Obama escalates personal attacks on Romney

Which part was incorrect? you dont really know enough to actually debate do you?

Someone claiming the president is going to fake a terror attack or assassination attempt is just downright asinine and something only a complete moron would state.

I see you don't have a problem with it, which also confirms the hard right/mental illness connection.

Tell you what. If we get to November election without Obama faking a terrorist attack or assassination attempt, I'll admit I was probably wrong.

Been drinking the wingnut kool-aid again? The fringe extremists are spreading that crazy.

No one is buying it. Except for you. :lol:
You guys don't care about Obama's dirty tactics, I see, but what about his shitty economy? You don't care, either? I suppose it's not affecting you at all.

You fucktards have made shit up for 3 1/2 years about a sitting president . Then expect a free pass when you put up a fucking mush mouth pussy like Romney & do not expect no one to say anything . Romney has a fucking bullseye on his ass bet money on that .
Sounds like fox is getting all butthurt because Obama is whooping the snot out of Willard.

And it's so funny listening to rush & beck all on defense , go Obama :clap2:

Big time. The right wing trolls have done nothing but spreading lies and trashing Obama non stop for years, now that Obama is fighting back, they are getting all butthurt.

Typical of those on the radical right, just a bunch of wanna-b thugs.
Sounds like fox is getting all butthurt because Obama is whooping the snot out of Willard.

And it's so funny listening to rush & beck all on defense , go Obama :clap2:

Big time. The right wing trolls have done nothing but spreading lies and trashing Obama non stop for years, now that Obama is fighting back, they are getting all butthurt.

Typical of those on the radical right, just a bunch of wanna-b thugs.

Only one problem, in 12 swing states it is now illegal to vote if you are a Democrat, and unless we fix that, a war is absolutely inevitable, btw it is why Romney never seems worried

he knows this election was stolen the DAY Obama was elected, the DAY Newt and company met and decided that no way can the Black man be reelected

voter suppression by the terrorists is a bigger assault on this country than Al Qaeda could have ever implemented
Sounds like fox is getting all butthurt because Obama is whooping the snot out of Willard.

And it's so funny listening to rush & beck all on defense , go Obama :clap2:

Big time. The right wing trolls have done nothing but spreading lies and trashing Obama non stop for years, now that Obama is fighting back, they are getting all butthurt.

Typical of those on the radical right, just a bunch of wanna-b thugs.

Gets hot in the kitchen Romney can not handle the heat , watch we will not see him off the leash till the debates then even faux can't save him . fucking mush mouth
You guys don't care about Obama's dirty tactics, I see, but what about his shitty economy? You don't care, either? I suppose it's not affecting you at all.

You fucktards have made shit up for 3 1/2 years about a sitting president . Then expect a free pass when you put up a fucking mush mouth pussy like Romney & do not expect no one to say anything . Romney has a fucking bullseye on his ass bet money on that .

Obama could tell people that Romney's plan doesn't work, he could say it's voodoo economics, he could say it's lunatic. That all would have been loyal. But instead, he's saying Romney wants to benefit the rich at expense of the poor, and calling him a filthy vampire ans so forth, and this is a lie and he knows he's lying. That's crossing a line, but the president has decided that, to have a second term, there's nothing he won't be able to do.
You guys don't care about Obama's dirty tactics, I see, but what about his shitty economy? You don't care, either? I suppose it's not affecting you at all.

You fucktards have made shit up for 3 1/2 years about a sitting president . Then expect a free pass when you put up a fucking mush mouth pussy like Romney & do not expect no one to say anything . Romney has a fucking bullseye on his ass bet money on that .

Obama could tell people that Romney's plan doesn't work, he could say it's voodoo economics, he could say it's lunatic. That all would have been loyal. But instead, he's saying Romney wants to benefit the rich at expense of the poor, and calling him a filthy vampire ans so forth, and this is a lie and he knows he's lying. That's crossing a line, but the president has decided that, to have a second term, there's nothing he won't be able to do.

To be honest I think that it's to late for Obama to play mr nice guy he has tried that got his shit shoved in . So Obama is fighting the rightwing fight & they do not like it . They all lie not saying this is a lie but they all lie .
From the Fox News site:

Obama Escalates Personal Attacks on Romney | Fox News

Obama’s campaign has maintained an unprecedented, four-month fusillade of swing-state commercials attacking Romney’s character, calling the former Massachusetts governor a “vampire” who looted failing corporations and suggesting that he violated tax laws by keeping funds overseas. The ads are not about policy, these ads are about Romney’s fitness for high office.

Intensely negative, highly personal and delivered in huge volume, the ads seem to finally be having an effect. Swing state polls suggest that in the Rust Belt battlegrounds which will decide this election, Obama is getting a little bit of breathing room.

