Obama going pro pot?

I think legalizing it in all states is a great idea.

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As it becomes more popular to support any issue Obama will change his position but do nothing with policy that matters. He's to busy spying on people, lying about it and praying that Obamacare does not keep falling apart at record speed and ruin his "legacy."
What does this say?:


Special TAX Stamp.
Producer of MARIHUANA.
Keep This Stamp Posted.

Seems pretty simple. And marijuana can cure cancer. So let's keep spending billions of dollars every year to destroy the cure for cancer because "someone might get high and steal my tv". Nevermind the fact that no one would have to steal anything to buy more pot when they can legally grow it, because planting a seed in the ground is easier than breaking and entering and you know how lazy those stoners are. Look at Michael Phelps, 14-time Olympic Gold Medalist. Just another lazy stoner with no ambition in life, right?

The National Institutes of Health say on their official US Federal website today in the year 2014 that marijuana is a safe, legitimate medicine that can treat and possibly cure cancer. However, the US Controlled Substances Act of 1970 says that marijuana is dangerous and is not a medicine so therefore marijuana is illegal. Which is it?

Marijuana is a safe, legitimate medicine that can cure cancer. The debate is over. Marijuana has been used by the People of the United States to fight both Nazis and cancer. The debate is over.
Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute

Legalize it.
The answer to the OP question is yes. When a "man" like Obama does an "interview", not only is he aware of every question beforehand, but most of them are supplied by his people, otherwise the media outlet does not get access.
Pot no more dangerous than alcohol.

That's the first true thing Obama has said since he was elected.
Pot no more dangerous than alcohol.

That's the first true thing Obama has said since he was elected.

Actually, it's not true at all. Marijuana is far safer than alcohol. A person can die from drinking too much alcohol, but no one has ever died from smoking too much marijuana. That is a fact that everyone can look up. America tallies the drug overdoses reported each year from hospitals and doctors all over the country, and each and every single year, the number of people who overdosed on marijuana is 0.

A person can die from taking too many aspirin, or eating too many peanuts, or drinking too much water, but no one in the entire history of medical science has ever been reported to have died from a marijuana overdose.

And as the US Federal government's official cancer website says, Cannabinoids might play an important role in the human immune system, so marijuana actually is good for you and the environment.

If anyone thinks that they're going to get lung cancer from smoking weed, stop thinking that. As there have not been any marijuana overdoses, so too have there not been any reported cases of lung cancer among people who only smoke Cannabis. If smoking marijuana causes cancer, then why would doctors prescribe marijuana to cancer patients? And the best part about Cannabis is that you don't even have to smoke it. You can vaporize it, soak it in hot water to make tea, or just pick the flowers right off the plant and eat it. And hemp seeds are among the healthiest food sources on this planet.
Pot no more dangerous than alcohol.

That's the first true thing Obama has said since he was elected.

Actually, it's not true at all. Marijuana is far safer than alcohol. A person can die from drinking too much alcohol, but no one has ever died from smoking too much marijuana. That is a fact that everyone can look up. America tallies the drug overdoses reported each year from hospitals and doctors all over the country, and each and every single year, the number of people who overdosed on marijuana is 0.

A person can die from taking too many aspirin, or eating too many peanuts, or drinking too much water, but no one in the entire history of medical science has ever been reported to have died from a marijuana overdose.

And as the US Federal government's official cancer website says, Cannabinoids might play an important role in the human immune system, so marijuana actually is good for you and the environment.

If anyone thinks that they're going to get lung cancer from smoking weed, stop thinking that. As there have not been any marijuana overdoses, so too have there not been any reported cases of lung cancer among people who only smoke Cannabis. If smoking marijuana causes cancer, then why would doctors prescribe marijuana to cancer patients? And the best part about Cannabis is that you don't even have to smoke it. You can vaporize it, soak it in hot water to make tea, or just pick the flowers right off the plant and eat it. And hemp seeds are among the healthiest food sources on this planet.

So by your logic peanuts are more dangerous than weed. Got it.

Do people actually think this country needs more people doing pot and other drugs? Because that's exactly what will happen if we legalize pot. This country is already screwed up enough as it is without more degenerates.
Pot no more dangerous than alcohol.

That's the first true thing Obama has said since he was elected.

Actually, it's not true at all. Marijuana is far safer than alcohol. A person can die from drinking too much alcohol, but no one has ever died from smoking too much marijuana. That is a fact that everyone can look up. America tallies the drug overdoses reported each year from hospitals and doctors all over the country, and each and every single year, the number of people who overdosed on marijuana is 0.

A person can die from taking too many aspirin, or eating too many peanuts, or drinking too much water, but no one in the entire history of medical science has ever been reported to have died from a marijuana overdose.

