Obama giving a fantastic speech on C-Span right now and no teleprompter

If Obama is race baiting or promoting other divisive political lies he doesn't need a teleprompter...
If we have such a great country then why is there so much division amongst the peoples? Our kids don't know basic US history or math or can't read for crap if it isn't text script. Drug & heroine abuse is rampant. Screwed up healthcare system. You name it, there isn't much of anything about this country left that is really great. And if you think to argue that, then think about patriotism (or lack of) in our youth.

Great economy? Then why are so many business's closing? Poverty, welfare and homelessness is so high.

Someone reported that after the speech, Obie screamed with joy, "Look Ma, No teleprompter!".
Wouldn't this make you swoon. this is so insincere because, he can't even spit it because his Teleprompter isn't working.

How he was able to dupe so many people is scary
The liberals and blacks before he was elected, thought that Obama was some kind of deity with God like powers.

I have no doubt that years from now, after Obama is in his grave. There will be a religious cult spring up dedicated to worshiping Obama. ...... :cuckoo:
Obama said you have to be for something. You can't just be against everything.
He's in Texas and he said Texas is at the bottom when it comes to voter participation. He said Texas has whites and blacks and Native Americans and Hispanics and Asians and gays and straights and Christians and Muslims. In fact, Texas looks like the Democratic Party. Why aren't they voting?
He pointed out that Republicans aren't entitled to making up their own facts. That the US economy is the brightest economy in the entire world. That our military isn't falling apart.

(Isn't that an insult from Republicans to our military constantly saying it's falling apart and a mess? And look at the GOP. And they have the nerve to say that? How do they get away with it?)

To bad Republicans won't stop bashing our country. It's a great country in spite of their trying to tear it down.

GOP Rep. Lynn Jenkins came on right after spewing GOP lies. Why do they do that?
He said Texas has whites and blacks and Native Americans and Hispanics and Asians and gays and straights and Christians and Muslims.
so do all the other States......
Wow, telling the truth is how you defeat the GOP.
He's telling the truth about what's wrong with the GOP and conservatism in general:

The politics of fear.

The politics of division.

The politics of hate.

The president is correct that Trump is the manifestation of the right's politics of fear, division, and hate – of a bankrupt GOP agenda devoid of value and merit.
hey jones can you elaborate on point no. 2 please.....thanks....
After almost 8 years in office, Obama has finally gotten up the nerve to speak his lies without using a teleprompter.

Hillary must have coached him on how to do it with a straight face and look believable. ..... :cool:
What lies are you talking about?
He's telling the truth about what's wrong with the GOP and conservatism in general:

The politics of fear.

The politics of division.

The politics of hate.
Actually, you just described the Democrat Party and the Obama administration. ..... :cool:
Oh, come on. You know better than that.


Hispanics are rapists

Religious discrimination

Kill the gays

Don't be a nitwit.
If we have such a great country then why is there so much division amongst the peoples? Our kids don't know basic US history or math or can't read for crap if it isn't text script. Drug & heroine abuse is rampant. Screwed up healthcare system. You name it, there isn't much of anything about this country left that is really great. And if you think to argue that, then think about patriotism (or lack of) in our youth.

Great economy? Then why are so many business's closing? Poverty, welfare and homelessness is so high.

They were highest under the GOP. Even you know that.
If we have such a great country then why is there so much division amongst the peoples? Our kids don't know basic US history or math or can't read for crap if it isn't text script. Drug & heroine abuse is rampant. Screwed up healthcare system. You name it, there isn't much of anything about this country left that is really great. And if you think to argue that, then think about patriotism (or lack of) in our youth.

Great economy? Then why are so many business's closing? Poverty, welfare and homelessness is so high.

They were highest under the GOP. Even you know that.

GOP is republican, right? Obama is democrat, right? I was talking currently...these problems do exist NOW, more than ever before.

It's been going on for many years and getting worse, so it really can't be blamed on either party or maybe both. And neither side has done much to effectively 'fix' the problems we face.

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