I have heard that Romney is doing well in his fundrainsing. If so, it would be wise for him to start doing something about these attacks, otherwise people will end up buying them. These attacks in my opinion just show us about Mr. Obama's own lack of character. I'm among those who think that president Obama needs to be defeated not only because he has a bad record as president and he pursues the wrong policies, but also because he's a man who knows no limits.

I have a feeling Romney will step up his game as soon as summer vacation is over and the folks will turn on the TV to get serious about the political climate and to catch up on the real news. After all, the election will then be only two months away.
Obama could tell people that Romney's plan doesn't work, he could say it's voodoo economics, he could say it's lunatic. That all would have been loyal. But instead, he's saying Romney wants to benefit the rich at expense of the poor, and calling him a filthy vampire ans so forth, and this is a lie and he knows he's lying.

He's not lying. The report he cites - which the Romney campaign can only try to dismiss as liberal, but can't actually refute - backs him up.

That's crossing a line, but the president has decided that, to have a second term, there's nothing he won't be able to do.

Y'know, playing the "my side's shit doesn't stink" card never really works, especially when it's clearly pointed out your side's shit definitely does stink.
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Obamination has screwed things up so badly that he can only win by making Romney "satan" with bogus campaign ads.
You guys don't care about Obama's dirty tactics, I see, but what about his shitty economy? You don't care, either? I suppose it's not affecting you at all.

After Willie Horton and the Swiftboaters, I'm happy that Obama is playing hardball politics. Nice guys finish last. I care about Obama using dirty tactics as much as you care about the lies that Romney brought to the table.
Sounds like fox is getting all butthurt because Obama is whooping the snot out of Willard.

So you applaud your candidate's dirty tricks and lack of loyalty?

None of the candidates have clean hands when it comes to sleazy politics; least of which is the President of the United States. Applaud? no. Understand? You Betcha! For 6 years Obama has been under seige. In this thread alone, he was compared to Hitler.

I'm glad to have a Democrat willing to take the battle to the GOP for a change. This ain't the Kerry campaign for damn sure.

Whether it's a "dirty trick" or not...please tell me specifically what was a "dirty trick" on the part of Mr. Obama.
You guys don't care about Obama's dirty tactics, I see, but what about his shitty economy? You don't care, either? I suppose it's not affecting you at all.

After Willie Horton and the Swiftboaters, I'm happy that Obama is playing hardball politics. Nice guys finish last. I care about Obama using dirty tactics as much as you care about the lies that Romney brought to the table.

Hey, you can't govern if you don't win. You may win with less than 51% of the vote but if you do, you still win 100% of the presidency.
Dumbfuck, the claims against Obamination are TRUE, whereas attacks on Romney are lies.

You are just a fucking idiot piece of shit that is too scummy and stupid to understand the difference.

Sounds like fox is getting all butthurt because Obama is whooping the snot out of Willard.

So you applaud your candidate's dirty tricks and lack of loyalty?

None of the candidates have clean hands when it comes to sleazy politics; least of which is the President of the United States. Applaud? no. Understand? You Betcha! For 6 years Obama has been under seige. In this thread alone, he was compared to Hitler.

I'm glad to have a Democrat willing to take the battle to the GOP for a change. This ain't the Kerry campaign for damn sure.

Whether it's a "dirty trick" or not...please tell me specifically what was a "dirty trick" on the part of Mr. Obama.
From the Fox News site:

Obama Escalates Personal Attacks on Romney | Fox News

Obama’s campaign has maintained an unprecedented, four-month fusillade of swing-state commercials attacking Romney’s character, calling the former Massachusetts governor a “vampire” who looted failing corporations and suggesting that he violated tax laws by keeping funds overseas. The ads are not about policy, these ads are about Romney’s fitness for high office.

Intensely negative, highly personal and delivered in huge volume, the ads seem to finally be having an effect. Swing state polls suggest that in the Rust Belt battlegrounds which will decide this election, Obama is getting a little bit of breathing room.

I have heard that Romney is doing well in his fundrainsing. If so, it would be wise for him to start doing something about these attacks, otherwise people will end up buying them. These attacks in my opinion just show us about Mr. Obama's own lack of character. I'm among those who think that president Obama needs to be defeated not only because he has a bad record as president and he pursues the wrong policies, but also because he's a man who knows no limits.

When it comes to Obama, it's always Personal. It's never Business.
So you applaud your candidate's dirty tricks and lack of loyalty?

None of the candidates have clean hands when it comes to sleazy politics; least of which is the President of the United States. Applaud? no. Understand? You Betcha! For 6 years Obama has been under seige. In this thread alone, he was compared to Hitler.

I'm glad to have a Democrat willing to take the battle to the GOP for a change. This ain't the Kerry campaign for damn sure.

Whether it's a "dirty trick" or not...please tell me specifically what was a "dirty trick" on the part of Mr. Obama.
Dumbfuck, the claims against Obamination are TRUE, whereas attacks on Romney are lies. You are just a fucking idiot piece of shit that is too scummy and stupid to understand the difference.


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