Obama going pro pot?

All drugs should be decriminalized. The criminal misuse of them should be severely punished but if someone wants to take heroin in his room who cares. All the laws have done is make what are normally cheap compounds ridiculously expensive.

That leads to violence where completely innocent people are killed for no reason other than they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The drug war has been ongoing for decades. The net result of which the drugs are cheaper and more powerful, the violence increases year on year. Our civil rights are being abrogated and the problem grows ever larger. The war on drugs is a failure.

There needs to be a paradigm shift in how we deal with drugs and drug users because this system has failed. Utterly and completely.
Better then throwing people in prison for smoking a leaf. Want to talk about the police state?

Oh my the far left is strong with this one.

Please show where all people are thrown in prison for smoking a leaf. Where is your empirical evidence to prove your comments?
I am sure Obama is only pro pot if it gets him something. I think it is awesome what happened in Colorado....I also think anyone out of that doesn't live in that state that buys pot and tries to take it home should be arrested and jailed. It should only be consumed in states that have it legal.
Better then throwing people in prison for smoking a leaf. Want to talk about the police state?

People dont go to prison for smoking a joint.

Fuck you are stupid

So why exactly am I and my friends always looking over our backs for police? :eek: Maybe in a few states this is so but most of the country you can be locked up for it.

Smoking a joint is a minor offense. You're just a paranoid idiot.
Every single person who signed the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution grew marijuana plants. For nearly 200 years in the US, Cannabis Sativa was legal tender, like money. Americans could pay their taxes with hemp. They grew a crop, cut it down, gave it a tax collector, and the price of their crop was taken off of their taxes. Wouldn't Americans today like to keep more of their paychecks by growing weed in their backyards?

Why is marijuana legalization a big deal in today's chaotic political shitfest? Because of the changes that will occur to the global economy when industrial hemp is allowed to flourish once more.

Popular Mechanics magazine, February 1938:
American farmers are promised a new cash crop with an annual value of several hundred million dollars, all because a machine has been invented which solves a problem more than 6,000 years old. It is hemp, a crop that will not compete with other American products. Instead, it will displace imports of raw material and manufactured products produced by underpaid coolie and peasant labor and it will provide thousands of jobs for American workers throughout the land.
Vote Hemp: Why Hemp?: New Billion-Dollar Crop

Hemp can also make four times more paper per acre than trees, so legalizing Cannabis again will end global deforestation and reverse the Greenhouse Effect. The US has spent over a trillion dollars on the drug war since 1970 and there is more high-potency chronic today than ever before. Meanwhile, because Cannabis hemp production is illegal in the US, the US Federal government spends $20b each year to wipe out hemp and arrest people while Americans import hundreds of millions of dollars of hemp fibers from overseas, the majority of which come from China.

The number one reason to legalize Cannabis Sativa again is because the legalization of "Marihuana" is the main reason that the US military was able to win World War II, which is the main reason for your freedom and democracy today. The US would not be the world superpower that it is today if not for the legalization of "Marihuana".

What we accomplished as a nation with legal weed in those three years was only a precursor to what we can accomplish today.
If obama went pro drugs it would be the first honest thing that drug addict ever did.
Every single person who signed the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution grew marijuana plants. For nearly 200 years in the US, Cannabis Sativa was legal tender, like money. Americans could pay their taxes with hemp. They grew a crop, cut it down, gave it a tax collector, and the price of their crop was taken off of their taxes. Wouldn't Americans today like to keep more of their paychecks by growing weed in their backyards?

Why is marijuana legalization a big deal in today's chaotic political shitfest? Because of the changes that will occur to the global economy when industrial hemp is allowed to flourish once more.

Popular Mechanics magazine, February 1938:
American farmers are promised a new cash crop with an annual value of several hundred million dollars, all because a machine has been invented which solves a problem more than 6,000 years old. It is hemp, a crop that will not compete with other American products. Instead, it will displace imports of raw material and manufactured products produced by underpaid coolie and peasant labor and it will provide thousands of jobs for American workers throughout the land.
Vote Hemp: Why Hemp?: New Billion-Dollar Crop

Hemp can also make four times more paper per acre than trees, so legalizing Cannabis again will end global deforestation and reverse the Greenhouse Effect. The US has spent over a trillion dollars on the drug war since 1970 and there is more high-potency chronic today than ever before. Meanwhile, because Cannabis hemp production is illegal in the US, the US Federal government spends $20b each year to wipe out hemp and arrest people while Americans import hundreds of millions of dollars of hemp fibers from overseas, the majority of which come from China.

The number one reason to legalize Cannabis Sativa again is because the legalization of "Marihuana" is the main reason that the US military was able to win World War II, which is the main reason for your freedom and democracy today. The US would not be the world superpower that it is today if not for the legalization of "Marihuana".

