Obama Fires Up La Raza

That's why there's so many cars in Siete's front yard.


how would YOU know ? I live in a gated/guarded community and pay HOA dues to keep dumbshits like you right where they belong, on the other side of the gate...

Guard. If you will please, theres an idiot getting too close. Please escort him back to his dumpster at Walmart
That's a libtard describing a wooden fence around the trailer park. LMBBFFAO!

you have that wrong the shit smear christers in jesusland are the trailer dwelling arswipes
That's why there's so many cars in Siete's front yard.


how would YOU know ? I live in a gated/guarded community and pay HOA dues to keep dumbshits like you right where they belong, on the other side of the gate...

Guard. If you will please, theres an idiot getting too close. Please escort him back to his dumpster at Walmart
That's a libtard describing a wooden fence around the trailer park. LMBBFFAO!

you have that wrong the shit smear christers in jesusland are the trailer dwelling arswipes
You are a retard.
"Congress is not America"? Uh, yes it is, Barry. America elects representatives and speaks through them. For a so-called "constitutional scholar" OBAMA makes some pretty whacked out statements. Whose constitution is OBAMA so well-studied in? It sure as hell is not the American constitution.

Further, whose fucking side is OBAMA on? It clearly is not our side. Obama's comments and the tone of his speech at that caucus meeting were outrageous in light of the position he holds. They were borderline seditious.

Really, what part of our immigration laws do we need to reform? Do we really need to make them more lax? Further, let's be honest here. The left is not talking about a basic reform of immigration. What they are talking about is a reformation of laws affecting Hispanics immigrating here from the south. Why apply special treatment to them over immigrants from other countries? Yes, there is a particularly large influx. However, making law and policy to conform to situations outside our borders is an ass backwards way to govern.

The majority of Americans do not want amnesty or more lax immigration laws and enforcement. At least, that is what polls indicate. In addition, and more importantly, Americans speaking through their Congressional representatives do not want this type of reform. Yet, our president is aligning himself with the minority view, foreign nationals and radical pro-amnesty groups AGAINST the majority of Americans. This is absolutely outrageous. Regardless of how you feel about immigration this should cause everybody a great deal of concern. Our president has turned against us on this issue and is siding with non-American interests. It is for political reasons, obviously. But that does not mitigate what he is doing.

A president should, in a fundamental level, put our country's welfare and our interests first. Winning an election does not allow him to do what he likes contrary to the will of the people and execute his desires by executive order.

Obama is again proving that he is a shameful American and a shameful man. His voters (I am not one of them) gave him their trust and he smacks them in the face like Rice smacked his wife in that elevator. That is what OBAMA is doing: bitch slapping America.
Get them on welfare, food stamps, housing subsidies, free schooling, and a voter registration card.

They can share the same benefits as their liberal intellectual equals....
As has been pointed out, the red states take more money back from the government than the blue states. Check out those solid red Southern states.

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