Obama gives a shout out to non believers .....

Hell will be full of non-believers, atheist. Of course, they won't be non-believers when they get there....

Not to interrupt your condemnation but are you ever going to get around to proving that I am hateful to Christians, since you claim you never met an atheist who wasn't?
So what? I never said you weren't American. I said you were idiots for shouting from the hilltops that you don't believe in God and have no religious affiliation, then getting all teared up and emotional everytime there's a litany of faiths mentioned and you aren't included.

You're hypocrites. It has nothing to do with hate. It has to do with calling a spade a fucking shovel.

What part of the fact that he was talking about all Americans do you not understand?

Do you consider yourself a christain?
If you are a christian Allie you are a terrible example of christs love.

And you're an idiot if you think my kibbitzing about the hypocrisy of those who day in and day out ridicule and criticize Christians snivel when they aren't listed as a religion, and boo hoo when they are left out of a scant handful of religions mentioned, is indicative of a lack of love for anyone.

The bible is full of straight talk and admonitions that were uncomfortable for people to hear. Having an atheist claim I'm full of hate because I think it's stupid for atheists to whine when they aren't included in a list of "religions of the world" is not indicative of hate. If you think it is, then obviously, you have never been exposed to real hatred.
Not to interrupt your condemnation but are you ever going to get around to proving that I am hateful to Christians, since you claim you never met an atheist who wasn't?

oh cmon----you've been known to engage in some flagrant mockery of what is sacred to others. Nice try. :lol:
Allie has hijacked this thread for her own purposes, but even that can't ruin my happiness over what Obama has said.
Allie has hijacked this thread for her own purposes, but even that can't ruin my happiness over what Obama has said.

I'm actually glad that Obama could make you feel included. Are you going to play nice now or are you still gonig to be a rebellious little twit ? :lol:
oh cmon----you've been known to engage in some flagrant mockery of what is sacred to others. Nice try. :lol:
Does mockery equal hatred? Some religious people have some wacky beliefs but have I ever wished to see them sent to hell?
Does mockery equal hatred? Some religious people have some wacky beliefs but have I ever wished to see them sent to hell?

I knew you were gonig to go semantic on me------:lol:

Are you seriously upset when someone says you are going to hell ?
I can't stop from laughing when I hear it.
I knew you were gonig to go semantic on me------:lol:

Are you seriously upset when someone says you are going to hell ?
I can't stop from laughing when I hear it.
It depends. It's a ludicrous statement for sure, since no hell exists, but the hate behind it can be disconcerting.
No, I wouldn't.
Then we agree on that.

Does mockery equal hatred? Some religious people have some wacky beliefs but have I ever wished to see them sent to hell?
I have a problem with it when people mock others sacred beliefs. Is it hatred? I dunno, but it isn't kind. I can't understand why anyone would want to hurt someone else to begin with, but in such a sensitive place seems to me to border on a cruelty that if isn't hatred is a first cousin. It's very disrespectful and completely unnecessary. Have you noticed even when people bring up the FSM I don't treat it with any less dignity than other religions? I don't think anyone really takes it seriously, but it's not my place to judge, or to make someone else feel bad.
Atheists are starting to come out of the closet. :lol:


I think the actions of many religious people over the last few years has tarnished the image of religion.

Look at all the people who call themselfs christians who called for the blood of children throughout these years of war.

Jesus himself would have been disgusted with them.

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