Obama fraud trial (NOT birth related) about to start in Indiana

besides the fact the "half the country is dependent on government" canard. (I would argue the whole country is, otherwise, we'd all be riding round like a Mad Max movie.)

I agree, we have too many people dependent on government.

but whose fault is that.

The Democrats for offering help, or the Republicans for supporting economic policies that required it?

I would like to see every able bodied American have a renumerative job and be paying taxes.

We actually got close to that in the 1990's, and the wealthy couldn't get BUsh in fast enough to fuck that up. I mean, we actually have to PAY them

This can't be repeated more often.

During the Clinton administration plenty of jobs, especially in the tech sector, were created.

During the Bush administration, those jobs were outsourced..to the cheers of conservatives.

The outsourcing really did start under Clinton. My first encounter with a "How may I provide you excelent customer service" Indian Accent was in 1999, I believe.

I dropped that service the next day.

Until we demand these companies hire Americans, we should get what we expect.

Yeah..well sure they did. But it was mainly help desk jobs..that were possible because of the vast improvements in telecommunications that happened under the Clinton administration. We were still in a "brave new world" back then. Who knew that companies were going to make use of those new technologies to outsource.

However, that went into overdrive during the Bush administration. Who factories were packed up and shipped overseas..along with the tech jobs.

It would have been easy enough to change the tax code to ward that off.
You make no sense, as usual.

Listen, SJ: if you have ever voted, if you have ever registered property, if you have ever attended public school, if you have ever gotten a driver's or hunting or fishing license, then guess what, bub: you have willingly participated. No one made you.
You still make no sense, but don't stop, watching you struggle for comebacks is very entertaining. :lol:

You can't make sense of this?


You think the infrastructure that allows for voting, registering property, public schools, driver's and hunting licenses, is what? Free?

Obama won the state of IN in 2008 but it only has 11 electors so it appears this can't change the election results. But a defeat for obama might start people asking "what else has he lied about".

Voter Fraud Trial May Demonstrate Obama Never Qualified In 2008

April 22, 2013
Questions will soon be answered as to whether or not Barack Hussein Obama actually qualified to be on the 2008 Presidential ballot as the trial gets underway for a former Democrat Party official and a Board of Elections worker who are accused of submitting illegitimate signatures on petitions that enabled both Obama and Hillary Clinton to qualify for the race in Indiana.

Under state law presidential candidates must obtain 500 signatures from each of the state’s nine congressional districts. In the Second Congressional District, which is St. Joseph County, Obama’s campaign only got 534 signatures, while campaign rival Hillary Clinton got 704.

Prosecutors in the case claim that nine of the petition pages of signatures for Obama were forged. Each of the pages contain ten names which makes it possible that up to 90 names were forged. This means Barack Obama would have been ineligible (not that he isn’t ineligible on other grounds) should he fall under the legal limit required to qualify. Clinton on the other hand still had a significant amount of petition signatures to meet the threshold of 500.

One Indiana State Police investigator, who investigated the petitions, said in court papers that “selected names at random from each of the petition pages and contacted those people directly. We found at least one person (and often multiple people) from each page who confirmed that they had not signed” petitions “or given consent for their name and/or signature to appear.”

If you recall, this is the very thing that tripped up Newt Gingrich up in the Republican primaries when he failed to get on the ballot in Virginia because authorities claimed that hundreds of signatures on his campaign’s petitions were fraudulent. One campaign worker pleaded guilty and another is still facing charges.

Funny that you felt the need to add "(NOT birth related)" to your thread title.
Listen, SJ: if you have ever voted, if you have ever registered property, if you have ever attended public school, if you have ever gotten a driver's or hunting or fishing license, then guess what, bub: you have willingly participated. No one made you.
You still make no sense, but don't stop, watching you struggle for comebacks is very entertaining. :lol:

You can't make sense of this?


You think the infrastructure that allows for voting, registering property, public schools, driver's and hunting licenses, is what? Free?

Better go back and read it, dumbshit. We're discussing dependency, not the cost of services. Neither one of you make sense. Abiding by the law isn't the same thing as government financial assistance. Geez, you two are stupid.

Yeah..well sure they did. But it was mainly help desk jobs..that were possible because of the vast improvements in telecommunications that happened under the Clinton administration. We were still in a "brave new world" back then. Who knew that companies were going to make use of those new technologies to outsource.

However, that went into overdrive during the Bush administration. Who factories were packed up and shipped overseas..along with the tech jobs.

It would have been easy enough to change the tax code to ward that off.

This is where you get partisan in a way I don't. I don't excuse Democrats when they screw up.

Clinton deserves a LOT of the blame for the outsourcing and offshoring that started in the 1990's and continued through the Oughts.

He signed WTO, GATT, NAFTA and gave MFN status to China when you had that Chinese Colonel babe showing up at the White House with bags of money.

Clinton's main fault, besides being a personal sleeze, is that while he was culturally liberal, he was economically conservative. He really believed in Free Trade.

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