Obama fired EVERY Ambassador appointed by Bush.

But Dimwingers want to impeach Trump for firing one ambassador.

Flashback: Obama Fired All Bush Appointed Ambassadors In 2008
Firing an ambassador will not be included in the articles of impeachment.

How could you possibly be right when you don't know what's wrong?
Link to these "articles of impeachment" Nosmo King
The articles of impeachment will be drafted by the House Judiciary committee. They will then be forwarded to the Speaker who will schedule a vote by the entire House.

Among the articles, I guarantee you, will not be 'firing an ambassador '. That is not an impeachable offense.

Look for bribery and obstruction of congress to be included.

With all the talk and explaination of the impeachment process, haven't you come to understand how it works?
Just wondering how you know what will be included in something yet to be written.
Offenses which are not impeachable will not be included. There is no conspiracy. There is no Deep State. There is, however, rule of law.
But Dimwingers want to impeach Trump for firing one ambassador.

Flashback: Obama Fired All Bush Appointed Ambassadors In 2008
Firing an ambassador will not be included in the articles of impeachment.

How could you possibly be right when you don't know what's wrong?
Link to these "articles of impeachment" Nosmo King
The articles of impeachment will be drafted by the House Judiciary committee. They will then be forwarded to the Speaker who will schedule a vote by the entire House.

Among the articles, I guarantee you, will not be 'firing an ambassador '. That is not an impeachable offense.

Look for bribery and obstruction of congress to be included.

With all the talk and explaination of the impeachment process, haven't you come to understand how it works?
Just wondering how you know what will be included in something yet to be written.
Offenses which are not impeachable will not be included. There is no conspiracy. There is no Deep State. There is, however, rule of law.
No one should be trusting high-level civilian federal employees… You’re a fucking moron
Firing an ambassador will not be included in the articles of impeachment.

How could you possibly be right when you don't know what's wrong?
Link to these "articles of impeachment" Nosmo King
The articles of impeachment will be drafted by the House Judiciary committee. They will then be forwarded to the Speaker who will schedule a vote by the entire House.

Among the articles, I guarantee you, will not be 'firing an ambassador '. That is not an impeachable offense.

Look for bribery and obstruction of congress to be included.

With all the talk and explaination of the impeachment process, haven't you come to understand how it works?
Just wondering how you know what will be included in something yet to be written.
Offenses which are not impeachable will not be included. There is no conspiracy. There is no Deep State. There is, however, rule of law.
No one should be trusting high-level civilian federal employees… You’re a fucking moron
Why? Your cynicism is not contagious, it's exclusive to people with a narrow, simplistic and unsophisticated world view. That's why, combined with your pathetic lack of erudition and vocabulary you, like Trump, stoop to vulgar and boorish insults.
But Dimwingers want to impeach Trump for firing one ambassador.

Flashback: Obama Fired All Bush Appointed Ambassadors In 2008

Did Obama fire them once he assumed office?
That is what usually happened

Trump fired her two and a half years into his presidency once she interfered with his bribery of Ukraine

Is there some sort of rule? or is it up to a president's discretion? Obama didn't have the problem filling his government cabinet like Trump has when he assumed office. Trump hadn't been able to get anything done due to obstruction by the democrats to his every single move for anything..... even if it was for taking a dixie cup ((apologies for the racist named paper products)).... off of the top shelf in the break room.
SO, its reasonable Trump may have taken his time to get around to other things, and it may also have coincided with the fact that the Ukraine was getting a new government about the same time.
Bologna. Trump doesn't do much work you know and he doesn't need ambassadors or plenty of bureaucratic leaders. He just hasn't appointed people LOL. Blaming it on the Democrats is ridiculous.
Link to these "articles of impeachment" Nosmo King
The articles of impeachment will be drafted by the House Judiciary committee. They will then be forwarded to the Speaker who will schedule a vote by the entire House.

Among the articles, I guarantee you, will not be 'firing an ambassador '. That is not an impeachable offense.

Look for bribery and obstruction of congress to be included.

With all the talk and explaination of the impeachment process, haven't you come to understand how it works?
Just wondering how you know what will be included in something yet to be written.
Offenses which are not impeachable will not be included. There is no conspiracy. There is no Deep State. There is, however, rule of law.
No one should be trusting high-level civilian federal employees… You’re a fucking moron
Why? Your cynicism is not contagious, it's exclusive to people with a narrow, simplistic and unsophisticated world view. That's why, combined with your pathetic lack of erudition and vocabulary you, like Trump, stoop to vulgar and boorish insults.
Says someone who trusts the deep state
The articles of impeachment will be drafted by the House Judiciary committee. They will then be forwarded to the Speaker who will schedule a vote by the entire House.