And as the US Federal government's official cancer website says, Cannabinoids might play an important role in the human immune system, so marijuana actually is good for you and the environment.

If anyone thinks that they're going to get lung cancer from smoking weed, stop thinking that. As there have not been any marijuana overdoses, so too have there not been any reported cases of lung cancer among people who only smoke Cannabis. If smoking marijuana causes cancer, then why would doctors prescribe marijuana to cancer patients? And the best part about Cannabis is that you don't even have to smoke it. You can vaporize it, soak it in hot water to make tea, or just pick the flowers right off the plant and eat it. And hemp seeds are among the healthiest food sources on this planet.

THC doesn't become psycho-active until it is dried. So dry it before you eat it, don't eat it straight off the plant. Furthermore it is not water soluble, that's why they use butter.

Interesting that in a Jamaican study found that Jamaicans use just as much tobacco as Americans but they use way more cannabis. The % of cancer among the Jamaican sample group was extremely low compared to Americans.
Pot no more dangerous than alcohol.

That's the first true thing Obama has said since he was elected.
Actually it's not nearly as dangerous as alcohol -- which probably is the most dangerous drug of all.

Alcohol kills hundreds of thousands of Americans every year and makes hundreds of thousands more seriously sick. Alcohol is responsible for most domestic violence and incites thousands of violent crimes as well as thousands of DUI deaths and property loss.

But there is no record anywhere in the annals of medical science that shows marijuana being responsible for one death or illness. Not one. Marijuana is absolutely benign. And those who disagree with that either choose to remain ignorant or are brainwashed, because the truth is readily available to all who are willing to look for it.

One excellent source of information is this book: Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard University.
Pot no more dangerous than alcohol.

That's the first true thing Obama has said since he was elected.

Actually, it's not true at all. Marijuana is far safer than alcohol. A person can die from drinking too much alcohol, but no one has ever died from smoking too much marijuana. That is a fact that everyone can look up. America tallies the drug overdoses reported each year from hospitals and doctors all over the country, and each and every single year, the number of people who overdosed on marijuana is 0.

A person can die from taking too many aspirin, or eating too many peanuts, or drinking too much water, but no one in the entire history of medical science has ever been reported to have died from a marijuana overdose.

And as the US Federal government's official cancer website says, Cannabinoids might play an important role in the human immune system, so marijuana actually is good for you and the environment.

If anyone thinks that they're going to get lung cancer from smoking weed, stop thinking that. As there have not been any marijuana overdoses, so too have there not been any reported cases of lung cancer among people who only smoke Cannabis. If smoking marijuana causes cancer, then why would doctors prescribe marijuana to cancer patients? And the best part about Cannabis is that you don't even have to smoke it. You can vaporize it, soak it in hot water to make tea, or just pick the flowers right off the plant and eat it. And hemp seeds are among the healthiest food sources on this planet.

So by your logic peanuts are more dangerous than weed. Got it.
Since you've mentioned it, the fact is peanuts are indeed more dangerous than marijuana. Peanuts are dangerously allergenic to some people and many have died from the effects of that allergy. If you don't believe that, Google it.

Do people actually think this country needs more people doing pot and other drugs? Because that's exactly what will happen if we legalize pot. This country is already screwed up enough as it is without more degenerates.
So are you going to run right out and buy a pound if marijuana is legalized? Or do you expect that kind of behavior only from others, none of whom are not as wise and proper as you?
Actually, it's not true at all. Marijuana is far safer than alcohol. A person can die from drinking too much alcohol, but no one has ever died from smoking too much marijuana. That is a fact that everyone can look up. America tallies the drug overdoses reported each year from hospitals and doctors all over the country, and each and every single year, the number of people who overdosed on marijuana is 0.

A person can die from taking too many aspirin, or eating too many peanuts, or drinking too much water, but no one in the entire history of medical science has ever been reported to have died from a marijuana overdose.

And as the US Federal government's official cancer website says, Cannabinoids might play an important role in the human immune system, so marijuana actually is good for you and the environment.

If anyone thinks that they're going to get lung cancer from smoking weed, stop thinking that. As there have not been any marijuana overdoses, so too have there not been any reported cases of lung cancer among people who only smoke Cannabis. If smoking marijuana causes cancer, then why would doctors prescribe marijuana to cancer patients? And the best part about Cannabis is that you don't even have to smoke it. You can vaporize it, soak it in hot water to make tea, or just pick the flowers right off the plant and eat it. And hemp seeds are among the healthiest food sources on this planet.

So by your logic peanuts are more dangerous than weed. Got it.
Since you've mentioned it, the fact is peanuts are indeed more dangerous than marijuana. Peanuts are dangerously allergenic to some people and many have died from the effects of that allergy. If you don't believe that, Google it.

