Obama has a ghost writer, probably so, hilarious article.

Obama has a ghost writer, probably so, hilarious article.

OMG, can you imagine the fall-out if Bill Ayers was, in fact, Obama's Ghost Writer? Wow.

BTW, does Obama's Teleprompter have a Ghost Writer?


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I was addressing Maples comment - not yours. You had a point. Maple didn't.

I know that they all have speech writers, I also know that they ALL have ghost writers for their books. I don't have a problem with it, but the Libs sure have a problem with Palin having a ghost writer.

It's the double standard that I am addressing here and pointing out the complete hypocrisy of the liberals on this board.

And, if you refer back to the numerous rants about Palin and her ghostwriter - I have always defended the use of ghostwriters (admittedly I am biased but also because I actually understand the role which seems to float over the heads of many). And I agree with you that Obama did have a ghostwriter for his book - namely William Ayers. And he uses speechwriters. Neither of these things confirm that he is not smart.... for evidence of his total and utter lack of competence, one only need look at the almighty fucking mess he is making of his job.

The mess is demonstrative of his incompetence, there is no doubt of that, but his incompetence is demonstrative of his lack of economic intelligence. He's a moron in that category.

William Ayers? his ghost writer, is that not the domestic terrorist that tried to blow up the Pentagon?? Should that be true and proven I don't think the liberal media will be able to throw that under the rug, no matter how hard they try.

If this is true, it could be grounds for impeachment. Something to watch and pay close attention to.

have attempted to contact Dystel by phone and email without success. It is highly unlikely she refashioned the book, and Osnos admittedly did not. If my suspicions are correct, the ghost on this book shared many of Obama's sentiments, spoke his language and spent considerable time reworking the text.

I bought Bill Ayers' 2001 memoir, Fugitive Days, for reasons unrelated to this project. As I discovered, he writes surprisingly well and very much like "Obama." In fact, my first thought was that the two may have shared the same ghostwriter. Unlike Dreams, however, where the high style is intermittent, Fugitive Days is infused with the authorial voice in every sentence. What is more, when Ayers speaks, even off the cuff, he uses a cadence and vocabulary consistent with his memoir. One does not hear any of Dreams in Obama's casual speech.

Obama's memoir was published in June 1995. Earlier that year, Ayers helped Obama, then a junior lawyer at a minor law firm, get appointed chairman of the multi-million dollar Chicago Annenberg Challenge grant. In the fall of that same year, 1995, Ayers and his wife, Weatherwoman Bernardine Dohrn, helped blaze Obama's path to political power with a fundraiser in their Chicago home.

In short, Ayers had the means, the motive, the time, the place and the literary ability to jumpstart Obama's career. And, as Ayers had to know, a lovely memoir under Obama's belt made for a much better resume than an unfulfilled contract over his head.

For simplicity sake, I will refer to the author of Dreams as "Obama." Without question, he contributed much of the book's raw material, especially the long-winded accounting of events and conversations, polished just well enough to pass muster. The book's fierce, succinct and tightly coiled social analysis more closely matches the style of Fugitive Days, a much tighter book.

Ayers and Obama have a good deal in common. In the way of background, both grew up in comfortable white households and have struggled to find an identity as righteous black men ever since. Just as Obama resisted "the pure and heady breeze of privilege" to which he was exposed as a child, Ayers too resisted "white skin privilege" or at least tried to.

"I also thought I was black," says Ayers only half-jokingly. As proof of his righteousness, Ayers named his first son "Malik" after the newly Islamic Malcolm X and the second son "Zayd" after Zayd Shakur, a Black Panther killed in a shootout that claimed the life of a New Jersey State Trooper.

Tellingly, Ayers, like Obama, began his career as a self-described "community organizer," Ayers in inner-city Cleveland, Obama in inner-city Chicago. In short, Ayers was fully capable of crawling inside Obama's head and relating in superior prose what the Dreams' author calls a "rage at the white world [that] needed no object."

Indeed, in Dreams, it is on the subject of black rage that Obama writes most eloquently. Phrases like "full of inarticulate resentments," "unruly maleness," "unadorned insistence on respect" and "withdrawal into a smaller and smaller coil of rage" lace the book.

In Fugitive Days, "rage" rules and in high style as well. Ayers tells of how his "rage got started" and how it evolved into an "uncontrollable rage -- fierce frenzy of fire and lava." Indeed, the Weathermen's inaugural act of mass violence was the "Days of Rage" in 1969 Chicago.

As in Chicago, that rage led Ayers to a sentiment with which Obama was altogether familiar, "audacity!" Ayers writes, "I felt the warrior rising up inside of me -- audacity and courage, righteousness, of course, and more audacity." This is one of several references.