Among the articles, I guarantee you, will not be 'firing an ambassador '. That is not an impeachable offense.

Look for bribery and obstruction of congress to be included.

With all the talk and explaination of the impeachment process, haven't you come to understand how it works?
Just wondering how you know what will be included in something yet to be written.
Offenses which are not impeachable will not be included. There is no conspiracy. There is no Deep State. There is, however, rule of law.
No one should be trusting high-level civilian federal employees… You’re a fucking moron
Why? Your cynicism is not contagious, it's exclusive to people with a narrow, simplistic and unsophisticated world view. That's why, combined with your pathetic lack of erudition and vocabulary you, like Trump, stoop to vulgar and boorish insults.
Says someone who trusts the deep state
Can you really not figure this out?

Ok, one more time for the hard of thinking among us (yes, I'm talking about you).

She was removed because they knew a career diplomat would never go along with their scheme.

She was smeared because that's the way tRump and his buddies think. They believe they need to discredit someone to remove them. They are too stupid to realize that if he'd just recalled her without comment, let the state department tell her what a great job she'd done, write her a glowing letter of recommendation, and shuffled her off to some other post where her ethical beliefs wouldn't affect them nobody would have thought twice about it.
You have zero evidence.
Zero evidence of what?
Your moronic claims.

It's been on TV all week. There's evidence all over the place.
Sorry, what we saw this week was the feelings and impressions of two clowns who have zero first hand knowledge, and have never even spoken to Trump, much less met him. The other STAR WITNESS told us how she was hurt for being reassigned months before the call in question.

Ya got squat.
In other words you saw what you were told to see and not what really happened.
Link to these "articles of impeachment" Nosmo King
The articles of impeachment will be drafted by the House Judiciary committee. They will then be forwarded to the Speaker who will schedule a vote by the entire House.

Among the articles, I guarantee you, will not be 'firing an ambassador '. That is not an impeachable offense.

Look for bribery and obstruction of congress to be included.

With all the talk and explaination of the impeachment process, haven't you come to understand how it works?
Just wondering how you know what will be included in something yet to be written.
Offenses which are not impeachable will not be included. There is no conspiracy. There is no Deep State. There is, however, rule of law.
No one should be trusting high-level civilian federal employees… You’re a fucking moron
Why? Your cynicism is not contagious, it's exclusive to people with a narrow, simplistic and unsophisticated world view. That's why, combined with your pathetic lack of erudition and vocabulary you, like Trump, stoop to vulgar and boorish insults.

Is it hard being the glowing and miraculous human you think you are? It must wear on you carrying the burden of all mankind on your broad muscular shoulders.
You have zero evidence.
Zero evidence of what?
Your moronic claims.

It's been on TV all week. There's evidence all over the place.
Sorry, what we saw this week was the feelings and impressions of two clowns who have zero first hand knowledge, and have never even spoken to Trump, much less met him. The other STAR WITNESS told us how she was hurt for being reassigned months before the call in question.

Ya got squat.
In other words you saw what you were told to see and not what really happened.
Nope. Unlike you, I can think for myself and watched the Dimwinger debacle blow up in Schifferbrain's bug-eyed face.
The articles of impeachment will be drafted by the House Judiciary committee. They will then be forwarded to the Speaker who will schedule a vote by the entire House.

Among the articles, I guarantee you, will not be 'firing an ambassador '. That is not an impeachable offense.

Look for bribery and obstruction of congress to be included.

With all the talk and explaination of the impeachment process, haven't you come to understand how it works?
Just wondering how you know what will be included in something yet to be written.
Offenses which are not impeachable will not be included. There is no conspiracy. There is no Deep State. There is, however, rule of law.
No one should be trusting high-level civilian federal employees… You’re a fucking moron
Why? Your cynicism is not contagious, it's exclusive to people with a narrow, simplistic and unsophisticated world view. That's why, combined with your pathetic lack of erudition and vocabulary you, like Trump, stoop to vulgar and boorish insults.

Is it hard being the glowing and miraculous human you think you are? It must wear on you carrying the burden of all mankind on your broad muscular shoulders.
All that's required is being civilized. So little to ask of others, isn't it?
Zero evidence of what?
Your moronic claims.

It's been on TV all week. There's evidence all over the place.
Sorry, what we saw this week was the feelings and impressions of two clowns who have zero first hand knowledge, and have never even spoken to Trump, much less met him. The other STAR WITNESS told us how she was hurt for being reassigned months before the call in question.

Ya got squat.
In other words you saw what you were told to see and not what really happened.
Nope. Unlike you, I can think for myself and watched the Dimwinger debacle blow up in Schifferbrain's bug-eyed face.
If that's what you think you saw you aren't thinking for yourself.

