Obama Has Muslim Brotherhood's Back????

obama supports terrorists in Syria in Egypt and has the Brotherhood active in his own regime.
Gee what a surprise, Obama is a terrorist loving douchebag? Personally I'm stunned.

As transparent has his administration?

“a transparent political process that is inclusive of all parties and groups,” :bsflag:
Look, they are going to have to be part of the process, if not, chaos will reign and we have not seen the chaos that they can cause if they really put their minds and all of their resources to it....if they do, well, we aint seen nuthin' yet.

now, as to this-

The administration has urged the Egyptian military to stop using heavy-handed tactics, according to two U.S. officials who asked not to be identified commenting on the private communications. They said the administration is concerned that some in the military may want to provoke the Islamists to violence and provide a rationale for crushing the movement once and for all.

we should shut the fuck up on this, we don't know what the military plans, they are trying to deal this the best they can, this kind of message can be delivered back channel, we do know they allowed an interim position to be created and swore in one of their supreme court judges, I know obama wants to try and cover every base but theres a price for that too.....
Look, they are going to have to be part of the process, if not, chaos will reign and we have not seen the chaos that they can cause if they really put their minds and all of their resources to it....if they do, well, we aint seen nuthin' yet.

now, as to this-

The administration has urged the Egyptian military to stop using heavy-handed tactics, according to two U.S. officials who asked not to be identified commenting on the private communications. They said the administration is concerned that some in the military may want to provoke the Islamists to violence and provide a rationale for crushing the movement once and for all.

we should shut the fuck up on this, we don't know what the military plans, they are trying to deal this the best they can, this kind of message can be delivered back channel, we do know they allowed an interim position to be created and swore in one of their supreme court judges, I know obama wants to try and cover every base but theres a price for that too.....

Your right, Obama should STFU. It's not our business and we still have to get along with whoever takes power so stay out of it and let the Egyptians settle this amongst themselves.
30 years ago MB rose up against Assad's father...
Syria's Muslim Brotherhood faces uphill battle
August 10, 2013 — For Syria's banned Muslim Brotherhood, the uprising against President Bashar Assad that erupted amid Arab Spring revolts in 2011 provided a long-sought opportunity to stage a comeback after decades spent in exile.
Thirty years earlier, the group's own violent uprising against Assad's father, the late Hafez Assad, was brutally crushed, culminating in an infamous massacre in the city of Hama that ended with the group's leadership killed, imprisoned or exiled. Amid the chaos of the current revolt, the group quickly emerged as the best organized of Assad's political opponents, and is playing an increasingly active role on the ground by providing assistance to military brigades it supports. It faces enormous challenges in the months ahead, however. The downfall of the Brotherhood in Egypt has shaken its Syrian counterpart and deepened distrust of the secretive movement by other Syrians who are suspicious of its religious agenda.

Inside Syria, the group faces an uphill battle trying to rebuild its base with the young revolutionaries of today, many of whom view its leadership as aging and out of touch after years away from the country. Moreover, the self-described moderate Islamic group faces fierce competition from better equipped hard-line Salafi fighters and al-Qaida extremists who have emerged as a major force among the ranks of the rebels. "Despite its rich history of involvement in Syrian politics, for some, the Brotherhood continues to be viewed as a foreign entity merely representing a local branch of the Egyptian movement," said Raphael Lefevre, a visiting fellow at the Carnegie Middle East Center and author of the book "Ashes of Hama: The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria." "To win hearts and minds, the Syrian group needs to move more decisively to define itself in the context of its own considerable history," he said.

Leaders of the Syrian Brotherhood and activists inside Syria say the group has been actively working in that direction. In addition to its pivotal role in shaping and influencing the opposition abroad, it has stepped up relief assistance to rebel-held areas inside the country and its leaders have made several trips to opposition areas in the north in an attempt to reconnect with residents in Idlib and Aleppo provinces, once considered strongholds of the group. In February, the group launched al-Ahed, a newspaper which now distributes 10,000 copies bi-weekly in opposition territory. Sheik Hatem al-Tabshi, head of the Brotherhood's Shura Council, preaches in the city of Maarat al-Numan and is seen in videos holding meetings with fighters in the area.

Most significantly, an umbrella group of brigades known as the "Shields of the Revolution" has emerged as a military force closely affiliated with the group, although Brotherhood officials deny any formal ties. Activists, however, say the group is preparing to formally launch its military branch in the country. "It is not easy to reconnect and restore our presence after 30 years of absence," acknowledged Omar Mushaweh, who heads the group's media communications department. "It requires time, but we have a strong history in Syria and we will get there despite the smear campaign against us," he told The Associated Press from his base in Turkey.

The scumbucket Obama is likely a muslim, or at the very least a strong supporter of them and their radical elements. Look at the Ft. hood killer who he terms his crime "workplace violence" rather than terrorism. Give me a break, Obama is a liar and phony, and he should be impeached and convicted.
From your article:
"President Barack Obama “condemned the ongoing violence across Egypt and expressed concern over the continued political polarization,” according to a statement issued yesterday by the White House. “He reiterated that the United States is not aligned with, and does not support, any particular Egyptian political party or group.”
Secretary of State John Kerry said in a separate statement yesterday that “we firmly reject the unfounded and false claims by some in Egypt that the United States supports the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood or any specific Egyptian political party or movement.”
Don't forget to include the GOP in on your hate fest.