The combination of audacity and rage has produced two memoirs that follow oddly similar rules. Ayers describes his as "a memory book," one that deliberately blurs facts and changes identities and makes no claims at history. Obama says much the same. In Dreams, some characters are composites. Some appear out of precise chronology. Names have been changed.

As a control, allow me to introduce my own book, Sucker Punch, which is no small part a memoir about race, specifically in my relationship, at great remove, with Muhammad Ali and the world of boxing. In the book, I describe my own unreconstructed coming of age in racially charged Newark, New Jersey as it happened. I change no names, create no composite characters, alter no chronologies. Most memoirs observe the same conventions. Dreams and Fugitive Days, however, are both suffused with repeated reference to lies, lying and what Ayers calls, in his pitch perfect post-modern patois, "our constructed reality."

"But another part of me knew that what I was telling them was a lie," writes Obama, "something I'd constructed from the scraps of information I'd picked up from my mother."

"That whole first year seemed like one long lie," Obama writes of his first year in college in Los Angeles, one of at least a dozen references to lies and lying in "Dreams," a figure nearly matched in "Fugitive Days."

The reader knows that Ayers -- with some justification -- has much to hide. He senses that Obama does too, but he is never quite sure why. This presumed poetic license leads to the frequent manipulation of dates to make a political point.

"I saw a dead body once, as I said, when I was ten, during the Korean War," writes Ayers. This correlation is important enough that Ayers mentions it twice. The only problem is that Ayers was eight when the Korean War ended.

Obama tells us that when he was ten, he and his family visited the mainland. On the trip, back in their motel room, they watched the Watergate Hearings on TV. The problem, of course, is that those hearing started just before Obama turned twelve.

One could forgive a single missed date, but inconsistent dates and numbers appear frequently in both books and often reinforce some moment of lost innocence. In the same spirit, both books abound in detail too closely remembered and conversations too well recorded. These moments in both books occasionally lead to an awareness of the nation's seemingly ineradicable racism.

In 1970, for instance, the 9-year-old Obama alleges to be visiting the American embassy Indonesia. While waiting, he chances upon "a collection of Life magazines neatly displayed in clear plastic binders."

In one magazine, he reads a story about a black man with an "uneven, ghostly hue," who has been rendered grotesque by a chemical treatment. "There were thousands of people like him," Obama learned, "black men and women back in America who'd undergone the same treatment in response to advertisements that promised happiness as a white person."

Obama's attention to detail is a ruse. Life never ran such an article. When challenged, Obama claimed it was Ebony. Ebony ran no such article either. Besides, black was beautiful in 1970.

In a similar vein, Ayers tells of hitching a ride in Missouri with "Bud," the driver of a "brand-new Peterbilt truck." The man proceeds to regale Ayers with a string of dirty jokes -- at least two of them retold word for word -- before reaching under his seat and pulling out a large pistol, his "N****r neutralizer."

"White people can never quite remember the scope and scale of the slavocracy," Ayers reminds the reader again and again, writing as though he were not a member of this benighted race.

These parallels intrigue perhaps, but they prove little. To add a little science to the analysis, I identified two similar "nature" passages in Obama's and Ayers' respective memoirs, the first from Fugitive Days:

"I picture the street coming alive, awakening from the fury of winter, stirred from the chilly spring night by cold glimmers of sunlight angling through the city."

The second from Dreams:

"Night now fell in midafternoon, especially
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From the link, very long article but fascinating.


None of this, of course, proves Ayers' authorship conclusively, but the evidence makes him a much more likely candidate than Obama to have written the best parts of Dreams.

The Obama camp could put all such speculation to rest by producing some intermediary sign of impending greatness -- a school paper, an article, a notebook, his Columbia thesis, his LSAT scores -- but Obama guards these more zealously than Saddam did his nuclear secrets. And I suspect, at the end of the day, we will pay an equally high price for Obama's concealment as Saddam's.
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From the link, very long article but fascinating.

American Thinker: Who Wrote Dreams From My Father?

None of this, of course, proves Ayers' authorship conclusively, but the evidence makes him a much more likely candidate than Obama to have written the best parts of Dreams.

The Obama camp could put all such speculation to rest by producing some intermediary sign of impending greatness -- a school paper, an article, a notebook, his Columbia thesis, his LSAT scores -- but Obama guards these more zealously than Saddam did his nuclear secrets. And I suspect, at the end of the day, we will pay an equally high price for Obama's concealment as Saddam's.

More from the above link: The words used in Ayer's book and Obama's "dreams of my fathers book are quite similar and even the sentence length is the same. Pretty scary.