Sorry to have to be the one to tell you.
Your moronic claims.

It's been on TV all week. There's evidence all over the place.
Sorry, what we saw this week was the feelings and impressions of two clowns who have zero first hand knowledge, and have never even spoken to Trump, much less met him. The other STAR WITNESS told us how she was hurt for being reassigned months before the call in question.

Ya got squat.
In other words you saw what you were told to see and not what really happened.
Nope. Unlike you, I can think for myself and watched the Dimwinger debacle blow up in Schifferbrain's bug-eyed face.
If that's what you think you saw you aren't thinking for yourself.

Sorry to have to be the one to tell you.
Thanks for proving my post correct.
"Former President Barack Obama fired all ambassadors appointed by former President George W. Bush in 2008, the Washington Post previously reported. Yovanovitch testified Friday that the Trump administration, including the president’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, “kneecapped” her. She said that she was not supported by State Department leaders after being recalled in May.

“Political ambassadors sometimes are permitted to stay on briefly during a new administration, but the sweeping nature of the directive suggests that Obama has little interest in retaining any of Bush’s ambassadorial appointees,” WaPo’s 2008 article about Obama’s decision to fire all political ambassadors reads."


Now shut up you dumb asses

So what? Did President Obama also smear them with distortions/lies/misinformation and destroy their careers and reputations?

It seems to me that Yovanovitch started it all by attacking the president. Trump was every right to defend himself. As far as I know nothing Trump said about her was a lie.

I have a question for you: In the entire history of the United States, has any former ambassador ever testified during an impeachment inquiry and criticized the president's foreign policy decisions - decisions which he and he alone has the right to make? What she thinks foreign policy should be is irrelevant. That is way above her pay grade as a mere ambassador.

Yovanovith has the delusional impression that she is ENTITLED to keep her job as an ambassador because she THINKS she was doing a good job.. She is wrong. Trump has the absolute and unreviewable right to fire her for any reason and he does not have to explain his decision to anyone. You do know that ambassadors are not supposed to engage in politics in their host country, nor are they allowed to engage in controversial conduct. I contend that her participation in a gay pride parade in Ukraine was a direct and flagrant violation of her official duties. Although Trump didn't need a reason to fire her, her misconduct constituted just cause for removal.

I still wonder why the Democrats are shedding crocodile tears because this one lone person lost her job. When Obama fired ALL ambassadors appointed by Bush and replaced them with his own people, no one made an issue of it. She lost her job, so what? Let her have her pity party in private. It's not like she can't find gainful employment somewhere else.

One final thought. The far left has been smearing Trump from the day he was elected. They made up false charges against him and smeared his character daily . With the dedicated assistance of their allies in the MSM they tried to destroy the man. What they did to Trump was unconscionable. Now these same people are upset when Trump sends a short tweet criticizing a former ambassador's job performance. Unlike Trump's vicious and unscrupulous critics, Trump did not accuse Yovanowitch of criminal conduct; nor did he accuse her of dishonesty or demean her character in any way. He simply said her job performance was substandard, and he was right.
It's been on TV all week. There's evidence all over the place.
Sorry, what we saw this week was the feelings and impressions of two clowns who have zero first hand knowledge, and have never even spoken to Trump, much less met him. The other STAR WITNESS told us how she was hurt for being reassigned months before the call in question.

Ya got squat.
In other words you saw what you were told to see and not what really happened.
Nope. Unlike you, I can think for myself and watched the Dimwinger debacle blow up in Schifferbrain's bug-eyed face.
If that's what you think you saw you aren't thinking for yourself.

Sorry to have to be the one to tell you.
Thanks for proving my post correct.

Tell me how many ambassadors Pres. Obama slandered.
Sorry, what we saw this week was the feelings and impressions of two clowns who have zero first hand knowledge, and have never even spoken to Trump, much less met him. The other STAR WITNESS told us how she was hurt for being reassigned months before the call in question.

Ya got squat.
In other words you saw what you were told to see and not what really happened.
Nope. Unlike you, I can think for myself and watched the Dimwinger debacle blow up in Schifferbrain's bug-eyed face.
If that's what you think you saw you aren't thinking for yourself.

Sorry to have to be the one to tell you.
Thanks for proving my post correct.

Tell me how many ambassadors Pres. Obama slandered.

PRECISELY.... slandered and threatened.
"Former President Barack Obama fired all ambassadors appointed by former President George W. Bush in 2008, the Washington Post previously reported. Yovanovitch testified Friday that the Trump administration, including the president’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, “kneecapped” her. She said that she was not supported by State Department leaders after being recalled in May.

