Obama gives foreign cops new police powers in U.S.

We are not talking about cooperation here. What we are talking about is that INTERPOL can now operate within the USA without any oversight from any US legal departments or Law Departments. They may make an arrest and remove the suspect from the country without any of our legal protections. And you see nothing wrong with this? And that's only one instance. They do not have to follow US law......DUH

I see a problem in that this article is via WorldNetDaily which plays fast and lose with the facts.

Somehow I doubt that Interpol is going to start arresting American citizens within our own borders.
We are not talking about cooperation here. What we are talking about is that INTERPOL can now operate within the USA without any oversight from any US legal departments or Law Departments. They may make an arrest and remove the suspect from the country without any of our legal protections. And you see nothing wrong with this? And that's only one instance. They do not have to follow US law......DUH

But but but I thought it was conservatives who so strongly object to alleged terrorists being tried in the United States. Seems to me all that's doing is giving them over to Interpol instead of a civil trial here.

I think the purpose of the EO was to eliminate the layers of bureaucracy involved when Interpol happens to beat the CIA and/or FBI to the punch by discovering terror cells here, and the US would thereby be free to round 'em up and act quickly, rather than the usual dragged out legal procedures (or indefinite jail time while waiting).

And for all those confusing the International Criminal Court with what this Executive Order intends, the EO is simply clearly defining what I.N.T.E.R.P.O.L means. The ICC is an independent judicial body.

"The United States is not a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC) — a permanent international criminal court, founded in 2002 to investigate and prosecute genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes."

Executive Order -- Amending Executive Order 12425

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By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 1 of the International Organizations Immunities Act (22 U.S.C. 288), and in order to extend the appropriate privileges, exemptions, and immunities to the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), it is hereby ordered that Executive Order 12425 of June 16, 1983, as amended, is further amended by deleting from the first sentence the words "except those provided by Section 2(c), Section 3, Section 4, Section 5, and Section 6 of that Act" and the semicolon that immediately precedes them.


December 16, 2009.

Sec 2 C :(c) Property and assets of international organizations, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, unless such immunity be expressly waived, and from confiscation. The archives of international organizations shall be inviolable.
Sec. 3.

Pursuant to regulations prescribed by the Commissioner of Customs with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, the baggage and effects of alien officers and employees of international organizations, or of aliens designated by foreign governments to serve as their representatives in or to such organizations, or of the families, suites, and servants of such officers, employees, or representatives shall be admitted (when imported in connection with the arrival of the owner) free of customs duties and free of internal-revenue taxes imposed upon or by reason of importation.

Sec 4 is lawyer-speak about income taxes and i don't have a clue what it means.

Sec 5 is Social Security taxes

Sec 6 is property taxes.

Now I ask you all, is he trying to tax Interpol or making sure they are not taxed? And why after 25 years did this need to be changed? I really don't understand what the hell he is doing now. I had previously read 2 summaries which appear to be wrong. I really need to learn more lawyer-speak.

I have no idea. Maybe some Interpol agents were being required to pay custom tax on any surveillance type equipment found in their baggage. Still, it doesn't look too ominous no matter how one reads it. AND it has nothing to do with the International Criminal Court.
Does this mean the right wing New World Order types are overreacting again??
Does this mean the right wing New World Order types are overreacting again??

???????? I don't believe in any New World order myself. But I do believe in facts. So why change this after 25 years and 4 Presidents? There must be a reason, and just what is he changing?
After reading this article and all the replies I realize that most people here have the wrong idea about why this is so insidioiusly evil for American citizens. The supremacy clause states that the constitution (not any government BTW) is the supreme law of the land. That means within any American jurisdiction the constitution is higher than any legal authority in existence and that includes the federal government itself and under the 5th amendment it says that no person can have life, liberty, and property removed without the due process of law and the law that is speaking of is US law only so when Obama signs this he is saying that international law can now remove life, liberty, and property which is a violation of the constitution because any person, under US authority, can only have those things removed by US law only and not by any other law.

This act is a clear violation of the constitution if interpol can violate the 5th amendment because interpol does not have the legal right, under our constitution, to do so and if any of them come to arrest me then I have the legal right to blow their head off clean since I am being detained illegally.

BTW, the supremacy clause makes every citizen subject to American law only especially if it is on our own soil.
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Does this mean the right wing New World Order types are overreacting again??

???????? I don't believe in any New World order myself. But I do believe in facts. So why change this after 25 years and 4 Presidents? There must be a reason, and just what is he changing?