The "Fugitive Days" excerpt scores a 54 on reading ease and a 12th grade reading level. The "Dreams'" excerpt scores a 54.8 on reading ease and a 12th grade reading level. Scores can range from 0 to 121, so hitting a nearly exact score matters.

A more reliable data-driven way to prove authorship goes under the rubric "cusum analysis" or QSUM. This analysis begins with the measurement of sentence length, a significant and telling variable. To compare the two books, I selected thirty-sentence sequences from Dreams and Fugitive Days, each of which relates the author's entry into the world of "community organizing."

"Fugitive Days" averaged 23.13 words a sentence. "Dreams" averaged 23.36 words a sentence. By contrast, the memoir section of "Sucker Punch" averaged 15 words a sentence.

Interestingly, the 30-sentence sequence that I pulled from Obama's conventional political tract, Audacity of Hope, averages more than 29 words a sentence and clocks in with a 9th grade reading level, three levels below the earlier cited passages from "Dreams" and "Fugitive Days." The differential in the Audacity numbers should not surprise. By the time it was published in 2006, Obama was a public figure of some wealth, one who could afford editors and ghost writers.
William Ayers is as much an Obama ghost writer as Glenn Beck is a rapist and torture murderer. Each side loves to dust off their opponents with this nonsense. The birthers and the truthers are the true masters of this dark art.
The funniest thing about the American Thinker article in the OP... it goes on and on and on about Dreams from My Father and this guy's interactions related to it in 2006. The book was published in the early 1990s.
From the American Thinker link above, you libs call this guy smart???? LOLOLOLOL

Tracing Obama's literary ascent is complicated by what Politico.com calls a "scant paper trail." That trail begins at Occidental College whose literary magazine published two of Obama's poems -- "Pop" and "Underground" -- in 1981. Obama calls it some "very bad poetry," and he does not sell himself short. From "Underground":

Under water grottos, caverns

Filled with apes

That eat figs.

Stepping on the figs

That the apes

Eat, they crunch.

The apes howl, bare

Their fangs, dance . . .

It would be another decade before Obama had anything in print and this an edited, unsigned student case comment in the Harvard Law Review unearthed by Politico. Attorneys who reviewed the piece for Politico described it as "a fairly standard example of the genre."

But he can write his own book??????????????????? Yeah Buddy. ROTHLMO

What do you all think of his Ape poem?? That took some real elitist intellect to write something of this magnitude. ROTHLMAO. The next post I see telling me how INTELLIGENT Obama is I am going to remind them by posting the poem.

I'm looking at a copy of my alma mater's literary magazine right now (I had a friend who was an editor, so I have copies of most of the issues from my undergraduate tenure), and compared to what's in it, the poem seems pretty standard.
William Ayers is as much an Obama ghost writer as Glenn Beck is a rapist and torture murderer. Each side loves to dust off their opponents with this nonsense. The birthers and the truthers are the true masters of this dark art.

At least you're consistent.... every post of yours is wrong. William Ayers is very much Obama's ghostwriter. However, this ridiculous and insulting accusation about Glenn is not only just pathetic, it also trivializes rape and murder. However, if you find that acceptable, that's for you to live with. Others of us have much higher standards.
William Ayers is as much an Obama ghost writer as Glenn Beck is a rapist and torture murderer. Each side loves to dust off their opponents with this nonsense. The birthers and the truthers are the true masters of this dark art.

At least you're consistent.... every post of yours is wrong. William Ayers is very much Obama's ghostwriter. However, this ridiculous and insulting accusation about Glenn is not only just pathetic, it also trivializes rape and murder. However, if you find that acceptable, that's for you to live with. Others of us have much higher standards.

Just as much evidence for Beck being a rapist and murderer as there is for Ayers having ghostwritten Obama's book.
William Ayers is as much an Obama ghost writer as Glenn Beck is a rapist and torture murderer. Each side loves to dust off their opponents with this nonsense. The birthers and the truthers are the true masters of this dark art.

At least you're consistent.... every post of yours is wrong. William Ayers is very much Obama's ghostwriter. However, this ridiculous and insulting accusation about Glenn is not only just pathetic, it also trivializes rape and murder. However, if you find that acceptable, that's for you to live with. Others of us have much higher standards.

Just as much evidence for Beck being a rapist and murderer as there is for Ayers having ghostwritten Obama's book.

Just for the record, anyone who falls back on that bullshit about Beck is instantly dismissed by anyone with an IQ of over 30 as an idiot. You do know that, right?

