Obama goes on Fox News and gives interview.

I just caught snippets of the interview...Obama is the consumate ass and is one arrogant, elitist turd. All he did was answer Bret Baier's questions with generalities and DNC talking points.

Ladies and gentlemen...we have a tyrant for a president.

I wonder what interview you watched? Baier interrupted Obama time and again. I have never seen a president treated in such a disrespectful manner.

Bush nor Cheney were ever treated that way in this country in any interview and certainly not by Fox. Remember Hannity hanging on Bush's every word? Breathing in and enjoying every trite comment?

Of course, Cheney is afraid to leave the country (might get arrested as a war criminal) and Bush had shoes thrown at him in the Republican liberated country of Iraq. A country that now hates our guts. Guess they just don't appreciate being "liberated".

It was a disgrace. Fox is an odious network. No wonder so many of Rupert Murdock's family is angry. A sitting president treated that way. Shameful.

But what to you expect from Fox, a dirty, treasonous, anti American Network and the Republican Party, a party of 8 years of destruction, lies and failure. Oh well?
I just caught snippets of the interview...Obama is the consumate ass and is one arrogant, elitist turd. All he did was answer Bret Baier's questions with generalities and DNC talking points.

Ladies and gentlemen...we have a tyrant for a president.

I wonder what interview you watched? Baier interrupted Obama time and again. I have never seen a president treated in such a disrespectful manner.

Bush nor Cheney were ever treated that way in this country in any interview...

:booze: OK rdeanieweenie.....and by the way...the MSM raked Bush, Cheney and Rove over the coals daily for 7 1/2 years. Bush and Cheney were always respectful of the media in spite of the treacherous methods used by the MSM to undermine Bush's Presidency.
The Obama Administration claimed unemployment would peak at 8% if the stimulus bill was passed.

That is clearly a lie.

Didn't they also say the stimuless bill would create jobs, something about shovels and such? And didn't they say the stimuless is working? Yet they just passed a jobs bill . . . because the stimuless is working. Right.

The stimulus has created jobs and that esitmate of 8% was on the bill before the Rs hacked away at it.

You see you people continue to lie even when corrected with the facts.

The stimuless is creating jobs, only 1/3 of the money has been spent to date, so they passed another jobs bill . . . because the stimuless is creating jobs. Have I got that right?
I wonder what interview you watched? Baier interrupted Obama time and again. I have never seen a president treated in such a disrespectful manner.

Obama wouldn't let him finish asking his questions, that's why he had to interject himself.
I'm an independent who views Republicans as less of a failure and less harmful to our nation and children's future than Democrats.

I'd like to throw you and both Parties in prison, and start over. ;)

Naah just shoot the most corrupt 25% so the rest will straighten up.
I just caught snippets of the interview...Obama is the consumate ass and is one arrogant, elitist turd. All he did was answer Bret Baier's questions with generalities and DNC talking points.

Ladies and gentlemen...we have a tyrant for a president.

I wonder what interview you watched? Baier interrupted Obama time and again. I have never seen a president treated in such a disrespectful manner.

Bush nor Cheney were ever treated that way in this country in any interview and certainly not by Fox. Remember Hannity hanging on Bush's every word? Breathing in and enjoying every trite comment?

Of course, Cheney is afraid to leave the country (might get arrested as a war criminal) and Bush had shoes thrown at him in the Republican liberated country of Iraq. A country that now hates our guts. Guess they just don't appreciate being "liberated".

It was a disgrace. Fox is an odious network. No wonder so many of Rupert Murdock's family is angry. A sitting president treated that way. Shameful.

But what to you expect from Fox, a dirty, treasonous, anti American Network and the Republican Party, a party of 8 years of destruction, lies and failure. Oh well?

Bret had to interrupt Barry as Barry tends to get diarreha of the mouth when place in front of a microphone or camera. Bret was outstanding.

Are you my daughter's Media Ethics teacher? Cause that is the shit the teacher spews each and every class.
I'm an independent who views Republicans as less of a failure and less harmful to our nation and children's future than Democrats.

I'd like to throw you and both Parties in prison, and start over. ;)

Naah just shoot the most corrupt 25% so the rest will straighten up.

