Obama fraud trial (NOT birth related) about to start in Indiana

If you guys want to continue your ridiculous pissing contest, do it in the other thread.

how is our most scared right ridiculous?

Do you ever stop repeating yourself and butchering the English language? Your command of English is on par with a pre-school child. Do you accpet that?
It's his "scared right". LOL

We see that the wackos on the far right are scared of BHO again.


jake the troll fails again

poor jake
notice how the "republican" jake starkey always defends obama and democrats and never defends any republican....

res ispa loquitur
It won't have much effect, if any. The libs have managed to get half the country dependent on govermnent, and the freeloaders won't give that up, whether their supplier is a fraud or not. Unfortunately, and tragically, the U.S. is going down.

besides the fact the "half the country is dependent on government" canard. (I would argue the whole country is, otherwise, we'd all be riding round like a Mad Max movie.)

I agree, we have too many people dependent on government.

but whose fault is that.

The Democrats for offering help, or the Republicans for supporting economic policies that required it?

I would like to see every able bodied American have a renumerative job and be paying taxes.

We actually got close to that in the 1990's, and the wealthy couldn't get BUsh in fast enough to fuck that up. I mean, we actually have to PAY them

This can't be repeated more often.

During the Clinton administration plenty of jobs, especially in the tech sector, were created.

During the Bush administration, those jobs were outsourced..to the cheers of conservatives.

The outsourcing really did start under Clinton. My first encounter with a "How may I provide you excelent customer service" Indian Accent was in 1999, I believe.

I dropped that service the next day.

Until we demand these companies hire Americans, we should get what we expect.
notice how the "republican" jake starkey always defends obama and democrats and never defends any republican....

res ispa loquitur

Do Republicans deserve to be defended at this point?

Frankly, I stopped defending Republicans in the mid oughts because it was an impossible proposition. Between the heartlessness and the incompetence, I just couldn't do it anymore.
It won't have much effect, if any. The libs have managed to get half the country dependent on govermnent, and the freeloaders won't give that up, whether their supplier is a fraud or not. Unfortunately, and tragically, the U.S. is going down.

Your numbers are quite a bit off

Actually, the entire country is dependent on government
If you on the right want people to accept as fact the charges in cases like this against democratic members then you have to accept the mountians of court records that go back decades which show the republican party cheating right from the top to tear away the right to vote from perfectly legal voters.

they target black voters ever since they did the southern strategy that drove the black vote away from their party.
If you on the right want people to accept as fact the charges in cases like this against democratic members then you have to accept the mountians of court records that go back decades which show the republican party cheating right from the top to tear away the right to vote from perfectly legal voters.

they target black voters ever since they did the southern strategy that drove the black vote away from their party.

when you start accepting pleas as court documents, then you may speak
But only half are dependent by choice.

Then you are dependent by choice. Got it.
You make no sense, as usual.

Listen, SJ: if you have ever voted, if you have ever registered property, if you have ever attended public school, if you have ever gotten a driver's or hunting or fishing license, then guess what, bub: you have willingly participated. No one made you.
i so enjoy not reading jakestarkey's posts.

i bet he has offered nothing but his usual ad homs with zero substance.
Then you are dependent by choice. Got it.
You make no sense, as usual.

Listen, SJ: if you have ever voted, if you have ever registered property, if you have ever attended public school, if you have ever gotten a driver's or hunting or fishing license, then guess what, bub: you have willingly participated. No one made you.
You still make no sense, but don't stop, watching you struggle for comebacks is very entertaining. :lol:
notice how the "republican" jake starkey always defends obama and democrats and never defends any republican....

res ispa loquitur

Yes - i've noticed that many times. Lots of liberals claim to be repubs so they can say things like "even i support obozo on this". Very common tactic . They don't fool anyone but themselves.
If you on the right want people to accept as fact the charges in cases like this against democratic members then you have to accept the mountians of court records that go back decades which show the republican party cheating right from the top to tear away the right to vote from perfectly legal voters.


Republican cheating? Obozo had 5 million illegals vote for him in 2012.

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