Obama goes on Fox News and gives interview.

What the American people do not realize and the dishonest MSM does not report is this simple fact...

The taxes will begin to be collected immediately if this Bill passes and will be spent on everything BUT HEALTHCARE for the next 4 years....then when government run healthcare begins to kick in the country will have to go on another borrowing spree from the Chinese and the Russians. This will make the National Debt predictions come true. The debt will go from 11 trillion to 20 trillion + on Obama's 4 year watch....what a pathetic legacy this fucking loser from Chicago will leave our kids.....
"The government knows what's best for you....now give us 70% of your income so it can be redistributed to all of our citizens who are too fucking lazy to work."
"We know that this is going to reduce the deficit by over a trillion dollars....."
Obama is an out and out LIAR!!!! That was the first faux pas he said during that interview and the second statement that made me say "WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" was this....

"We are not trying to transform one sixth of the economy in one felled swoop." Beck...all of them were right....this fucking ass of a President want's to take over the economy of America and this is the first step.
Can you show that to be wrong? Link?
I have not read this whole thread so if this had been posted already and is a repeat-- forgive me for the duplicate.

Obama says the same as Pelosi

'By the time the vote has taken place --not only will I know what is in bill, but you'll know what is in it-- because it will be posted and everyone is going to be able to evaluate it on the merits'.

Start watching at 9.30


How can he push this as something he knows we need for the past several weeks and year --from state to state-- when he is not sure what is in the bill?
And Obama is lying when he says Teddy Roosevelt tried to get healthcare reform.

Roosevelt ran as a progressive for a third term after a four year break and healthcare was one of his platforms but he lost so he never really tried to pass healthcare reform.
Obama did not allow for an interview on Fox. An interview is all about answering the questions asked. He did not.

I wonder if Obama would have gotten a job at McDonalds if he interveiwed the way he interviewed with Brett.

Employer: "So Barak, tell us about you tenure at Burger King"

Obama: "Well, I believe I can flip a burger as well as the best of them"

Employer: "Did you flip burgers at Burger King?"

Obama : "Let me answer the question and stop interrupting me. I can flip a Burger with my eyes closed. I am confident you will see the advantages of my flipping burgers once you hire me"

Employer: "But did you flip them at Burger King?"

Obama: "If you would stop interrupting me, I will answer the question. Many people flip burgers at Burger King and I am confident that I can out flip anyone of them"

Employer: But, I again ask, did you flip them at Burger KIng?"

Obama: "I answered the question already, but not the way you want it answered; but I already gave you my answer."

Nope...he couldnt even get a job at McDonalds with that style of interviewing.
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I just caught snippets of the interview...Obama is the consumate ass and is one arrogant, elitist turd. All he did was answer Bret Baier's questions with generalities and DNC talking points.

Ladies and gentlemen...we have a tyrant for a president.
The first and only time I turned off Fox and refused to watch.
I watched the interview.

I never saw such backing and filling and two stepping in my life.

Baiere tried to pin him down. To actually get him to answer a question but Barry Boy wasn't really interested in answering. He tried to go into his 2 and 3 minute campaign mode answers and Brett kept jumping in to try for the answer.

Ol'BO seemed positively defensive most of the time. His answers on the process was just mind blowing. He doesn't care how he gets his HC bs passed??? I thought he wanted and up or down vote. At least thats what he said over the weekend. Jeeze.

Wonder if we'll see Barry on Fox again. He sure didnt' seem to be enjoying himself at this interview.
CaféAuLait;2109119 said:
I have not read this whole thread so if this had been posted already and is a repeat-- forgive me for the duplicate.

Obama says the same as Pelosi

'By the time the vote has taken place --not only will I know what is in bill, but you'll know what is in it-- because it will be posted and everyone is going to be able to evaluate it on the merits'.

Start watching at 9.30

Fox News Exclusive: President Obama - Video - FoxNews.com

How can he push this as something he knows we need for the past several weeks and year --from state to state-- when he is not sure what is in the bill?
Because he really doesn't care if the Bill has any provisions in it that addresses health care. He just wants to exercise the power it will give him over us and our day to day lives. If some special group decides Twinkies are bad for you and they've contributed significantly to Obama's campaign, the government will shut down the Twinkie factory and order us not to eat them or be fined or jailed.

That's the power he's looking for and the Democratic Congress is about to give it to him.
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Obama was trying to do what he does best, campaign. Fortunately anyone with any common sense saw right through it and knows that he didn't answer the questions because he doesn't have the answers. "We will see" If it wasn't so tragic it would be laughable.
Baier is an amateur working on a propaganda network

Does anyone expect anything better to come out of him? Obama knew the tactic Fox would use against him, ask a question and then attack before you can answer it

One of the most pathetic interviews of a president ever.... but typical from a propaganda tool
Baier is an amateur working on a propaganda network

Does anyone expect anything better to come out of him? Obama knew the tactic Fox would use against him, ask a question and then attack before you can answer it

One of the most pathetic interviews of a president ever.... but typical from a propaganda tool


So tell me....what are Obama's sentiments about the Slaughter maneuver...and reconciliation...and the "deem, not vote" scenario?

And please, give it to me in his words. Show me he answered the question.
I'm surprised Fox did not cut away mid interview

I'm glad they didn't....America needs to see what sort of asshole they really elected.

We have a quasi-news network devoting 24-7 coverage to try to prove that

You need to learn, you little shitbottle, that Fox News is some news and alot of commentary.
You can't find them lying in their news. You disagree with their commentary, but commentary isn't news.
I'm glad they didn't....America needs to see what sort of asshole they really elected.

We have a quasi-news network devoting 24-7 coverage to try to prove that

You need to learn, you little shitbottle, that Fox News is some news and alot of commentary.
You can't find them lying in their news. You disagree with their commentary, but commentary isn't news.

Foxnews is a propaganda network that only shitbottles take seriously. They are run by a rightwing Nixon aide who enforces his political agenda on the network.
Fox gave up being a legitimate news network with journalistic standards a long time ago.

Fox is the "Professional Wrestling" of news networks
Baier is an amateur working on a propaganda network

Does anyone expect anything better to come out of him? Obama knew the tactic Fox would use against him, ask a question and then attack before you can answer it

One of the most pathetic interviews of a president ever.... but typical from a propaganda tool

Nope. Obama sat down with an obvious attitude and ZERO intention of doing an honest interview and ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS he was asked. Instead, he launches into his talking points, (which btw are easily recognizable for those of us who have been following along), and burns air time so as to not have to deal with more questions.... filibustering the interviewer as usual.

I'm flabbergasted that you people continue to defend this guy when it's CLEAR that he is driven by agenda rather than honesty. :eek:
If this bill was what it's supposed to be, there wouldn't be a single question that he'd hesitate to answer in all candor.
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Baier is an amateur working on a propaganda network

Does anyone expect anything better to come out of him? Obama knew the tactic Fox would use against him, ask a question and then attack before you can answer it

One of the most pathetic interviews of a president ever.... but typical from a propaganda tool

it certainly was, but there wasn't much to work with either.

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