What we accomplished as a nation with legal weed in those three years was only a precursor to what we can accomplish today.

Cannabis Indica too.
Compromise. Legalize drugs on exactly the same basis they were legal.
No medical care.
No welfare or support for those too stoned to work.
Employers to be able to can a user without notice and no union to go to.
approaching the wrong person is sudden and justifiable death.
Families can keep young addicts locked in the basement, attic or throw them out in the street.
Landlords who learn that a drug addict is living on the premises can change the locks and put the addicts belongings out in the driveway.

The same basis it was legal before.
People dont go to prison for smoking a joint.

Fuck you are stupid

So why exactly am I and my friends always looking over our backs for police? :eek: Maybe in a few states this is so but most of the country you can be locked up for it.

Because you are knowingly violating the law for stupid reasons?
Have you ever considered that the law is stupid? The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 says that marijuana cannot be used as medicine at all, by anyone, for any reason. Then in 1978, the US Federal government began a FEDERAL MEDICAL MARIJUANA PROGRAM that continued until 1991, but there are still about 6 or 7 patients in America today who still receive their medical marijuana FROM THE US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

US Federal medical marijuana patient Mr. Irvin Rosenfeld:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIlxePPTK3g]Irvin Rosenfeld - Michigan Medical Marijuana Testimony - YouTube[/ame]

So which is it? Does the US Federal government stand by the Controlled Substances Act which says that marijuana is a dangerous gateway narcotic (it isn't) that can't be used as medicine (it can), or does the US Federal government stand by the US Federal government's successful medical marijuana program that has lasted for almost as long as the US Federal government's war on marijuana?
Doesn't matter if the law is stupid. You wont have to look over your shoulders in concern for the police if you have the integrity to follow the law.

If you don't like the law. Get enough people to change it. Or face the consequences for breaking with it. Stop being a freakin coward.
Doesn't matter if the law is stupid. You wont have to look over your shoulders in concern for the police if you have the integrity to follow the law.

If you don't like the law. Get enough people to change it. Or face the consequences for breaking with it. Stop being a freakin coward.

Precisely. The thing is legalizing Pot is one thing legalizing heroin or meth something different...Why? Because anyone who knows any junkie knows what this shit does not just to the junkie but to his family and the people he robs to get his fix. Or the diseases they spread.
Doesn't matter if the law is stupid. You wont have to look over your shoulders in concern for the police if you have the integrity to follow the law.

If you don't like the law. Get enough people to change it. Or face the consequences for breaking with it. Stop being a freakin coward.
Voting? Yeah, good idea. It's done really well for us so far, hasn't it? Facts and science have been presented to the US Federal government time and time again, from as far back as the 1944 LaGuardia report which strikes down the "gateway" theory and the notion that marijuana causes other crimes. None of that matters because the DEA will just stick to Nancy Reagan's mantra of "Just Say No". It doesn't matter that facts, history and science all point to legalization as long as the US Federal government can "just say no". I could put a link to Hemp For Victory in every post on this board until every American voter learns the truth but exactly what they are looking at is still not going to register with most people.

THE LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA IN 1942 IS THE REASON THAT WE HAVE A VOTE TODAY IN THE FIRST PLACE. That fact still doesn't register past all of the Reefer Madness bullshit, does it? Reefer Madness was made in 1937, Hemp For Victory was made in 1942. Get it? If you don't think we owe our democracy and way of life to "Marihuana", go through the hypothetical versions of history that would have taken place up to today if D-Day had never occurred.

It isn't your right to put people in cages for growing the same plant that saved your rights in the first place.
Compromise. Legalize drugs on exactly the same basis they were legal.
No medical care.
No welfare or support for those too stoned to work.
Employers to be able to can a user without notice and no union to go to.
approaching the wrong person is sudden and justifiable death.
Families can keep young addicts locked in the basement, attic or throw them out in the street.
Landlords who learn that a drug addict is living on the premises can change the locks and put the addicts belongings out in the driveway.

The same basis it was legal before.

geezus...Reefer Madness in action....
I agree, if he said that. However, one high usually leads to a stronger high, then on, and on, and on. So both are equally bad in that aspect.
Gracie, that simply is not true. What you are referring to is a syndrome which is common only to the addictive personality.

I used marijuana on a fairly regular basis throughout the 1960s and '70s. So did my late wife, a clinical psychologist. Neither of us used any other recreational drug, including alcohol.

The idea that marijuana is a "gateway drug" has been effectively debunked as nothing but drug warrior propaganda with absolutely no basis in fact. Marijuana as a Gateway Drug: The Myth That Will Not Die | TIME.com
Legalize and tax it- would be about gd time. And O is absoluyely right as usual...gd FEAR MONGERING FASCISTS...lol

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