Obama Fires Up La Raza


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
Foreigners, third world garbage, illegals, and democrats are all breathless over amnesty......

Get them on welfare, food stamps, housing subsidies, free schooling, and a voter registration card.

They can share the same benefits as their liberal intellectual equals....
La Raza is a joke. Their existence is predicated on the victimhood of others. They run on the notion that what they considered ATZLAN needs to be returned to them. Who exactly is 'them'? The Spanish? The Mayans? Aztecs? Once them is defined, let's say them ended up with Texas, California, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona. Would ATZLAN be run like the US or would it be modeled like Mexico? My guess is the latter. How successful is Mexico? When ATZLAN fails, invariably, they would be calling US for reparations. Interestingly, they would not have border problems from Mexico because a) no one would want to go to a place run like Mexico and b) ATZLAN would most likely treat its illegal entrants the same way Mexico does. For all of the finger wagging La Raza does at US for our treatment of illegals, they turn a blind eye to how Mexico treats its illegals. If the US said it was now going to model its enforcement of non-citizens the way Mexico does, La Raza would call US racists. What else would be new.
La Raza has big goals.

oh look, a meeting of the minds, sans the minds.

pure brilliance !!!
Face it, this man is a traitor to us and our country

That's why he was he was picked to run for President

HORRIBLE man horrible President that I don't know we will survive another two years with him in there
Face it, this man is a traitor to us and our country

That's why he was he was picked to run for President

HORRIBLE man horrible President that I don't know we will survive another two years with him in there

don't worry, you wont survive, Obama will blow Ebola on you or import Muslim's to hide under your bed and whack off yer head ... go jump off a tall building and get out of our, errrrrr YOUR misery.
That's why there's so many cars in Siete's front yard.


how would YOU know ? I live in a gated/guarded community and pay HOA dues to keep dumbshits like you right where they belong, on the other side of the gate...

Guard. If you will please, theres an idiot getting too close. Please escort him back to his dumpster at Walmart
That's a libtard describing a wooden fence around the trailer park. LMBBFFAO!
That's why there's so many cars in Siete's front yard.


how would YOU know ? I live in a gated/guarded community and pay HOA dues to keep dumbshits like you right where they belong, on the other side of the gate...

Guard. If you will please, theres an idiot getting too close. Please escort him back to his dumpster at Walmart

WTF I thought all you libs gave your money to the government to be redistributed to the poor? Sure sounds like you are hording way more than your fair share.
That's why there's so many cars in Siete's front yard.


how would YOU know ? I live in a gated/guarded community and pay HOA dues to keep dumbshits like you right where they belong, on the other side of the gate...

Guard. If you will please, theres an idiot getting too close. Please escort him back to his dumpster at Walmart

WTF I thought all you libs gave your money to the government to be redistributed to the poor? Sure sounds like you are hording way more than your fair share.

are you asking me for some new pink pajamas Liberace boy?
That's why there's so many cars in Siete's front yard.


how would YOU know ? I live in a gated/guarded community and pay HOA dues to keep dumbshits like you right where they belong, on the other side of the gate...

Guard. If you will please, theres an idiot getting too close. Please escort him back to his dumpster at Walmart

WTF I thought all you libs gave your money to the government to be redistributed to the poor? Sure sounds like you are hording way more than your fair share.

are you asking me for some new pink pajamas Liberace boy?

I'm pointing out what lying hypocrite pukes liberals are and the do as we say not as we do liberal hypocrite's are particularly disgusting.

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