“Political ambassadors sometimes are permitted to stay on briefly during a new administration, but the sweeping nature of the directive suggests that Obama has little interest in retaining any of Bush’s ambassadorial appointees,” WaPo’s 2008 article about Obama’s decision to fire all political ambassadors reads."


Now shut up you dumb asses

So what? Did President Obama also smear them with distortions/lies/misinformation and destroy their careers and reputations?

It seems to me that Yovanovitch started it all by attacking the president. Trump was every right to defend himself. As far as I know nothing Trump said about her was a lie.

I have a question for you: In the entire history of the United States, has any former ambassador ever testified during an impeachment inquiry and criticized the president's foreign policy decisions - decisions which he and he alone has the right to make? What she thinks foreign policy should be is irrelevant. That is way above her pay grade as a mere ambassador.

Yovanovith has the delusional impression that she is ENTITLED to keep her job as an ambassador because she THINKS she was doing a good job.. She is wrong. Trump has the absolute and unreviewable right to fire her for any reason and he does not have to explain his decision to anyone. You do know that ambassadors are not supposed to engage in politics in their host country, nor are they allowed to engage in controversial conduct. I contend that her participation in a gay pride parade in Ukraine was a direct and flagrant violation of her official duties. Although Trump didn't need a reason to fire her, her misconduct constituted just cause for removal.

I still wonder why the Democrats are shedding crocodile tears because this one lone person lost her job. When Obama fired ALL ambassadors appointed by Bush and replaced them with his own people, no one made an issue of it. She lost her job, so what? Let her have her pity party in private. It's not like she can't find gainful employment somewhere else.

One final thought. The far left has been smearing Trump from the day he was elected. They made up false charges against him and smeared his character daily . With the dedicated assistance of their allies in the MSM they tried to destroy the man. What they did to Trump was unconscionable. Now these same people are upset when Trump sends a short tweet criticizing a former ambassador's job performance. Unlike Trump's vicious and unscrupulous critics, Trump did not accuse Yovanowitch of criminal conduct; nor did he accuse her of dishonesty or demean her character in any way. He simply said her job performance was substandard, and he was right.
Is criticizing the shadow gvt with Giuliani, Igor and Lev criticising the President?
One final thought. The far left has been smearing Trump from the day he was elected. They made up false charges against him and smeared his character daily . With the dedicated assistance of their allies in the MSM they tried to destroy the man. What they did to Trump was unconscionable. Now these same people are upset when Trump sends a short tweet criticizing a former ambassador's job performance. Unlike Trump's vicious and unscrupulous critics, Trump did not accuse Yovanowitch of criminal conduct; nor did he accuse her of dishonesty or demean her character in any way. He simply said her job performance was substandard, and he was right.

Candidate Trump started all the name calling and division the moment he glided down that golden escalator and relentless ever since.

The only way to stop a bully like him, is to punch back every time he lays one. And he lays them all the time, every day.... So he gets, what he serves.
But Dimwingers want to impeach Trump for firing one ambassador.

Flashback: Obama Fired All Bush Appointed Ambassadors In 2008

He fired all "politically-appointed" Ambassadors, which would have removed the likes of Gordon Sondland and Richard Grenell. Career foreign service personnel such as Yovanovitch were frequently carried over, and Yovanovitch was - as Ambassador to Kyrgystan from 2008 to 2011.

No one except disinformation artists on the Right claim the impeachment investigation is over a fired Ambassador.

So, Bush's incompetent cronies got the boot, and that's supposed to excuse the recall of an admired career foreign policy professional. Here's the gang of nitwits who would giddily go along with that kind of disinformation:

Winner x 12
Dick Foster

Thank You! x 2

Informative x 2
Third Party
Death Angel

Agree x 1

Not a single surprise there.
But Dimwingers want to impeach Trump for firing one ambassador.

Flashback: Obama Fired All Bush Appointed Ambassadors In 2008

He fired all "politically-appointed" Ambassadors, which would have removed the likes of Gordon Sondland and Richard Grenell. Career foreign service personnel such as Yovanovitch were frequently carried over, and Yovanovitch was - as Ambassador to Kyrgystan from 2008 to 2011.

No one except disinformation artists on the Right claim the impeachment investigation is over a fired Ambassador.

So, Bush's incompetent cronies got the boot, and that's supposed to excuse the recall of an admired career foreign policy professional. Here's the gang of nitwits who would giddily go along with that kind of disinformation:

Winner x 12
Dick Foster

Thank You! x 2

Informative x 2
Third Party
Death Angel

Agree x 1

Not a single surprise there.

No surprises, but it makes me curious - do you think they all missed the point accidentally, on purpose, or a mix of the two?

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