's goal). He was on record stating this was his plan...

Barack Obama: "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (January 2008)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlTxGHn4sH4&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube[/ame]
I think that money issue re: south america was debunked somewhere. Not sure.

This moron of a President has at a minimum $40 billion in taxes on the oil and gas industries waiting in his budget. His EPA is hell bent on stopping the industry dead in its tracks.
He's got to go. No two ways about it.
I think that money issue re: south america was debunked somewhere. Not sure.

This moron of a President has at a minimum $40 billion in taxes on the oil and gas industries waiting in his budget. His EPA is hell bent on stopping the industry dead in its tracks.
He's got to go. No two ways about it.

It couldn't have been "debunked" because it is a fact!
Oh. Stands to reason.
Anyhow what a turd that guy is. I've never felt so fearful for my country in my life.

I couldn't agree more. Never thought I'd see the day where America would have a president who actually hates America. He has spent us into collapse, blocked all of our energy resources, weakened national security, stripped us of fundamental constitutional freedoms, and redistributed our wealth.
Romney and Obama both have a plan for energy independence; under Romney's we produce enough energy to meet the demands of a vibrant, growing US Economy, under Obama's we go back to living in caves or tin shack like his brother

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