I will go along with that basic idea, but I say we shoot the most corrupt 25%, and imprison 15% of those a little less corrupt. Then the rest might straighten up.

or we could do what my grandfather always advocated, we surround both houses of congress and the white house, drag them out one at a time and hang them.
When we are done, we elect an all-wino government, as long we keep the wine flowing, the winos will have what they want, and therefore won't steal anything.
The best part about his idea, is that nothing gets done once the winos are in office- the best kind of congress to have, one that does nothing.
I'm not lying. If you can't explain that to which you have linked, I am certainly not going to go to the trouble of reading it just to explain it to you.

you gotta understand all libtards who are losers will call you a liar, as soon as they utter the "liar" insult you know you've won the battle.
He said they said well the shit stain said " .... losing their house or going bankrupt due to health care .."
So if this plan goes through (just for sake of legacy) we can all quit our jobs?

Last I look whether I have health care or not it has nothing to do with paying my bills.
The Obama interview only proved the president to be limited in knowledge of the actual process, and entirely beholden to Pelosi and Reid to get this thing done.

His arrogance is but a wall to shield his vast ignorance.

The man is a shmuck...
Didn't they also say the stimuless bill would create jobs, something about shovels and such? And didn't they say the stimuless is working? Yet they just passed a jobs bill . . . because the stimuless is working. Right.

The stimulus has created jobs and that esitmate of 8% was on the bill before the Rs hacked away at it.

You see you people continue to lie even when corrected with the facts.

The stimuless is creating jobs, only 1/3 of the money has been spent to date, so they passed another jobs bill . . . because the stimuless is creating jobs. Have I got that right?

Sounds about right, I wonder how many of the people on unemployment can understand that.
If you or your family dont ever get sick.

There you are being a fact denying republican fool.

The FACTS are that medical bills are still the number one reason for bankruptcy and has been for years now.
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I'm an independent who views Republicans as less of a failure and less harmful to our nation and children's future than Democrats.

I'd like to throw you and both Parties in prison, and start over. ;)

Naah just shoot the most corrupt 25% so the rest will straighten up.

I will go along with that basic idea, but I say we shoot the most corrupt 25%, and imprison 15% of those a little less corrupt. Then the rest might straighten up.

or we could do what my grandfather always advocated, we surround both houses of congress and the white house, drag them out one at a time and hang them.
When we are done, we elect an all-wino government, as long we keep the wine flowing, the winos will have what they want, and therefore won't steal anything.
The best part about his idea, is that nothing gets done once the winos are in office- the best kind of congress to have, one that does nothing.

Why I think the Clinton years were pretty good for the average guy.
Both parites were too busy either out to get Clowntoon or protect him to screw us very much.

How about a first step of limiting their sessions? Maybe 4 per year of 2 weeks each? Unless an national emergency is declared.
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I wonder what interview you watched? Baier interrupted Obama time and again. I have never seen a president treated in such a disrespectful manner.

Obama wouldn't let him finish asking his questions, that's why he had to interject himself.

so Obama knew their game and was playing it against them?
Good for him.

After claiming he knew everything that was in his healthcare bill Obama couldn't cite what was in his bill....now how the hell could he have known what alleged game was being played on him? Get real.
The Obama Administration claimed unemployment would peak at 8% if the stimulus bill was passed.

That is clearly a lie.

It was a prediction you fool and then the Rs demanded it be shrunk, so you see it was not the bill that was passed that he made that claim on.

Lie somemore why dont you?
Not only did the GOP negotiate those cuts under the pretext that they would support the bill, which they didn't, they dragged out the negotiations and stalled passage so long, UE was already over 8% by the time the bill finally passed, which obviously was the GOP plan all along.

Remember, at the time, GOP shill Stuttering LimpTard said outright that he hoped ALL average hard working American "Joes" suffered the loss of their jobs.
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The Obama Administration claimed unemployment would peak at 8% if the stimulus bill was passed.

That is clearly a lie.

It was a prediction you fool and then the Rs demanded it be shrunk, so you see it was not the bill that was passed that he made that claim on.

Lie somemore why dont you?
Not only did the GOP negotiate those cuts under the pretext that they would support the bill, which they didn't, they dragged out the negotiations and stalled passage so long, UE was already over 8% by the time the bill finally passed, which obviously was the GOP plan all along.

Remember, at the time, GOP shill Stuttering LimpTard said outright that he hoped ALL hard working American "Joes" suffered the loss of their jobs.

Oh yeah...the all powerful Republicans with only 40 votes held up the passage of the Bill...right you stupid ass window licker?

I'm so happy the left loonies know what Limbaugh has to say, otherwise i might never hear about it.

Who listens to talking heads? I prefer to think for myself.

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