I do believe that the far left believes that the UN should be the government of the world because why else would you hear that the number one complaint about Iraq is that it was "illegal". Illegality implies that it is legal if the US got a UN permission slip to do so and if it can decide illegality or legality then how is it different than your own city, state, or federal government deciding the legality or illegality of your own actions.
Does this mean the right wing New World Order types are overreacting again??

No. It means your kind aim to undermine the constitution of this country by giving foriegn police immunity from American law which is unconstitutional because of the supremacy clause. It states that the constitution and all laws made in pursuence of it are the supreme law of the land which means I can not have my life, liberty, or property removed from me without the due prociess of American Law.
After reading this article and all the replies I realize that most people here have the wrong idea about why this is so insidioiusly evil for American citizens. The supremacy clause states that the constitution (not any government BTW) is the supreme law of the land. That means within any American jurisdiction the constitution is higher than any legal authority in existence and that includes the federal government itself and under the 5th amendment it says that no person can have life, liberty, and property removed without the due process of law and the law that is speaking of is US law only so when Obama signs this he is saying that international law can now remove life, liberty, and property which is a violation of the constitution because any person, under US authority, can only have those things removed by US law only and not by any other law.

This act is a clear violation of the constitution if interpol can violate the 5th amendment because interpol does not have the legal right, under our constitution, to do so and if any of them come to arrest me then I have the legal right to blow their head off clean since I am being detained illegally.

BTW, the supremacy clause makes every citizen subject to American law only especially if it is on our own soil.

Fine, then let's just tell Interpol to butt out and we'll go it alone. The US is fully capable of brining down all terrorists all over the globe all by its own self. :cuckoo:

And by the way, the written document which is The Constitution is at the mercy of whatever the United States Supreme Court decides.
Does this mean the right wing New World Order types are overreacting again??

???????? I don't believe in any New World order myself. But I do believe in facts. So why change this after 25 years and 4 Presidents? There must be a reason, and just what is he changing?

For one thing, the terror threats are increasing. And for another, Interpol has a much better track record of zeroing in on these bad guys (and doing something about it NOW, not later).
Welcome to the New World Order. Both the Socialists and Neocons have rapidly moved our nation closer & closer to the New World Order. They are both staunch Globalists/Internationalists. It's time to give them both the boot. We desperately need new leaders. Personally,i'm just so sick of the Globalist agenda. Enough is enough.
Welcome to the New World Order. Both the Socialists and Neocons have rapidly moved our nation closer & closer to the New World Order. They are both staunch Globalists/Internationalists. It's time to give them both the boot. We desperately need new leaders. Personally,i'm just so sick of the Globalist agenda. Enough is enough.

The "New World Order" conspiracy theory is such bullshit. How many years has there been a climate summit with a gathering of world leaders? How much have they agreed upon? Nada. You can't even get a half dozen people in a minivan to agree on where to have lunch, let alone a global agreement on how to rule the world. (Did I say that already?) Get real.
Welcome to the New World Order. Both the Socialists and Neocons have rapidly moved our nation closer & closer to the New World Order. They are both staunch Globalists/Internationalists. It's time to give them both the boot. We desperately need new leaders. Personally,i'm just so sick of the Globalist agenda. Enough is enough.

I Totally agree!!! We need Leaders not Keepers!!! They are systematically Stealing Our Rights away. It's time to Stop Them, and start Repealing Their Powers and Compensation. The Only thing They Insure Us is that They Will Sacrifice Us to Preserve Themselves.
Welcome to the New World Order. Both the Socialists and Neocons have rapidly moved our nation closer & closer to the New World Order. They are both staunch Globalists/Internationalists. It's time to give them both the boot. We desperately need new leaders. Personally,i'm just so sick of the Globalist agenda. Enough is enough.

The "New World Order" conspiracy theory is such bullshit. How many years has there been a climate summit with a gathering of world leaders? How much have they agreed upon? Nada. You can't even get a half dozen people in a minivan to agree on where to have lunch, let alone a global agreement on how to rule the world. (Did I say that already?) Get real.

Yet the EPA grows in Power and Authority.
Welcome to the New World Order. Both the Socialists and Neocons have rapidly moved our nation closer & closer to the New World Order. They are both staunch Globalists/Internationalists. It's time to give them both the boot. We desperately need new leaders. Personally,i'm just so sick of the Globalist agenda. Enough is enough.