On their current trip to Cairo, Senators John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), two of President Barack Obama’s most persistent critics on everything in foreign policy from Syria to Benghazi, have found common cause with him at last.

All three fear that the anti-American (and generally anti-human) Muslim Brotherhood (MB), whom they mistakenly see as “moderate,” will disappear from the halls of power in Egypt, our most important Arab ally. They also evidently worry that the MB’s leading figures, such as now-deposed (and arrested) President Mohamed Morsi—who had awarded himself powers greater than any previous ruler in Egypt’s history—will not be free to plot a return to power in an ancient nation that he had nearly destroyed in only one year.

Echoing earlier White House warnings, the two senior senators suggested that we may cut off our $1.6 billion in annual (mainly military) aid, the very tie that binds our countries together, as it has for more than thirty preciously peaceful years. Not to comply with their demands, McCain and Graham said August 6, would be—as Graham put it--a “huge mistake.”

Read more: It's Obama, McCain, Graham who made 'huge mistake' in Egypt | Fox News

Is McCain and Graham both Muslims also just like Oblama?
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The scumbucket Obama is likely a muslim, or at the very least a strong supporter of them and their radical elements. Look at the Ft. hood killer who he terms his crime "workplace violence" rather than terrorism. Give me a break, Obama is a liar and phony, and he should be impeached and convicted.

The reason why they termed it workplace violence versus terrorism was that it would be fairer in a death penalty case. The military plans on getting to execute Hasan.
Look, they are going to have to be part of the process, if not, chaos will reign and we have not seen the chaos that they can cause if they really put their minds and all of their resources to it....if they do, well, we aint seen nuthin' yet.

now, as to this-

The administration has urged the Egyptian military to stop using heavy-handed tactics, according to two U.S. officials who asked not to be identified commenting on the private communications. They said the administration is concerned that some in the military may want to provoke the Islamists to violence and provide a rationale for crushing the movement once and for all.

we should shut the fuck up on this, we don't know what the military plans, they are trying to deal this the best they can, this kind of message can be delivered back channel, we do know they allowed an interim position to be created and swore in one of their supreme court judges, I know obama wants to try and cover every base but theres a price for that too.....

Your right, Obama should STFU. It's not our business and we still have to get along with whoever takes power so stay out of it and let the Egyptians settle this amongst themselves.

Now, now, as a super power you can't let hands idle and minds wonder.
The scumbucket Obama is likely a muslim, or at the very least a strong supporter of them and their radical elements. Look at the Ft. hood killer who he terms his crime "workplace violence" rather than terrorism. Give me a break, Obama is a liar and phony, and he should be impeached and convicted.

The reason why they termed it workplace violence versus terrorism was that it would be fairer in a death penalty case. The military plans on getting to execute Hasan.

Tell that to our solders who can even get the benefits they deserve.. Who gives a shit about this scum is there some doubt he did what he did?
The scumbucket Obama is likely a muslim, or at the very least a strong supporter of them and their radical elements. Look at the Ft. hood killer who he terms his crime "workplace violence" rather than terrorism. Give me a break, Obama is a liar and phony, and he should be impeached and convicted.

The reason why they termed it workplace violence versus terrorism was that it would be fairer in a death penalty case. The military plans on getting to execute Hasan.

Tell that to our solders who can even get the benefits they deserve.. Who gives a shit about this scum is there some doubt he did what he did?
Congress has a bill working as of now to give the victims their due and back dated.
Yes if you have ever been in the military you would understand why they wrote on the toilet walls, "If you like sex join the military, you get fucked all the time".
The reason why they termed it workplace violence versus terrorism was that it would be fairer in a death penalty case. The military plans on getting to execute Hasan.

Tell that to our solders who can even get the benefits they deserve.. Who gives a shit about this scum is there some doubt he did what he did?
Congress has a bill working as of now to give the victims their due and back dated.
Yes if you have ever been in the military you would understand why they wrote on the toilet walls, "If you like sex join the military, you get fucked all the time".

Sure they do but it should have been Obama and his Sec of defense who took care this, why would it haft to be congress?
Don't forget to include the GOP in on your hate fest.

On their current trip to Cairo, Senators John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), two of President Barack Obama’s most persistent critics on everything in foreign policy from Syria to Benghazi, have found common cause with him at last.

All three fear that the anti-American (and generally anti-human) Muslim Brotherhood (MB), whom they mistakenly see as “moderate,” will disappear from the halls of power in Egypt, our most important Arab ally. They also evidently worry that the MB’s leading figures, such as now-deposed (and arrested) President Mohamed Morsi—who had awarded himself powers greater than any previous ruler in Egypt’s history—will not be free to plot a return to power in an ancient nation that he had nearly destroyed in only one year.

Echoing earlier White House warnings, the two senior senators suggested that we may cut off our $1.6 billion in annual (mainly military) aid, the very tie that binds our countries together, as it has for more than thirty preciously peaceful years. Not to comply with their demands, McCain and Graham said August 6, would be—as Graham put it--a “huge mistake.”

Read more: It's Obama, McCain, Graham who made 'huge mistake' in Egypt | Fox News

Is McCain and Graham both Muslims also just like Oblama?

The analogy is not even close! Deflection is the mode of a lefty when they lie.

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