Obama goes on Fox News and gives interview.

It was a prediction you fool and then the Rs demanded it be shrunk, so you see it was not the bill that was passed that he made that claim on.

Lie somemore why dont you?

Hello? The package was close to $800B on the pretext of keeping unemployment in check. If they can't get something this simple done - then why in the hell should they be trusted with 16% of the economy? Why are their predictions there any more valid than the UE one?
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

CBO says "We ain't got anything right now." The deadline is moving again!!!!!

Translation..."The Bill fixes add to the cost!!!!!"

I wonder what the cost is up to now...3 trillion when it's all said and done?
I just caught snippets of the interview...Obama is the consumate ass and is one arrogant, elitist turd. All he did was answer Bret Baier's questions with generalities and DNC talking points.

Ladies and gentlemen...we have a tyrant for a president.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a brainless partisan hack here:cuckoo:

Get a job and pay for your own healthcare douchebag!
He's a narcissist... times TEN.

The beauty of this is... if they circumvent the U.S. Constitution and do this thing... they will be out of power for a generation or better. Not to mention this will not stand up to legal scrutiny.

It's quite comical to watch...
Not too mention a Madman. I seen a clip of the interview earlier today. The arrogant Dunce just repeatedly talked over and bullied Brent Baer while dodging every single question like a typical Washigton D.C bottomfeeding carpetbagger. ~BH
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

CBO says "We ain't got anything right now." The deadline is moving again!!!!!

Translation..."The Bill fixes add to the cost!!!!!"

I wonder what the cost is up to now...3 trillion when it's all said and done?

Looks like Pelosi is going to have to move the start of benefits out to 2016.
And the cycle of contradiction and blind Obama bashing continues

"Obama hasn't done anything, he can't even gbet healthcare reform passed"
"Obama needs to shut up about healthcare"

Which is it, is he not doing anything? But seems like he's doing a lot to get things talked about and passed

"Obama didn't do away with WH transparency"
"Obama wont stop doing interviews"

"obama cures cancer'
"Obama doesn't care about the populations and those without cancer"
It was a prediction you fool and then the Rs demanded it be shrunk, so you see it was not the bill that was passed that he made that claim on.

Lie somemore why dont you?

Hello? The package was close to $800B on the pretext of keeping unemployment in check. If they can't get something this simple done - then why in the hell should they be trusted with 16% of the economy? Why are their predictions there any more valid than the UE one?

And then the Rs ( that is what Obama was rewarded with for trying to be bipartisan) hacked away at it to get some gravy in their home states. They then spewed hate on it while handing out GREAT BIG CHECKS and posing for pictures.

It was an estimate you asshole and not a lie.

BTW Bush LIED us into war and you think that was just peachy. Bush also said the Iraq war would pay for itself , that he would get Osama and that his ideas would make the country prosper.

Look the fuck what we ended up with.
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

CBO says "We ain't got anything right now." The deadline is moving again!!!!!

Translation..."The Bill fixes add to the cost!!!!!"

I wonder what the cost is up to now...3 trillion when it's all said and done?

Looks like Pelosi is going to have to move the start of benefits out to 2016.

These dumb fuck liberals are going to buy a car in 2010...pay for it until 2020 and then pick the 2010 car up from the dealer in 2014...HOW STUPID IS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
And the cycle of contradiction and blind Obama bashing continues

"Obama hasn't done anything, he can't even gbet healthcare reform passed"
"Obama needs to shut up about healthcare"

Which is it, is he not doing anything? But seems like he's doing a lot to get things talked about and passed

"Obama didn't do away with WH transparency"
"Obama wont stop doing interviews"

"obama cures cancer'
"Obama doesn't care about the populations and those without cancer"

Fact is after hearing his Ideas on different subjects we are rather elated that he hasn't actually done much.
The man pushes health care to spend more money for a solid year while the economy goes to shit, Now he wants to hurry up and pass a bad health care bill so he can get to work on a bad economy Bill?
BTW Bush LIED us into war and you think that was just peachy. Bush also said the Iraq war would pay for itself , that he would get Osama and that his ideas would make the country prosper.

Look the fuck what we ended up with.

Blah blah blah Bush Lied blah blah blah.

He didn't lie - most members of Congress, including the ones who had access to Intelligence Data, came to the same judgment Bush did.

But keep it up. The focus on Bush only makes Obama look more pussified than he already is.
How about that change? The Madman Obama is still funding two wars that all you dipshits are against? And I thought that frog faced Nancy Pelosi promised the most ethical Congress in History? Does Rangle or Dodd fit into her idea of ethical? Nothing but a bunch of lying low-life hypocritical vermin. You guys are finished.

Dems in 2010
BTW Bush LIED us into war and you think that was just peachy. Bush also said the Iraq war would pay for itself , that he would get Osama and that his ideas would make the country prosper.

What absolute douchery. if true, then all the following told the same lies: Pelosi, Kennedy, Kerry, Edwards, Albright, Clinton (both), Berger, Reid, Powell, Levin, Daschle, Gore, Bob Graham, Biden... etc., etc., etc.

They were ALL beating that war drum based on the same reasons before Bush ever set foot in the White House.

You probably believe Clinton left us with a surpluss too I bet.
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That bill was never passed as he designed it by insistance of republicans.

Lie some more why dont you?

Go look up the meaning of the phrase 'super majority' and then let us know why his stupid fucking pork bill hasn't passed. The Republicans didn't have enough votes to stop it.... so, I ask you.... WHY NO BILL?
Geezus, frightening, this is the definition of Obama:

tyrant [ˈtaɪrənt]
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a person who governs oppressively, unjustly, and arbitrarily; despot
2. any person who exercises authority in a tyrannical manner
3. anything that exercises tyrannical influence
4. (Historical Terms) (esp in ancient Greece) a ruler whose authority lacked the sanction of law or custom; usurper
That bill was never passed as he designed it by insistance of republicans.

Lie some more why dont you?

Go look up the meaning of the phrase 'super majority' and then let us know why his stupid fucking pork bill hasn't passed. The Republicans didn't have enough votes to stop it.... so, I ask you.... WHY NO BILL?

I just caught snippets of the interview...Obama is the consumate ass and is one arrogant, elitist turd. All he did was answer Bret Baier's questions with generalities and DNC talking points.

Ladies and gentlemen...we have a tyrant for a president.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a brainless partisan hack here:cuckoo:

While it is good of you to confess your partisanship, Gregg, we already knew about it.
That bill was never passed as he designed it by insistance of republicans.

Lie some more why dont you?

Go look up the meaning of the phrase 'super majority' and then let us know why his stupid fucking pork bill hasn't passed. The Republicans didn't have enough votes to stop it.... so, I ask you.... WHY NO BILL?

BINGO , it passed in both houses in some form by a super majority.

Stop with the lie that is will pass into law unvoted on.
I just caught snippets of the interview...Obama is the consumate ass and is one arrogant, elitist turd. All he did was answer Bret Baier's questions with generalities and DNC talking points.

Ladies and gentlemen...we have a tyrant for a president.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a brainless partisan hack here:cuckoo:

While it is good of you to confess your partisanship, Gregg, we already knew about it.

He's a partisan hack too?

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