The "New World Order" conspiracy theory is such bullshit. How many years has there been a climate summit with a gathering of world leaders? How much have they agreed upon? Nada. You can't even get a half dozen people in a minivan to agree on where to have lunch, let alone a global agreement on how to rule the world. (Did I say that already?) Get real.

Yet the EPA grows in Power and Authority.

And will one day rule the world. Yeah, sure. And what's up with the initial caps in everything you type? Mal's clone?
Globalism/Internationalism is vastly over-rated. The Socialists & Neocons in this country have pushed this stuff on us for years. Now it's time to say enough is enough and give them both the boot. We need real change in this country. Lets hope this happens soon.
I agree with the cooperation but the international court can take a damned hike. I sure don't want some international court making the legal decisions for me in this country.

it was the international courts that prosecuted the nazis.

it IS the international courts that enable us to rely on others observing things like the Geneva Convention...and international treaties.

But the U.S. is supposed to be immune from that?

No one is making legal decisions FOR this country.

You wingnuts really need to get a grip.
I agree with the cooperation but the international court can take a damned hike. I sure don't want some international court making the legal decisions for me in this country.

it was the international courts that prosecuted the nazis.

it IS the international courts that enable us to rely on others observing things like the Geneva Convention...and international treaties.

But the U.S. is supposed to be immune from that?

No one is making legal decisions FOR this country.

You wingnuts really need to get a grip.

Yes because any American citizen has rights garanteed to them by the constitution and our government should not make agreements that abridge those rights so that anyone and I mean anyone can be whisked off to another country and not get the same protectons of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that they would get in an American court.

Further, I did not agree to play by any of the rules set our by some foriegn court where I should be subject to.
I agree with the cooperation but the international court can take a damned hike. I sure don't want some international court making the legal decisions for me in this country.

it was the international courts that prosecuted the nazis.

it IS the international courts that enable us to rely on others observing things like the Geneva Convention...and international treaties.

But the U.S. is supposed to be immune from that?

No one is making legal decisions FOR this country.

You wingnuts really need to get a grip.

I think You missed the plane Jillian. So much for Due Process and the Rule of Law.
The "New World Order" conspiracy theory is such bullshit. How many years has there been a climate summit with a gathering of world leaders? How much have they agreed upon? Nada. You can't even get a half dozen people in a minivan to agree on where to have lunch, let alone a global agreement on how to rule the world. (Did I say that already?) Get real.

Yet the EPA grows in Power and Authority.

And will one day rule the world. Yeah, sure. And what's up with the initial caps in everything you type? Mal's clone?

I'm so sorry that You find Liberty and Free Expression so distasteful Maggie. Initial caps on everything? Exaggerating a bit Sweetie? I cap to Accent. What has it been since the last time You brought it up? 3 Months? I am so glad for the interest You take in Me! :):):) :lol::lol::lol:
I agree with the cooperation but the international court can take a damned hike. I sure don't want some international court making the legal decisions for me in this country.

it was the international courts that prosecuted the nazis.

it IS the international courts that enable us to rely on others observing things like the Geneva Convention...and international treaties.

But the U.S. is supposed to be immune from that?

No one is making legal decisions FOR this country.

You wingnuts really need to get a grip.

I think You missed the plane Jillian. So much for Due Process and the Rule of Law.

Do you have the slightest clue what you're talking about? Although people are suspicious of the facts in Wikipedia for some outdated reason, you can go to any discussion about the pros and cons of the ICC and see the same information, or you can use the Wiki link and their embedded links to their sources.

United States and the International Criminal Court - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indeed, it can be argued that the ICC has due process safeguards that are broadly comparable to those of the U.S. Constitution (if not technically identical with them). In addition, the US has adopted forms of war crimes and crimes against humanity within its military courts. (Pub. L. 18 USC § 2441 (b)). The military courts have jurisdiction over all military personnel abroad and any accompanying civilians. Further the US has adopted crimes of genocide within its domestic system. (Pub. L. 18 USC § 1091(d)) and conscription of child soldiers (Pub. L. 110-340).

It can also be argued that such an amendment would be keeping with--and not repugnant to the letter or the spirit of that same Constitution, whose Framers explicitly acknowledged "offenses against the law of nations"[13] (or what we now know as the public international law) as being crimes subject to punishment under the domestic law of the United States, and with the historical role of the United States--a nation whose own Declaration of Independence notes a "decent respect to the opinions of Mankind"--as an advocate for much of the present system of international law, ranging from the issuance of the Lieber Code, to the key role the U.S. played in the Nuremberg Tribunal, to the chartering of the United Nations, to the ICTY, and the ICTR.

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