There is actual evidence for Ayers having had significant 'input' on Obama's books. There is no actual evidence against Beck - and even the originators of the 'claims' state that they made the claims to prove a 'point'. Personally, as a human being, I find it incredibly distasteful that anyone would use this sort of 'argument' to back up anything. In fact, anyone with any sense of moral decency, would be horrified at the tactics used against Beck. I find it interesting that you see no problem with it. It says quite a lot about your own moral compass - or the lack thereof.
At least you're consistent.... every post of yours is wrong. William Ayers is very much Obama's ghostwriter. However, this ridiculous and insulting accusation about Glenn is not only just pathetic, it also trivializes rape and murder. However, if you find that acceptable, that's for you to live with. Others of us have much higher standards.

Just as much evidence for Beck being a rapist and murderer as there is for Ayers having ghostwritten Obama's book.

Just for the record, anyone who falls back on that bullshit about Beck is instantly dismissed by anyone with an IQ of over 30 as an idiot. You do know that, right?

There is actual evidence for Ayers having had significant 'input' on Obama's books. There is no actual evidence against Beck - and even the originators of the 'claims' state that they made the claims to prove a 'point'. Personally, as a human being, I find it incredibly distasteful that anyone would use this sort of 'argument' to back up anything. In fact, anyone with any sense of moral decency, would be horrified at the tactics used against Beck. I find it interesting that you see no problem with it. It says quite a lot about your own moral compass - or the lack thereof.

Notice that no one has claimed Beck actually committed rape and murder. It's used to illustrate the point that your claims are without merit. There isn't any evidence for Ayers having in "input on Obama's books", as you claim. As for the sense of moral outrage you feel about the "tactics used against Beck", do you feel the same righteous anger when he uses those tactics against other people? Or does it not matter then because he's advancing the cause?
William Ayers is as much an Obama ghost writer as Glenn Beck is a rapist and torture murderer. Each side loves to dust off their opponents with this nonsense. The birthers and the truthers are the true masters of this dark art.

At least you're consistent.... every post of yours is wrong. William Ayers is very much Obama's ghostwriter. However, this ridiculous and insulting accusation about Glenn is not only just pathetic, it also trivializes rape and murder. However, if you find that acceptable, that's for you to live with. Others of us have much higher standards.

CG is manufacturing nonsense again. And, darling girl, your standards are very, very low.
At least you're consistent.... every post of yours is wrong. William Ayers is very much Obama's ghostwriter. However, this ridiculous and insulting accusation about Glenn is not only just pathetic, it also trivializes rape and murder. However, if you find that acceptable, that's for you to live with. Others of us have much higher standards.

Just as much evidence for Beck being a rapist and murderer as there is for Ayers having ghostwritten Obama's book.

Just for the record, anyone who falls back on that bullshit about Beck is instantly dismissed by anyone with an IQ of over 30 as an idiot. You do know that, right?

There is actual evidence for Ayers having had significant 'input' on Obama's books. There is no actual evidence against Beck - and even the originators of the 'claims' state that they made the claims to prove a 'point'. Personally, as a human being, I find it incredibly distasteful that anyone would use this sort of 'argument' to back up anything. In fact, anyone with any sense of moral decency, would be horrified at the tactics used against Beck. I find it interesting that you see no problem with it. It says quite a lot about your own moral compass - or the lack thereof.

There is no consistent, real, verifiable evidence that WA was a ghostwriter. It can't be produced. CG is dead wrong on this, and she knows it. Stop the lying, CG.
William Ayers is as much an Obama ghost writer as Glenn Beck is a rapist and torture murderer. Each side loves to dust off their opponents with this nonsense. The birthers and the truthers are the true masters of this dark art.

At least you're consistent.... every post of yours is wrong. William Ayers is very much Obama's ghostwriter. However, this ridiculous and insulting accusation about Glenn is not only just pathetic, it also trivializes rape and murder. However, if you find that acceptable, that's for you to live with. Others of us have much higher standards.

CG is manufacturing nonsense again. And, darling girl, your standards are very, very low.

I am not now, nor will I ever be, your 'darling'.... you arrogant sexist ass.
Ah, darling girl, your passion moves my ardor . . . heh heh. Ayers is not a ghost writer and never has been for BHO. No credible evidence exists to support that. If it did you would have posted in a heart beat. (Does your heart beat faster when you think of me?) The nonsense about Beck is posted as a counter satire to the silliness posted by the loony fringes of the right (like you, darling girl) when you posted out right moonbat nonsense. Get used to it, sweetie.
Under water grottos, caverns

Filled with apes

That eat figs.

Stepping on the figs

That the apes

Eat, they crunch.

The apes howl, bare

Their fangs, dance . . .

Obama Poem #1...

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