Obama Halliburton HW Bush Soetoro


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Here is Judge Joe Brown linking together so many pieces...first time I heard this and I posted it here because I haven't "fact checked" any of it

I knew HW Bush was a complete scumbag. I thought he was just following New World Orders. He was very involved in the rise of Born in Kenya Barack. Dubya could have ended Barack's chance at the Presidency by revealing the Kenyan birth, but when Daddy is running the Operation, you just play your part

Judge Joe Brown Drops Bombshells About Obama’s Past – Forbidden Knowledge TV
Here is Judge Joe Brown linking together so many pieces...first time I heard this and I posted it here because I haven't "fact checked" any of it

I knew HW Bush was a complete scumbag. I thought he was just following New World Orders. He was very involved in the rise of Born in Kenya Barack. Dubya could have ended Barack's chance at the Presidency by revealing the Kenyan birth, but when Daddy is running the Operation, you just play your part

Judge Joe Brown Drops Bombshells About Obama’s Past – Forbidden Knowledge TV

Oh Frank, I didn't know you were so stupid.
"Ann Dunham, Obama's mother, married an Indonesian, Lolo Soetoro, who worked for the Indonesian government and then for an American oil company."

Bush's legacy may cut Obama's reign

"In 1970, with a new job in government relations[22] at Union Oil Company,[1][14][10] Soetoro moved his family two miles north to a rented house,[17][19] with a car replacing their motorcycle.[23]"

Lolo Soetoro - Wikipedia


Yeah. Unocal was in Indonesia from 1961 to 1980 when it went defunct. Obama wasn't adopted by his mother's second husband.
Here is Judge Joe Brown linking together so many pieces...first time I heard this and I posted it here because I haven't "fact checked" any of it

I knew HW Bush was a complete scumbag. I thought he was just following New World Orders. He was very involved in the rise of Born in Kenya Barack. Dubya could have ended Barack's chance at the Presidency by revealing the Kenyan birth, but when Daddy is running the Operation, you just play your part

Judge Joe Brown Drops Bombshells About Obama’s Past – Forbidden Knowledge TV
None of this is surprising in the least,after all bush is obamas 13 th cousin once removed.
Here is Judge Joe Brown linking together so many pieces...first time I heard this and I posted it here because I haven't "fact checked" any of it

I knew HW Bush was a complete scumbag. I thought he was just following New World Orders. He was very involved in the rise of Born in Kenya Barack. Dubya could have ended Barack's chance at the Presidency by revealing the Kenyan birth, but when Daddy is running the Operation, you just play your part

Judge Joe Brown Drops Bombshells About Obama’s Past – Forbidden Knowledge TV

How could have GW revealed your imagination?

Oh, and Judge Brown is clearly trolling. Standard Oil broke up in 1911. Lolo wasn't born until 1935. Making it quite impossible for Lolo to be an 'international vice president of Standard Oil'.

Lolo was a geographer, with a masters in Geography. He eventually worked as a government relations consultant with Union Oil, but never as an 'international vice president'.

There's no evidence he ever met any of the Bushes. Nor that they met Obama. The time lines don't even match up. As Lolo started with with Union oil in 1970. Obama went back to Hawaii in 1971. So in a YEAR Lolo went from a new hire to an international vice president and associate for the Bushes, bringing them home to meet Obama?

Nope. GW was in the air national guard from 1968 to 1972. While he was only part time after 1970, he had to maintain immediate readiness to be recalled to active duty in the event of a national air emergency in the US. Which precludes him working for his father's company overseas at the same time.

By the time GW *could* have traveled to Indonesia to work in oil (there's no evidence GW was ever in indonesia), Obama would have been living in Hawaii for a year.

There's no evidence Lolo worked with the CIA. There's no evidence he 'ran the deskwides for the Indonesian army'.

You were duped again.
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Oh, and Prescott Bush didn't found Haliburton. That was a dude named Haliburton (Ernie? Erie? Some E name).

Prescott was fighting in WW1 when Haliurton was founded at the age of 24.
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How could have GW revealed your imagination?

Oh, and Judge Brown is clearly trolling. Standard Oil broke up in 1911. Lolo wasn't born until 1935. Making it quite impossible for Lolo to be an 'international vice president of Standard Oil'.

Lolo was a geographer, with a masters in Geography. He eventually worked as a government relations consultant with Union Oil, but never as an 'international vice president'.

There's no evidence he ever met any of the Bushes. Nor that they met Obama. The time lines don't even match up. As Lolo started with with Union oil in 1970. Obama went back to Hawaii in 1971. So in a YEAR Lolo went from a new hire to an international vice president and associate for the Bushes, bringing them home to meet Obama?

Nope. GW was in the air national guard from 1968 to 1972. While he was only part time after 1970, he had to maintain immediate readiness to be recalled to active duty in the event of a national air emergency in the US. Which precludes him working for his father's company overseas at the same time.

By the time GW *could* have traveled to Indonesia to work in oil (there's no evidence GW was ever in indonesia), Obama would have been living in Hawaii for a year.

There's no evidence Lolo worked with the CIA. There's no evidence he 'ran the deskwides for the Indonesian army'.

You were duped again.
HW =/= GW

Also, we all know Barack was “born in Kenya”
HW =/= GW

Also, we all know Barack was “born in Kenya”

HW kept us out of Iraq.

W completely sold us out in Iraq.

HW tried to be fiscally conservative, W never did, was always 180 degrees the other way.

HW told W to stay out of Iraq. HW talked W out of invading Iran from Iraq, because W did not understand those we "liberated" = the Shias = would side WITH IRAN... DUH!!

"The Iraqi People"

HW IQ over 150

W IQ under 50
HW =/= GW

Also, we all know Barack was “born in Kenya”

I don't think 'we' or 'know' means what you think it means.

And your cute story was factually wrong at least half a dozen times. With everything else being factually baseless.

But hey, that's never stopped you before!
Here is Judge Joe Brown linking together so many pieces...first time I heard this and I posted it here because I haven't "fact checked" any of it

I knew HW Bush was a complete scumbag. I thought he was just following New World Orders. He was very involved in the rise of Born in Kenya Barack. Dubya could have ended Barack's chance at the Presidency by revealing the Kenyan birth, but when Daddy is running the Operation, you just play your part

Judge Joe Brown Drops Bombshells About Obama’s Past – Forbidden Knowledge TV

Pure idiocy.
Here is Judge Joe Brown linking together so many pieces...first time I heard this and I posted it here because I haven't "fact checked" any of it

I knew HW Bush was a complete scumbag. I thought he was just following New World Orders. He was very involved in the rise of Born in Kenya Barack. Dubya could have ended Barack's chance at the Presidency by revealing the Kenyan birth, but when Daddy is running the Operation, you just play your part

Judge Joe Brown Drops Bombshells About Obama’s Past – Forbidden Knowledge TV

Get a life... Or learn something about Indonesian citizenship law or adoption law. You conspiracy crackpots are so pitiful.
HW kept us out of Iraq.

W completely sold us out in Iraq.

HW tried to be fiscally conservative, W never did, was always 180 degrees the other way.

HW told W to stay out of Iraq. HW talked W out of invading Iran from Iraq, because W did not understand those we "liberated" = the Shias = would side WITH IRAN... DUH!!

"The Iraqi People"

HW IQ over 150

W IQ under 50

Every American expat in the Middle East knew about Iraq.. Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. They also knew about the Shia.
Every American expat in the Middle East knew about Iraq.. Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. They also knew about the Shia.

W didn't.

SUBs parroting Faux didn't.

What I remember most about that time was that those who wanted to invade Iraq had absolutely no clue about anything...

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