Do people actually think this country needs more people doing pot and other drugs? Because that's exactly what will happen if we legalize pot. This country is already screwed up enough as it is without more degenerates.
So are you going to run right out and buy a pound if marijuana is legalized? Or do you expect that kind of behavior only from others, none of whom are not as wise and proper as you?

what do you think will happen if weed is legalized? It's common sense there will be more users, and since is well documented that weed is in fact a gateway drug, we'll have more people using harder drugs.
Oh and not to state the obvious, but your peanuts are more dangerous than weed statement is one of the dumbest things ever posted on this forum.
So by your logic peanuts are more dangerous than weed. Got it.
Since you've mentioned it, the fact is peanuts are indeed more dangerous than marijuana. Peanuts are dangerously allergenic to some people and many have died from the effects of that allergy. If you don't believe that, Google it.

Do people actually think this country needs more people doing pot and other drugs? Because that's exactly what will happen if we legalize pot. This country is already screwed up enough as it is without more degenerates.
So are you going to run right out and buy a pound if marijuana is legalized? Or do you expect that kind of behavior only from others, none of whom are not as wise and proper as you?

what do you think will happen if weed is legalized? It's common sense there will be more users, and since is well documented that weed is in fact a gateway drug, we'll have more people using harder drugs.

Except that was debunked decades ago. Most drug addicts started using tobacco first, next it was alcohol.

Why don't you tell me how it the Kids we want to protect. It's just gonna make it easer for them to get it, right????????
Since you've mentioned it, the fact is peanuts are indeed more dangerous than marijuana. Peanuts are dangerously allergenic to some people and many have died from the effects of that allergy. If you don't believe that, Google it.

So are you going to run right out and buy a pound if marijuana is legalized? Or do you expect that kind of behavior only from others, none of whom are not as wise and proper as you?

what do you think will happen if weed is legalized? It's common sense there will be more users, and since is well documented that weed is in fact a gateway drug, we'll have more people using harder drugs.

Except that was debunked decades ago. Most drug addicts started using tobacco first, next it was alcohol.

Why don't you tell me how it the Kids we want to protect. It's just gonna make it easer for them to get it, right????????

Debunked??? By who???

You make it more accessible, more people will use it. Does that not make sense?
Do you think more pot smokers is a good thing for our society?
what do you think will happen if weed is legalized? It's common sense there will be more users, and since is well documented that weed is in fact a gateway drug, we'll have more people using harder drugs.
America legalized marijuana in 1942. Have you ever read about America descending into some huge Communist zombie stoner druggie dystopia? What happened when "Marihuana" was legalized? Did everyone immediately start shooting heroin? No, so why should today be any different?

From 1942 - 1945, the US rebounded out of the Great Depression, fought and won a two-front World War, and became the number one superpower on the planet.

Thanks to the legalization of "Marihuana". Without hemp, the US Navy would have sat out the war and the world would be very different today. What we accomplished during World War II is little compared to what we can accomplish with the advances in agriculture that we've experienced since then.

Also, marijuana is not a gateway drug. I use Cannabis for seizures and it's never made me want to shoot heroin, rob a liquor store, or rape and kill anyone. The only reason that pot smokers are exposed to other drugs is because marijuana is illegal. No one would have ever gone to a drug dealer if they could grow their own.

Legal prescription drugs sold at Wal-Mart kill more people every day than marijuana has in the entire history of Earth.
what do you think will happen if weed is legalized? It's common sense there will be more users, and since is well documented that weed is in fact a gateway drug, we'll have more people using harder drugs.

Except that was debunked decades ago. Most drug addicts started using tobacco first, next it was alcohol.

Why don't you tell me how it the Kids we want to protect. It's just gonna make it easer for them to get it, right????????

Debunked??? By who???

You make it more accessible, more people will use it. Does that not make sense?
Do you think more pot smokers is a good thing for our society?
It was debunked by the Nixon administration in the 1972 report of the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse:
Except that was debunked decades ago. Most drug addicts started using tobacco first, next it was alcohol.

Why don't you tell me how it the Kids we want to protect. It's just gonna make it easer for them to get it, right????????

Debunked??? By who???

You make it more accessible, more people will use it. Does that not make sense?
Do you think more pot smokers is a good thing for our society?
It was debunked by the Nixon administration in the 1972 report of the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse:

There have been numerous studies that have concluded marihuana is a gateway drug, supported by a plethora of testimonials given by drug addicts themselves. If it's inconceivable to someone that there is a correlation then that person holds a different opinion to those in the medical community and those that specialize in treating addiction.

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